Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse
Crimes and Perpetrators
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - During an initial investigation, what are some indications of possible financial abuse involving an elder?
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - Why might an elder be reluctant to give information to the police in a case of possible financial abuse?
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - What resources are available within your community to assist victims of elder abuse?
Investigation Techniques
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - During an initial investigation of elder abuse, what types of evidence might be apparent that indicate financial fraud?
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - If the caregiver is a family member in a possible elder abuse situation, how might you overcome the reluctance of the victim to recognize the situation as a crime?
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - What are some critical details that must be documented for an elder abuse or dependent adult investigation?
Interviewing Tips
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 -Scenario
- 3-3 - What are some of the ways you might begin to establish rapport with a possible dependent adult victim of abuse?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - When interviewing a victim who has difficulty speaking, what are some possible methods you can employ to establish communication?
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - What are some possible barriers to successful communication with a victim of abuse in a residential care facility?
Investigating Within a Facility
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - At your agency, what might you do to improve collaboration with the local Ombudsman’s office?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - When involved in an abuse investigation in a long-term care facility, what important notifications might be required in your jurisdiction?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - When might you contact the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse for an investigation within a long-term care facility in your jurisdiction?
Resources for Stress Management
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 -Scenario
- 5-3 - In your jurisdiction what cross reporting is required for a battery in a residential home, where the victim qualifies as an “elder?”
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - Describe the step-by-step process to obtain a temporary restraining order within your agency.
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - In what ways can Adult Protective Services aid in one of your investigations of adult abuse?
End of Life Option Act
How to Verify
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - What is your coroner’s office criteria on when they need to respond to the scene of a death case?
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - What are some of the ways we can support family members during a death case investigation that has no apparent suspicious circumstances?
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - What are some of the ways you can verify an End of Life Option Act death?
Dynamic Investigations
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - Absent suspicious circumstances, what is your department policy and/or county Emergency Medical Services Authority policy on entering a home where you are told this is an End of Life Option Act case?
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - What information might you gather or confirm when responding to or on the scene of an End of Life Option Act case where the patient is alive and declines medical aid?
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - In a dynamic situation for an End of Life Option Act case, why is it important to ensure you investigate with empathy and understanding?
De-Escalation Techniques
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 -Scenario
- 3-3 - What are some important ways of building rapport in the early stages of an End of Life Option Act case when family members are in disagreement?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - What are some techniques for de-escalation when family members are upset at the scene of an End of Life Option Act case?
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - What resources can you offer to families trying to understand an End of Life Option Act decision?
Investigating a Death
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - In what ways can medication at the scene help you to verify that a death case is an End of Life Option Act situation?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What are your agency’s reporting requirements for an End of Life Option Act case?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - What types of information might you gain if you are able to speak to a doctor listed as having seen the patient for an End of Life Option Act death investigation?
Engaging the Muslim Community
Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Approach
Unethical Decisions
Tools for Making Ethical Decisions
Ethical Crossroads
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - Would you feel differently if the officer was male and the explorer was female? Why or why not?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - Including the explorer, who else could be affected by these actions?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - How do you encourage or support ethical behavior?
Taking Action
Honoring the Public Trust
Everyday Leadership
Leadership Is
Power and Authority
Extradition Procedures
*Redacted per GC Section 7922.000*
FTO Course Videos
Hate Crimes: Identification and Investigation
What is a Hate Crime?
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - What are some important considerations regarding suspect and/or victim statements when investigating hate crimes?
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - What are some ways to prove the suspect’s bias in a hate crime investigation?
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - In what ways do hate crimes differ from other crimes?
Understanding the Victims
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - Why is it so important in a hate crime to be able to establish rapport with a victim?
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - What is meant by and why is it important to consider the statement, “Hate crimes are a message crime.”
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - What resources does your agency have that may offer support to victims of hate crimes?
Initial Investigation
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 - Scenario
- 3-3 - When victims are relaying foul language, insults or derogatory terms, why is it essential to determine the exact wording used?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - What items might you consider when looking for physical evidence in a hate crime?
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - Why might it be beneficial to reach out to community resources when investigating a hate crime?
