october 2015
The California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions invited Training Program Services Bureau to participate on a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Expert Panel. Members of the panel include representatives from law enforcement agencies, mental health services, mental health consumers, legal advocates, and National Alliance on Mental Illness volunteers. The purpose of the Panel is to advise on the development of best practice guidelines for CIT training for peace officers and other first responders. The Panel will provide expert input for a toolkit which features best practices and a “how to” guide for implementing successful CIT training and programs. The first strategic planning event was held during October in Sacramento and was utilized to establish the audience breadth, deliverables, and dissemination strategies for the toolkit.
Questions regarding the CIT Expert Panel may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
POST has released its newest training video, “Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse.” Revised for 2015, the program focuses on law enforcement’s role in safeguarding both elderly and dependent adults. The video explores the types of abuse to look for, shows investigation and interviewing techniques, and emphasizes the importance of proper reporting procedures to ensure the safety of these victims.
This revised training program, which replaces a February 2011 training video, under the same title, satisfies the current requirements of Penal Code Section 13515 requiring all peace officers at a supervisory level or below who are assigned field or investigative duties to complete the POST training within 18 months of assignment to field duties.
The DVD was mass-mailed statewide in late October to training managers of law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional DVD copies may be ordered online using the POST Video Catalog.
Questions regarding the training video may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
Members of the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) committee participated in a three-day workshop to commence work on a ten year LEOKA report. Members included representatives from POST, law enforcement, legal advisors, and the Department of Justice. The workshop was utilized to review statistics from 2005 to 2009 surveys, train new members, assign new surveys (2010 to 2014), discuss incidents for the purpose of developing training, and to establish a timeline for the work to be completed. For the first time, the LEOKA Committee included the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course and the Motor Officer Training and Operations Review Safety (MOTOR) trainers to be assigned to complete the officer-involved vehicular accident surveys. The completed report will provide valuable information on the circumstances of California law enforcement deaths and contemporary training in the areas of tactics, vehicular operations, and wellness. The training will be applicable to basic academy trainees and in-service personnel.
Questions regarding the LEOKA report may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
During October 2015, 25 students attended the 24-hour Training Managers Course presented by Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center. The course is designed for newly assigned training managers. Topics included developing a training plan, liability issues, and management of training records. Additionally, POST staff presented information on the POST Website, the Learning Portal, course certification, POST regulations, and agency compliance inspections.
Interested training managers should contact Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center at (707) 836-2912 to register for the next course which is scheduled for March 29-31, 2016.
Questions regarding the Training Managers Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Karen Lozito, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0471.
In October, a workshop was convened to update the existing guidelines manual for Tactical Medicine Operational Programs and Standardized Recommendations. The guidelines manual was initially released in 2010. It was produced in collaboration with the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA).
Attendees included law enforcement officers, representatives from EMSA, medical practitioners and stakeholders from local Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers and fire officials from throughout the state. Modifications to the guidelines and POST Regulation 1084 topics for standardized curriculum were developed. A key goal was to ensure revisions were aligned with the legislative intent of Assembly Bill 1598 (2014) relating to emergency response services and active shooter incidents and the principles of tactical casualty care for first responders.
Questions regarding the tactical medicine guidelines may be directed to Senior Consultant Dan Toomey, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4828.
During October 2015, the Redding Police Department (RPD) hosted members of the Grand Jury for a training session on police use of force. Representatives from POST Training Program Services Bureau were invited to attend.
This idea was developed by RPD Sergeant Casey Bokavich with the support of Chief of Police Robert Paoletti. This effort offers a unique opportunity for community groups to take part in the same force options course that California law enforcement personnel are mandated to complete. This four-hour block of instruction includes “hands-on” time using a Force Option Simulator (FOS) where participants assume the role of an officer. Each scenario is debriefed in the same manner law enforcement professionals are debriefed when they take the training.
These training sessions have provided citizens with a broader perspective on the difficult decisions faced by law enforcement officers under difficult circumstances. Citizens who have attended the training have described the experience as “transformative.” This effort has been highlighted nationally in two articles which have appeared on the Force-Science Website and will be featured in the upcoming issue of California Police Chief’s Association magazine.
Questions regarding the training session on police use of force may be directed to Senior Consultant Tamara Baarts, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-7357.
The POST Medical Screening Manual for California Law Enforcement provides examination and evaluation protocols to assist agencies and screening physicians in the conduct of these evaluations in accordance with Government Code section 1031(f) and Commission Regulation 1954. The Manual is organized into 12 separate body systems to facilitate updates necessitated by medical advances and legal developments. An update to the largest chapter in the Manual – Musculoskeletal System – was issued in October.
The updated Musculoskeletal (pdf) chapter provides guidance covering the entire gamut of the musculoskeletal system, from neck and back conditions to ankle instability. All current sections have been revised to incorporate recent advances in medical science and epidemiology. In addition, the new chapter includes five new sections: shin splints, ankle instability, iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, rotator cuff disease, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
This updated chapter is the last of five recently revised sections of the Medical Screening Manual. Prior chapters include Cardiovascular (pdf) (May, 2014), Respiratory (pdf) (May, 2014), Vision (pdf) (June, 2015), and Hematology (pdf) (June, 2015).
Law enforcement employers should notify the physicians who conduct their peace officer preemployment screening of all five updated chapters in the Medical Screening Manual.
Questions regarding the manual may be directed to Senior Research Specialist Shelley Weiss Spilberg, Ph.D., Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
During October, Training Program Services Bureau conducted a workshop for Regional Presenters of the POST Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC). The workshop, conducted in San Diego, consisted of an in-depth explanatory update of the AICC, administrative specifications, contract completion requirements, instructional design, evaluation instruments, and presentation methodology. The training specifically highlighted POST’s regulatory requirement regarding the integration of the Training and Testing Specifications (TTS) into the AICC curriculum design, presentation methodology, and student learning outcomes.
