March 2012
In March 2012, POST staff from the Learning Technology Resources Bureau demonstrated the Incident Preparedness Assessment Tool, currently in development, at the Crowd Management Summit in San Diego. This tool will give command and executive level staff the ability to review and analyze planning and preparedness for all hazard incidents (e.g., natural disasters, riots, terrorism attacks, etc.), special events, or other incidents, and to identify and correct any gap identified by the tool. Features of the tool include links to available resources, examples and forms, multi-user input, task delegation, and email notifications.
The tool is currently in beta review and will be released to a limited number of agencies for pilot testing in early summer 2012. The tool will be available via the POST Learning Portal for general release in the first quarter, 2013.
Questions about the Incident Preparedness Assessment Tool, or requests to participate in the pilot, may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
In March, the Basic Training Bureau hosted a workshop in Newport Beach with the executive staff from academies involved in the Learning Domain (LD) 19 pilot. POST staff summarized the work completed to date and the need for pilot agencies to consistently present the components of the pilot. With the variables in the physical layout of vehicle operations facilities throughout the state it is essential that the pilot courses be delivered in a consistent manner.
Pilot testing of the driver training evaluation forms continues. To date San Diego Regional Training Center, San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Sacramento Police Department, and South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium have participated in testing the new forms. This includes all the current exercise tests, plus night driving, a speed component, and interference vehicles.
Questions about the LD 19 (Vehicle Operations) pilot may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
The Santa Clara County Mental Health Department was awarded a grant through “The Mental Health Services Act” of 2004, authored by state Senate President Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg. Santa Clara County Mental Health Department Director Nancy Pena and Law Enforcement Liaison Officer Pat Dwyer, a retired Palo Alto police chief, offer a four-hour “Law Enforcement Response to the Mentally Ill” training course for peace officers. Course topics include mental illness recognition, methods of de-escalating crisis situations, referral services and California laws. The course consists of lecture and interactive video scenarios involving mentally ill persons in need of assistance.
Following the scenario phase, a de-briefing occurs and the actions taken by the peace officer in the scenario are critiqued. Six scenarios were developed to address schizophrenia, a language interpretation issue, a suicidal teen, a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) veteran, a suicidal ideation posted on Facebook, and a dual diagnosis problem. Course content and scenarios were based on input from the community, consumers, clinicians, and law enforcement agencies, including the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department, and the San Jose Police Department.
The goals of the training are to reduce the incidence of death and injury to peace officers and persons with mental illness, and reduce the need for the use of force by officers encountering the mentally ill. South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium (SBRPSTC) will present the course for continuing professional training (CPT) credit. This course augments other mental health-related training available to peace officers and will be available by summer 2012.
Questions about the “Law Enforcement Response to the Mentally Ill” training course may be directed to Senior Consultant Gabe Harp, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4867.
In the State of California, only the Legislature can grant peace officer status or authorize a change in peace officer status or designation. Before legislators grant such a request, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) must conduct a “feasibility study” to determine whether peace officer status or a change in status is justified. The requesting agency must, by law (Penal Code 13540(a)), pay for the feasibility study. POST Regulation 1019 (POST Administrative Manual) sets forth the procedures for peace officer feasibility studies.
Agencies requesting feasibility studies must submit a written request to the Executive Director of POST. The letter requesting the study must be signed by the department head or a designate.
Questions about the Feasibility Studies may be directed to Bureau Chief Richard Bond, Management Counseling Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4874.
The Central Valley California Association of Police Training Officers (CAPTO) met in March 2012, in Bakersfield at the Kern County Regional Training Center. POST’s Computer Services Bureau was invited to provide a three-hour block of training on the EDI system and services available through the POST Website.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) training was provided by Senior Information Systems Analyst Ron Davis. CAPTO members had questions and several suggestions regarding improvements to the EDI screens to make accessing the information easier. Staff appreciated the input and will review the suggestions for possible implementation.
Daria Rowert presented the POST Website. She outlined major design changes to the Website over the last year, focusing on accessing specific areas of the Website relating to training manager needs. CAPTO members said they will assist with the enhancement of the links in the Training Manager tab located on the home page of the Website. They also offered several suggestions that should help new training managers quickly access POST training and services.
Questions about the training sessions may be directed to Web Designer Daria Maher, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4848.
