October 2012
The first SAFE Driving Symposium was held in San Diego during October, with approximately 250 in attendance. The event was successful and the attendees left with new enthusiasm to reduce the incidence of peace officers being killed or experiencing career ending injuries as a result of traffic collisions.
Gordon Graham set the stage for the symposium with a discussion of risks and steps that can be taken to mitigate them. Deputy Chief Marc Joseph of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department shared his agency’s approach to changing the organizational culture to wear seatbelts after the department lost three officers in 2009. Breakout sessions included: an overview by Bureau Chief Bryon Gustafson on studies conducted by the Research Team; a discussion on the utility of simulators by Jerry Wachtel; the application of the OODA Loop (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) by Jim Fraser and Pat Tobin; using Risk Management to support training by Jack Anderson and Dave Clovis; and an update on the status of changes to Learning Domain 19 (Vehicle Operations) by Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar. The first day closed with a panel of chief executives moderated by POST Commissioner John McGinness and participants: CHP Commissioner Joseph Farrow, San Diego County Sheriff William Gore, and PORAC President Ronald Cottingham discussing “How to Effect Organizational Change.”
Second day presentations included: effects of fatigue on performance presented by Stephen James (on behalf of Dr. Bryan Vila); discussions of “Pursuits and Their Aftermath” by Keith Wenzel; the physiological effects of stress by Aubrey Futrell; how to incorporate Below 100 into an EVOC program by Bob Reid; an overview on how to include Motor (officer) Issues into the SAFE Driving Campaign by Rod Refredi; and a presentation by Jose Sanchez on the Patrol Speed mapping program used by the San Diego Sheriff’s Department. A presentation on “Leadership and Effectual Change” by Dr. Jerry Cockrell wrapped up the morning. The day concluded with a “Beyond the Cones” presentation by Keith Wenzel. Ms. Kim Schlau offered her perspective of peace officer response and driving as she discussed the loss of her two teenage daughters to a collision caused by a state trooper driving over 100 mph to a call that had been cleared.
The symposium ended with a Train-the-Trainer course for the Below 100 program presented by Law Officer Magazine editors Dale Stockton and Keith Wenzel.
Staff has received several inquiries regarding when and where the next symposium will be held.
Questions about the SAFE Driving Campaign may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
The biannual meeting of the SAFE Driving Campaign was held in October in San Diego immediately following the SAFE Driving Symposium. The SAFE Driving Campaign’s goal is the reduction of serious injury and fatal law enforcement traffic collisions nationwide.
During the meeting participants were updated on progress made in several SAFE Driving programs, including:
- The SAFE Driving News Alert which went on-line last April now has 2,000 subscribers. The News Alert is sent via email and provides links to training materials, articles, research studies, videos, and other information.
- The newly formed MOTORS Advisory Group had its first meeting in July. The group is charged with the advancement of preferred policy, training practices, and safety equipment to reduce fatal and serious injury traffic collisions involving law enforcement motor officers.
- The Research Team updated the status of each research project. These include:
- Fatigue and Distraction research on the effects of fatigue and distraction on emergency and routine driving;
- An Agency Culture Study on how officer attitudes and mindsets vary from agency to agency and how those attitudes and mindsets affect traffic collision rates;
- A State-Level Differences Study to explain how POST standards and state laws (among other state-level differences) impact officer collision rates by state; and
- Epidemiology research to evaluate how personal and demographic characteristics of individual officers relate to agency collision rates.
The highlight of the meeting was the premier showing of the new “Did You Know - Fatigue” SAFE Driving video. This third in a series video sends a powerful message regarding fatigue and its role in law enforcement involved collisions. The video can be found at: http://www.post.ca.gov/safe-driving-videos. The “Did You Know” SAFE Driving video series has been met with acclaim nationwide.
The next SAFE Driving Campaign meeting will be held in April 2013. The exact date and location has yet to be determined.
Questions about the SAFE Driving Campaign may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
The Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council (PSDAC) convened its semi-annual meeting in San Diego in October. The PSDAC is comprised of communications stakeholders from throughout the state.
