Course Details

Course TitleCurrent Challenges in Psychological Assessment of Police & Public Safety Candidates
Date 5/16/2014
ProviderAmerican Board of Professional Psychology
Credit Hours6
Instructor(s)Dave Corey, Ph.D., ABPP and Paul Detrick, Ph.D., ABPP
Method of InstructionWorkshop/Seminar
Approving AgencyAPA
Course Syllabus

Course Description

This advanced workshop focuses on frequently vexing problems in preemployment psychological evaluations of police and other public safety candidates. Particular topics will include the meaning and impact of validity measures in preemployment evaluations, the proper use of subclinical scores in personality assessment and behavior prediction, the integration of behavioral and psychometric data, the resolution of discrepant (or seemingly discrepant) data across sources, and the role of professional judgment in determining employment suitability. Relying on empirical findings from the presenters’ and others’ research, attendees will learn strategies for structuring and ordering large amounts of information about a candidate in order to optimize the validity of their suitability determinations.

Course Objectives

1. Describe potential threats to the validity of suitability decisions and the nature of their impact on evaluation findings. 2. Analyze and use psychometric indicators of positive response bias in a manner that optimizes accuracy of suitability decisions. 3. Make empirically-supported use of subclinical scores in personality assessment and behavior prediction. 4. Describe and apply a model for integrating behavioral, clinical and psychometric data for purposes of determining psychological suitability in police or public safety employment. 5. Resolve discrepant data from multiple sources.