Successful completion of the training specified in Penal Code section 832(a) is required before an individual can exercise the powers of a peace officer. The PC 832 Course consists of two components; the 40-hour arrest course, and the 24-hour firearms course. Each component may be presented as a separate course or they may be delivered as a combined course. Peace officers that are not authorized to carry firearms are only required to complete the arrest component. The PC 832 training requirement may also be met by completion of the Regular Basic Course – Standard Format, Module III of the Modular Format, or the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course.
Currently, there are 61 academies and other entities certified to present the PC 832 Course. Each year POST conducts regional workshops to provide training for new course coordinators and to update experienced coordinators. The first workshop for 2012 was conducted during March, in Ontario by staff from the Basic Training and Standards and Evaluations Bureaus. The workshop provided an overview of course certification and presentation, Training and Testing Specifications, the basic course instructional delivery system, Department of Justice clearances for non-sponsored students and test security, and administration.
Questions about the PC 832 Course or the workshop may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
POST is continually seeking new ways to assist law enforcement agencies in meeting POST-mandated selection requirements (Commission Regulations 9050-9060). The recent update of the POST Personal History Statement (PHS) - Peace Officer (2-251) (pdf) and Personal History Statement (PHS) - Public Safety Dispatcher (2-255) (doc) are but one example of POST’s commitment to ensuring that agencies have access to current and relevant resources. The chart below illustrates POST resources available to help agencies fulfill mandated selection requirements:
Commission Regulation |
Available Resources |
Peace Officers |
9051: Reading and Writing Ability |
Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test; Applicant Guide; FAQs |
9052: Oral Interview |
Interview Guidelines Manual; Oral Interview Question Bank |
9053: Background Investigation |
Background Investigation Manual; PHS; Sample Forms |
9054: Medical Evaluation
Medical Screening Manual; Medical History Statement and Medical Examination Report forms |
9055: Psychological Evaluation
Psychological Screening Dimensions
Public Safety Dispatchers |
9057: Verbal, Reasoning, Memory and Perceptual Abilities Assessment |
Entry-Level Selection Test; Examinee Guide; FAQs |
9059: Background Investigation |
Background Investigation Manual; PHS; Sample Forms |
POST also offers FAQs that provide responses to common questions about the POST selection requirements. These and other resources can be found on the POST Website.
Questions about these resources may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
In March 2012, POST convened public safety professionals and members of the State Department of Education to update the California Career Technical Education (CCTE) standards for grades 7 through 12. The CCTE program consists of 15 career sectors that can be used by local schools statewide to imbed career topics into school curricula. The law enforcement profession falls under the Public Services sector. Career-focused curricula enhance the student’s understanding of how core subjects apply to specific career pathways. POST’s participation in the update of these standards was crucial to the POST Career Pipeline Project, which promotes law enforcement agency affiliations with school-based public safety programs.
Updates to the curriculum standards include emphasis on academic performance (reading, writing, and mathematics), development of a life-time fitness mindset, and communications. Additionally, specific standards were added to address the law enforcement selection process, which included coverage of the POST Reading and Writing Entry Exam, the Personal History Statement, the Background and Psychological Dimensions, and the POST physical agility standards.
State Department of Education staff was impressed with the diversity and experience of the POST task group and with the final modifications to the curriculum standards. The updates to the CCTE standards are expected to enable future law enforcement applicants to become better prepared for entry into law enforcement or other public safety career fields.
Questions about the Career Pipeline Project may be directed to Senior Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822.
Upon request, POST’s Administrative Services Bureau (ASB) provides POST Profiles to current, previous, and retired peace officers or non-sworn employees, and to third party requesters such as background investigators and out-of-state law enforcement agencies. POST processes an average of 220 profiles each month.
A POST Profile is a record of the individuals’ law enforcement training, employment history, certificates awarded by POST and academic achievement. A profile is usually requested by the individual or an agency and may be used during a background investigation, and for verification of education, training, and employment history.
Individuals can request a copy of their own POST Profile by submitting a signed POST Profile Request form, POST 2-126 (Rev 05/2011), to POST via U.S. mail, fax, or email. The POST Profile Request form is available to download from the POST Website. Mailing information is included on the form.
