June 2013
On Sunday, June 30, 2013, a fire suppression sprinkler burst on the second story of POST Headquarters. Sacramento Fire Department (FD) responded and had to breech the front doors to effect entry to the building. There were no employees in the building at the time and several hundred gallons of water were released before the FD could shut the system down. Fire personnel believe that extreme heat in the region may have caused the sprinkler to activate.
Water released on the second floor of the building and found its way to the first floor. Consequently there was extensive damage to walls, carpet, ceiling tiles, stored files, and electronic equipment on both the first and second floors.
Most of POST staff worked remotely or were placed on paid administrative leave during the week of July 1. Complete repair of the building will take approximately one month. It is anticipated that most staff will be back at work in the building during the week of July 8.
Inquiries may be directed to Assistant Executive Directors Dick Reed, Jan Bullard, or Alan Deal in the Executive Office, at (916) 227-2802.
On June 15, 2013, before a large audience convened in Las Vegas for the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences awards ceremony, the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and Digital OutPost (DOP), who provides video production services for POST, received an Emmy award for the “Did You Know Video? - 10-97.”
Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard, along with Terry Barnum and Raegan Matthews-Roesink from DOP, accepted the award given in the Community/Public Service (PSAs) category on behalf of the Commission on POST.
The “Did You Know?” series was created by POST in 2010 to feature important safety or informational messages in a quick and dynamic way. “Did You Know? - 10-97” reminds officers that speed is one of five factors that can cause career-ending injury or fatalities for law enforcement officers or members of the communities they serve.
While POST has accrued a respectable collection of awards for video production in the past, “10-97” is POST’s first Emmy. Several POST productions have been nominated before by NATAS including: “Did You Know? – Choices,” “Did You Know? – Fatigue and Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide.”
Congratulations to the staff of Learning Technology Resources Bureau and Digital OutPost for this significant accomplishment and national recognition.
Questions about the Emmy Award may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2808.
The University of California, Davis (UCD) established the Review Committee on Post-Incident Reforms to engage in a rigorous and independent evaluation of the University’s progress on recommendations issued in the wake of the November 18, 2011, pepper spray incident. The Committee was convened in December 2012 and included representatives from staff, faculty, and student body, as well as several elected officials from the region. POST was asked to participate and serve on the Committee as the “voice of law enforcement.”
The Committee reviewed the progress made on over 100 recommendations previously made to improve the quality of campus operations and its ability to respond effectively, efficiently, and appropriately to campus events. The Committee examined numerous documents and heard from University staff and faculty who are knowledgeable about specific assignments related to ongoing recommendations and reforms.
The Committee submitted its final report to UCD Chancellor Linda Katehi in June 2013. The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the University’s progress to date by identifying those areas where the University has met or exceeded the goals of specific recommendations, and those areas that still require additional improvement or organizational change.
Questions about POST participation on the UCD Review Committee on Post-Incident Reforms may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
District Attorney Investigators are required to complete the Regular Basic Course before being assigned duties which include the exercise of peace officer powers. Additionally, Commission regulations require the completion of a POST-certified Investigation and Trial Preparation Course within 12 months from the date of appointment. This is an 80-hour course that provides training specific to the duties of a district attorney investigator.
In February 2013, staff conducted a meeting with a group of district attorney chief investigators to review the status of the course. Based on the input from the chief investigators, it was agreed that an update was needed and identified a committee of subject matter experts (SMEs) to review the content. It was also determined that the current presenter was meeting their training needs.
Staff conducted course revision workshops in March and June. A total of eight SMEs from Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Napa, Placer, Riverside, and Sacramento counties participated in the workshops. The committee made recommendations to update the current course content to reflect current laws and new investigative resources. The proposed revisions include stakeholder input and reflect advances in technology, including crime scene reconstruction, social media, investigative resources, and legal updates. The length of the course was not changed.
The proposed revisions to the course will be submitted to the Commission for review at the October 2013 meeting.
Questions about the workshop and/or the proposed revised course content may be directed to Senior Consultant Alexis Blaylock, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3935.
POST released a new “Did You Know?” video highlighting the very important topic of dispatcher stress. The topic was recommended by the Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council and several members of the Council were key in its development.
This highly emotional video demonstrates that dispatchers are just as vulnerable to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome as those on scene. It reminds dispatchers to heed the warning signs of stress and seek help when needed. At the conclusion of the video, viewers can link to a PowerPoint that provides more information on how to recognize and deal with stress.
While the “Did You Know?” videos are usually 60-90-second spots, this “Did You Know?” delivers its impactful message in about 5 minutes.
To view the “Dispatcher Stress” video, log onto the POST Learning Portal at www.lp.post.ca.gov and click on the “Did You Know?” category.
Questions about the “Did You Know? - Dispatcher Stress” may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4547.
As part of an ongoing review of Peace Officer Basic Course content, staff and curriculum consultants (academy instructors and other subject matter experts) thoroughly review Learning Domain (LD) content to determine if revisions are necessary.
In June, staff hosted a workshop in Sacramento with subject matter experts (SMEs) from the area of traffic enforcement to update existing curriculum while also preparing for upcoming changes in law. During the workshop, the SMEs reviewed the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses (TTS) and the LD 28 Traffic Enforcement Student Workbook to ensure the content reflects current law and trends California peace officers deal with in the field. Additionally, the TTS and supporting materials for the LD were updated to reflect emerging training needs, compliance with legislatively mandated subject matter, and changes in the law.
This workshop is reflective of POST’s continued efforts to work collaboratively with experts from across the state to provide current and relevant training courses and materials in support of California peace officers.
Questions about the LD 28 updates may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
During June, staff conducted training related to the Course Quality Assessment Program (CQAP). The training took place in Burbank and involved 23 experienced instructors from throughout the state. They received 12 hours of instruction in course evaluation methodology, including ways to effectively use a rubric to objectively review a course and instructor(s) performance. They also learned how to properly document the assessment narrative and effective ways to interact with the presenters and instructors while performing the evaluation.
Fourteen students in the class were POST Master Instructors. The Master Instructors were able to assist by coaching other students in the class, which resulted in an entire class of high performing students. Each student wrote two complete narrative summaries of rubrics and turned them in to the facilitators. The quality of work and demonstrated abilities of the students was exceptional. It is anticipated that many of the students of this training will become part of the cadre of the CQAP and conduct future offsite assessments of POST-certified courses.
Questions about the Course Quality Assessment Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2013 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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