April 2013
The National Academy of Television Arts and Science, Pacific Southwest Chapter, announced the nominations for 2013 Emmy Awards in San Diego on April 30. Among the nominees were the POST “Did You Know? - 10-97” and “Did You Know? - Fatigue” videos.
The “Did You Know?” series was created by POST in 2010 to feature important safety or informational messages in a quick and dynamic way. The videos, nominated in the category of Community/Public Service PSAs, feature two of the five factors that cause career-ending and fatal collisions for law enforcement officers: speed and fatigue.
The winners will be announced on June 13, 2013, in Las Vegas.
Questions about the “Did You Know?” program may be directed to Bureau Chief Jan Bullard, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
Upon request, POST’s Administrative Services Bureau (ASB) provides POST profiles to current, previous, and retired peace officers or non-sworn employees, and to third party requesters such as background investigators and out-of-state agencies. POST processes an average of 340 profiles each month.
A POST profile is a record of an individual POST-certified training and employment history, and includes information regarding certificates awarded by POST and the educational degrees and training points that accrue towards a certificate. A profile is requested by the individual or an agency, and is reviewed during the background investigation in the hiring process.
Individuals can request a copy of their own POST profile by submitting a signed POST Profile Request form, POST 2-126 (Rev. 05/2011), via U.S. mail, fax, or email. The POST Profile Request form is available to download from the POST Website. Mailing information is included on the form.
Third party requesters must also submit a POST Profile Request form or a letter signed by the requester on agency letterhead containing the subject’s personal information (i.e., full name, DOB, and SSN or POST ID). A release form, signed by the subject allowing the release of confidential information, must accompany the request form or letter. In 2012, POST processed 3,419 peace officer profile requests.
POST participating agencies have access to POST profiles through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system and can request a profile for current employees through their own agency’s EDI representative.
Questions about the POST profile requests may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Anita DeYoung, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3891.
In honor of April being “Distracted Driver Month,” POST has released its fourth “Did You Know?” video highlighting distracted driving. Distracted driving has been identified as one of the five factors that cause career-ending and fatal collisions for law enforcement officers.
This entertaining video reminds officers how easy it is to lose concentration on the road when multi-tasking in a patrol car.
The “Did You Know?” are 60-90-second video spots, that deliver a strong training message in a quick and dynamic way.
To view the “Distracted Driver” video, go to the POST Website and click on SAFE Driving Campaign. To view the any of the other “Did You Know?” videos, log onto the POST Learning Portal at www.lp.post.ca.gov and click on “Did You Know?” videos.
Questions about the “Did You Know?” program may be directed to Bureau Chief Jan Bullard, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
The 2013 POST Instructor Development Institute (IDI) annual Training Symposium was held April 16-19 in San Jose. The Symposium was presented by the San Diego Regional Training Center and featured the theme entitled “Creating a Culture of Training Excellence.”
The Instructor Symposium provides an opportunity for instructors to receive state-of-the-art instructor training and satisfy the academy instructor and continuing professional training requirements. The Symposium was attended by approximately 340 instructors, 100 of whom were Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) instructors.
The Symposium began with the first morning dedicated to ICI instructors. The keynote speaker for this session was Dr. James Reese. Dr. Reese is a retired FBI agent and Assistant Unit Chief of the Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico, Virginia. He spoke to the ICI instructors on “Teaching in an Ever Changing World - Instructor Resiliency.” ICI Instructors participated in an awards ceremony dedicated to “Excellence in Instruction.” Recipients of these awards consisted of instructors who were recognized for their respective contribution of excellence in instruction of ICI courses. Los Angeles Police Department Detective III Amira Smith received the Robert Presley ICI 2013 Founder’s Award. Detective Smith was recognized for her achievements as a POST Core Course Presenter, ICI Instructor (ICII) Course Facilitator, ICII Mentor, Detective Symposium Presenter and committee member, and LAPD Detective Unit Officer-in-Charge (OIC).
The Symposium featured several workshops which included topics such as Maximizing Facilitation Skills, iPad for Law Enforcement, High Risk Ethics, Emotional Intelligence, Critical Legal Issues, Critical Thinking, Video for the Classroom, Podcasting, and PowerPoint.
