december 2016
By Manny Alvarez, Jr.
As we begin 2017, California law enforcement and the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) is faced with many challenges. Across our great nation, a total of 64 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in 2016 and police legitimacy was routinely brought into question. Peace officers have been asked to do more than ever before, in how they deal with individuals suffering from mental health issues. Law enforcement tactics were regularly called into question. In California we saw six peace officers tragically killed in the line of duty by enemy assailants. All six of those officers heroically served our communities and their untimely deaths have left a profound impact and void.
We must continue to develop training to keep officers and the public safe from any form of violence. For us at POST that starts with cadets at the academy. We will continue to improve academy training to focus on critical thinking, de-escalation, and overall tactics. In February 2017, we will initiate an entirely new testing format for cadets. Cadets will now only take three written tests in a scenario/vignette format, and the tests will be conducted online. The new testing format has been in the works for several years, and we have pilot tested and crunched data for many months now in order to make sure the new testing scheme is valid. The ultimate goal is to increase retention, maximize critical thinking, and simply to graduate a cadet who will go into a field training program in a more advanced stage.
In 2016, POST partnered with the California Department of Justice, Stanford University, and the Oakland and Stockton Police Departments to create an eight-hour Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias course. The course was rolled out to a limited number of law enforcement agencies in September 2016, and in 2017 we will increase the course deployment throughout the state. The collaborative effort also resulted in a 16-hour train-the-trainer course. This will allow for a student to take the course back to their home agency; tailor certain parts of the course to their respective department; and teach the course without having to develop or obtain POST certification for their course. POST has informally called this concept “course in a box.” The Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias course is not a mandated course, but we feel so strongly about the material, we encourage peace officers and dispatchers to take the course, and at the same, time receive eight hours of Continuing Professional Training (CPT) credit. Furthermore, in 2017, we will begin to infuse the tenants and concepts of Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias into the basic academy structure, the FTO program, and all of the POST management and leadership courses.
Lastly, in late 2016, we embarked on a project to revamp course certifications, with the ultimate goal being to simplify and expedite the process. We thank all of those outside partners who have provided us feedback on the existing process and ideas for the future. Since we do not know at this time what the new process will be, we do not venture to say when we will have it up and running. Regardless, our goal is to have a new model developed in 2017.
The California Commission on POST proudly participated in the 15th National Indian Nations Conference: Justice for Victims of Crime Conference presented December 8 – 10, 2016 at the Renaissance Hotel on the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Reservation in the Coachella Valley. There were over 1200 conference attendees, presenters, sponsors and vendors. The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) coordinated the conference, this year’s conference theme was “Harnessing our Collective Wisdom: Strengthening the Circle of Safety, Justice and Healing”. Conference plenary sessions and more than 75 conference workshop presentations demonstrated methods and strategies to improve safety as well as promote justice and healing for crime victims and their families through cooperation and collaboration between tribal, federal, state and private entities in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
The conference plenary sessions included ceremonies for honoring those victims of crimes who lost their lives, and recognizing tireless advocates and law enforcement officials who seek justice for those victims and their families. Cultural ceremonial presentations in the form of dance and song were widely featured throughout the conference as part of the justice and healing process.
The OVC under the U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs was established by the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to serve as the federal government’s chief advocate for America’s crime victims. OVC works with national, international, state, military, and tribal victim assistance and criminal justice agencies, as well as other professional organizations, to promote fundamental rights and comprehensive services for crime victims.
TLPI is an Indian owned and operated non-profit corporation organized in 1996 to design and deliver education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promoted the improvement of justice in Indian country, and the health, well-being and culture of Native people.
For additional information or questions regarding the conference or tribal police matters, contact Law Enforcement Consultant Valna Wilson at (916) 227-4872.
POST has just released a short, roll-call length “Procedural Justice” video that is available to view or download at the POST Website or on the POST Learning Portal.
The video emphasizes the four tenets of Procedural Justice: Voice, Neutrality, Respect, and Trustworthiness. These tenets are modeled by the officer during a traffic stop and conversation with the driver of the stopped vehicle. During this conversation both the driver and officer speak open and honestly about racial issues, relationships with the community and how fear might be an important factor to be considered during encounters with law enforcement.
The program was produced in partnership with instructors from Procedural Justice courses sponsored by the California State Attorney General’s office and POST.
Questions regarding POST’s video training program and these short, roll-call length videos may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
The Learning Technology Resources Bureau completed filming of scenarios for the upcoming First Aid/CPR/AED Refresher training course on the Learning Portal. Officers and deputies from the Rancho Cordova Police Department, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, and El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department rendered care in the field to the citizens of River City and River County, including saving an infant, performing CPR, tending to several bleeding victims, and reviving a drowning victim. In addition an officer from Folsom Police Department and the victim he treated related their story of a first aid/CPR/AED emergency in the field. For POST, having actual law enforcement personnel participate as role players is an important part of the development and quality of our training courses. We would like to thank the participating agencies for their contribution to this course.
