January 2011
On Thursday, January 27, Commissioner Ron Lowenberg received the “Outstanding Citizen Award” from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. Ron received the award for his lifetime achievements as a peace officer, police chief, educator and community volunteer. Ron’s 36 year law enforcement career culminated with his retirement as Chief of Police of the Huntington Beach Police Department in 2002. In 2003, Ron was selected as the Dean/Director of the Golden West College Criminal Justice Training Center (GWCCJTC). The Chamber specifically recognized Ron for elevating the stature of CJTC’s “quality and institutional integrity through his example of leadership and teamwork. ”
Cumulatively, Ron has served on the POST Commission for over 14 years (1989 – 1997; 2005 – present). He is a graduate of POST Command College Class III (1987); he received an Associate’s degree from Golden West College (1974) and a Bachelor’s degree from CSU Long Beach (1979). He remains active in a number of professional associations and volunteer organizations.
Ron has previously been recognized for his volunteer work by the Orange County Human Relations Commission, Huntington Beach Interfaith Council, the St. Simon and St. Jude Parish Commission, and the Interval House Crisis Shelters. In 2009, Ron was awarded the Benemerenti Medal from Pope Benedict XVI for his dedication to, and demonstrated leadership in the Diocese of Orange.
Executive Director Paul Cappitelli represented POST at the award ceremony.
Questions about the presentation may be directed to Executive Assistant Connie Paoli, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2803.
At the October 2009 meeting, the Commission authorized the Executive Director to accept a grant from the California Emergency Management Authority (Cal EMA) to create a training course focusing on domestic violence and sexual assault in tribal communities and to produce a DVD on the subject for distribution to law enforcement agencies.
Staff gathered subject matter resources to create the course and develop the content for the DVD. The DVD is expected to be delivered to agencies in February. The last of six classes was presented in Eureka on January 20, 2011. Representatives from Cal EMA including Assistant Secretary Peggy Okabayashi and Section Chief Sally Henkin were complimentary of the course and the efforts of POST staff for the final products produced as a result of the grant. The grant will be completed by the end of February.
Question about the training course may be directed to Bureau Chief Ed Pecinovsky, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.
The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) has announced the next cycle of classes. The first class of the new cycle, Class 300, begins June 27, 2011. Applications may be submitted March 28 through April 15. To be considered for SBSLI enrollment, each applicant must:
- Volunteer or request to attend SBSLI (Success in the SBSLI is directly related to motivated, voluntary participation.);
- Agree to remain employed in law enforcement for five years after completing SBSLI;
- Currently serve as a full-time, first-level supervisory peace officer, generally the position of Sergeant;
- Possess two years of full-time experience supervising peace officer employees at the time the application is submitted; and
- Have completed the POST Supervisory Course or possess a POST Supervisory Certificate.
Pertinent SBSLI application information is located on the POST Website.
Questions regarding the SBSLI may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
Curriculum updates for both the Law Enforcement Driving Simulators (LEDS) and Force Option Simulators (FOS) perishable skills courses and instructor courses began in March 2010 and were finished in July 2010. The updates were completed by subject matter resources in each field and facilitated by graduates of the POST Master Instructor Program.
Of particular importance was the completion of the LEDS perishable skills course since the newly installed simulators present a new training option. The new course was pilot tested in Orange and San Bernardino counties and met all expectations.
Both the updated LEDS and FOS curricula have been distributed to the Regional Skills Training Centers (RSTC) and are being implemented. A map of the RSTC can be found on the POST Website.
Questions about simulator training may be directed to Senior Consultant Cliff Peppers, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4887.
The Learning Technology Resources Bureau (LTRB) continues its efforts to provide self-paced training to help officers meet training mandates. LTRB has begun development of an online domestic violence update course.
The first meeting for the POST online domestic violence course was held in Burlingame, California in January. The course developer met with POST staff and domestic violence subject matter resources to define course objectives and begin prototyping instructional and evaluative activities.
The scenario-based, self-paced course will focus on the basics of domestic violence, power and control, and recent changes in legislation or case law. The course will be designed to be easily updated as needed with changes in legislation or case law over time.
The online course is expected to be available on the POST Learning Portal at the end of 2011 and will satisfy the biennial requirement for domestic violence update training.