Questions about the Instructor Symposium, the IDI and/or ICI Programs may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
POST Regulation D-1 requires presenters to complete POST-developed Penal Code (PC) 832 proctor training prior to administering and scoring any of the required PC 832 tests. Previously, instructors assigned to proctor PC 832 tests were required to attend a special seminar presented by POST staff and regional trainers. Effective April 2013, all PC 832 Proctor Training is available on the POST Learning Portal.
In October 2010, POST released required skills evaluation forms for the skills tests for PC 832 Arrest Control and Firearms testing. As a result, any proctor of the PC 832 skills tests trained prior to October 2010 and wishing to continue as a proctor must take the new online course(s). Additionally, training is required for any individual newly assigned to proctor any of the required PC 832 tests listed below:
- PC 832 Arrest Written Test: Only individuals who have completed the required POST online proctor courses may administer and score the PC 832 Arrest Written Test.
- PC 832 Arrest Methods Skills Tests: Only individuals who are certified defensive tactics instructors and who have completed the POST online proctor courses may administer the test, complete the test forms, and score the tests.
- PC 832 Firearms Skills Test: Only individuals who are certified firearms instructors and who have completed the POST online proctor courses may administer the firearms test, complete the test form, and score the test.
Penal Code section 832 presenters must submit a form identifying staff required to take the online proctor courses. Contact Jennifer Imlay-Hardesty at to request the form.
Questions about the content of the proctor course may be directed to Sr. Personnel Selection Consultant Diane Hrepich, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4831.
During April 2013, POST conducted a workshop for newly assigned Recruit Training Officer (RTOs). Commission regulations specify that each academy is required to have RTOs whose qualifications must include a demonstrated ability to supervise trainees. RTO responsibilities include:
- Monitoring that instruction meets state legislative mandates and Commission regulations and procedures;
- Providing day-to-day first-line supervision of trainees;
- Supporting, motivating, evaluating, and advising trainees;
- Performing operational risk management and enforcing the student safety policy; and
- Ensuring compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and administrative procedures associated with the educational and workplace environment.
The regulations also require RTOs to complete the following training specified for the position.
Recruit Training Officer Orientation Program
All newly appointed part- and full-time RTOs are required to complete the Recruit Training Officer Orientation Program prior to performing the duties of the position. This is a video-based course facilitated by academy directors or coordinators.
Recruit Training Officer Course
All newly appointed full-time RTOs are required to attend the Recruit Training Officer Course after completing the Recruit Training Officer Orientation Program within the first 12 months of assignment to the position. This is a four-day course presented by members of the Basic Training Bureau.
The course covers the delivery of the Regular Basic Course and the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course as well as the supervision of recruits. The instructors consist of POST staff and experienced personnel from academies. Due to the turnover in academy staff, the course is presented a minimum of three times per year for a maximum enrollment of 25 students per class.
The Basic Training Bureau also provides training for other academy staff positions, including the Academy/Director and the Scenario Managers Workshops. These courses are also presented at least three times each year.
Questions about the training for academy staff or the delivery of basic training may be directed to Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
The critical incident steering committee held its second workshop on April 9-10, 2013, in Folsom to continue its design, development, and delivery of a proposed “Edge of Chaos” training program. The intended purpose of the program is to improve the Incident Commander’s skills and ability to function effectively within the “golden hour” or chaotic stage of an incident in which the crisis is still fluid.
The committee comprises highly experienced mid- and executive-level peace officers from California, Maryland, and Washington, and a representative from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Over two days, the committee drafted major theme areas and discussed key elements such as recognition decision making, situation awareness, operational ICS, dealing with uncertainty, and sense making. Blended learning delivery methods were addressed, including a presentation of effective strategies in a virtual environment currently in use by the U.S. Military.
The committee is scheduled to meet again in July to discuss results of sub-committee research on the major themes.
Questions about the Critical Incident Command project may be directed to Special Consultant Dan Toomey, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4828.
POST continues the effort of updating the entry-level peace officer job analysis. The job analysis completed during this project will identify the tasks, skills, abilities, knowledge requirements, and traits that are critical to successful job performance as a peace officer. To date, POST staff has conducted six site visits of various law enforcement agencies throughout California to “shadow” and interview peace officers as they perform their daily duties.