The new First Aid/CPR/AED Refresher training course will meet the updated requirements of Title 22 as of 2015 and will be available on the Learning Portal April 1, 2017.
Questions or comments regarding the First Aid/CPR/AED refresher training course may be directed to the Learning Technology Resources Bureau, Senior Information Systems Analyst, Catherine Bacon at (916) 227-4546.
2016 has proven to be the busiest year on the POST Learning Portal since its inception. Officers and dispatchers completed a record number of courses (65,232), earning a record number of CPT hours (214,617) within a year.
Launched in December, 2005, the Learning Portal has become an increasingly popular resource for agencies to meet training mandates and to fulfill the requirement of participating in 24 hours of CPT training every two years. This is evident in the current numbers which are part of the pattern in which the total course completion and CPT hour numbers spike in the second year of a two-year CPT cycle.
Officers and dispatchers can currently access 19 self-paced courses and hundreds of different resources on the Portal, including Homeland Security videos, the short-form video series, “Did You Know?,” the annual Legal Update program, and various high-profile reports.
Questions or comments regarding the Learning Portal may be directed to Jan Myyra, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
SER continues to assist and train TMAS users and provides information to prepare them for the transition to TMAS II.
In preparation for the implementation of the new Basic Courses testing format, POST staff and the POST Test Panel met December 7-8-9. The Panel reviewed the pilot test results and where necessary modified test item stems and/or questions. The Panel created and reviewed new test items for pilot testing.
Pilot testing continues. Different test versions have been administered at the following academies:
- California Highway Patrol
- College of the Redwoods
- Golden West College
- Los Angeles Police Department
- Martinez Adult School
- Napa Valley College
- Palomar
- Sacramento Police Department
- San Bernardino Valley College
- San Bernardino County Sheriff Academy
- San Francisco Police Academy
- San Jose Police Academy
- Santa Rosa Training Center
- Southwestern College
- State Training Center Fresno
POST staff will make a status report to the 2017 Consortium in January.
Questions regarding the new Basic Courses testing format may be directed to Diane Hrepich or Windy Kaiser.
Questions regarding the TMAS training and boot drives may be directed to Kenya Smith.
Associate Governmental Program Analyst Emily Lee
Administrative Services Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Emily Lee to the Administrative Services Bureau. Emily joined POST on December 12, 2016 as an analyst in the Human Resources (HR) Office. Emily started her civil service career with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as an Office Technician (Typing) in January 2009, promoting to Personnel Specialist in November 2009 and to an HR Analyst in August 2013. Prior to her transfer to POST, Emily worked for the California Correctional Health Care Services, providing various HR-related services to correctional institutions throughout Northern California.
Questions regarding human resource services may be directed to Emily Lee at (916) 227-3934.
Law Enforcement Consultant Jim Katapodis
Basic Training Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Jim Katapodis as a Law Enforcement Consultant for the Basic Training Bureau. His assignments will include, among others, being the lead in coordinating Scenario Management School and the Scenario Committee, updating workbooks, and assisting on Procedural Justice as well as the RTO School.
Jim began his law enforcement career with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and retired as a Sergeant after 35 years of service. He had many notable assignments, which included being instructor in the areas of Arrest and Control and Use of Force Less Lethal and Deadly Force, as well as Leadership. Jim assisted in the development of the Regular Basic Course for the Los Angeles Police Academy; and the drafting of the LAPD’s Use of Force Policy and Procedures. Jim has served as a consultant on the development of 21st Century Crowd Control Management for the LAPD.
Jim was also an Academy Coordinator and instructor at Rio Hondo Police Academy, and an adjunct instructor with the Palomar College Police Academy. He was also adjunct faculty with Woodbury University (Public Safety Administration) and Union Institute and University (Criminal Justice Management Department). Jim also served as the Mayor for the City of Huntington Beach (2016) and was on the City Council (2012-2016).
Prior to joining POST, Jim has served on many POST committees assisting in the development of police academy curriculum and testing. He conducted skills assessments in BCCRs at several academies. Jim is an expert on POST Scenarios, Physical Training, and Arrest and Control.
Jim is a recognized expert witness and has testified before both the Federal and Superior courts on criminal and civil cases in the areas of Crowd Control, Arrest and Control, Use of Force, Patrol Tactics, and Report Writing. He has provided advice to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, Los Angeles County Counsel’s Office, and the United States Attorney’s Office on over 300 cases and has given deposition and trial testimonies on matters involving Use of Force, Arrest and Control, patrol procedures, and Crowd Control. Jim is also a recognized expert in Bias Policing and Racial Profiling.
Jim holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Management and a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership. He is a graduate of West Point Leadership Academy and the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute.
Questions regarding scenarios, updating workbooks or RTO, may be directed to Jim Katapodis at (916) 227-3467.
The following is a synopsis of POST projects and activities for 2016. The full text of each month’s POST Monthly Reports can be accessed through the POST Website.
