august 2016
In August 2016, a four-hour course on "Police Response to People with Mental Illness, Intellectual Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorders" was made available for download from the POST Mental Health Training webpage. The course content was created on the advice of subject matter experts from across the State of California. The content includes information on instructor selection and requirements, preparation, challenges, content, delivery methods and learning activities. Agencies or training centers may utilize the expanded course outline and hourly distribution to deliver the course by certifying it through a POST Regional Consultant. Law enforcement personnel attending this course will meet Communications perishable skills requirement for Continuing Professional Training. The course is not mandatory.
Questions about this course may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
As part of POST’s efforts to provide Procedural Justice training to law enforcement, the Basic Training Bureau and Training Program Services Bureau are meeting with subject matter experts to infuse the tenants of Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy and Implicit Bias into the curriculum of the Regular Basic Course (RBC). Where the concepts of ethics, community policing, and fair and impartial policing have been a part of POST courses for many years, recent events nationwide has reinforced the need to enhance this curriculum with the most contemporary and very successful training that is supported by the President’s Taskforce on 21st Century Policing and Attorney General Kamala Harris.
POST will infuse the facets of Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy and Implicit Bias throughout the entirety of the Regular Basic Course (Learning Domains) and Field Training Program (Sections), covering many topic areas. By weaving these concepts throughout the entry level training programs by means of a comprehensive service delivery model, POST hopes to enhance student learning outcomes, make the training more meaningful to the student, and reinforce the public service commitment that will serve as a catalyst for mutual trust and confidence between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.
The first in a series of workshops to begin this curriculum update is planned for fall 2016.
Questions about in-service and train the trainer Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
Questions about the infusion of the content into the curriculum of the Regular Basic Course and Field Training Program may be directed to Bureau Chief Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
During August 2016, POST hosted the first of two scheduled pilots, prior to debut of the California Attorney General’s, “Principled Policing and Implicit Bias” course on September 21-22, 2016.
The pilot, was attended by a spectrum of sworn and non-sworn personnel from multiple law enforcement agencies; POST staff, and affiliate program presenters. The presentation provided facilitators an opportunity to evaluate the course before a live audience of curriculum designers, developers, and senior program evaluators.
The real-time modeling of the curriculum was crucial; because it enabled the curriculum facilitators from Stanford University, Stockton and Oakland police departments, to ensure continuity in the curriculum design. The curriculum presentation was well received by attendees.
The next pilot will be September 8-9, 2016 at POST Headquarters, located at 860 Stillwater Road, West Sacramento, California.
Question about the upcoming pilot may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
The POST Learning Technology Resources Bureau has started a new online course on the topic of Callers in Crisis for dispatchers. This course will address the challenges of taking calls from the public who are in a crisis situation such as suicidal callers, mentally ill callers, and others. It will focus on the call taker role of dispatchers rather than the radio dispatching responsibilities demonstrated in the recently released Learning Portal course, How Do You Copy? Dispatch Radio Technology.
The plan for the Callers in Crisis course is to use as many real calls as possible as the basis for the training. In order to meet this goal, staff is seeking recordings of actual calls.
Questions about this project or other dispatch-related products on the Learning Portal may be directed to Senior Information Systems Analyst Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3912.
RC Smith
Senior Consultant
POST is pleased to welcome back Robert “RC” Smith as a Senior Consultant for the Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau. His assignments include managing the Supervisory Course and conducting Management Studies.
“RC” Smith served the majority of his career with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department where he rose to the rank of Chief Deputy, directing all investigative, patrol, specialized and contract policing operations. “RC” was hired by POST in 2010 and held assignments in Management Counseling, Training Program Services, and the Center for Leadership Development. In 2014, “RC” took a position as the Assistant Chief Investigator for the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office. He chose to return and resume his work at POST in August 2016.
“RC” holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from California State University, Sacramento. He is a graduate of the POST Executive Development Course, the Senior Management Institute for Police (Class #39), and the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute.
