May 2013
Please welcome Janice “Jan” Bullard, POST’s newly promoted, and first female, Assistant Executive Director.
Jan has 26 years of law enforcement experience. She served 1 year as a Level II Reserve Officer for the City of South Pasadena, 6 years with the Glendora Police Department as their first female police officer, and 19 years with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department.
While at Santa Barbara, her assignments included training manager, background investigator, public information officer, and patrol. Jan supervised several bureaus, including Personnel and Training, Patrol, DARE, and the Mounted Unit.
Jan first came to POST in 1997 as a Management Fellow. In this capacity, she spent two years as the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Grant Program Coordinator. Her demonstrated competency led to full-time employment in 1999 as a POST Law Enforcement Consultant.
Jan’s initial work began in the Training Program Services Bureau, on projects such as racial profiling, hate crimes, model respiratory program, and the Museum of Tolerance. For three years, she was an Area Consultant for Region 3, assigned to POST’s Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau. Jan was promoted to Bureau Chief of the Learning Technology Resources Bureau in 2009.
Jan has a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of La Verne.
“POST is a remarkable organization. It plays such an important role in providing the best service and quality training to the law enforcement community. This job will certainly be challenging. What a great opportunity to apply what I’ve learned throughout my career,” Jan said.
Questions about POST’s newly appointed Assistant Executive Director may be directed to Executive Director Robert Stresak, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2803.
The newest version of the POST Evidence and Property Management Guide will be available on the POST Website in mid-July 2013. This updated document, divided into 40 guidelines based on national best practices, will assist agencies in the management of their evidence and property function.
Two companion documents, the POST Evidence and Property Management Study, used by POST as an evaluative report on an agency’s evidence and property function, and the POST Evidence and Property Function Self-Evaluation Guide, completed by agencies as part of an evidence and property function review, are also being revised to be in use by August 2013.
Questions about this project may be addressed to Senior Consultant Don Shingara, Management Counseling Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2510.
The “Investigation Tool” debuted at the 2013 ICI Detective Symposium is now available for free in Google Play, the main marketplace for distributing mobile apps targeting Android devices. The tool has also been submitted to Apple and is undergoing their review process before it can be released in the App Store and made available to officers using iOS devices.
The app breaks down the investigation process into five primary phases, each of which is then broken down into its major steps. Investigators can then access the suggested inputs/outputs, processes, and guidelines for each of the steps. The tool provides a good “mental model” of the investigation process. It not only helps new investigators get up-to-speed more quickly, but also is a practical resource for seasoned investigators for ideas they may not have thought of when working a case.
The tool can be found and installed by searching on “Investigation Tool” from within Google’s Play Store. Installation is free, but a POST Learning Portal (lp.post.ca.gov) user account is required to sign into the tool before it is available for use.
Questions about the Investigation Tool may be directed to Sr. Instructional Systems Engineer Rich Dunn, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4262.
All California peace officers are required to complete training specified in section 832 of the Penal Code (PC) prior to the exercise of the powers of a peace officer. The training is incorporated in the Regular Basic Course and the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course. It is also available as a stand alone 64-hour course for individuals that are not required to attend the other basic courses.
In May 2013, POST staff conducted a workshop in Costa Mesa that was tailored to the needs of the PC 832 Course presenters. During the workshop, participants reviewed course certification requirements, common issues affecting presentations, and best practices to maintain the content and currency of existing courses. Besides reviewing applicable regulations and procedures, attendees participated in several activities designed to enhance their understanding of administrative requirements including course outlines, test security, and safety policies.
The PC 832 Presenters’ Workshop assists both new and experienced course coordinators by providing useful information, meaningful dialogue, and direct access with POST staff in order to enhance the quality of their course presentations. The workshop is presented bi-annually in varying locations. The content of the workshop is adjusted regularly to provide attendees with new areas of focus by which they will be better prepared to present PC 832 courses.
The next workshop is planned for October 9-10, 2013, in Sacramento.
Questions about the PC 832 Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
POST continues the effort of updating the entry-level peace officer job analysis. The job analysis completed during this project will identify the tasks, skills, abilities, knowledge requirements, and traits that are critical to successful job performance as a peace officer. To date, POST staff has conducted eight site visits of various law enforcement agencies throughout California to “shadow” and interview peace officers as they perform their daily duties.
Results of the job analysis will be used to support and validate the purpose of the Basic Course and its tests, and help guide future POST projects.
Questions about the Peace Officer Job Analysis Project may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Irene Wong-Chi, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4835; or Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Hawthorne-Brown, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
The Requalification Course is designed to requalify basic training for individuals who have a three year or longer break from their last date of service as a peace officer or date of completion of the Regular Basic Course or the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course. The course consists of a minimum of 136 hours of training and is delivered in both intensive and extended formats. Completion of the course also meets the testing requirement for the Basic Course Waiver process for peace officers from other states. Currently, the California Highway Patrol, Napa Valley College, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Rio Hondo College Regional Training Center, South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium, Southwestern College, and State Center Regional Training Center are certified to present the course.
Once a year, POST invites the course coordinators to a two-day meeting to review course content, examine the specifics of their certifications, network and exchange information on best practices. In May 2013, the coordinators met with POST staff, reviewed the course, and determined that the content meets current requirements. Staff and the coordinators also reviewed requalification requirements under the Three-Year Rule, course certification procedures, the basic course instructional delivery system, test security, the Basic Course Waiver process and procedures for verifying that students have met the prerequisites to attend the course.
Questions about the Requalification Course or the Basic Course Waiver process may be directed to Staff Services Manager Paula Mendenhall, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4260.