January 2016
POST continues to receive a significant volume of inquiry regarding its Procedural Justice and Law Enforcement Legitimacy webpage. This webpage is designed to provide law enforcement personnel with a centralized information resource, to enhance their anticipatory awareness in making better decisions during simple, complex, complicated and chaotic situations. Procedural Justice is important because it describes the factors that people key in on to decide if an officers actions are reasonable and equitable. Research reveals that the four key factors that people care about when interacting with law enforcement personnel are:
- Voice – Providing opportunity for a person to tell their side of the story,
- Decision Neutrality – Displaying behavioral indicators that convey impartiality,
- Treatment with Respect and Dignity – Emphatically explaining rationale justification for contact, and
- Trust (Legitimacy) – The confident voluntarily compliance with agents of legal authority.
Questions regarding the POST “Procedural Justice and Law Enforcement Legitimacy” webpage may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
In October 2015, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., signed into law Senate Bill 11 and Senate Bill 29 addressing peace officer training in the area of Mental Health. In brief, the new laws mandate additional crisis intervention behavioral health training for law enforcement personnel as follows:
- Learning Domain 37 Mental Health in the Regular Basic Course shall increase from 6 to 15 hours;
- Field training officers shall receive 4 hours of mental health training that will be incorporated into the mandated 40-hour Field Training Officer (FTO) Course;
- In addition to the 4 hours of mental health training in the FTO Course, field training officers assigned or appointed prior to January 1, 2017, must have 8 hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training by June 30, 2017. Field training officers assigned or appointed after January 1, 2017, must complete the crisis intervention behavioral health training within 180 days of assignment or appointment;
- Additional mental health training competencies shall be added to the Field Training Program; and
- POST shall develop and make available a 3-hour course for peace officers at the rank of sergeant and below assigned to patrol duties.
POST Training Program Services Bureau, Basic Training Bureau, and Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau are working in tandem to address the changes and keep the field informed on how these changes will affect law enforcement organizations.
Additional information will also be available on the POST Mental Health webpage.
Questions regarding the in-service 3-hour and 8-hour FTO courses may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
Questions regarding the additional content to the Regular Basic Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
Questions regarding the additional content to the Field Training Program Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Phil Caporale, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3915.
In January 2016, POST staff and representatives from the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, Regional Training Center (RTC) convened to discuss RTC’s presentation of the POST, Public Safety Dispatcher Certification course. The meeting was held at the RTC’s facility located in Dublin, California.
POST Administrative Manual, Section D-1-5, requires that every California Public Safety Dispatcher complete the POST-certified Public Safety Dispatchers Basic Course. This course must be completed before or within 12 months after the dispatcher’s date of appointment, promotion, reclassification, or transfer to a public safety dispatcher position; or possess the Public Safety Dispatcher Certificate. POST Administrative Manual, Regulation 1005 (a), further requires dispatchers to complete a minimum of 24 hours of Continued Professional Training (CPT) every 2 years.
The collaborative discussion and findings of a Dispatcher Assessment Study revealed the need to continue to develop and make available a course specifically focused for public safety dispatch personnel.
Questions regarding this meeting may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
Individuals appointed as deputy sheriffs, pursuant to Penal Code section 830.1(c), are peace officers employed to perform duties exclusively or initially relating to custodial assignments. These deputies are shown in the POST database as Jail Deputies (JDEP). Their entry level training requirement is successful completion of the 64 hour minimum PC 832 Course and training specified by the Board of State and Community Corrections. Jail Deputies being reassigned from custodial duties to general law enforcement duties, pursuant to Penal Code section 830.1(a), shall successfully complete the 664 hour minimum Regular Basic Course (RBC).
Jail Deputies that have completed the RBC, but have not served as 830.1(a) deputies, are subject to the requalification requirement if their reassignment to general law enforcement duties occurs more than 3 years following their completion of the RBC. The passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 1168 gives RBC trained JDEPs an additional 2 years, to be reassigned to an 830.1(a) position before requalification would be required.
On January 27, 2016, POST hosted a Workshop on JDEPs at their West Sacramento office. An invitation to the workshop was sent to every Sheriff’s Department in the state. While the focus of the workshop was on departments currently using JDEPs, agencies considering the use of JDEPs, were welcome to attend.
The workshop included a review of the selection and training requirements for JDEPs, the provisions of AB 1168, and the steps necessary to implement them. The meeting was interactive and resulted in a good exchange of information between POST staff and the participants.
Questions regarding the appointment of JEPs to general law enforcement assignments or the provisions of AB 1168 may be directed to Senior Consultant Valerie Tanguay, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0472.
February 2016
Law enforcement interaction and response to individuals with mental health issues has been at the forefront of public concern, both within California and nationwide. As the demands on today's peace officers become more complex and challenging, the need for additional training has been recognized.