Attendees were immersed in the philosophical and operational intricacies of the AICC cognitive scaffolding framework and provided evidence-based rationale for the student-centered course, interactive context; combining strong learning content with high-impact activities including, real-world practice, scenarios, case studies, and simulations learning.
During the first quarter of 2016, Training Program Services Bureau will convene a cadre of subject matter experts to develop a blended learning, track-based AICC pilot course. The curriculum will consist of a fully customized blended learning curriculum, as well as, evaluation instruments leading to course certification. By combining classroom designs with other delivery methods like flip charts and virtual classrooms, eLearning, and virtual support aids, POST will continue to provide the law enforcement community with engaging, performance-based instructional techniques and tools that result in superior learning and maximum transfer of what is learned to the job.
Questions regarding this workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
Educator, Humboldt State University
Rick Braziel was a member of the Sacramento Police Department for over 33 years including five years as Chief. He consults and instructs in Teambuilding, Communications Skills, Community Policing, and Leadership. Rick is an Executive Fellow at the Police Foundation. He was the lead investigator in the review of the police response to Christopher Dorner. He was part of a team reviewing the riots in Ferguson, Missouri and the St. Louis County Police Collaborative Reform Initiative. Rick also completed a review of the Stockton Police response to the Bank of the West robbery and hostage taking. Rick is co-author of the book, Cop Talk: Essential Communication Skills for Community Policing.
Questions regarding the new Commissioner may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Dave Cornejo, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2809.
Deputy Sheriff, Placer County Sheriff's Department
Batine Ramirez has served as a deputy sheriff with the Placer County Sheriff’s Department since 1999. She has completed multiple assignments including Jail Custody, Death Investigations, and is currently a narcotics investigator. She has served on the Placer County Deputy Sheriffs' Association since 2009 and is currently the association President.
Questions regarding the new Commissioner may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Dave Cornejo, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2809.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2015-16. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training has analyzed each bill to determine its affect on law enforcement training.
Bill # and Author |
Title and Summary |
Status of Bill |
ABX2-15 (Eggman)
This bill, introduced on August 17, 2015, mirrors SB 128 (Wolk).
End of life.
ABX2-15 would, until January 1, 2026, enact the End of Life Option Act authorizing an adult who meets certain qualifications and conditions to request a drug prescribed for the purpose of ending his or her life. This bill would create new crimes, making it a felony to (1) knowingly alter or forge a request for drugs to end an individual’s life, (2) conceal or destroy a withdrawal or rescission of a request for a drug, with the intent or effect of causing the individual’s death, (3) knowingly coerce or exert undue influence on an individual to request a drug for the purpose of ending his or her life, or (4) administer an aid-in-dying drug to an individual without their knowledge or consent.
This bill would make it necessary for POST to update or revise the Death Investigations course in the Regular Basic Course (academy), the Coroner’s Course, and the Homicide Investigations course.
Last Amended Date: 09/03/15
October 2015
AB 65 (Alejo)
Local law enforcement: body-worn cameras: grant program.
This bill would require the Board of State and Community Corrections to develop a grant fund program to assist local law enforcement in the purchase of body-worn cameras, delete the transfer requirement for the Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund and instead require a transfer to the Body-worn Camera Fund.
Last Amended Date: 03/15/15
Held in Committee 5/28/15 (still active)
AB 546 (Gonzalez)
Peace officers: basic training requirements.
This bill would require the Commission to deem there to be an identifiable and unmet training need for the PC 832 course when evaluating a certification request from a probation department for that training course.
Last Amended Date: 8/13/15
Chaptered August 2015
AB 953 (Weber)
Law enforcement: racial profiling.
This bill would revise the definition of racial profiling to instead refer to racial or identity profiling, and would make a conforming change to the prohibition against peace officers engaging in that practice.
The bill would require agencies that employ peace officers to collect specified data and issue annual reports to the Attorney General.
The bill would also require the Attorney General to establish the Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board (RIPA). Governor can appoint two positions.
Last Amended Date: 08/31/15
Chaptered October 2015
AB 1168 (Salas)
Peace officers: basic training requirements.
This bill, until January 1, 2019, extends the 3-year requalification requirement to five years for a deputy sheriff assigned as a PC 830.1(c) custodial peace officer when being reassigned from custodial assignments to PC 830.1(a) general law enforcement duties with the responsibility for the prevention and detection of crime, if certain conditions apply.
Last Amended Date: 8/13/15
Chaptered August 2015
SB 11 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require the Commission to review and analyze existing mental illness training in the regular basic course to identify areas where additional training is needed.
The bill would require that upon identifying what additional training is needed, the Commission shall update and increase the training to at least 15 hours. The course shall be presented within the existing hours allotted for the Regular Basic Course.
The bill would also require the Commission to establish and keep updated a three-hour classroom-based continuing training course relating to behavioral health and law enforcement interaction with persons with mental illness, intellectual disability, and “substance use disorders.” The course shall be made available to each law enforcement officer with a rank of supervisor or below who is assigned to patrol duties or who supervises officers assigned to patrol duties.
Last Amended Date: 08/28/15
Chaptered October 2015
SB 29 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require the Commission to require field training officers to have at least eight hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training. If a field training officer has already completed 40 hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training, or has completed eight hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training within the past 24 months, the requirement shall not apply.
The bill would require the Commission to update the existing field training officer course to include at least four hours of classroom instruction regarding persons with mental illness or intellectual disability.
The bill would also require the Commission to update the existing field training guide to include specified topics relating to mental illness and intellectual disability.
Last Amended Date: 08/31/15
Chaptered October 2015

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2015 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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