Reporting and Documentation
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - Why is it important to accurately document any slang, insulting, derogatory or other terms used during a hate crime?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What other information needs to be documented in a hate crime, as opposed to other criminal violations?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7- Why might it be important to document a hate incident even when it doesn’t rise to the level of a criminal act? And if it is important, what methods can be used to document these incidents?
Outreach and the Community
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 - Scenario
- 5-3 - When unsure of the title or term you should use to refer to a victim (or suspect) what are some ways to establish rapport when determining this?
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - What are some benefits to an agency when officers reach out to and build relationships with community organizations or groups?
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - When entering an unfamiliar meeting hall or place of worship, what are some ways to build rapport with those community members?
Hearsay Testimony
Homelessness and Policing: A Collaborative Approach
Stages of Homelessness
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - Describe some resources in your own community that may be able to assist a family who has recently become homeless.
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - What are some ways officers can build rapport with the homeless community?
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - Why is it important to build relationships with the service providers in your own community?
Approach and Contact
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - Do you agree with the resolution by the officers in this scenario? Why or why not?
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - What resources might you have in your community that can assist with potential mental health issues?
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - What are some potential underlying contributing factors to use of force situations when dealing with individuals who are homeless?
Enforcement and Collaboration
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 - Scenario
- 3-3 - When confronted with chronic violators in your community, what are some alternative methods you might use to seek resolution?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - Is your job as a police officer within your community to only be concerned with enforcement? Why or why not?
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - When employing the assistance of other stakeholders within your community, what are some methods of building rapport to ensure a collaborative solution?
Leveraging Available Resources
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - When confronted with a homeless encampment within your own community, what are some ways to enlist collaboration with other service providers?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What are some of the reasons officers are reluctant to take enforcement action against homeless encampments and what can be done to overcome this resistance?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - When arresting an individual who is homeless, what methods would you employ within your agency to secure the property of that individual?
Legal Considerations and Potential Liabilities
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 - Scenario
- 5-3 - What is necessary for a contact to reach the level of a detention?
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - When contacting an individual in a park setting who is possibly homeless, if there is no evidence of criminal activity, what are some other potential resolutions to the situation?
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - When dealing with individuals who are homeless, what are some examples of conduct by officers that could potentially result in a lawsuit against that agency?
Homicide Investigation
Human Trafficking
Changing Mindset
Legal and Sentencing Exposure
Victimization and Indicators
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 - Scenario
- 3-3 - How can investigations hinge on cell phone data?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - Discuss the location and logistics of an interview with a returning runaway.
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - What Human Trafficking organizations and resources are available near your agency?
Evidence and Investigation
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - Why don't Human Trafficking victims leave their situation?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What are you looking for when you search a hotel room?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - Discuss the documentation and importance of tattoos, cell phone information, and "plastic.”
Labor Trafficking
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 -Scenario
- 5-3 - What are signs of labor trafficking at a construction site?
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - What types of businesses are you likely to encounter in labor trafficking cases?
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - What are commonalities between sex and labor trafficking victims?
Initial Response to Critical Incidents
*Redacted per GC Section 7922.000*
- Overview
- Human Factors for Responders and Self-Regulation*
- Situational Awareness*
- Sense-Making*
- Scene Assessment and Prioritization*
- Command on the Edge of Chaos*
- Final Thoughts*
Initial Response to Natural Disasters
Pre-Incident Planning and Awareness
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - What are some fundamental measures every officer should take to be prepared for a disaster?
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - What could be included in “go bags” for both personal and professional use?
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - What potential hazards exist in your patrol area and region, and how can identifying them better prepare you for dealing with a major disaster?
Initial Response
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - What initial information is often most critical upon arrival to incidents like this emergent fire?
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - What tasks for the first-on-scene officer during emergent disasters are not usually experienced during “routine" calls?
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - How can you better prepare to be the initial incident commander at the next disaster (prior to ICS)?
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 -Scenario
- 3-3 - What aspects/techniques of emergency evacuations in this scenario stand out to you?
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - Describe possible roles you will assume in evacuations and any related department policies.
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - What resources are available to aid first responders during evacuations?
Communications and Security
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - Describe the communications systems that can be negatively affected during disasters and the available means to mitigate their loss.
