July 2012
On July 13, POST Graphic Artist Designer III Alan Pell (center) presented California Highway Patrol Commissioner Joe Farrow (far left) and CHP Academy Commander (Captain) Mitchell Mueller (far right) a painting of a CHP motor officer next to his patrol motorcycle. Alan’s work was initially recognized by Captain Mueller at the June Commission meeting, where the painting was publicly displayed before the Commissioners.
At the conclusion of the Commission meeting, Captain Mueller, a member of the POST Advisory Committee, approached Alan with the idea of putting the painting on display at the CHP Academy.
The painting is based on a photograph taken by Alan in 2009 at the CHP Academy in West Sacramento. It is a mirror image of a photograph taken 50 years earlier that depicted a motor officer in the same pose with his machine. Both photographs were juxtaposed in a commemorative book produced by POST staff to celebrate POST’s 50th anniversary. In developing the painting, Alan combined computerized brushes that replicate the effect of real brush strokes, with traditional hand painting using acrylics. The project was conceived by Alan and was completed in his studio. The painting is now on loan to the CHP and can be seen in the lobby of the CHP Academy.
About the artist: Alan Pell came to work at POST in 2005. He has over 30 years' experience as a graphic artist, painter, and photographer. Along with his design duties, Alan is often the official photographer at POST Commission meetings and award ceremonies, and is assigned to the Graphics Unit at POST, along with Nancy Lewis, another talented graphic artist. It was Nancy who conceived of the initial use of the old and new CHP photos. These two creative people are responsible for giving POST publications a truly professional look.
Questions about the POST graphic artist recognition by the CHP may be directed to Bureau Chief Darla Engler, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3907.
The SAFE Driving Symposium will be held in San Diego on October 9-11, 2012. The Symposium will kick off with guest speaker Gordon Graham, a member of the POST SAFE Driving Advisory Council. The lunch speaker will be Deputy Chief Marc Joseph from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department talking about changes his agency has made as it relates to seat belt use and enforcement. In the afternoon, there will be a series of breakouts discussing: simulator training, the status of SAFE Driving research projects, the application of the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) Loop in training, risk management as a tool to reduce collisions, and an update on changes to the Basic Course driving requirement. The first day will conclude with a panel of chief executives that includes Commissioner Joe Farrow, California Highway Patrol, and Sheriff Bill Gore, San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, joined by PORAC President Ron Cottingham discussing effecting change within organizations.
The second day opens with a presentation by Bryan Vila from Washington State University discussing fatigue and its effects on performance. That will be followed by a series of breakouts that will discuss pursuits and their aftermath, surviving stress, incorporating “Below 100” into EVOC training, motor issues, and a program that the San Diego Sheriff has instituted that tracks the speed of deputies on patrol. The lunch speaker is Chris Cosgriff, Founder of the Officer Down Memorial Page, who will discuss his program and his goals to reduce officer fatalities; and will close with a presentation from Sergeant Keith Wenzel of the Dallas Police Department joined by Kimberly Schlau discussing the impact of Mrs. Schlau losing her teenage daughters in a collision with a speeding on-duty peace officer. The Symposium will conclude with a Train-the-Trainer presentation in the use of “Below 100” by agencies in reducing collisions.
For more information on the Symposium registration and hotel reservations, visit the POST Website.
Questions about the Symposium may be directed to Special Consultant Ed Pecinovsky, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4845.
Commission Regulation 1005 requires that individuals who are appointed to peace officer positions that are primarily investigative in nature (except district attorney investigators or inspectors) are required to complete the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course (SIBC) or the Regular Basic Course (RBC) within 12 months of their hire dates. Investigators employed by governmental agencies in assignments where the SIBC is required as basic training include: 1) state investigators, 2) welfare investigators, 3) welfare fraud investigators, 4) social services investigators, 5) human assistance/services investigators, and 6) child support or welfare fraud investigators of offices of district attorneys.
The RBC is the entry level training course for several classifications of peace officer including municipal police officers, deputy sheriffs, and California Highway Patrol officers. Individuals who complete the RBC may work either general law enforcement or investigative peace officer positions. The SIBC was developed and exists solely to serve investigative, not general law enforcement, positions. Therefore, SIBC graduates may only work as investigators.
