Use of Force & De-Escalation Training Network Access Request Form

  • Completion of the Use of Force Train the Trainer, Force Option/Use of Force/De-Escalation T4T course (CPC 13519.10, course # 23204) is required to request access

    To gain access to the network:

    STEP 1

    Create a POST PASS Account (if you do not already have one)

    • Click Sign In.
    • Click Create Account.
    • Fill out the required information and click Create Account.
    • A confirmation email will be sent to you at the email address you provided.
    • Click the link in the confirmation email to confirm the creation of your account.
    • Once your account has been confirmed, click the sign in to continue link and sign into the site.

    You will be prompted to Link Your POST ID once the account is created, please do so.

    STEP 2

    Complete the below form and submit