September 2012
On September 20, 2012, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2285 (Peace Officer Trainee Cheating Bill) into law. This bill was proposed and introduced by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), and authored by Assembly Member Mike Eng.
AB 2285 creates a zero-tolerance for cheating on examinations administered by any of the 40 POST-certified academies in California, and hold culpable parties accountable with the assessment of a civil fine up to $1,000.
The legislation provides that any peace officer trainee, who cheats, or aids, abets, or knowingly conceals efforts by others to cheat on a basic course examination mandated by the commission, may be liable for a fine of not more than $1,000 per occurrence and forfeits the right to become a California peace officer.
With the passage of AB 2285, POST becomes the first state in the nation to legislatively sanction acts of academic dishonesty within peace officer training academies.
Questions regarding about AB 2285 (Eng) may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Legislative Analyst, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2085.
In September 2012, POST invited representatives of statewide law enforcement associations and legal advisors to participate in a strategy session in San Diego. The purpose was to generate critical input on the topic of intermediate use of force. This strategy session included representatives from the California Police Chiefs Association, California State Sheriffs Association, California College and University Police Chiefs Association, California Peace Officers Association, and law enforcement legal advisors. Also participating was Executive Director Paul Cappitelli and most members of the POST leadership team.
As an outcome of this strategy session, POST identified core use of force issues, gained additional insight regarding agency needs, and explored training strategies that could be employed to address the issues and identified needs. This input will be used as a foundation to assist POST in enhancing existing training resources to address the evolving nature and current challenges related to the use of intermediate force.
Questions about the POST Strategy Session on Intermediate Use of Force may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
POST staff recently made updates to the First Aid/CPR online course to bring the content into alignment with the 2010 guidelines issued by the American Heart Association and American Red Cross. These updates are an interim measure to ensure content accuracy while staff works on a new First Aid/CPR course to replace the existing version.
The First Aid/CPR online course satisfies the cognitive portion of the mandated First Aid/CPR refresher training for California Law Enforcement Officers (P.C. 13518). Officers complete the skills demonstration separately and use the Learning Portal to record completion of the course and then receive continuing professional training credit.
Questions about the Law Enforcement First Aid/CPR Online Course may be directed to Catherine Bacon, Senior Instructional Designer, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
At the September meeting of the Basic Course Consortium, the Basic Training Bureau hosted a presentation designed to help law enforcement agencies and academy presenters to assist returning combat veterans as they enter or return to the law enforcement profession. The presenter was Staff Sergeant Emmett Spraktes of the California Army National Guard, who also recently retired as a California Highway Patrol Officer. Staff Sergeant Spraktes had extensive experience in combat operations, having served as a flight medic in some of the world’s most hostile environments, and where he earned the Silver Star, our nation’s third highest military honor. He candidly shared how his dual service roles (soldier and law enforcement officer) complimented each other, and his unique perspective on the challenges he encountered as he transitioned between each career. Spraktes’ presentation provided counsel and guidance to Academy Directors and Coordinators, in the hope of better preparing California’s basic academies in assisting returning combat veterans.
The presentation was insightful and gave the observers a greater appreciation for the challenges combat veterans encounter, as well as specific steps law enforcement agencies can take to better serve the returning combat veterans. The Basic Training Bureau will use this presentation as a catalyst for further discussion and training about this contemporary issue.
Questions about the basic training may be directed to Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259; or Senior Consultant Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3467.
POST sponsors the Robert Presley Institute for Criminal Investigation (ICI) 80-Hour Basic Homicide course. The ICI Homicide course is offered through three separate presenters: Sacramento State University, South Bay Regional Training Consortium, and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The course underwent a revision in 2010 and a Total Training Package (TTP) was produced. This course has been presented several times by these presenters since the TTP was revised. In September, a meeting to update the ICI Homicide course was held to ensure the three POST presenters are presenting the same curriculum in a consistent and uniform manner. The three presenters and POST staff examined the curricula to determine if any further revisions were in order. The ICI Homicide course update meeting was also an opportunity for instructors from the three presenters to collaborate and identify “best practices” in the delivery of the course.
Questions about the ICI Homicide Update meeting may be directed to Senior Consultant Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
During September, the California Highway Patrol Academy hosted a visit by a delegation of police officials from the Ukraine. The visit was coordinated through the State Department. POST was asked to make a presentation on basic training.
The delegation included the Rector of the Odessa State University, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Chief of Training for the Odessa Region and Chief of Training for the Police Vocational School. The Ukrainian Police serve under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are five police universities in the Ukraine (including Odessa) which serve similar functions to military academies in the United States. Graduates of the Police Universities enter service at higher ranks and with specialized skills. The Police Vocational Schools have a six month program which is similar to the academies in California.
POST previously hosted visits by police delegations from Indonesia and Mexico coordinated through the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) which is part of the United States Department of Justice. Staff has also hosted a visit by South Korean police officials which was facilitated by the State Department.
Bureau Chief Frank Decker and Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar met with the delegation and provided a presentation on the history, purpose, and organization of POST. They also discussed the content and instructional delivery system of the Regular Basic Course, instructor training, certification of academies, and the Basic Course Certification Review process for academies. The delegation was provided with a resource material about POST programs.