Staff provided the PSDAC with updates on POST projects and programs. Specific meeting topics included pilot courses on the Learning Portal, course certifications and a PSD Symposium slated for fall 2013. A survey will be available from November 1, 2012 – November 21, 2012, to provide input for Symposium training topics. Please take the survey to assist POST in making the first PSD Symposium a success. The next PSDAC meeting is tentatively planned for March in Northern California.
Questions about the PSDAC may be directed to Bureau Chief Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.
The month of October has been one of pronounced information exchange regarding the Executive Seminars forum. Executive Seminars are available to law enforcement executives to address jurisdictional issues of mutual concern. The seminars are POST-certified and attendees receive POST Continuing Professional Training credit. On average, one or two Executive Seminars are held each month. During October there were four seminars. Law enforcement executives from the following jurisdictions convened: San Bernardino County, Tulare County, Riverside County, and California State University. The county sheriffs and chiefs addressed many issues, such as regionalized dispatch services, revisiting MOUs, workforce reduction, and current legal issues. The California State University’s campuses’ police chiefs discussed topics of concern across all campuses, including risk management, leveraging fiscal resources, implications of the UC Davis pepper spraying incident, and a legal update.
Questions about the Executive Seminars Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822.
The upcoming revisions to POST peace officer psychological evaluation requirements (Commission Regulation 9055) was the subject of two presentations by Supervising Personnel Selection Consultant Shelley Weiss Spilberg, Ph.D., during the 2012 annual conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) held in San Diego. The first presentation was made before the annual Johnson, Roberts and Associates pre-conference workshop which was attended by over 40 psychologists from across the country. The second presentation was before the IACP’s Police Psychological Services Section.
In both sessions, Dr. Spilberg described an amendment to Commission Regulation 9055 to establish a continuing professional education (CPE) requirement for peace officer screening psychologists. The goal of this requirement is to ensure that those psychologists who meet the eligibility requirements of Government Code 1031(f) have received training specifically in the conduct of peace officer pre-employment assessment. As part of the presentation, Dr. Spilberg discussed a new set of POST Peace Officer Psychological Evaluator Competencies created to serve as course content review criteria and to provide a defined, standardized set of psychologist capabilities useful to both psychologists and law enforcement agencies.
Questions about the upcoming regulatory revision may be directed to Supervising Personnel Selection Consultant Shelley Spilberg, Ph.D., Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4824.
With the prediction that California’s senior population will double in size by 2020, law enforcement plays a vital role in protecting the motoring public by ensuring elder drivers are safe to operate motor vehicles on the roadways.
The new “Did You Know - Elder Driver” reminds officers of the Department of Motor Vehicle form DS 427 used to request a regular or priority re-examination of a driver who may not be able to safely operate a motor vehicle.
Based on a true story, the “Did You Know - Elder Driver” highlights the tragic case of Dena Kline who drove around lost for 48 hours. At the conclusion of the video viewers are directed to a short informational power point on elder drivers, contact information on how to obtain additional training, and how to order the DS 427 form.
The “Did You Know’s” are 60 – 90 second video spots that deliver a strong message in a quick and dynamic way. To view the “Did You Know” series visit the Learning Portal.
Questions about the “Did You Know” program may be directed to Bureau Chief Jan Bullard, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
Commission Regulation 1052 requires that each academy shall designate a director and a coordinator to oversee basic training. This regulation also specifies that each academy shall be supervised at all times by an academy director or coordinator when instruction is being conducted. This requirement includes each Modular Format presenter that is not an academy that must also designate a coordinator for the same purpose. Each Modular Format course shall be supervised at all times by a coordinator when instruction is being conducted.
Each director and coordinator must complete the Academy Director/Coordinator Course within one year from the date of their appointment. This is a four-day class conducted by the Basic Training Bureau (BTB) with the assistance of experienced academy directors and coordinators. Due to the high turnover of personnel in these positions, Basic Training Bureau presents the class at least three times a year for up to 25 students each.
This is a highly interactive course designed to give directors and coordinators an understanding of academy operations and the basic training requirements. Topics include: academy management, budgeting, ethics and professionalism, instructional planning, quality and resources, learning domain instructional system, testing regulations and management, legal issues, performance evaluation techniques, and safety protocols.