Revisions to the first of five chapters of the POST Medical Screening Manual for California Law Enforcement have begun. MED-TOX Health Services was awarded the contract to revise the Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Hematology, and Vision chapters of the Manual; they are currently drafting revisions to the Respiratory chapter. As part of the revision project, POST is identifying and contacting medical specialists to review the draft chapters. These subject matter experts (SME) will offer feedback based on their extensive expertise and experience with each particular body system as well as occupational screening issues. The draft Respiratory chapter should be ready for SME review by late June.
Questions about this project may be directed to Dr. Shelley Spilberg, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
On May 23, 2013, the Detective Training Symposium Planning Committee members met for a debriefing meeting of the 9th Annual Symposium held in Universal City from April 25-28. Approximately 650 detectives attended this Symposium making it the highest attended to date. Evaluations submitted by those in attendance commended the selection of training, the presenters, location, atmosphere and symposium overall. Several exceptional suggestions for future trainers and topics were also provided and will be further explored for feasibility at the next symposium.
This meeting also served as a kick-off to begin planning for the 2014 Symposium which will be hosted by the Los Angeles Police Department in the Southern California area. Preliminary identification of plenary session and break-out session presenters has been made including consideration of past attendees’ recommendations; and sub-committee members will research additional training topics and contact potential presenters in the upcoming months. The Committee will meet again in late 2013 to finalize training details, and select the Symposium date and location for the 2014 offering.
Questions about the Symposium may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
The biannual meeting of the SAFE Driving Campaign was held this May in San Diego. The SAFE Driving Campaign is aimed at reducing fatal and serious injury law enforcement traffic collisions. The campaign has three work groups to assist in achieving this goal: an Advisory Board concerned with national awareness efforts, a Research Team tasked with identifying causes and interventions, and a Vehicle Operations and Training Advisory Council (VOTAC) focused on the advancement of best policy and training practices. The MOTORS Advisory Group, a subcommittee of the VOTAC, concentrates on best policy and training practices as it specifically relates to law enforcement motors.
Approximately 50 individuals from throughout California and the United States met to discuss various aspects of the SAFE Driving Campaign. During this meeting:
- Participants received presentations on:
- Prince Georges County (Maryland) Police Department’s Arrive Alive Program,
- Risk management considerations and best practices for law enforcement, and
- National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund 2012 vehicle related LEOKA Statistics.
- Participants received updates on:
- SAFE Driving News Alerts which now has over 2,100 subscribers,
- SAFE Driving “Did You Know” video series, the latest addressing law enforcement distracted driving, and
- Vehicle operations training (LD19) in the Basic Course.
- Staff from the POST graphics unit worked with participants to develop concepts for posters in support of the newly developed SAFE Driving Pledge. This program, designed to promote organizational commitment to safe driving practices, is almost ready for dissemination.
- The Research Team updated the status of each research project currently in progress. Findings from these projects will be presented to the POST Commission at its October 2013 meeting and distributed to California agencies thereafter. These include:
- Fatigue and Distraction research studying the effects of fatigue and distraction on emergency and routine driving,
- An Agency Culture Study to explain how officer attitudes and mindsets vary from agency to agency and how those attitudes and mindsets relate to traffic collision rates,
- A State-Level Differences Study to explain how POST standards and state laws (among other state-level differences) impact officer collision rates by state, and
- Epidemiology research to evaluate how personal and demographic characteristics of individual officers relate to agency collision rates.
The next SAFE Driving Campaign meeting will be held October 2013.
Questions about the SAFE Driving Campaign may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
As an invited guest of the University of Cambridge, England and the University of Maryland, the Executive Director attended a two-day panel discussion in Washington D.C. entitled: "Police Education in What Works: From the US to the UK." The focus of the addressed topics pivoted on research that supports Evidence Based Policing efforts at both Universities. Presentations and panel discussions included:
- A Global Role for a "Royal" College of Policing? Education and Standards in What Works for England's New Era of Elected Police Commissioners.
- Do Body-Worn Video Cameras Improve Police Effectiveness? (Presented by Chief Tony Farrar, Rialto Police Department.)
- Operational Access to Evidence of What Works: Street Officer Usage of the Evidence-Based Policing Matrix and its Implications for Police Education.
- What can the Police Do to Facilitate Desistance from Crime?
- Practitioner-Led Experiments in Policing: Can Low-Cost Tests be High Quality?
- Next Steps: Who Should Do What To Apply Growing Knowledge on Policing?
Question about the two-day panel discussion may be directed to Executive Director Robert Stresak, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2803.
The latest addition to the Homeland Security Suite within the POST Learning Portal is “Sovereign Citizen Extremists." POST initially identified the Sovereign Citizen ideology and the precursors/indicators to identify these extremists in the 2009 Telecourse “Domestic Terrorism Update."
Sovereign Citizens ideology reached national awareness in 2010 with the execution of two West Memphis, Arkansas officers by a father and son identified as “Sovereigns." The POST “Sovereign Citizen Extremists” video training course focuses directly on the mindset, language, and activities of “Sovereigns” to provide officers insight on the dangers they may encounter.
Retired Chief of Police Robert Paudert, whose son was one of the murdered officers, provides this introduction to “Sovereign Citizen Extremists” - “You need to watch this video, it will save your life."
This video training course is dedicated to the memory of Kenneth L. Whitman, persistent and untiring champion of the Homeland Security Training Program.
Questions about the “Sovereign Citizens Extremist” video training course may be directed to Senior Consultant Steve Craig, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-5562.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2013 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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