Previously, three academies were certified to present the SIBC. However, in recent years, the number of trainees attending the SIBC has decreased to the point that a single academy at Golden West College (GWC) has been able to meet the entry level training needs of state agencies. GWC needs a minimum enrollment of 25 students to be able to present an SIBC class. Unfortunately, low enrollment has caused GWC to cancel the last two SIBC presentations. POST staff has conducted a training needs assessment of state agencies which reflected that there are 18 incumbent and new investigators that need basic training. Based on this data, GWC with the support of POST, has tentatively scheduled an SIBC class with a starting date of October 15, 2012, to accommodate these individuals. However, due to cutbacks in the community college system, funds to offset the cost of the course [i.e., Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES)] are not available. For this reason, the minimum enrollment of 25 students must be met and any shortfall may result in the cancellation of the class.
Additionally, POST, in cooperation with stakeholders, plans to undertake a review of the SIBC beginning in early 2013. During the period of this review, the only entry level training course available for investigators will be the RBC. With this in mind, agencies that use the SIBC are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the October 15 presentation.
Questions about the SIBC may be directed to Bureau Chief frank decker, basic training bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
basic course physical training instructor update course
earlier this year, post staff met with subject matter experts to develop a new, shorter physical training instructor update course with which to update existing instructors on the new basic course physical training curriculum. the revised course was presented for the first time in july 2012 at riverside county sheriff’s department – ben clark training center. instructor trainers, including basic course instructors from the riverside county sheriff’s department and corona police department, trained 15 participants from six agencies. a second presentation of the new 29-hour course is scheduled for october 30 to november 2, 2012, at the alameda county sheriff’s office, regional training center, in dublin.
questions about the basic course physical training instructor update course may be directed to personnel selection consultant michael catlin, standards and evaluation services bureau, at (916) 227-2570.
future vision team re-convenes/reviews other knowledge contributors
following review of the 2012 prevailing trends report by the commission at its june 2012 meeting, the post future vision team convened on july 9 to begin development of the 2013 prevailing trends report. the annually prepared trends report informs the strategic planning process by scanning the horizon for drivers and trends that may potentially influence post. resource materials include command college papers, both print and electronic media, and interviews. in addition, post regularly reviews newsletters and publications from the world future society and attends the society’s annual conference as funding allows.
at the july meeting, two additional futures organizations were reviewed for their potential contribution to post’s futuring outcomes: 1) “technology, entertainment, design” (ted); and 2) “singularity university.” ted is a nonprofit organization devoted to “ideas worth spreading.” it hosts an annual conference that brings together some of “the world’s most inspired thinkers.” the breadth of conference content includes science, business, the arts, and the global issues facing the world. over a period of four days, 50 speakers each are given an 18-minute time slot to present the essence of their research. there are no breakout groups, which is purposeful in consideration of ted’s credo that all knowledge is connected and integral to today’s world. the next ted conference is scheduled for february 2013; the potential for fvt members to “virtually” attend is being explored.
singularity university is a unique interdisciplinary educational institution located on the campus of nasa research park in silicon valley. the mission of the university is to positively impact humanity by assembling, supporting, educating, and inspiring future leaders across the globe who can harness the power of exponential technologies to improve the lives of a billion people within a decade. the urgency in the mission of the university comes from the potential of the accelerating changes in fields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology to fundamentally disrupt humanity if left unguided, as well as their potential to solve society’s biggest problems. a visit to post by the chair of the university’s design track is currently being coordinated.
questions about the future vision team may be directed to bureau chief mike hooper, center for leadership development bureau, at (916) 227-4805.
post case law today video training series redesigned, exclusively on learning portal
for more than 20 years, post has successfully used video-based training to keep california’s law enforcement officers updated on changes in statutory law and case decisions via its monthly case law today legal update series. initially offered through satellite broadcasts, and later on vhs and dvd video formats, in june 2012 this series was fully redesigned into an online streaming video format and is offered exclusively on the post learning portal.
presented in conjunction with the alameda county district attorney’s office and golden west college, this monthly video series features timely developments in case law that directly affect peace officers. six concise video segments offer insight direct from experts within the california court of appeals, orange county superior court, and alameda county district attorney’s office. topics include civil liability, detention, evidence, interrogation and miranda issues, search/seizure, search warrants, and vehicle stops. the new web-only version of case law today features high definition (hd) video, enhanced graphics, and additional on-screen resources to assist viewers. the convenient access and upgrades are expected to increase the popularity of this program and will add greater value to this well-established post training resource.
questions about the case law today video training series may be directed to production manager ron crook, learning technology resources bureau, at (916) 227-3913.
