Course Details

Course TitleThe JR&A CPI Police and Public Safety Report as Part of the Test Battery for the CDCR
Date 6/16/2017
ProviderJohnson, Roberts, and Associates
Credit Hours6
Instructor(s)Mike Roberts, Ph.D., Ryan Roberts, J.D., M.A.
Method of InstructionLecture
Approving AgencyAPA
Course Syllabus

Course Description

Strategies for Using the JR&A CPI Selection Report Together with the MMPI-2 RF to Formulate a Selection Recommendation

Course Objectives

<ul><li>Gain an understanding of the methods used to create the CPI scales and their relevance to the CA POST dimension</li><li>Be able to articulate the behaviors in common between the CPI scales and specific POST dimensions</li><li>Use appropriate interpretive strategies for test results from the job applicant population</li><li>Understand how the special features of then JRA CPI report were created</li><li>Understand the relationships between JRA CPI indices and job outcome</li><li>Identify interview questions suggested by extreme CPI scores and indices</li><li>Understand how JRA CPI results, RF results and MMPI-RF results can be used to increase predictive power</li><li>Be able to discuss scales from both tests that seem to measure similar constructs</li><li>Understand how to interpret combined test results using specific case studies</li></ul>