Questions about the visit by the Ukrainian Police officials may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
During September, the Law Enforcement Command College Class 51 graduation was held in San Diego. At that time, the number of Command College graduates increased to 1,051. Following welcoming remarks by POST Executive Director Paul Cappitelli, Captain Eugene Harris, Monterey Park Police Department, who was the recipient of the Hank Koehn for “Most Inspirational Student,” presented a summary of his futures portfolio: “Danger, Fleeing Suspect; Danger!” Captain Harris focused on robotic technology and its application to K9s (i.e., “R9s”). The essence of the “R9” is a totally integrated relationship between the operator and his or her robotic partner. The robotic version would afford the operator complete control of every aspect of deployment. Just as today’s K9 does, the R9 would detect, locate, and apprehend; however, it would use advanced sensors and mission-specific mechanisms in place of the naturally existing physical and sensory components of dogs.
The keynote address was delivered by Chief Scott Seaman, Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Department. Chief Seaman, who is President of the California Police Chiefs Association, commended the graduates for their excellent work and encouraged them to continue to “think outside the box.” He expressed concern about the effect of the economy on current and future law enforcement agency operations. In particular, he cited retirement reform and the impact on those being hired under new retirement plans. Chief Seaman impressed that now, as much as at any other time, the leader’s role as innovator and motivator is critical.
Lieutenant David R. Hill, Orange Police Department, was the Class Speaker. Lieutenant Hill was also the recipient of the Dorothy Harris Award for Academic Achievement. Ms. Iris Firstenberg was the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Member Award.
Applications are currently being accepted for Law Enforcement Command College Class 55, which begins May 13, 2013, in San Diego. The deadline for submitting applications is February 11, 2013. Applicants must meet minimum experience requirements at the time the application is submitted. Comprehensive information regarding the Command College requirements, application, and curriculum may be obtained on the POST Website.
Questions about the Command College registration or other matters may be directed to Senior Consultant Mike Davies, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-4892.
At the September Basic Course Consortium in Anaheim, the POST Testing Panel presented their recommendation to revise the test item formats and the number of tests required in the basic courses. The compromise of hundreds of POST test items in 2010 and 2011 was the catalyst for the Panel to reevaluate the number of required LD tests and types of test items developed for testing. POST regulations require students to take and pass 24 individual learning domain (LD) tests and a mid-term and final. This often leads to the practice of “learning and purging” by students.
In an attempt to create a more comprehensive testing format, promote retention of material across domains, and prepare students for Field Training Programs, the Panel recommends integrating educational objectives across multiple learning domains by creating written word pictures with multiple educational objectives (EO). This will create flexibility in testing, enhance test security, and provide a seamless transition from learning to application.
The results of a survey distributed to all basic course presenters in May reflected their dissatisfaction with the existing testing format and the number of hours required for test administration and review. The Panel supports 62 written tests (48 individual LD tests and 14 end-of-course tests).
As a result of the survey and feedback from basic training presenters and the Panel, development of multi-dimensional tests will begin in November. Pilot testing will begin in 2013 and the Panel will present the results of the pilot to the Consortium in September 2013. POST anticipates submitting proposed modifications to the basic courses testing regulation at the October Commission meeting in 2013. Implementation of the multi-dimensional testing format will coincide with the release of the TMAS replacement software in 2014.
Questions about the Multi-Dimensional Educational Objective Testing for the Basic Course may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Supervisor, Diane Hrepich, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4831; or Staff Services Analyst, Windy Kaiser, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4537.
POST is in the process of completing improvements in processing and tracking professional certificates. The improvements will enhance the ability of the Certificate Unit to verify and track applications submitted by mail. The improvements will also allow POST to develop an electronic process for submitting requests for POST Professional Certificates. This process will allow immediate feedback to applicants from the POST Certificates Unit, and will provide a useful way for officers and agencies to keep track of their eligibility for certificates.
Questions about the POST Professional Certificates system improvements and electronic application may be directed to Senior Programmer Analyst Bob Lapanja, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4857.
POST Computer Services Bureau (CSB) recently achieved a new record – 6,243 POST Newsletters were emailed to the field in five hours! Three separate newsletters were emailed – POST Bulletins, Regulatory Actions, and What’s New. POST is required to inform each law enforcement agency in California when a POST Bulletin or Regulatory Action is produced. Historically, POST mailed a copy of each bulletin to every department in the state. However, POST committed to going green and began delivering information electronically to agencies in an effort to reduce cost, time, and resources, thereby saving thousands of dollars in printing and mailing costs, and many hours of physical labor.
CSB sends POST Newsletters via email on a regular basis to all California law enforcement agencies who have chosen to receive information electronically, and to individual subscribers who request to receive the content. Currently, POST has six “Email Alerts” for newsletters available for subscription; they are: Administrative Progress Reports, POST Bulletins, Regulatory Actions, Law Enforcement Job Opportunities, SAFE Driving Campaign, and What’s New. The total number of subscribers for these newsletters is 7,563. This is in addition to the 1,400 emails sent regularly to all law enforcement agencies receiving POST materials electronically.
To subscribe to the POST Alerts, visit http://post.ca.gov/e-mail-alerts and follow the instructions. Once your email address is confirmed, subscribers will receive emailed newsletters from POSTNews@post.ca.gov. Be sure to add this address in your ‘safe sender’ list.
Questions about POST Newsletters may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Daria Maher, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4848.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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