Course Details

Course TitleAPA Division 18 - Public Safety Forum: ADA and GINA: Issues Involving Pre-Employment and Fitness for Duty Examinations
Date 8/11/2021
ProviderAPA Division 18
LocationOnline (via Zoom)
Credit Hours1.5
Instructor(s)Sharon Rennert and Lew Schlosser
Method of InstructionWorkshop/Seminar
Approving AgencyAPA
Course Syllabus

Course Description

Presentation on ADA and GINA issues when conducting police and public safety evaluations

Course Objectives

1. Understand the different purposes behind the employment provisions of the ADA and GINA, and why this results in different requirements on what is and is not permitted when conducting pre-employment or fitness-for-duty medical examinations. 
2. Understand GINA’s prohibition on collecting family medical history and specific requirements for employers, and medical professionals acting on their behalf, to prevent applicants and employees (and their doctors) from disclosing family medical history.
3. Understand under the ADA who is viewed as the ultimate decision-maker when it comes to hiring, firing or other employment actions related to the results of a medical examination.