Course Details

Course TitleUsing the DSM-5 for Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Date 1/23/2014
ProviderSummit Professional Education
Credit Hours6
Instructor(s)Jason King PhD
Method of InstructionWorkshop/Seminar
Approving AgencyAPA
Course Syllabus

Course Description

The DSM-5 represents a fundamental shift in how disorders are conceptualized and diagnosed. This timely workshop provides more than an overview of the manual’s new organization and other innovations such as spectrum disorders. You have the chance to practice using the new system and its changes as they relate to major psychiatric diagnostic groups. Dr. King’s workshop acts as a powerful tool to help participants effectively apply the methodology of the DSM-5 to every day practice. You will learn effective interpretation strategies to make sure you diagnose and set treatment plans with the level of accuracy required for the new diagnostic protocol.

Course Objectives

1. Analyze the new DSM-5 diagnostic structure and classification system. 2. Utilize the DSM-5 standards of dimensional and cross-cutting assessment in your practice. 3. Apply specifiers to achieve more precise diagnoses. 4. Explain common DSM-5 myths. 5. Identify changes in the DSM-5 related to effective assessment and treatment.