Questions about the Academy Director/Coordinator Course and other subjects related to basic training may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261; or Senior Consultant Robert Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
POST’s role in supporting growth of school-based public safety curricula has been multi-faceted in facilitating awareness of the programs and their value in enhancing the quality and quantity of the pool of potential law enforcement candidates. A significant step toward furthering implementation of programs was initiated during October with the convening of subject matter experts to produce a DVD (“Implementing a Career Pipeline – The Nuts and Bolts”) emphasizing the intricacies of building a career pipeline. The career pipeline provides the means for reaching students in their early developmental years and guiding them through their educational cycle, ultimately preparing them to meet the requirements of the law enforcement selection process.
The DVD currently under production will be the second one produced for the School-Based Public Safety Program. The previously distributed DVD addressed the array of school-based programs and contained promotional segments for use in making presentations encouraging adoption of such programs by police-school partners. The DVD under production details curricula, methods of instruction, thematic learning (learning designed for a career), Department of Education’s “a-g” requirements (essential for college-readiness), character development, leadership development, public service entry requirements, and other elements conducive to maximizing program success. The DVD will feature three career pipeline models currently in use: LAPD’s magnet school program (grades 6-14), San Bernardino Public Safety Academy (grades 6-12), and Fairfield Public Safety Academy (grades 5-12). The Fairfield Public Safety Academy is the most recent program. This joint effort of the Solano County Chiefs Association and the Suisun/Fairfield Unified School District was launched in August. Both the Fairfield and San Bernardino models are developing affiliations with the local community colleges and universities.
Included among an array of on-screen subject matter experts providing nuggets of knowledge are Michael Josephson and Pete Bowen. Michael Josephson, a renowned ethicist, discusses the framework (“Six Pillars of Character”) that buttresses his “Character Counts” approach to advancing curricular and behavioral goals. Pete Bowen, President of Servite High School in Anaheim, discusses his leadership program that integrates academics, teamwork, and ethics into practical, challenging peer leadership opportunities.
Questions about the DVD or any aspect of the School-Based Public Safety Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822.
At its October 2008 meeting, the Commission received the Driver Training Study, Volume I and approved implementation of the recommendations in the report. One of the recommendations was to enhance driver training curriculum in the Regular Basic Course (RBC). The Commission directed the development of an academy-based pilot program which would incorporate four components into Learning Domain (LD) 19 Vehicle Operations: Law Enforcement Driving Simulators (LEDS), a speed component, night driving, and the use of interference vehicles.
The applicability of these recommendations to peace officer basic training was determined through the use of a pilot project at selected academies. Staff established the LD 19 Pilot Advisory Council which included representatives from the pilot academies; LD 19 instructors from other academies; and a research team consisting of experts in human factors, simulation training, and statistical validation.
The Advisory Council developed pilot curricula and grading forms. The Council determined that 40 hours of instruction and testing was needed to address the new topics added as part of the LD 19 pilot and to teach the existing curriculum. Participating academies incorporated LEDS, a speed component at a minimum of 65 mph, interference vehicles, and night driving into the pilot program.
At the completion of the study all pilot academy staff reported that the students were better prepared to enter the Field Training Program. During September, the results of the study were presented to the Consortium of Academy Directors. Several pilot study participants discussed challenges they had in accommodating the changes to driver training, such as locating a night facility and a location that could safely accommodate the 65 mph minimum speed, but all said they saw a marked improvement in the quality of student performance at the end of training. Following the presentation, positive comments about the proposed changes and the results of the pilot study were made by members of the Consortium. The Consortium supported the proposed changes to LD 19.
The changes to LD 19 will be submitted to the Commission for review at the February 2013 meeting. The proposed implementation date for the new LD 19 requirements is July 1, 2013.
Questions about the LD 19 Pilot Project may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
The Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) meeting was held in Redondo Beach from October 9-10, 2012. The meeting began with a review of the two-day agenda and approval of the March 2012 meeting minutes. Those present agreed to hold the next ISAC meeting in San Diego and scheduled a tentative date for spring of 2013.
