february 2015
During February 2015, POST moved to its new headquarters from midtown Sacramento to West Sacramento. POST’s new address is:
860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100
West Sacramento, CA 95605
The move took 8 days to complete, approximately 40 moving truck trips, and 2,200 boxes were used.
All POST staff phone numbers remain the same. Online services including the POST Website, the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and the Learning Portal are in operation.
Questions about this move may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Stephanie Scofield, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2809.
Plans are underway for a three-day workshop for peace officer screening psychologists to be conducted on June 4-6, 2015, at the new POST Headquarters in West Sacramento. A follow-on to the recent publication of the POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual, this fee-based workshop will provide 21 hours of instruction that will count towards both the California Board of Psychology continuing education (CE) and POST continuing professional education (CPE) requirements. The highly-interactive workshop sessions will cover POST regulations and guidelines, best practices in the implementation and interpretation of written assessments, personal history information, interview practices, data integration and reporting practices. Information on the impact of ADA/GINA (Americans Disabilities Act/Genetics Information Nondisclosure Act) and the California Fair Employment Housing Act (FEHA) on the conduct of psychological screening will be key representatives from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). Hands-on training in the use of commonly-used written assessments will be provided by experts from major test publishers.
More detailed information on these workshops will be sent to chiefs and sheriffs, and those psychologists listed on the POST CPE Website. Note: Commission Regulation 1955(b) requires that all peace officer screening psychologists include their profile information on the POST CPE Website.
Questions about the upcoming workshop or POST CPE requirements may be directed to Research Manager Shelley Spilberg, Standards, Evaluation and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or POST Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
In early January, POST released the 2015 Legal Update training video program on the Learning Portal. The video provides a comprehensive overview of new legislation and case law decisions that affect California law enforcement beginning in 2015. Leading subject matter experts present numerous new general laws, traffic laws, and case decisions that may have significant impact on how peace officers perform their jobs and enforce laws. The program features a companion Reference Guide for printing or downloading. Video segments are formatted for immediate download to PCs, mobile devices, and smartphones for on-demand viewing and reference in the field.
The 2015 Legal Update is offered exclusively online via the POST Learning Portal and the POST MediaBytes app. This annual legal update training program allows California law enforcement personnel to remain current on important changes in law without the added time and expense of travel to training locations.
Question about the program may be directed to Director, Television Communications Center Ron Crook, POST Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3913.
Training Program Services staff continues to work in partnership with presenters to decentralize delivery of the Instructional Development Institute (IDI), Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC). The purpose is to make the AICC more accessible through the use of regional presenters. This will ensure that the curriculum is available in closer proximity to instructors that teach in academies. The presenters of AICC are:
- California State University, Long Beach, Justice Research and Trainer Center
- Golden West Regional Criminal Justice Training Center
- Riverside County Sheriff's Department
- San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department
- San Diego Regional Training Center
- South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium
Questions about the regional delivery of the IDI, AICC may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
In 2014, the Commission approved the staff recommendation to provide a report to the Commission each month that describes the efforts to update the POST Strategic Plan. This report provides a summary of the progress made during December 2014 through February 2015.
During the months of December 2014 and January 2015, members of California State University Sacramento, Center for Collaborative Policy (CCP) continued working with the POST Design Team as they prepared to transition to Phase II of the project.
The following describes the work completed during this period:
- CCP and the Design Team prepared and distributed an all-staff summary of the November strategic planning workshop, highlighting the overall goals and areas of focus that were discussed;
- CCP and the Design Team started phase II of the strategic plan project by inviting a cross-section of 15 POST staff to participate on the Development Implementation Team (DIT). The DIT will be responsible for developing goals, strategies, objectives, and tasks that will be written into the strategic plan document; and
- In January, CCP facilitated the first meeting of the DIT and assigned team members tasks to complete during the month of February, and began preparations to facilitate a March strategic planning workshop for Commission and Advisory Committee representatives to focus on external goals and objectives.
The following describes longer-term objectives addressed in January and February 2015:
- The DIT prepared and discussed results of their assignment to identify additional strategies, objectives, and tasks for the organizational development component of the strategic plan; and
- CCP reviewed draft strategies, objectives, and tasks submitted by the DIT.
Questions about the updates to the POST Strategic Plan may be directed to Senior Consultant Joe Sampson, Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-4806.
Staff from the Training Program Services Bureau attended the State Contracting Advisory Network (SCAN) meeting. The meeting was held at the Department of General Services. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Intellectual Property Rights regarding State property.
The meeting revealed that intellectual property consists of items that are legally recognized as exclusive rights to creations of the mind. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as curriculum, music, literary, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property rights include copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights, trade dress, and in some jurisdictions, trade secrets.
Attorneys at the meeting suggested that State entities such as POST include standardized contractual language in the performance contract for every subject-matter-expert (SME) prohibiting them from converting POST work products into their own intellectual property. POST is taking steps to formulate the suggested contractual language in order to better protect its work products.
Questions about the protection of POST intellectual property rights may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
Staff from the Training Program Services Bureau attended the Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC), Train-the-Trainer course. The course was held during February in San Diego. Twenty-five Academy Instructors from various law agencies received training in facilitating the most current AICC curriculum.
Questions about the AICC, Train-the-Trainer course or the meeting may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
Training Program Services personnel attended the Sacramento Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration presentation of “Night of Dialogue.” The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mental health, law enforcement, and public administration perspectives on serving people with mental illnesses. Approximately 60 meeting attendees participated in this positive forum for the community and law enforcement.
Questions about the “Night of Dialogue” presentation may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2014-15. Each bill is being analyzed to determine its affect on law enforcement training.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Positions |
Status of Bill |
AB 334 (Cooley)
Peace officers: training: profiling of motorcycle riders.
This bill would require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to address the profiling of motorcycle riders in the regular basic course (RBC) and be offered to law enforcement officers in conjunction with existing training regarding profiling.
“For purposes of this section, ‘profiling of motorcycle riders’ means using the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle paraphernalia as a factor, without any individualized suspicion of the particular person, in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search a person or vehicle, with or without legal basis under the California Constitution or the United States Constitution.”
Last Amended Date:
AB 546 (Gonzalez)
Peace officers: basic training requirements.
Existing law provides that a probation department that is a certified provider of the PC 832 course shall not be required to offer the course to the general public.
This bill would authorize a probation department to apply to either the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training or the Board of State and Community Corrections to become a certified provider of the PC 832 course for the purpose of training probation officers.
Last Amended Date:
SB 11 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require POST to include 20 hours of evidence-based behavioral health training in the regular basic course (RBC), in addition to the RBC’s current hour requirement, to train officers how to recognize, deescalate, and refer persons who are in crisis due to a mental illness or an intellectual disability.
The bill would also require POST to establish and keep updated an evidence-based behavioral health training course that is a minimum of 4 consecutive hours, as part of its perishable skills/continuing professional training (CPT) requirement. This course would be “required in each 4-year period for perishable skills training.”
Last Amended Date:
SB 29 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require field training officers who provide instruction in the field training program to have 40 hours of evidence-based behavioral health training to deescalate situations where officers confront persons with mental illness or intellectual disability.
The bill would also require “as part of its field training program a 20-hour evidence-based behavioral health training course relating to law enforcement interaction with persons with mental illness or intellectual disability.”
Last Amended Date:

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2015 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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