Third party requesters must also submit a Profile Request form or a letter signed by the requester on agency letterhead containing required information (i.e., full name, DOB, and SSN or POST ID). A release form, signed by the subject authorizing the release of confidential information must accompany the request form or letter.
POST participating agencies have access to POST Profiles through the EDI system and can request a profile for their current employees through their own agency’s EDI representative.
Questions about POST Profile Request may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Anita DeYoung, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3891.
The Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council (PSDAC) convened its semi-annual meeting in Burlingame in March. The PSDAC is comprised of communications stakeholders from throughout the state. The PSDAC assists POST through:
- Identification of emerging or unmet public safety communications training needs and the development of collaborative strategies for addressing them;
- Acquisition of information concerning the public safety dispatcher job and assessment of the implications that changes to the job may have upon public safety dispatcher hiring and training standards;
- Acquisition of quality control information associated with POST-certified dispatcher courses;
- Identification of training needs and support strategies for public safety communications trainers, supervisors, and managers; and,
- Maintenance of communications between POST and public safety communications professional support organizations.
POST staff provided the PSDAC with updates on projects and programs throughout POST. Specific meeting topics included discussion of training needs in the 14 Public Safety Dispatcher (PSD) Regions, an update on development of a PSD Unit in POST’s Training Program Services Bureau, feedback from ongoing PSD pilot courses currently being delivered throughout the state, and an update on Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) development and implementation from the California Public Safety Communications Office. The next PSDAC meeting is tentatively planned for October in Southern California.
Questions about the PSDAC may be directed to POST Senior Consultant Bryon G. Gustafson, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4896.
During the POST Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council (PSDAC) meeting in March, the Learning Technology Resources Bureau (LTRB) unveiled a prototype of a dispatcher-specific group page within the Learning Portal. Council members shared comments and questions on the desired features of the page, initially called the Dispatch Center.
Potential features of the Dispatch Center include the ability to: share files among dispatchers, post common calendar events to help coordinate meetings across the state, link to external websites, and hold discussions on a variety of dispatch topics.
A pilot test of the Dispatch Center will commence in April. The Council members will provide feedback and suggestions on the features of the page to ensure its usefulness and relevance to dispatchers. Once completed, the Dispatch Center will officially launch to the dispatcher community.
Questions about the Dispatch Center may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4547.
The March issue of the Law Enforcement Executive Forum (LEEF) included an article on the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI). The LEEF journal, with subscribers internationally, is a publication of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board and Western Illinois University and is a forum for dissemination of best practices relevant to today’s law enforcement environment.
The article, solicited by the journal’s senior editor, was comprehensive in its coverage of the SBSLI program. Topics included SBSLI’s formative impetus, a synopsis of curriculum, and the class facilitators training regimen. The article concluded with the following sample unsolicited commentary to the SBSLI program manager from a recent graduate:
“Having entered into the SBSLI program fresh out of graduate school, I was a little ‘done’ when it came to reading and writing. Something strange happened, however. I was thrust into an area of law enforcement I thought I knew a great deal about and was quick to find I knew little about—leadership…. Needless to say, I had a great deal of learning to do about how to be a leader…. Suffice it to say, that experience was far more rewarding than all my formal education…. I became that leader I always wanted to be yet had no idea existed…. Thank you so very much for allowing me that walk; I shall forever be changed. I shall forever be grateful.”
The article may be read on the POST Website by clicking here: Enhancing the Leadership Capabilities of First-Line Supervisors (pdf).
Questions about the SBSLI program may be directed to Senior Consultant Kevin Hart, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
POST hosted a Crowd Management Summit in San Diego during March 2012. Over 350 law enforcement executives, managers and supervisors attended the 3-day event. The format for the summit was a series of panel presentations by Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, City Executives, and experts in Technology, Law and Mutual Aid providers.
Information sharing between the panels and the audience was outstanding. The summit also had presentations by Michael Hillmann, retired Deputy Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department and Attorney Mildred (Missy) O’Linn to supplement information provided by the panel. Staff circulated a survey among attendees to solicit suggestions for future presentations.
Questions about the Crowd Management Summit may be directed to Special Consultant Ed Pecinovsky, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4845.
POST Senior Consultant Lou Madeira began his career in public service more than 40 years ago as a volunteer with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, Office of Emergency Services.
