November 2012
Commission Regulation 1052 requires that each academy designate a director and a coordinator and that each modular format presenter that is not an academy, shall designate a coordinator to provide oversight of basic training. This regulation also specifies that each academy shall be supervised at all times by an academy director or coordinator when instruction is being conducted and that each modular format course shall be supervised at all times by a coordinator when instruction is being conducted.
All newly appointed directors and coordinators and modular format coordinators are required by Commission Regulation 1071 to attend the Academy Director/Coordinator Course within the first twelve months of their assignment to the position. The Basic Training Bureau is responsible for the content of the course and delivery of the training. This is an interactive four-day course which covers all aspects of the management of the Regular Basic Course and the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course. The subjects covered include: budgeting, the learning domain instructional system, testing regulations and management, legal issues, performance evaluation techniques, and safety protocols. Staff members from the Basic Training Bureau, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, and academies serve as instructors in the course.
Due to the high turnover in academy directors and coordinators, the course is presented three to four times each year with an enrollment of 25 to 30 students at each presentation.
Questions about the Academy Director/Coordinator Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
The newest “Did You Know?” highlights the effects fatigue has on driver safety. Identified as one of the five factors that cause career-ending and fatal collisions for law enforcement officers, “Fatigue” presents this data in an entertaining and humorous manner.
The “Did You Know’s?” are 60 – 90 second video spots that deliver a strong training message in a quick and dynamic way. View these videos’ on “Fatigue”, “10-97”, and “Choices”.
Questions about the “Did You Know?” program may be directed to Bureau Chief Jan Bullard, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
The Law Enforcement Canine Guidelines Update Committee formed late last year held its second meeting during November, in San Diego. More than 25 stakeholders participated representing a variety of canine associations and law enforcement agencies throughout California. After postponing the project to reevaluate needs and address staffing, the committee reconvened to complete the collaborative portion of the update process. This included a final review of the 1995 guidelines, attaining consensus on terminology, and revisions to the Canine Team Evaluator Course outline.
The committee worked with POST staff to develop a basic, voluntary framework to guide agencies in assessing baseline performance of canine teams in patrol and detection environments. The committee considered the needs of large and small agencies, as well as different deployment policies in use throughout the state. POST staff will draft updated guidelines, solicit a final review from committee members via email, incorporate any needed changes, and then finalize the guidelines. The update is scheduled for completion by March 2013.
Questions about the Law Enforcement Canine Guidelines Update may be directed to Bureau Chief Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820; or to Bureau Chief Bryon G. Gustafson, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4832.
The 80-hour Dispatch Supervisor Course was specifically developed to meet the unique needs and training issues of public safety dispatch supervisors. South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium (SBRPSTC) developed and presented the first pilot in Northern California in February 2011. The course received excellent evaluations. In light of the success of the pilot, SBRPSTC collaborated with Golden West College to present a second pilot, this time in Southern California.
This second pilot was held in Fountain Valley October 29 through November 9, 2012. The curriculum was facilitated by individuals who taught in the SBRPSTC pilot in Northern California. Golden West College staff closely monitored the presentation since their staff will assume course ownership and facilitation in future offerings in Southern California. Once again, the student evaluations were outstanding. One excerpt read:
“As a newer supervisor, I know just enough to either get in trouble or out of trouble. I have a Masters in Organizational Leadership but I just NOW learned how to apply it.”
Other attendees extolled the course content in more direct terms (e.g., “absolutely recommend this course –150%!”, “information is invaluable”, and “should be publicized with a megaphone from the top of the mountains!”).
Golden West College plans on a second presentation of the course during fall 2013.
Questions about the Dispatch Supervisor Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Tricia Chisum, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-3916.
During November, POST staff completed internal work on the Request for Proposal (RFP) document for POST’s Testing System Replacement project. The RFP contains a comprehensive inventory of POST’s business and technical requirements for delivering high-stakes tests to California basic training presenters. The document complies with rigid legal and contractual guidelines established by Department of General Services and California Technology Agency control agencies. The RFP will ultimately be advertised to testing software firms as part of a competitive bidding process for the new testing system. The document is now under review by the above control agencies.
The Testing System Replacement project was undertaken to replace TMAS with a modern, secure test delivery system. When in production, the system will deliver high-stakes tests to 6,000 trainees annually, through a network of statewide POST-certified basic training presenters.
Questions about the Testing System Replacement project may be directed to Data Processing Manager III Colin O’Keefe, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3914.