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What can peace officers do to comply with PC 409.5 while still providing for media personnel’s safety?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7 - Describe the value of consistent communications with the public and what actions allow it to occur.
Repopulation and Self-Care
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 -Scenario
- 5-3 - What did the officer mean when he told his partner, “We can’t stay silent”?
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - What are some reasons the law enforcement culture often does not willingly and openly address the “human behind the badge”?
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - How can peace officers protect against "normalizing" the abnormal emotions and outcomes often associated with significant events?
Case Study: The Thomas Fire and Mudslides
Initial Response to Sexual Assault
*Redacted per GC Section 7922.000*
Unique Investigative Strategies
- Intro
- Scenario
- 1-3 - How can you prevent prior or repetitive encounters from negatively affecting your investigations?
- Discussion
- 1-5 - What factors directly affect your decisions on an investigation's next steps?
- Interviews
- 1-7 - What can you do to improve your rapport-building skills?
Trauma-informed Approach
- Intro
- Scenario
- 2-3 - Describe how trauma may affect the information that victims provide to initially responding officers.
- Discussion
- 2-5 - What aspect(s) of a trauma informed approach will enhance your investigation of sexual assault?
Interviewing Considerations
- Intro
- Scenario
- 3-3 - Describe what responding officers can do or say to better set victims at ease during initial interviews.
- Discussion
- 3-5 - What would you discuss with a victim's friend or advocate (who is present) prior to an interview?
- Interviews
- 3-7 - What evidentiary issues may exist with a delayed report and how can you best mitigate them?
Evidence Collection and Arrest Decision
- Intro
- Scenario
- 4-3 - What additional evidence may these officers be able to obtain while at this location?
- Discussion
- 4-5 - How would your investigative steps differ from those in this video?
- Interviews*
- 4-7 - Describe how standing affects the lawfulness of your evidence seizure.
Investigations Within Mental Health Facilities
Patients and Facilities
- 1-1 - Intro
- 1-2 - Scenario
- 1-3 - Describe the process your agency would follow when responding to a major crime at a state-run facility.
- 1-4 - Discussion
- 1-5 - Describe the differences between state-run facilities, vocational facilities, and residential care centers within your jurisdiction (types of patients, locked, etc.).
- 1-6 - Interviews
- 1-7 - Describe the type or background of a typical patient you might find in a state-run facility within your jurisdiction.
Perpetrators and Possible Crimes
- 2-1 - Intro
- 2-2 - Scenario
- 2-3 - Overview the process you might follow when investigating an alleged sexual assault at a state-run facility.
- 2-4 - Discussion
- 2-5 - What might you do differently, and why, if faced with the investigation portrayed in the previous scenario?
- 2-6 - Interviews
- 2-7 - Why is it important to talk with the charge nurse and/or facility law enforcement when dealing with major crimes in a locked facility?
Investigation Barriers
- 3-1 - Intro
- 3-2 - Scenario
- 3-3 - Describe some additional barriers you might face when dealing with low functioning patients.
- 3-4 - Discussion
- 3-5 - What considerations and challenges might you face with other patients nearby when speaking with a witness, victim or suspect in a locked facility?
- 3-6 - Interviews
- 3-7 - What challenges, if any, might your police uniform present when conducting investigations within mental health facilities?
Conducting Investigations
- 4-1 - Intro
- 4-2 -Scenario
- 4-3 - What might be some challenges you could face when collecting and/or preserving evidence of a crime within a mental health facility?
- 4-4 - Discussion
- 4-5 - What challenges are presented when interviewing a suspect in restraints within a locked facility?
- 4-6 - Interviews
- 4-7- What are some important considerations for a patient's medical file when investigating a serious crime in a mental health institution?
Interview and De-escalation Tips
- 5-1 - Intro
- 5-2 - Scenario
- 5-3 - Describe some of the important considerations necessary when investigating a serious crime that involves a potentially delusional patient.
- 5-4 - Discussion
- 5-5 - Are there additional safety concerns present when interviewing a suspect in a locked facility? in a residential care facility?
- 5-6 - Interviews
- 5-7 - Describe some of the techniques you might employ in order to help calm an agitated patient whom you are trying to interview.