Questions about the Supervisory Course and Management Studies may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “RC” Smith, Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-4864.
Brad Newmyer
Senior Consultant
POST is pleased to welcome Brad Newmyer as a Senior Consultant for the Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau. His assignments include Feasibility Studies, Team Building Workshop, Executive Development Course, Records Management Course, and Management Studies.
Brad served for over 30 years with the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department (OCSD) retiring at the rank of Lieutenant. He served at the Chief of Police Services for the Contract City of Mission Viejo the last three years of his career. He had several notable assignments that included Tactical Sergeant at the Orange County Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy, ran the department’s School Mobile Assessment Resource Team investigating campus violence and conducting threat assessments, and was a founding member of the OCSD’s Field Training Bureau, created to supervise and oversee field training throughout the department. He also spent over 21 years teaching at the academy as a classroom instructor, defensive tactics instructor, and physical training instructor.
Brad holds an Associate of Arts degree from Citrus College and is a graduate of the Sherman Block Leadership Institute (Class 305).
Questions about the Feasibility Studies, Team Building Workshop, Executive Development Course, Records Management Course, or Management Studies may be directed to Senior Consultant Brad Newmyer, Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-3893.
Lisa Pedlar
Administrative Services Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Associate Governmental Program Analyst (Retired Annuitant) Lisa Pedlar for the Administrative Services Bureau. Lisa joined POST in August 2016, as the POST Contracts Officer. In this position, Lisa will assist program staff in processing and managing the many contracts for which POST is responsible. Lisa has 32 years with the State of California, with varied and extensive experience in managing contracts and state budgets.
Questions about POST contracts may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Lisa Pedlar, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3937.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2016-17. Each bill would have an impact on POST operations, or be of significant interest to law enforcement partners.
Questions about legislative issues may be directed to Legislative Consultant Ralph Brown, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2804.
Bill # and Author |
Title and Summary |
Status of Bill |
AB 1664
Assembly Members
Levine, Ting, & Chiu
Firearms: assault weapons
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 30515 and 30900, and add section 30680, in essence, to define “detachable magazine” and expand the definition of assault weapons.
Introduced Date: 1/14/16
8/30/16 - Order to inactive file pursuant to Senate Rule
AB 1680
Assembly Member Rodriguez
Crimes: emergency personnel
This bill would amend Section 402 of the Penal Code, to prohibit the operation or use of a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle at the scene of an emergency by non-emergency personnel.
Introduced Date: 1/19/16
8/29/16 – Enrolled, on Governor’s desk
AB 1731
Assembly Member Atkins
Human Trafficking: Statewide Interagency Human Trafficking Task Force
This bill would add Section 236.13 to the Penal Code, creating the Statewide Interagency Human Trafficking Task Force. The Task Force would gather statewide data on sex and labor trafficking, sex buys, and human trafficking, and would recommend interagency protocols and best practices for training and outreach to law enforcement.
Introduced Date: 1/28/16
8/11/16 – In Committee, held under submission
AB 1820
Assembly Member Quirk
Unmanned aircraft systems
This bill would add Penal Code Section 14350 and generally prohibit a law enforcement agency from using an unmanned aircraft system, obtain from another agency, loan, or arrange to use information obtained from an unmanned aircraft system with several exceptions. This bill would also require the destruction of data within one year, except as specified.
Introduced Date: 2/8/16
6/28/16 – In committee: Set for 1st hearing, failed passage, reconsideration granted
AB 1869
Assembly Member Melendez & Gray
Theft: firearms
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 490.2 and 496, and amend Prop 47 by making the buying/receiving stolen firearms a misdemeanor or felony.
Introduced Date: 2/10/16
8/11/16 – In Committee, held under submission
AB 1940
Assembly Member Cooper
Peace officers: body-worn cameras: policies and procedures
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to establish policies and procedures to address issues related to peace officers’ use of body-worn cameras.