On October 03, 2015, Governor Brown signed into law Senate Bill 29 (Beall) which mandated additional mental health response training for law enforcement officers. Senate Bill 29 added sections to the Penal Code, requiring POST to include four hours of instruction on how to interact with persons with mental illness to the existing 40-hour Field Training Officer (FTO) course. To address the newly enacted hourly mandates, POST, in consultation with field training and mental health subject matter experts, determined the most effective course of action would be to modify existing scenario based content in the current FTO course to incorporate interactive training on mental health issues and focus learning and training skills on mental health content. Basic Training Bureau is collaborating with the Learning Technology Bureau and Training Program Services Bureau, with participation by Senator Beall’s office and mental health subject matter experts, to develop and update existing scenario material in the FTO course with additional mental health content.
This endeavor adds value to the existing FTO course by ensuring the interactive training component not only meets the mandates of the new law by including scenario based instructor-led active learning, but is also contemporary and does not require removal of content in other critical areas of the course. This additional training will help ensure California's Field Training and Police Training Officers are better prepared to train newly appointed peace officers to effectively address incidents involving persons with a mental illness or intellectual disability. The FTO course will remain 40 hours.
Questions regarding mental health training in the Field Training Officer Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Phil Caporale, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3915.
In February 2016, POST Training Program Services Bureau audited the Redding Police Departments’ public presentation of its “Forced Options Simulator (FOS)” course. The class was conducted at the request of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU), members of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer/Questioning community (LBGTQ), and a National Crime Prevention Council Neighborhood Watch representative.
The Redding Police Department recognized an opportunity to proactively reach out to the community in an effort to provide accurate information on the topic of police use of force. This effort has been a unique opportunity for citizens to take the same Force Options class that California law enforcement personnel complete. This four-hour block of instruction includes lecture and “hands-on” training using the department’s training simulator. Participants assume the role of an officer responding to a call and handle the scenario to the best of their abilities utilizing the information presented in the lecture. Each scenario is debriefed in the same manner law enforcement professionals are debriefed when they take the training. The participants acknowledged having a wider depth of vision and breath of insight regarding the multiple factors contributing to an officer’s determination to engage in a use of force.
Sergeant Casey Bokavich and Officer Brian Berg of the Redding Police Department are to be commended for their excellent co-facilitation of the class. POST is working with Redding Police Department to make this community based training available for other agencies to present in their own jurisdictions.
Questions regarding the training may be directed to Senior Consultant Tamara Baarts, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-7357; Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473; or Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
March 2016
During February 2016, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), California Department of Justice (DOJ); and command staff from the Stockton Police Department and the Oakland Police Department convened. The purpose of the meeting, was to dialogue the creation of a train-the-trainer course, to compliment DOJ’s, existing POST-certified course on procedural justice and law enforcement legitimacy. POST will be assisting DOJ in the development of this course that will emphasize an in-depth understanding of the procedural justice curriculum, cognitive scaffolding, analytical rigor, and core principles. The proposed course will amplify the instructor’s tacit knowledge and capability necessary to competently guide law enforcement officers understanding, in methodologies to incorporate procedural justice core principles into organizational decision-making, policies and procedures. The curriculum will also enhance instructor’s ability to be agile and artfully guide users regarding procedural justice implementation considerations and strategies to raise their awareness.
Questions regarding the course may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
April 2016
POST has started development of a training video program in response to the California California End of Life Option Act (Assembly Bill X2-15)(Assembly Bill X2-15), a new law that will take effect June 9, 2016. The law authorizes an adult who meets certain qualifications and who is suffering from terminal illness to make a request for a drug prescribed by doctors for the purpose of ending his or her life.
The training video will target peace officers, investigators, and other first responders who may be first on scene to unattended deaths under provisions of the End of Life Option Act. The goal of the training is to provide officers with the knowledge necessary to conduct a proper investigation of such cases in a manner that ensures compliance with agency policy, procedures, and State law--while remaining sensitive to the impact that these cases have on family members and others on scene.
POST is developing the video in consultation with a diverse group of subject matter experts that includes local peace officers, homicide investigators, 911 dispatchers, Fire/EMS, medical doctors, attorneys, advocacy groups, and others who have expertise with issues involving the End of Life Option Act.
The training video is tentatively scheduled for release in January 2017 to law enforcement agencies statewide.
Questions regarding the training video for End of Life Option Act may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
During an All Staff Meeting, Technical Sergeant (TSgt.) Gregory Pielenz of the 45th Aerial Port Squadron, Travis Air Force Base, presented to POST the United States Flag and a certificate from the 107th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron. TSgt. Pielenz dedicated this flag to the POST Family for the good wishes that POST sent to him and his unit while stationed in Kuwait during a six month tour of duty in 2015.
TSgt. Pielenz stated the flag was flown from Al Jaber Air Base in Kuwait to Iraq in an A-10C Warhog aircraft, #80-0257, during Operation Inherent Resolve 2015. The flag was flown over the Iraq skies during a 7.9-hour combat mission on June 22, 2015. Munitions were successfully expended from the aircraft and the aircraft safely returned to its airbase.