implementation of updated supervisory course on track
since the commission approved the updated content of the supervisory course at its february 2012 meeting, significant strides have been made toward implementing the course among its 17 presenters. three training sessions have been conducted for existing facilitators of the course, and one training session has been conducted for prospective facilitators. two workshops have been held to acquaint prospective facilitators with situational leadership ii® concepts (a leadership methodology interwoven throughout the course). subject matter experts have been convened to effect curriculum adjustments.
the updated course remains centered on a series of video vignettes depicting a fictitious team of officers the new sergeant/supervisor will encounter. the new vignettes, which are focused on leadership development, include contemporary issues such as social media and generational differences. powerpoints, handouts, group exercises, and individual assignments have been revised. instructional domains have been enhanced with contemporary commercial video clips specifically designed to complement instructor facilitation with visual examples of the leadership strategies being presented. post web designers have created a supervisory course network to enable instructors throughout the state to share innovative ideas, videos, materials, and student exercises.
questions about the supervisory course may be directed to senior consultant tricia chisum, center for leadership development bureau, at (916) 227-3916.
two new training videos released to the field
post is pleased to announce that the social media for law enforcement and post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury training videos have been released to the field. these two videos are the first produced in the new format that provides easy, step-by-step facilitation support making them more interactive and simple to complete for continuous professional training (cpt) hours. this format accommodates group facilitation or independent viewing.
social media for law enforcement covers all aspects of how social media and networking sites can assist law enforcement in investigations, data gathering, and immediate communication with the public. it also explains how peace officers need to be careful about what information they post on social sites that could potentially put them or their families at risk.
post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury provides law enforcement vital information about two conditions that many of our military may suffer from when returning from hazardous assignments. the information in this video will help officers recognize these conditions and approach people displaying these effects with better understanding. it also helps law enforcement personnel recognize these conditions related to their own profession.
question about the post training video program may be directed to bureau chief jan bullard, learning technology resources bureau, at (916) 227-4839.
post updates the property and evidence management guide
post has begun the process of updating the post property and evidence management guide (pdf), which was last revised in 2005. the guide (pdf), is a reference for law enforcement agencies, and discusses best practices relating to property and evidence functions. the material contained in the guide covers property and evidence organizational considerations, documentation, storage facilities, handling procedures, audits and inventories, and disposition and purging. a subject matter expert group comprised of property and evidence personnel and crime scene investigators has been selected. the group will hold its first of three workshops in august 2012, in sacramento. the first draft of the revised guide is expected to be completed in february 2013.
questions about this project may be directed to senior consultant don shingara at (916) 227-2510.
region 10 training manager associations report increased usage of the post learning portal
during recent monthly meetings, both orange and san diego county training manager associations discussed and reported the increased usage of the learning portal as an aid in meeting cpt requirements.
as training budgets continue to be affected, each of the respective training manager associations discussed the challenges to providing training and maintaining deployment. agency training managers expressed the growing reliance on distance learning/training methods such as the post learning portal as viable options. specifically mentioned and praised were the recent domestic violence training modules. the training managers from both associations expressed to their area representative the comprehensive characteristics of each of the modules, and appreciation of the fact that these modules were not just “turn the video on and wait for it to end” programs. while some students had to adjust to the training, ultimately, the feedback from students was positive and they advised that they learned a great deal.
both associations were made aware of the most recent training focusing on the patrol response to sexual assault and given an opportunity to identify other training needs they would like to see provided on the learning portal. the one topic identified was training germane to public safety dispatchers. the area representative relayed their request to the learning technology resources bureau. bureau chief jan bullard advised that exploration and initial work is already underway specifically addressing public safety dispatcher training needs.
usage of the learning portal has traditionally been encouraged in region 10, especially in imperial county and other outlying areas where travel to a regional training site can incur significant cost and time. over the past several years in response to the economic and staffing challenges, post has encouraged agencies to consider integrating the use of the learning portal into the effort to obtain training. training managers are regularly advised to encourage personnel at their respective agencies to establish accounts by logging on to the learning portal or askltrc@post.ca.gov.
questions about the learning portal may be directed to any area representative in training delivery and compliance bureau, at (916) 227-7748; or to the learning technology resources bureau, at (916) 227-4889.

the administrative progress report is a monthly status report that informs post commissioners and the california law enforcement community of recent progress on post projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of california law enforcement.
©2012 commission on peace officer standards and training | 1601 alhambra blvd. sacramento, ca 95816
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