In 1972, Lou joined the CSU Hayward Police Department as a patrolman and was promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. In October 1976, he was hired by the San Leandro Police Department as an officer. He was promoted to sergeant in July 1981 and served as the agency’s Training Manager. Lou was also President of the California Association of Police Training Officers (CAPTO), north division, for many years.
Lou brought his considerable talents to POST on June 30, 1987, when he was appointed as a Law Enforcement Consultant II in the Training Program Services Bureau. One of his first projects was to follow up on his original idea of developing a training manager’s guide, which proved of great assistance to local agency training managers.
Lou had a passion for training. He was the first working POST Consultant to complete the Master Instructor Development Program and was a tireless mentor to students going through the rigorous program. He truly cared about making each instructor the best they could be and making each course the best it could be. He brought the same passion to his work with basic academies during his time with the Basic Training Bureau.
Lou received his Bachelors degree from California State University, Hayward (now CSU East Bay), where he was editor of the university newspaper, The Pioneer. Lou went on to earn a Masters degree in Emergency Services Administration from CSU Long Beach. He was able to put his education and skills to work when he volunteered with the American Red Cross to assist disaster victims following Hurricane Katrina.
Lou was known for his organizational skills and ability to get things done. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Lou was asked to lead POST’s effort to prepare California law enforcement to recognize, interdict, and respond to terrorist events. This responsibility was in addition to his duties as a Regional Consultant in the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau. Lou identified numerous federally funded homeland security training programs and brought them to California. He also facilitated the development of new courses, including Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism and Terrorism Liaison Officer, and often served as an instructor. He brought together local law enforcement agency staff, safety equipment vendors, and state training and safety professionals to give local agencies the tools needed to spend their federal grant equipment monies wisely.
Lou was a well-known advocate for increasing professionalism in public safety communications. As a Regional Consultant, Lou recognized the need for more public safety dispatcher-related classes. In 2001, he set up a series of instructor development workshops for dispatchers, which resulted in 90 trained instructors and the development of 18 courses. The expanded course outlines for these courses were put on the POST Learning Portal to be downloaded and adapted for local presentation.
Lou retired from POST on August 31, 2006. However, he was appointed as a Retired Annuitant the following day and remained an active and contributing member of the POST team for the remainder of his life.
In 2008, Lou was asked to organize a second round of public safety dispatcher training and instructor development courses. He led a series of regional meetings, involving nearly 100 agencies and training presenters, to gather feedback on prevailing issues of concern to the communications community. This effort resulted in the development and presentation of four dispatcher-focused, Instructor Development Institute (IDI) and Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC)-compatible courses training an additional 120 dispatch instructors and developing 24 in-service course packages.
In addition, Lou was the moving force behind several other projects, including:
- Updating dispatcher job specifications
- Updating the Basic Dispatch Academy curriculum to reflect the specifications
- Updating the Communications Training Officer (CTO) program (including a new course, trainer’s manual, trainee manual, competency sign-off, and training manager’s manual)
- Providing CPT training for over 600 dispatchers
- Encouraging and facilitating the creation of the Dispatcher Supervisors Course
Lou was instrumental in the establishment of the 25-member POST Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council (PPSDAC), which reflects the involvement of 14 geographical representatives, three major agencies employing large numbers of dispatchers, five professional communications support organizations, the California Police Chiefs and California State Sheriffs’ associations, and the state’s 9-1-1 board.
Lou inspired and re-energized people. His ability to inspire and motivate is captured in the following testimonial:
“Several years ago when I first started working with Lou, I was a new Communications Manager who had been in the profession for 24 years. I can honestly say that Lou re-sparked a passion in me for this profession. He gave me an opportunity to get involved and make a difference. We have truly lost a great advocate, but we will continue on the path he set us on and make him proud.” – Cyndee Freeman, Communications Manager, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department
Lou was last year’s runner-up for the 9-1-1 Institute’s Government Leader Award.
Another project close to Lou’s heart was the development of a training course for law enforcement chaplains. Lou worked with a team of chaplains from throughout the state to develop a 40-hour course designed to give chaplains the tools needed to support law enforcement personnel in times of crisis.
Lou was a gentleman and a consummate professional who truly cared about his work and brought energy, inspiration, and passion to everything he did. While we are saddened by Lou’s passing, his legacy will live on at POST and among the many law enforcement constituent groups he worked so tirelessly to assist.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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