- Discuss the impact on psychological test validity of utilizing remote administration procedures
- Discuss issues that arise from client demands that conflict with health and safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Describe some of the challenges and best practices of conducting remote psychological interviews
PRESENTATION: Utilizing Polygraph Evaluations in Psychological Assessment Evaluations: Combating Impression Management, Ryan Roberts, JD, PhD and Mike Roberts, PhD, ABPP (2 hours)
- Discuss the challenges faced by screening psychologists when assessing taboo subject matter.
- Describe the effect the presence of a polygraph has on the rate of endorsement of negative history in the hiring process.
- List three personality test correlates of having used racial slurs in one's past, among public safety applicants.
PRESENTATION: Addressing Amended Section 1031(f): Assessing Bias. Ryan Roberts, JD, PhD and Mike Roberts, PhD, ABPP (1 hour)