Todd Dischinger provided Instructor Development Institute (IDI) Basic and Intermediate Course updates, including the FY 2012-13 course schedules and an overview of the newly developed, eight hour, triennial recertification courses (Learning Activities, POST Basic Course Instructional System, and PowerPoint Zen). Todd then delivered a two-hour mini crash course on Critical Thinking. The members worked collaboratively to study and learn some nuances of critical thinking, and finished with a creative group project that represented their understanding of this concept. Todd also introduced the third Issue of the IDI Newsletter entitled The Process which is available on the IDI Website.
Mike Gray provided IDI Advanced and Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC) updates, including the FY 2012-13 course schedule and attendance to date. Mike related that MICC Class #6 is holding their graduation ceremony on November 8, 2012, in Sacramento with 14 students successfully completing the program. Mike also informed ISAC members that the annual four-day Instructor Symposium is being held April 16-19, 2013, in San Diego, and was expected to reach 350-400 registrants. Students from Levels III and IV provided the group with an overview of their personal journey through IDI and the overwhelming positive impacts this training had in their professional lives.
Senior Consultant Tami Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, provided a presentation on the POST Quality Assessment Project. She explained the program is progressing as planned and states that feedback from those involved in both the evaluation process as well as evaluators was generally positive. ISAC members were extremely supportive and content with this “tool” developed by POST and stakeholders. The ISAC expressed interest in utilizing it at their respective organizations.
Questions about the Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) meeting can be directed to Bureau Chief Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.
POST and California law enforcement professionals are mourning the passing of Special Law Enforcement Consultant Kenneth L. Whitman. Ken was born in Rochester, New York on August 29, 1943. He passed away peacefully at home on October 12, 2012, following a courageous battle with melanoma.
Ken is survived by his wife Mary, son Thaddeus (Stacy) Crouch, daughter Heather (J.R.) Gendreau, son John Whitman, brother Eric (Charlotte) Whitman, grandchildren Paige and Bryce Crouch, and Brooke, Shelby, and Bridget Gendreau, and numerous extended family and friends.
Ken's professional life included a law enforcement career in New York and California, and a career as a volunteer fire fighter with the Rocklin Fire Department.
Beginning in 1965, Ken served as a Deputy Sheriff in Monroe County, New York and as a police officer with the Town of Brighton, New York. In 1977, he joined the Garden Grove Police Department in California and rose to the ranks of Master Police Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant. He served as the CALEA accreditation manager and explorer/cadet coordinator at Garden Grove Police Department.
While a police officer, Ken was also an adjunct instructor at the Regional Justice Training Center in Rochester, New York, and Golden West Community College, Costa Mesa, California. He served on the criminal justice advisory board at Golden West College.
In 1990, Ken accepted a position as Senior Consultant with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). At POST, Ken was the manager of the Assembly Concurrent Resolution 58 (ACR 58) Project that created the foundation for a statewide network of regional law enforcement skills training centers and the development of electronic driving simulators for driver training. He was promoted to Bureau Chief in 1993 and managed both the Basic Training Bureau and the Center for Leadership Development. He also served as chair of the annual United Way Campaign and developed statewide leadership symposia. Ken retired in 2005 but continued to work at POST in the Homeland Security Training Program. In that capacity he directed the development and delivery of the innovative Tactical Medicine and Terrorism Liaison Officer training courses. Ken was primarily responsible for the management and coordination of homeland security grant funds and delivery of training courses statewide.
In 1992, Ken joined the Rocklin Fire Department as a volunteer and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. Ken was known in the department as 'a natural for public service who understood the meaning of service and safety for the community. Ken was known for his willingness to take on any task. He devoted significant time to preparing applications for grant funding and drafting clear and specific policies for the department. He is considered to be instrumental in the Department's success in obtaining grant funding to acquire a foam unit and a mass decontamination unit. Most important to Ken was his involvement in the K-Kids Christmas shopping program, his role as 'Santa Claus on the fire truck' that drove throughout the City of Rocklin, and his role in the City's annual Easter Egg Hunt. Ken described the Easter egg hunt as 'the most exciting three minutes in Rocklin.’ On October 11, the Fire Department honored Ken with the Rocklin Fire Department Legacy Award. The award is presented to an individual who provides years of dedicated, exemplary service to the Rocklin Fire Department and the City of Rocklin.
Ken Whitman is greatly missed by all those privileged to have known him. His contributions to POST, the law enforcement profession, and fire fighters, will never be forgotten.
The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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