may 2016
The Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau has been working closely with the developer of the Test Management and Assessment System (TMAS), Crown Pointe Technologies, to develop a new testing system which will improve test integrity and allow for new test formats in the future. During May, various critical change requests were completed and tested. These changes will serve as the basis for the new system, called TMAS II by POST staff.
TMAS II will be housed on servers located at POST headquarters. The TMAS and TMAS II systems will run concurrently until all academies can be moved over to the new system. POST’s goal is to move all presenters to TMAS II by June 30, 2017. Volunteer presenters will be moved to TMAS II as early as January, 2017. Prior to the kickoff of TMAS II, POST staff will be uploading the newly written items to the new system and conducting pilot tests and item analysis on the new items to verify the psychometric quality of the new items and adjust the test administration procedures as necessary.
One of the new enhancements is the creation of “roles” which will greatly limit the printing of tests and test questions. The role of “Academy Administrator” role is now a “Course Manager” and “Academy Authors” are changed to “Test Developers”. Course Managers can assign the Test Developer role and Content Administrator role, and edit the level of access within these two roles. In addition, TMAS II will only allow a Course Manager to create test sessions, edit test sessions, and close test sessions. TMAS II will allow Course Managers to print a test (but not the test key) only if the POST Application Administrator authorizes it for a specific, pre-authorized situation. In most situations, Academy Administrators and Test Developers will not be permitted to print POST-developed tests.
TMAS II will now be linked with the POST Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system. Course Managers will be required to verify that any class entered in TMAS II is certified in EDI before any class-related data can be entered in TMAS II. TMAS II will electronically send the presenter code, Course Certification Number (CCN), class start and end dates to EDI. EDI will respond to TMAS with “yes” (course is approved/certified) or “no” (course is not approved/not certified) and a message that TMAS II will be displayed to the user.
Questions about the changes in basic academies cognitive testing may be directed to Research Specialist Bob Holmgren, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4830.
Computer Services Bureau (CSB) has released a new version of the Internet-based POST Course Catalog with PASS: POST Authentication and Secure Services. The Course Catalog joins the POST Website and Learning Portal in using a single username and password for POST services.
The POST Course Catalog provides a list of POST-certified courses and the up-to-date scheduled presentations from the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, with the description, location, reimbursement plan, tuition, contact information and more. Signing in with a PASS account adds personalized information for officers, dispatchers and others, including:
- Hours of Continuing Professional Training (CPT) needed,
- Topical areas of Perishable Skills training needed,
- Quick links to upcoming presentations for each Perishable Skills topical area, and
- Notices of upcoming courses in your region.
Visit the POST Course Catalog. For more information on PASS, please view the PASS Overview Flyer (pdf).
Questions about the POST Course Catalog may be directed to Senior Information Systems Analyst Ron Davis, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0103.
In May 2016, the POST Basic Training Bureau hosted the Basic Course Consortium, which is a tri-annual meeting of all basic academy presenters from throughout the State of California. The Consortium is a 2-day business and training meeting to inform presenters of new legislation, pending regulation changes, and other POST information to advance the education of new peace officers. It also affords the opportunity for POST stakeholders to discuss and resolve any issues in an open forum. Over 100 directors, coordinators, and stakeholders were in attendance.
This particular meeting was notable in that it was the first effort by POST to host a very large meeting at its new headquarters building. Various bureaus within POST have been hosting smaller meetings since moving into the West Sacramento facility; nevertheless, the agency had never held an extremely large meeting. Although the meeting was a Basic Training Bureau function, the event was truly a collaborative effort between several bureaus.
Topics discussed included updates from the Basic Training Bureau regarding learning domains, proposed changes to the training and testing specifications, and updates to Title 22 First Aid/CPR/AED training requirements. The Standards, Evaluation and Research Bureau provided updates on the peace officer job task analysis project, test panel, and changes to testing and test security protocols. The California Highway Patrol presented an overview of the significant changes it has made to the academy format and content delivery to enhance student education and facilitate introduction into the agency. POST Interim Executive Director Stephanie Scofield provided an update and overview of POST operations, budget and strategic plan, and POST staff conducted tours for attendees to view the new facility.