Questions about the online domestic violence update course may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
The Robert Presley Institute for Criminal Investigation (ICI) Program requires instructors for all ICI classes to attend specialized training that focuses on facilitation skills, lesson plan development and adult learning methods. ICI training features an interactive style of learning, which includes a multitude of learning activities. These learning activities connect the classroom training to the application of skills required for criminal investigation. However, while ICI instructors receive advanced training on how to effectively present their subjects, the missing component was training for the course administrator.
ICI Course Administrator, Maril O’Shaughnessy was admitted into the POST Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC) Program in 2010. Because of her direct connection to ICI, she was asked to develop a 24-hour training course for course administrators. The course curriculum includes training on POST and presenter expectations and requirements; clarification of the course administrator role; an overview of adult learning styles; a section on coaching, counseling and mentoring of instructors using actors in various scenarios; a general discussion of best practices; and table top exercises for technology troubleshooting.
The first presentation of this course was in January 2011. A representation of all ICI course presenters and/or administrators attended this training, which is now mandatory for any administrator of the ICI Program. At the opening of the course, attendees expressed their eagerness to receive formal training with respect to job expectations, and overwhelmingly stated they were looking forward to sharing best practices and networking with other administrators. At the conclusion of the course, and throughout the training, attendees provided high evaluations; all stated they learned something new that directly related to their responsibilities.
The course content can be modified slightly for future presentations so it is relevant for any POST training course coordinator. This course will be presented again in November 2011.
Questions about this training may be directed to Senior Consultant Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
On January 27, 2011, the Tulare-Kings Counties Public Safety Training Center accomplished a milestone with the graduation of 123rd Basic Academy Class. This was the first class graduating from the new Public Safety Center located on the College of Sequoias satellite campus in Hanford, culminating more than a decade of work toward the creation of a planned public safety training complex with classrooms, indoor and outdoor exercise facilities, and a vehicle driving track. Academy Director Brian DeCuir noted in introductory comments that the joint sponsorship of the two counties was an unusual partnership and he thanked his Law Enforcement Advisory Board under Chairman Reuben Shortnacy (Corcoran Police Chief) for their leadership and vision.
The 25 members of the graduating class were primarily non-sponsored students putting themselves through the 946 hour course. Delivering the graduation address, Kings County Superior Court Judge Thomas DeSantos encouraged the class to live up to the high ethical standards called for in the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics to which they committed during the graduation ceremonies, and to be professionals the community they serve can respect and trust.
Class members distinguishing themselves by their performance were recognized with awards for Weaponless Defense, Firearms, Report Writing, Physical Training, Outstanding Practical Performance, Leadership, and Overall Achievement. Additionally, the staff of the academy together with the members of the graduating class identified a class member to receive the James Rapozo Memorial Scholarship Award, commemorating an officer from the region who had lost his life in the line of duty.
With an established history of preparing law enforcement professionals, an Advisory Board and staff leadership with vision and commitment, and a new facility on a new campus with room for growth, the future looks promising for the region’s law enforcement training.
Questions about the Tulare-Kings Counties Public Safety Training Center may be directed to Senior Consultant Ron Wood, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4869.
The Robert Presley Institute for Criminal Investigation (ICI) Domestic Violence Investigation training course is currently being redesigned to update the curriculum and develop new learning activities. In January 2011, ICI presenters, course administrators, instructors and subject matter resources participated in the first of a two-part workshop in San Mateo to begin the project.
During this first phase, individuals reviewed the existing ICI domestic violence training to determine what training needs were missing or outdated, and prepared a plan to create contemporary course content using adult learning methods. As a result, several new ideas were generated and are a work-in-progress, such as the use of actual adjudicated cases in new scenarios. The committee discussed the relevance and danger of stalking that directly relates to many domestic violence cases. Ironically, POST, in concert with Digital Outpost, recently developed a “Stalking” DVD that is expected to be released next month. The committee is reviewing its contents to determine if portions of this DVD can be incorporated into the training.
A second workshop is planned for May 2011 in San Diego. During this workshop recess, committee members will be working on specific assignments including updating course content information, drafting outlines and developing learning activities. The May workshop will serve to standardize and finalize all aspects of the training. A POST master instructor has been involved in the process from its inception, and will create a total training package for POST and all ICI Domestic Violence Investigation training course presenters at the conclusion of the project. The newly designed course is expected to be implemented in fiscal year 2011-2012. This course is also a part of the Women Against Violence Act (VAWA) suite of courses.
Questions about the redesign project may be directed to Senior Consultant Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
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The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
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