Executive Director Robert Stresak gratefully accepted the flag and certificate on behalf of the POST Family, and in a standing ovation, the POST Family applauded TSgt. Pielenz for the generous gift, and for his bravery and services, in protecting the United States of America.
The photograph shown above is TSgt. Pielenz’s wife, Trish Pielenz, with the Learning Technology Resources Bureau. TSgt. Pielenz is a Reserve and is also a Ranger for the California Department of Parks and Recreation.
May 2016
The Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau has been working closely with the developer of the Test Management and Assessment System (TMAS), Crown Pointe Technologies, to develop a new testing system which will improve test integrity and allow for new test formats in the future. During May, various critical change requests were completed and tested. These changes will serve as the basis for the new system, called TMAS II by POST staff.
TMAS II will be housed on servers located at POST headquarters. The TMAS and TMAS II systems will run concurrently until all academies can be moved over to the new system. POST’s goal is to move all presenters to TMAS II by June 30, 2017. Volunteer presenters will be moved to TMAS II as early as January, 2017. Prior to the kickoff of TMAS II, POST staff will be uploading the newly written items to the new system and conducting pilot tests and item analysis on the new items to verify the psychometric quality of the new items and adjust the test administration procedures as necessary.
One of the new enhancements is the creation of “roles” which will greatly limit the printing of tests and test questions. The role of “Academy Administrator” role is now a “Course Manager” and “Academy Authors” are changed to “Test Developers”. Course Managers can assign the Test Developer role and Content Administrator role, and edit the level of access within these two roles. In addition, TMAS II will only allow a Course Manager to create test sessions, edit test sessions, and close test sessions. TMAS II will allow Course Managers to print a test (but not the test key) only if the POST Application Administrator authorizes it for a specific, pre-authorized situation. In most situations, Academy Administrators and Test Developers will not be permitted to print POST-developed tests.
TMAS II will now be linked with the POST Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. Course Managers will be required to verify that any class entered in TMAS II is certified in EDI before any class-related data can be entered in TMAS II. TMAS II will electronically send the presenter code, Course Certification Number (CCN), class start and end dates to EDI. EDI will respond to TMAS with “yes” (course is approved/certified) or “no” (course is not approved/not certified) and a message that TMAS II will be displayed to the user.
Questions regarding the changes in basic academies cognitive testing may be directed to Research Specialist Bob Holmgren, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4830.
Computer Services Bureau (CSB) has released a new version of the Internet-based POST Course Catalog with PASS: POST Authentication and Secure Services. The Course Catalog joins the POST Website and Learning Portal in using a single username and password for POST services.
The POST Course Catalog provides a list of POST-certified courses and the up-to-date scheduled presentations from the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, with the description, location, reimbursement plan, tuition, contact information and more. Signing in with a PASS account adds personalized information for officers, dispatchers and others, including:
- Hours of Continuing Professional Training (CPT) needed,
- Topical areas of Perishable Skills training needed,
- Quick links to upcoming presentations for each Perishable Skills topical area, and
- Notices of upcoming courses in your region.
Visit the POST Course Catalog. For more information on PASS, please view the PASS Overview Flyer (pdf).
Questions regarding the POST Course Catalog may be directed to Senior Information Systems Analyst Ron Davis, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0103.
In 2012, POST formed the MOTORS Advisory Group as part of the SAFE Driving Campaign. The advisory group, comprised of motorcycle trainers, supervisors, and administrators from throughout California has been working with POST staff to develop Law Enforcement Motorcycle Guidelines and Standardized Training Recommendations.
After several meetings and very hard work, the group presented the final draft to representatives from California State Sheriff’s Association, California Police Chiefs, the California Peace Officers’ Association, and the Peace Officers’ Research Association of California for comments and recommendations. The representatives thoroughly reviewed the guidelines and discussed various aspects of the recommendations and their implications with members of the MOTORS Advisory Group. At the end of the review, the guidelines were updated to satisfy all participating parties. The reviewers gave their hearty approval for the Guidelines to be forwarded to the Commission for consideration and acceptance as a POST publication.
The Final draft will be presented for approval at the June 23, 2016, POST Commission meeting. If approved, this will be the first POST law enforcement motorcycle guideline developed in the nation.
Questions regarding the MOTORS Guidelines and Standardized Training Recommendations may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
During May 2016, POST conducted a workshop in partnership with the California Department of Justice (DOJ). The purpose of the workshop was to create a train-the-trainer course for DOJ’s existing POST-certified "Principled Policing" course. The course will align with Attorney General Kamala D. Harris’ ongoing commitment to identify strategies to strengthen trust between law enforcement and communities. During September 2015, over 50 law enforcement executives from 28 departments across California participated in one-day trainings held in Sacramento and Los Angeles. The course was developed in partnership with, POST, DOJ, Stanford University, Oakland Police Department, Stockton Police Department, and the community organization known as “California Partnership for Safer Communities.”
