PC 832 Testing

Students are allowed 120 Minutes to complete the test.

The PC 832 Arrest Course comprehensive test, like all POST Basic Course tests, is subject to revision on an as needed basis. Please check that you have scheduled the most recent version before you administer the test.

Please ensure you are using the current evaluation forms for the required exercise tests. These can be found on the Basic Course Informational website homepage under quick links. If you have any questions or need assistance in finding the correct forms please contact Jennifer Hardesty at (916) 227-3917.

Agencies with questions about test content or test development should contact Jennifer Hardesty at (916) 227-3917.

Proctor Training

As required by regulation, all persons who administer either the POST-developed comprehensive or exercise tests in the PC 832 course, must complete the corresponding POST-developed online proctor training course(s). In addition to the proctor training requirement, the Arrest and Control exercise tests must be administered and scored by an individual who has completed a defensive tactics/arrest and control instructor course and the Firearms exercise tests must be administered and scored by an individual who has completed a firearms instructor course.

All persons who come into contact with a POST-developed comprehensive test must read the POST Test Use and Security Agreement and have a signed Attachment A on file.

For information on obtaining Proctor Training, please call Jennifer Hardesty at (916) 227-3917.

 PC 832 Workshop Resources

 Contact Us

Test Content / Development
Jennifer Hardesty 
(916) 227-3917

Proctor Training
Jennifer Hardesty 
(916) 227-3917