POST wishes to thank the members of the Consortium, who represent the cornerstone of California’s law enforcement training programs for their patience, assistance, and feedback that ensured this meeting was a phenomenal success. POST also wishes to thank the California Highway Patrol for providing a short presentation on new generation law enforcement vehicle capability.
Given the success with regard to this meeting, POST looks forward to further utilization of the training rooms at its headquarters in order to better serve the needs of California law enforcement while streamlining the costs associated with training. Utilization of the training rooms supports POST Strategic Plan Goal B: Increase Efficiency in POST Systems and Operations.
Questions about the Consortium meeting may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
In 2012, POST formed the MOTORS Advisory Group as part of the SAFE Driving Campaign. The advisory group, comprised of motorcycle trainers, supervisors, and administrators from throughout California has been working with POST staff to develop Law Enforcement Motorcycle Guidelines and Standardized Training Recommendations.
After several meetings and very hard work, the group presented the final draft to representatives from California State Sheriff’s Association, California Police Chiefs, the California Peace Officers’ Association, and the Peace Officers’ Research Association of California for comments and recommendations. The representatives thoroughly reviewed the guidelines and discussed various aspects of the recommendations and their implications with members of the MOTORS Advisory Group. At the end of the review, the guidelines were updated to satisfy all participating parties. The reviewers gave their hearty approval for the Guidelines to be forwarded to the Commission for consideration and acceptance as a POST publication.
The Final draft will be presented for approval at the June 23, 2016, POST Commission meeting. If approved, this will be the first POST law enforcement motorcycle guideline developed in the nation.
Questions about the MOTORS Guidelines and Standardized Training Recommendations may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
During May 2016, POST conducted a workshop in partnership with the California Department of Justice (DOJ). The purpose of the workshop was to create a train-the-trainer course for DOJ’s existing POST-certified "Principled Policing" course. The course will align with Attorney General Kamala D. Harris’ ongoing commitment to identify strategies to strengthen trust between law enforcement and communities. During September 2015, over 50 law enforcement executives from 28 departments across California participated in one-day trainings held in Sacramento and Los Angeles. The course was developed in partnership with, POST, DOJ, Stanford University, Oakland Police Department, Stockton Police Department, and the community organization known as “California Partnership for Safer Communities.”
The train-the-trainer course will prepare attendees to accomplish the following objectives:
- Identify the essential skills for teaching adult learners;
- Instructional design and development training that “sticks”;
- How to create a learning environment that is conducive to learning and fun;
- How to Increase confidence and credibility with skill and technique;
- Contemporary instructional design for all learners;
- Build confidence to know that whatever is thrown at you, you will be able to make it work;
- How to work with difficult situations and people;
- How to meet student needs and expectations;
- How to handle learning environment anxieties and nervousness;
- How to make learning and development exciting and creative; and more.
Questions about this workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
In May 2016, Training Program Services Bureau (TPS) participated in the first annual Fight 4 Life Fundraiser at CrossFit Centurion, Rancho Cordova, California, to support the First Responder Support Network (FRSN). There were over 130 athletes who participated in the workout of the day “Fight Gone Bad,” and were supported by their family and friends. The event was attended by local first responders from law enforcement, fire personnel, corrections, dispatchers, and emergency medical services.
CrossFit Centurion owners, Sergeant Ian Carver of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department and his wife Allison, donated every penny made in sales, raffles, silent auctions, and pledges to FRSN. This amazing event raised over $18,900 for FRSN to support educational treatment programs to promote recovery from stress and critical incidents experienced by first responders and their families.
FRSN is a collaboration of first responder peers that consist of police, fire, corrections, dispatchers, and emergency medical services. Since 2001, FRSN has helped over 700 first responders and their families at their two retreats. In addition to the retreats, FRSN continues to help first responders and their significant other or spouses heal from the debilitating impact of critical incident stress through their training, consultations, and outreach. For more information please go to FRSN Website.
Questions about this event may be directed to Senior Consultant Tamara Baarts, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-7357.
The Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) program manager has facilitated three Subject Matter Expert meetings for the development of an ICI Foundation Specialty course in Human Trafficking. This included meeting with selected human trafficking victims and advocates. The curriculum has been identified and the course places emphasis on the victim and their care coordination. The course contains 40 hours of adult learning activities, scenarios and class exercises that will minimize any lectured based instruction. Lesson plans are currently being developed. Most instructors have been identified and have recently attended the latest ICI Instructor course, a pilot presentation is tentatively scheduled for the fall of 2016 in the Los Angeles area.
Questions about the ICI program and this course development may be directed to Senior Consultant Eddie Freyer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4887.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2015-16. Each bill would have an impact on POST operations, or be of significant interest to law enforcement partners.
Bill # and Author |
Title and Summary |
Status of Bill |
AB 1663
Assembly Member Chiu
Firearms: assault weapons
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 30515 and 30900, and add Section 30902, in substance, to expand the classification of assault weapons to include semiautomatic center fire rifles, which are capable to accepting detachable magazines.
Introduced Date: 1/14/16
5/27/16 - Died in Assembly Committee on Appropriations
AB 1664
Assembly Members
Levine, Ting, & Chiu
Firearms: assault weapons
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 30515 and 30900, and add section 30680, in essence, to define “detachable magazine” and expand the definition of assault weapons.
Introduced Date: 1/14/16
5/31/16 - Read 2nd time, order to return to 2nd reading
AB 1680
Assembly Member Rodriguez
Crimes: emergency personnel
This bill would amend Section 402 of the Penal Code, to prohibit the operation or use of a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle at the scene of an emergency by non-emergency personnel.
Introduced Date: 1/19/16
5/19/16 - Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee
AB 1681
Assembly Member Cooper
This bill would add Section 22762 to the Business and Professions Code, relating to smartphones. The bill would require smartphones to be capable of being decrypted and unlocked by the manufacturer.
Introduced Date: 1/20/16
4/13/16 - Died in Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection
AB 1695
Assembly Member Bonta
Firearms: notice to purchase: false reports of stolen firearms
This bill amend Penal Code Sections 16520 and 29805, and add Sections 29305 and 29310, to make it a misdemeanor to report a firearm has been lost/stolen, knowing the report to be false.
Introduced Date: 1/21/16
5/31/16 - Read 2nd time, order to return to 2nd reading
AB 1718
Assembly Member Kim
Elder Abuse
This bill would amend existing law that makes it a crime for a person who is not a caretaker to violate specified laws proscribing theft, embezzlement, fraud, or identity theft with respect to the property or identifying information of an elder or dependent adult. Makes a violation of that provision punishable as a misdemeanor in county jail or as a felony in state prison.
Introduced Date: 1/27/16
4/20/16 - Died in Assembly Public Safety Committee
AB 1731
Assembly Member Atkins
Human Trafficking: Statewide Interagency Human Trafficking Task Force
This bill would add Section 236.13 to the Penal Code, creating the Statewide Interagency Human Trafficking Task Force. The Task Force would gather statewide data on sex and labor trafficking, sex buys, and human trafficking, and would recommend interagency protocols and best practices for training and outreach to law enforcement.
Introduced Date: 1/28/16
5/31/16 - Read 2nd time, order to return to 2nd reading
AB 1737
Assembly Member McCarty
Child death investigations: review teams
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 11174.32, to state that each county shall establish an interagency child death review team to assist local agencies in identifying and reviewing suspicious child deaths and more.
Introduced Date: 2/01/16
5/27/16 - Died in Assembly Appropriations
AB 1760
Assembly Member Santiago
Human trafficking
This bill would require a peace officer to determine whether a suspect of a crime is a minor who is a human trafficking victim. The officer would make a record of the determination and provide the District Attorney with a record for independent review.
Introduced Date: 2/02/16
5/27/16 - Died in Assembly Appropriations
AB 1820
Assembly Member Quirk
Unmanned aircraft system
This bill would add Penal Code Section 14350 and generally prohibit a law enforcement agency from using an unmanned aircraft system, obtain from another agency, loan, or arrange to use information obtained from an unmanned aircraft system with several exceptions. This bill would also require the destruction of data within one year, except as specified.