The train-the-trainer course will prepare attendees to accomplish the following objectives:
- Identify the essential skills for teaching adult learners;
- Instructional design and development training that “sticks”;
- How to create a learning environment that is conducive to learning and fun;
- How to Increase confidence and credibility with skill and technique;
- Contemporary instructional design for all learners;
- Build confidence to know that whatever is thrown at you, you will be able to make it work;
- How to work with difficult situations and people;
- How to meet student needs and expectations;
- How to handle learning environment anxieties and nervousness;
- How to make learning and development exciting and creative; and more.
Questions regarding this workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
June 2016
The POST Commission met on June 23, 2016, and approved the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau recommendation to change the method of testing in the basic courses. To implement these changes, POST has worked with the vendor of the Test Management and Assessment System (TMAS), Crown Pointe Technologies, to update the computer-based testing system. The new system will be called TMAS II. Beginning February 2017, changes to basic courses testing will include the requirement that certified presenters of the basic courses enter a valid Course Control Number (CCN) to access the newly updated testing system, the certified presenter must administer all required POST tests electronically, and the number of required tests changes from 56 to three main POST-constructed comprehensive tests. All basic academies will be moved to the new system by June 30, 2017.
These changes are the culmination of a project whose goal was to replace all of the test questions compromised in a 2010 security breach. POST staff worked in consultation with a Test Panel comprised of subject matter experts, course coordinators, directors, and instructors. The Test Panel has created vignettes similar in intention to the scenario tests administered in the Regular Basic Course. A specific vignette can test the application of knowledge from a number of learning domains. The vignettes are written with the expectation that students will retain and apply the knowledge they have learned across the whole course.
Questions regarding the new basic course testing system may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant II Diane Hrepich, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4831; or Research Specialist III Bob Holmgren, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2430.
July 2016
The Commission on POST announces the appointment of its new Executive Director Manny Alvarez, effective September 6, 2016.
Manny has served with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for the past 26 years. As the Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Sacramento Field Office, Manny directed 125+ special agents, professional staff, contractors and task force officers responsible for FBI operations in northern California. He managed the Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team responsible for combating the escalating problem of high technology crime in the Silicon Valley, which consisted of 27 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers from multiple agencies.
In the area of Security and Risk Management, he reviewed and coordinated undercover proposals, coordinated cyber investigations for the San Francisco Division covering hacktivist, criminal cyber-crime, and state-actor intrusions. He managed the internal security program for the Sacramento Division including all physical and personnel security, internal investigations and background investigations. He responded to cyber security and fraud matters for private sector companies, served as the Compliance Officer for the Sacramento Division of the FBI, and chaired the Compliance Council.
In Administrative Management, he has overseen and managed all the administrative functions for the Sacramento Division, including human resources, facilities, property and procurement, telecommunications, information technology, security, and internal employee investigations.
Questions regarding Executive Director Manny Alvarez may be directed to Interim Executive Director Stephanie Scofield, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2807.
The POST Learning Portal reached a significant milestone in July when it awarded its one millionth hour of Continuing Professional Training (CPT) credit. Launched in December 2005, the Learning Portal has become an increasingly popular source for agencies to meet training mandates and to fulfill the requirement of 24 hours of CPT training every two years.
Mark Lauderdale of the Los Angeles Police Department was the “millionth hour student” when he completed the self-paced training course, Domestic Violence Response. “It’s a good way to get my 24.” he said, when notified that he was the person who completed the one millionth hour.
Officers and dispatchers can currently access 18 self-paced courses and hundreds of different resources on the Portal, including the Search Warrant Writing Tool, the short-form video series called “Did You Know?,” the video program Legal Update, Homeland Security videos, and various high-profile reports.
Questions regarding the Learning Portal may be directed to Jan Myyra, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
August 2016
In August 2016, a four-hour course on "Police Response to People with Mental Illness, Intellectual Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorders" was made available for download from the POST Mental Health Training webpage. The course content was created on the advice of subject matter experts from across the State of California. The content includes information on instructor selection and requirements, preparation, challenges, content, delivery methods and learning activities. Agencies or training centers may utilize the expanded course outline and hourly distribution to deliver the course by certifying it through a POST Regional Consultant. Law enforcement personnel attending this course will meet Communications perishable skills requirement for Continuing Professional Training. The course is not mandatory.
Questions regarding this course may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
As part of POST’s efforts to provide Procedural Justice training to law enforcement, the Basic Training Bureau and Training Program Services Bureau are meeting with subject matter experts to infuse the tenants of Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy and Implicit Bias into the curriculum of the Regular Basic Course (RBC). Where the concepts of ethics, community policing, and fair and impartial policing have been a part of POST courses for many years, recent events nationwide has reinforced the need to enhance this curriculum with the most contemporary and very successful training that is supported by the President’s Taskforce on 21st Century Policing and Attorney General Kamala Harris.