The Learning Technology Resources Bureau (LTRB) launched a new area for dispatchers within the Learning Portal called the Dispatch Center. The intent of the Center is to provide California Law Enforcement Dispatchers an opportunity to build a community with other dispatchers and offer support and help to others in addressing their needs.
During the development of this project, LTRB worked closely with the Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council (PSDAC) and others to create an area where dispatchers from across the State can:
- Network with other California dispatchers;
- View a calendar of events, training classes, and meetings;
- Discuss a variety of current dispatch topics with their peers;
- Share files such as relevant articles, training tips, and policies or procedures;
- Comment on and rate the shared files;
- Learn about dispatchers who have been honored by the field;
- Take instant dispatch-related polls; and
- Link to external dispatch and law enforcement-related websites.
Dispatchers are encouraged to login to the Learning Portal to explore, share, and discuss topics in the Dispatch Center.
Questions about the Dispatch Center may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4547.
On November 21, 2012, Governor Brown announced the reappointment of three POST Commissioners: Robert Doyle of Novato, Ronald Lowenberg of Huntington Beach, and Laurie Smith of San Jose. Each will serve in a voluntary capacity and require Senate confirmation.
Robert Doyle has been the Sheriff of Marin County since 1996, and has served multiple positions at the Marin County Sheriff’s Office since 1969. Sheriff Doyle is a member of the California State Sheriffs' Association, where he served as president from 2004 to 2005.
Ronald Lowenberg has been Dean at the Golden West Community College, Criminal Justice Training Center since 2003. Mr. Lowenberg served as Police Chief for the City of Huntington Beach from 1989 to 2002 and was Police Chief for the City of Cypress from 1981 to 1989. Mr. Lowenberg is a past president of the California Police Chiefs Association and a former board member of the California Peace Officers' Association.
Laurie Smith has been the Sheriff of Santa Clara County since 1998 and has served in multiple positions at the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office since 1973. Sheriff Smith is a member of the California State Sheriffs' Association where she served as president from 2007 to 2008.
POST congratulates all three Commissioners as they continue to volunteer their time, talent, and effort in the service of this important statewide Commission.
Questions about the Commissioners reappointments may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2085.
During November, POST hosted a Region I Training Personnel Workshop. Over 40 personnel representing all eight Region I counties - Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma participated in a day-long training workshop. The meeting was held at the Fairfield Police Department’s Art Koch Training Facility.
POST staff from Training Delivery and Compliance, Computer Services, and Learning Technology Resources bureaus presented information on the POST Administrative Manual, POST Website, Learning Portal, “Did You Know?” videos, the newly developed Dispatch Center, Electronic Data Interchange, and the Course Certification Process.
Participants actively participated in the development and review of courses for POST certification. In addition, they received information on how to enroll for the Training Administrator Course, the 2013 Statewide Training Managers Workshop, statutory and regulatory training requirements (Continuing Professional Training including Perishable Skills), and POST ‘Guidelines for Student Safety in Certified Courses’.
The workshop allowed participants to network, share knowledge and concerns with each other, and proved to be one of the most valuable components of the day.
Questions about the Region I Training Personnel Meeting Workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Valna Wilson, Training Delivery and Compliance Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4872.
Good-bye and Thank you!
As previously announced, on Friday, December 21, I will retire from my position as Executive Director of POST. Bob Stresak will then take the helm as the Interim Executive Director until the Commission selects a permanent Executive Director.
Serving as your Executive Director for the past five years has been the high point of what I consider to have been a dream career. Leading this organization has been challenging, rewarding, and never dull.
Before my final departure, I would like to take one final opportunity to publicly thank the 123 women and men at POST for their selfless dedication to POST’s mission and for their quality work that supports all peace officers, throughout the State of California. Few people outside our building know how much work gets done by so few staff. Also, we could not rise to meet new challenges without the unflagging support of our professionally committed commissioners and hand-picked advisory committee members. And, lastly, I thank all law enforcement executives and training managers who work regularly with POST staff to maintain California’s nationally recognized high standards for selecting and training peace officers.
Years ago, when POST was developing its first strategic plan, the Strategic Plan Committee observed that California POST should continue to “raise the bar” in the law enforcement profession. Out of respect for those who have gone before us, and for the benefit of those who will succeed us, I hope that slogan resonates with you, as it does with me. I know it won’t be easy for, as they say, “if it was easy, anyone could do it.” However, I feel like my time at POST will have been well spent if both our critics and supporters view POST as an organization that never equivocates on standards and always strives to Raise the Bar!
Fondest wishes for a happy holiday season and a safe, successful 2013.
Paul A. Cappitelli
Executive Director

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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