Introduced Date: 2/8/16
5/23/16 - In Senate for 1st reading, to Committee on Rules for assignment
AB 1857
Assembly Member Rodriguez
Criminal history information: medical facilities
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 13306 and require a peace officer to disclose to staff at an acute care hospital that an arrestee that has a violent criminal history and that the arrestee could be a danger to staff.
Introduced Date: 2/10/16
3/29/16 - Bill canceled at author’s request
AB 1860
Assembly Member Alejo
Local law enforcement: body-worn cameras: grant program
This bill would require the Board of State Community Corrections to develop a grant program to make funds available to local law enforcement entities to purchase body-worn cameras and related data storage equipment.
Introduced Date: 2/10/16
5/27/16 - Died in Assembly Committee on Appropriations
AB 1869
Assembly Member Melendez & Gray
Theft: firearms
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 490.2 and 496, and amend Prop 47 by making the buying/receiving stolen firearms a misdemeanor or felony.
Introduced Date: 2/10/16
5/31/16 - Read for the 3rd time, order to the Senate
AB 1940
Assembly Member Cooper
Peace officers: body-worn cameras: policies and procedures
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to establish policies and procedures to address issues related to peace officers’ use of body-worn cameras.
Introduced Date: 2/12/16
5/31/16 - Read for the 3rd time and amended, order to 3rd reading
AB 1957
Assembly Member
Public records: body-worn cameras
This bill would add Penal Code Section 6254.31 to the Government Code relating to public records and authorize the governing board of a law enforcement agency, in closed session, to review footage from a body-worn camera when an officer is involved in an incident that resulted in a great bodily injury or death. It would also require the release footage from a body-worn camera 60 days after the commencement of an investigation into a misconduct allegation based on use of force resulting in great bodily injury or death.
Introduced Date: 2/12/16
5/26/16 - Read 2nd time, order to 3rd reading
AB 2327
Assembly Member
Contacting or communicating with a minor
This bill would make it a crime to contact or communicate with a minor, or attempt to contact or communicate with a minor, as specified, with the intent to commit human trafficking of, or unlawful sexual intercourse with the minor.
Introduction Date: 2/18/16
5/31/16 - Read for the 3rd time, passed and order to Senate
AB 2361
Assembly Member
Peace officers: University of Southern California: security officers
This bill would authorize an independent institution of higher education, as defined, to designate a person regularly employed as a security officer as a peace officer during the course of and within the scope of his or her employment, as specified, provided that the person successfully completes the course of training.
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
5/12/16 - Referred to Senate Public Safety Committee and to Appropriation
AB 2611
Assembly Member Low
The California Public Records Act: exemptions
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 6254 of the Government Code to expand the exemption of disclosure to include investigatory or security audio or video recordings. The bill would exempt from disclosure any audio or video recording depicting the death or serious bodily injury of a peace officer.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/23/16 - In Senate, read for the 1st time, to Committee on Rules for assignment
AB 2724
Assembly Member Gatto
Unmanned aircraft
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature is to enact legislation that would provide immunity for first responders who damage or destroy drones that interfere with emergency operations.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/9/16 - Read 2nd time, order to 3rd reading
SB 690
Senator Stone
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 646.9, to expand the definition of stalking to include willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly tracking a person with an electronic tracking device.
Introduced Date: 2/27/15
9/11/15 - In Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer
SB 823
Senator Block
Criminal procedure: human trafficking
This bill would amend Penal Code Section 1203.49, to create a presumption that if a defendant were committing ANY offense while he/she were a victim of human trafficking, the defendant is entitled to a presumption the requirements of relief have been met; (among other considerations) the guilty verdict will be set aside.
Introduced Date: 1/06/16
5/31/16 - Read for 2nd time, order to 3rd reading and amended
SB 870
Senator Roth
Domestic violence
This bill would make non-substantive edits to Penal Code Section 273.5, relating to domestic violence.
Introduced Date: 1/12/16
5/31/16 - Read 3rd time and passed
SB 876
Senator Liu
This bill would add Part 2.2 (commencing with Section 53.8) to Division 1 of the Civil Code and add section 11139.2 to the Government Code, to expand the current provision to include exclusion or discrimination based upon homeless status. The bill also proposes to afford person to “the right to rest in public spaces…” In addition, there is language to authorize civil action relief of damages up to $1,000.00 per violation.