POST will infuse the facets of Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy and Implicit Bias throughout the entirety of the Regular Basic Course (Learning Domains) and Field Training Program (Sections), covering many topic areas. By weaving these concepts throughout the entry level training programs by means of a comprehensive service delivery model, POST hopes to enhance student learning outcomes, make the training more meaningful to the student, and reinforce the public service commitment that will serve as a catalyst for mutual trust and confidence between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve.
The first in a series of workshops to begin this curriculum update is planned for fall 2016.
Questions regarding in-service and train the trainer Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
Questions regarding the infusion of the content into the curriculum of the Regular Basic Course and Field Training Program may be directed to Bureau Chief Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
September 2016

On September 22 and 29, 2016, staff from the Basic Training Bureau met with two groups of law enforcement professionals from Bosnia. The tours and presentations were a coordinated effort between POST and the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP). The mission was to inform each group of the Field Training Officer (FTO) program. Both groups were touring various California sites, including a police academy, and other law enforcement related services.
Each group was supported by two foreign nationals who assisted with translation. The groups consisted of 12 and 13 law enforcement executives from Bosnian Police Departments, who represented local and federal level operations.
POST staff provided a guided tour of the facility, describing the functions of each Bureau. Senior Consultant Phil Caporale and Senior Consultant Ralph Brown presented an overview of POST, the Regular Basic Course (RBC), and the FTO program from selection to implementation. POST staff took questions from each group.
The Bosnian delegations were very complimentary of the presentation and knowledge gained from their experience.
Questions regarding the Bosnian tour may be directed to Senior Consultant Ralph Brown, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2804.
October 2016
During September 2016, the Training Program Services (TPS) Bureau consultants, met with research scientists at Stanford University for discussion on their Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions (SPARQ) initiative. SPARQ, is a university initiative, focused on using social-psychological research to address pressing social problems. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility of jointly collaborating in the creative design, development, and presentation of critical thinking courses relevant to procedural justice, police legitimacy, implicit association, and racial reconciliation. The discussion was consistent with recommendations cited in the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report.
Questions regarding this SPARQ may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
In October 2016, POST hosted the California Attorney General presentation of its Principled Policing and Implicit Bias course. The class was attended by a full spectrum of law enforcement organizations. Principled Policing, specifically procedural justice and implicit bias, teaches policing approaches that emphasize respect, listening, neutrality, and trust (Procedural Justice), while also addressing the common implicit biases that can be barriers to these approaches (Implicit Bias).
Research reveals that law enforcement can improve trust and relationships between law enforcement agencies and their communities by using these principles to evaluate their policies, procedures, and training within their agencies.
Questions regarding this Principled Policing and Implicit Bias course may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
During October 2016, the TPS consultants attended the California Peace Officer’s Association, COPSWEST Training Exposition. The training was held at the Sacramento Convention Center. TPS presented an overview of POST collaboration with the California Attorney General, Stockton and Oakland police departments in designing, developing, and presenting the POST-certified Principled Policing and Implicit Bias course.
Questions regarding the Principled Policing and Implicit Bias course may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
In October 2016, the TPS consultants audited the POST-certified Instructor Development Institute (IDI), Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring course. The class was held at POST Headquarters and attended by 22 students. This course is open to any trainer teaching California law enforcement, and satisfies the requirement for certification in the IDI program at Level 3. The purpose of the course is to further develop the California law enforcement trainers’ knowledge and skills in leadership, mentoring, and coaching with a specific focus on using these skills as a trainer. The student focused on inter-disciplinary curriculum is co-facilitated by highly experienced trainers. Course work includes the following topics:
- Orientation to Leadership and Leadership Principles
- Emotional Intelligence
- Leading the Generations
- Mentoring of Instructors
- Coaching and Counseling Skills for Trainers
Questions regarding the Instructor Development Institute Leadership Coaching and Mentoring course may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
November 2016
A new course, "Tactical Communication," has been added to the roster of courses available to California law enforcement on the POST Learning Portal. Designed to be relevant to what an officer sees on a day-to-day basis, it consists of various scenarios to challenge an officer's communication skills.
The course was developed with the expertise of law enforcement throughout California, and meets the biennial perishable skills requirement for communications training. Available 24/7 on the POST Learning Portal, the course is worth 2 hours of CPT credit upon completion.
Questions regarding "Tactical Communication" may be directed to Jan Myyra, Supervisor, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
On November 15-17, 2016, the POST Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) met at the POST Headquarters to discuss matters concerning curriculum design, development, presentation and future vision of the Instructor Development Institute (IDI), and Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC). The agenda included areas of concern related to Learning Services and Learning Solutions. This included dialogue and discussion regarding; Needs Analysis and Assessment; Curriculum Design and Development; Instructional Design and Development; Classroom Lab and Field Training; Virtual Classroom/Webinar Design; eLearning; Micro Learning; Video Training; Performance Support Solutions; Technical Writing and Online Help; Project Management; Supplemental Staffing; System Implementation Training; Leadership Training; Emergent Product/Service Launches; Onboarding and Orientation Training; Regulatory and Compliance Training; and Train-the-Trainer Programs.
