september 2014
The summer of 2014 marked the release of two much-anticipated DVD videos designed to fulfill mandated training updates for human trafficking and racial profiling.
In June, POST distributed “Human Trafficking: Identify and Respond” DVD (program #258) in fulfillment of the new mandates of Proposition 35, known as the Californians Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) Act. Proposition 35 made several critical enhancements to California law to combat trafficking and exploitation and mandates human trafficking training for law enforcement. The new video fulfills the requirements of revised PC §13519.14 and Proposition 35. The goal of the training is to help peace officers recognize the indicators of human trafficking and know what actions to take.
In September, the “Bias Based Policing: Remaining Fair and Impartial” DVD (program #260) was released as refresher training for racial profiling. The video is designed to help officers recognize bias based policing and to understand that officers must remain fair and impartial in their discretion and decisions. The program features scenario-based segments that provide a review of how an officer's personal bias may affect their day-to-day work in law enforcement. When facilitated by a certified racial profiling instructor, the program meets the mandate for the two-hour Racial Profiling update training and fulfills the requirements of PC §13519.14(g) and POST Regulation 1081(a).
Both videos offer two viewing modes and printable documents for either group-facilitated or individual instruction.
The DVD videos were automatically mass-mailed statewide in June and September to training managers or training departments at law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional DVD copies may be ordered online, free of charge, using the POST Video Catalog. The videos are available on DVD format only.
Questions about POST training videos may be directed to Director, Television Communications Center Ron Crook, POST Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3913.
POST Senior Research Specialist Dr. Shelley Spilberg and Dr. David M. Corey received the prestigious Chris Hatcher Award at the annual conference of the Society of Police and Criminal Psychology held in Las Vegas on September 25-27. The Hatcher Award is bestowed upon the conference presentation that best demonstrates professional vision and makes the most valuable contribution to police psychology. Drs. Spilberg and Corey’s presentation entitled “The Conduct of Peace Officer Psychological Screening Evaluations: Updates from the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training,” focused on the new POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual, which was coauthored by the presenters and is slated for issuance in mid-October.
The Psychological Screening Manual was also previewed by Dr. Spilberg and Dr. Susan Saxe-Clifford during a presentation on September 22 which was hosted by the City of Newport Beach. The presentation, entitled “Updates on Psychological Screening Evaluations of Public Safety Candidates: New POST Screening Guidelines and Advice on Establishing Realistic Hiring Standards and Practical Applications,” was attended by approximately 40 chiefs, commanders, and other high–level public safety representatives from across the Orange County area. During her presentation, Dr. Spilberg emphasized the relevance and usefulness of the new manual for hiring authorities and others involved in the peace officer selection process, in addition to screening psychologists.
Questions about the upcoming Psychological Screening Manual and requests for further information may be directed to Senior Research Specialist Shelley Spilberg, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or to Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
A new resource for training managers made its debut at the statewide Training Manager Workshop on September 24, 2014, in San Diego. The Training Manager Network (TMN) is a new area on the Learning Portal which gives training managers an online community to share information and resources with each other to better serve their agencies. It is currently in a pilot phase, and POST is seeking input from training managers, new and experienced.
Ten training managers from around the State helped POST develop this resource so that training managers can:
- Discuss a variety of training topics with their peers
- Share files such as sample lesson plans, policies, or presentations
- Discover answers to frequently asked questions
- Find a helpful “must do” list for new training managers
- Locate training manager meetings by region
To help promote the TMN, this commercial video features a light-hearted take on its benefits.
Questions about the Training Managers Network debuts or, if interested in participating in the pilot phase of this project, may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4547.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2014-15 on which the Commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Positions |
Status of Bill |
AB 1598 (Rodriguez)
Emergency response services: active shooter incidents.
This bill would require the Office of Emergency Services and the Emergency Medical Services Authority to consult with POST regarding responses to active shooter incidents, training related to the responsibilities of first responders to terrorism incidents, criteria for coordinating among different responding entities, and inclusion of emergency medical services integration and coordination in peace officer training. The bill would require POST to update its SWAT guidelines and training to also address tactical casualty care and training related to first responders to terrorism incidents, and coordination with emergency medical services providers.
Commission Position: No position
Chaptered by Secretary of State –
Chapter 668
AB 2387 (Pan)
Public contracts.
Existing law requires a state agency proposing to execute a personal services contract to notify all organizations that represent state employees who perform the type of work to be contracted.
This bill would exempt personal services contracts entered into by the Commission from that notification requirement.
This is a Commission-sponsored bill.
Commission Position: Support
Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chaptered 504
AB 2623 (Pan)
Elder and dependent adult abuse training.
This bill sought to “require every law enforcement officer who would ordinarily respond to elder or dependent adult abuse reports or incidents of domestic violence to complete an updated course of instruction on elder abuse every two years.” This bill also sought to require local law enforcement agencies to provide its officers with cards that “summarizes the training received,” victims’ rights, local resources, and telephone numbers for other services.
Through POST’s collaborative efforts with the author, the bill was amended to include certain course content in an update of the course. The amendments are satisfactory and no action is required on this item. The original training requirements were removed.
Commission Position: No position
Chaptered by Secretary of State –
Chaptered 823
SB 505 (Jackson)
Peace Officers: Welfare Checks and Firearms
This bill would require every law enforcement agency to develop, adopt, and implement written policies and standard protocols pertaining to the best manner to conduct a “welfare check” when the inquiry into the welfare or well-being of the person is motivated by a concern that the person may be a danger to himself/herself or others. The policies are to encourage peace officers, prior to conducting the welfare check whenever possible and reasonable, to conduct a search of the Department of Justice Automated Firearms System via the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) to determine whether the person is the registered owner of a firearm.
This requirement is only applicable provided it poses no undue burden on the execution of the officer’s other duties, that there are no exigent circumstances demanding immediate attention, and that the officer has access to, or can ascertain, relevant identifying information.
Commission Position: No position
Chaptered by Secretary of State –
Chaptered 918

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2014 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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