Introduced Date: 1/14/16
4/12/16 - Set for 2nd hearing and canceled at the request of author
SB 880
Senator Hall & Glazer
Firearms: assault weapons
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 30505 and 30900, to revise the definition of “assault weapon” to mean semiautomatic center-fire rifle, or a semiautomatic pistol that does not have a fixed magazine.
Introduced Date: 1/15/16
5/19/16 - In Assembly, read 1st time, held at desk
SB 894
Senator Jackson
Firearms: lost or stolen: reports
This bill would require every person who owns a firearm to report the theft or loss to local law enforcement within five-days.
Introduced Date: 1/21/16
5/19/16 - In Assembly , read 1st time, held at desk
SB 1005
Senator Jackson
This bill would amend any references to “husband” and “wife” or “married persons” to “spouse.” (Could impact RBC workbooks.)
Introduced Date: 2/10/16
5/5/16 - Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Judiciary
SB 1200
Senator Jackson
Animal cruelty: criminal statistics
This bill would require the course of basic training for corrections and probation officers on domestic violence to include adequate instruction on the seriousness of animal cruelty and its link to violence against humans. (Numerous amendments removing peace officers, adding probation officers.)
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
5/31/16 - Order to special consent calendar
SB 1221
Senator Hertzberg
Firefighters: interaction with mentally disabled persons
This bill would authorize POST to make the mental health training currently available to peace officers available to firefighters and fire departments.
Introduced Date: 2/18/16
5/12/16 - Referred to Assembly Committee on Public Safety
SB 1286
Senator Leno
Peace officers: records of misconduct
This bill would amend the Evidence, Government, and Penal Codes to authorize a municipality or local public agency that employs peace officers or custodial officers to hear and adjudicate administrative appeals in hearings open to the public. Some or all of the documents would be available for public inspection.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/27/16 - Died in Senate Appropriations
SB 1289
Senator Lara
Law Enforcement: immigration
This bill would prohibit the board of supervisors or sheriff of a county or a legislative body or chief of police of a city or a city and county from entering into or renewing a contract to detain immigrants for profit, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, with a private corporation, contractor, or vendor.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/31/16 - Read 2nd time and amended, ordered to 3rd reading
SB 1334
Senator Stone
Crime reporting: health practitioners: reports
This bill would require a health care practitioner who provides medical services to a patient who discloses he/she has been the victim of assaultive/abusive conduct including human trafficking, to make a report to law enforcement.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/27/16 - Held in Committee on Appropriations
SB 1337
Senator Morrell
Peace officers: fire department
This bill would amend Penal Code Sections 803.37 and 30625, to provide that members of a fire department or fire protection agency who are designated by their employing agency with a responsibility for investigating or preventing terrorism are peace officers and may carry firearms if authorized and under terms and conditions specified by their employing agency. The bill would also authorize fire departments and fire protection agencies to buy assault weapons or .50 BMG rifles.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
4/13/16 - Canceled at the request of author
SB 1362
Senator Mendoza
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority: security officers
This bill would allow security officers of the Los Angeles County Transportation Authority (LACTA) to detain individuals on properties owned by the LACTA. In addition, it would allow the same security officers to carry shotguns. (Non-POST agency)
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
4/20/16 - Canceled at the request of author
SB 1446
Senator Hancock
Firearms: magazine capacity
This bill would among other things, amend several Penal Code Sections (e.g., 32310, 32400, and 32405, etc.) changing the penalties for a person in possession of a large capacity magazine, effective July 1, 2017.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/19/16 - In Assembly, read 1st time, held at desk
SB 1462
Senator Huff
Vehicles: driving under the influence: drug testing
This bill would amend Vehicle Code Section 23612 and would authorize an officer to use a preliminary oral fluid screening test to establish reasonable cause to believe the person was driving a vehicle in violation of certain prohibitions against driving under the influence of drugs.
Introduced Date: 2/19/16
5/27/16 - Held in Senate Committee on Appropriations under submission

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2016 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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