Introduced Date: 2/12/16
6/28/16 – In Senate Public Safety Committee, set for 1st hearing, failed passage
AB 1957
Assembly Member
Public records: body-worn cameras
This bill would add Penal Code Section 6254.31 to the Government Code relating to public records and authorize the governing board of a law enforcement agency, in closed session, to review footage from a body-worn camera when an officer is involved in an incident that resulted in great bodily injury or death. It would also require the release of footage from a body-worn camera 60 days after the commencement of an investigation into a misconduct allegation based on use of force resulting in great bodily injury or death.
Introduced Date: 2/12/16
6/13/16 – Stricken from file
AB 2327
Assembly Member
Contacting or communicating with a minor
This bill would make it a crime to contact or communicate with a minor, or attempt to contact or communicate with a minor, as specified, with the intent to commit human trafficking of, or unlawful sexual intercourse with the minor.
Introduction Date: 2/18/16
8/11/16 – In Committee, held under submission
AB 2361
Assembly Member
Peace officers: independent institutions of higher education: security officers
This bill would allow a person regularly employed as a security guard for an independent institution of higher education to be deputized or appointed as a reserve peace officer or officer by a sheriff or chief of police if he or she has completed the basic training course for deputy sheriffs and police officers prescribed by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, and the institution of higher education and the appropriate local law enforcement agency have entered into a memorandum of understanding. The bill would make the authority of a person designated as a peace officer pursuant to these provisions applicable only while he or she is engaged in the performance of his or her assigned duties.
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
8/24/16 – Enrolled, on Governor’s desk
AB 2611
Assembly Member Low
The California Public Records Act: visual or audio recording of peace officer’s death: conditional exemption from disclosure
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 6254 of the Government Code to expand the exemption of disclosure to include investigatory or security audio or video recordings. The bill would exempt from disclosure any audio or video recording depicting the death or serious bodily injury of a peace officer.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
8/23/16 – Hearing canceled at author’s request
AB 2724
Assembly Member Gatto
Unmanned aircraft
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature is to enact legislation that would provide immunity for first responders who damage or destroy drones that interfere with emergency operations.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
8/30/16 – Enrolled, on Governor’s desk
SB 823
Senator Block
Criminal procedure: human trafficking
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 1203.49, to create a presumption that if a defendant were committing ANY offense while he/she were a victim of human trafficking, the defendant is entitled to a presumption the requirements of relief have been met; (among other considerations) the guilty verdict will be set aside.
Introduced Date: 1/6/16
8/30/16 - Enrolled, on Governor’s desk
SB 870
Senator Roth
Domestic violence
This bill would make non-substantive edits to Penal Code Section 273.5, relating to domestic violence.
Introduced Date: 1/12/16
6/21/16 –Set for 2nd hearing, canceled at the request of author
SB 894
Senator Jackson
Firearms: lost or stolen: reports
This bill would require every person who owns a firearm to report the theft or loss to local law enforcement within five-days.
Introduced Date: 1/21/16
7/1/16 – In Senate, Consideration of Governor's veto pending
SB 1200
Senator Jackson
Animal cruelty: criminal statistics
This bill would require the course of basic training for corrections and probation officers on domestic violence to include adequate instruction on the seriousness of animal cruelty and its link to violence against humans. (Numerous amendments removing peace officers, adding probation officers.)
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
8/29/16 – Chaptered by Secretary of State; Chapter 237
SB 1221
Senator Hertzberg
Firefighters: interaction with persons with mental disabilities
This bill would authorize POST to make the mental health training currently available to peace officers available to firefighters and fire departments.
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
8/29/16 – Enrolled, on Governor’s desk
Senator Lara
Law enforcement: immigration
This bill would prohibit the board of supervisors or sheriff of a county or a legislative body or chief of police of a city or a city and county from entering into or renewing a contract to detain immigrants for profit, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, with a private corporation, contractor, or vendor.
Introduced Date:
8/30/16 – Ordered to engrossing and enrolling

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2016 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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