Questions regarding ISAC may be directed to Charles Evans at (916) 215-3902.
As one of the State Convening Partners, POST Staff participated in the State Tactical EMS Advisory Committee meeting held in November and hosted by Ontario Fire, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and San Bernardino County Corrections. Representatives from law enforcement, fire services and emergency medical services were in attendance to collaborate on training issues relevant to tactical emergency response.
POST provided an update on impending changes to the Basic Course curriculum for First Aid/CPR training in response to revisions to Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 1.5 CCR and a status report on the Tactical Medicine Guidelines.
Agenda items also included a discussion of upcoming EMT regulations, instructor standards to teach first aid, a paramedic pilot program and a comprehensive review of the Training Standards for Basic Tactical Casualty Care and Coordination with EMS during Terrorism Incidents and the Active Shooter Guidelines material. Both guidance documents under development to meet the intent of Assembly Bill 1598 (Rodriguez) 2015 that amended various statutes relating to emergency response services.
Questions regarding the State Tactical EMS Advisory Committee may be directed to Special Consultant Dan Toomey, Training Program Services at (916) 227-4828 or Senior Consultant Phil Caporale, Basic Training Bureau at (916) 227-3915.
On November 21, 2016, POST staff from the executive office and the basic training bureau attended a briefing regarding the president's 21st century policing taskforce report. The briefing was presented by staff from the white house office of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, and was targeted at law enforcement command staff. Since May, 2016, the white house has hosted a series of ten briefings to welcome local law enforcement officials to the white house and provide an overview of the president's taskforce on 21st century policing. Law enforcement supervisors and rank and file officers from around the country participated in the interactive sessions. To meet the demand of the field and expand the reach beyond the white house, the staff has hosted four regional briefing over the next two months, to include Anaheim, CA.
The briefing included a request for the audience to embrace the findings and recommendations of the report. additionally, there were comments from the office of community orientated policing services, the national law enforcement officers memorial fund, Dr. Bryant Marks on implicit bias training, and the police data initiative.
Questions regarding the briefing may be directed to Bureau Chief Scott Loggins at (916) 227-4259 or Bureau Chief Ralph Brown at (916) 227-4829.
During the week of November 14, 2016, POST staff observed the 40-hour pilot of the new ici (institute of criminal investigations) human trafficking course, presented in Burbank.
The ICI program has consisted of 14 foundation specialty courses that are presented regularly across the state that include homicide, robbery, sexual assault, ois (officer involved shootings) and others. these original 14 also included a vice course that is presented twice and includes a small module for human trafficking matters. The state currently has eight human trafficking task forces as well as additional units assigned to these special investigations. There has been a long need to add a new foundation specialty to meet this growing issue.
Southbay regional rtc was selected to be the presenter with the assistance of master instructor Amira Smith of LAPD to lead in the course development. Starting in February of 2016, POST began the curriculum development with a focus upon the "victim centered" approach. using sme's, victims and ngo's, we have designed an ICI investigators course that places emphasis on the victim, as well as the investigative challenges these cases present. thirty investigators from around the state attended the pilot from large and small agencies. the pilot was highly received by the students considering the course content, which included case studies, victim interviews, scenario problem solving and case management. the course concluded with students presenting before a panel of prosecutors and experts their assigned cases, which they developed throughout the week.
Questions regarding the briefing may be directed to senior consultant Eddie Freyer at (916) 227-4887.
In November, MCLD began a survey of agencies who had requested and received a management counseling study from POST during the previous two years. The survey is intended to assess the quality of the study, to ensure that the studies are meeting the needs of the agencies, and that the studies are timely, relevant, and complete.
The survey will evaluate the strength of the recommendations provided, any barriers to implementation experienced by the requesting agencies, and the level of influence the study had on the organization and/or the community. The survey responses will be used to help the MCLD bureau more effectively and efficiently serve the mission of POST going forward.
MCLD provides management counseling services, free of charge, to POST participating agencies in California. areas for study and evaluation can include:
- Organizational structure and assessment
- Evidence and property functions
- Records functions
- Communication/dispatch functions
- Criminal investigation functions.
Management studies can be conducted for a wide range of topics at the discretion of the requesting agency-head and in consultation with MCLD.
Questions regarding the survey, the scope of studies available, or the process for requesting a study, may be directed to senior consultant Andrew Mendonsa, management counseling/leadership development bureau at (916) 227-2510.
The legislature is out of session and returns on December 5, 2016.

the post monthly report is a monthly status report that informs post commissioners and the california law enforcement community of recent progress on post projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of california law enforcement.
©2016 commission on peace officer standards and training | 860 stillwater road, suite 100, west sacramento, ca 95605
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