Questions about the Peace Officer Job Analysis Project may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Irene Wong-Chi, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4835; or Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Hawthorne-Brown, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
POST staff has been working with a team of subject matter experts to revise the POST Law Enforcement Records Management Guide, Fourth Edition. As in past updates, members of the California Law Enforcement Association of Records Supervisors (CLEARS) were instrumental in this effort. A draft revision to the guide has been completed and is currently undergoing internal review.
Questions about the POST Law Enforcement Records Management Guide may be directed to Staff Services Manager Kathy Hobson, Management Counseling Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3911.
In celebration of National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, April 13-20, 2013, Learning Technology Resources (LTR) launched the newly designed Dispatch Center and its companion promotional commercial. The commercial was created to help spread the word and encourage dispatchers to participate in the Dispatch Center.
Since this is the first community-based center of its kind on the Portal, LTR worked closely with the POST Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council and others to create an area where dispatchers from across the state can network with other agencies to share best practices, policies, articles, and training tips. The Dispatch Center also includes instant polls, a calendar of events, dispatch-related discussions, and an honoree area.
Located in Hotsheets on the Learning Portal, dispatchers are encouraged to login to explore, share, and discuss topics in the Dispatch Center. Membership to the Dispatch Center is automatic for dispatchers.
Questions about the Dispatch Center or the commercial may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4547.
POST staff participated in the TLO-C (Terrorism Liaison Officer – Coordinator) Conference held at the Central California Intelligence Center/Sacramento Regional Threat Assessment Center (RTAC) headquarters on April 2, in Sacramento. The conference was attended by approximately 80 federal, state, and local officials and served as a forum for program management, education, and training updates for TLOs and first responders within the federal Eastern District of California.
The agenda included briefings by federal, state, and local agencies on international terrorism, domestic terrorism, emerging threats, radicalization, cyber security, suspicious activity reporting, and special events. Key training topics identified during a roundtable discussion included critical infrastructure protection, school assessments, violent extremism, human trafficking, and active shooter response. The next TLO-C Conference is scheduled for October 2013.
Questions about the conference may be directed to Special Consultant Dan Toomey, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4828.
The Command College graduated Class 52 on April 26, 2013, in San Diego. At the same time, the number of Command College graduates increased to 1,074. Following welcoming remarks by POST Assistant Executive Director Dick Read, Captain Donald Demming, Lompoc Police Department, presented a summary of his futures portfolio: “Is Law Enforcement Ready for the Six Million Dollar Man?” Captain Deming focused on future medical advances that will allow officers to return from significant duty related injuries, equipped with rehabilitative devices such as ocular and cochlear implants, and even advanced prosthetics. Although these medical advances can turn the injured officer into “Officer” Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man of television fame, there are many ethical and constitutional legal issues that must be considered, including all the implications of data storage and prolonged life.
The keynote address was delivered by Commissioner Joseph Farrow, California Highway Patrol. Commissioner Farrow informed the audience that, due to circumstances at the time, he was unable to attend his own Command College graduation and deliver the class speech to Class 24. Commissioner Farrow found his original speech note and delivered the speech to Class 52. Of interesting note, the fundamental concepts and experience of Command College that existed for Class 24 still remain sound and relevant today.
Captain Mitchell Mueller, California Highway Patrol, was the Class Speaker. Deputy Chief Michael Hammel, Irvine Police Department, was the recipient of the Dorothy Harris Award for Academic Achievement and the recipient of the Hank Koehn award for “Most Inspirational Student.” Mr. Chris Dreisbach was the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Member Award.
Applications are currently being accepted for Law Enforcement Command College Class 56, which begins December 8, 2013, in San Diego. The deadline for submitting applications is August 2, 2013. Applicants must meet minimum experience requirements at the time the application is submitted. Comprehensive information regarding the Command College requirements, application, and curriculum may be obtained on the POST Website.
Questions about Command College registration or other matters may be directed to Senior Consultant Mike Davies, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-4892.
In April 2013, POST hosted a two-day meeting of the Reserve Program Advisory Council, which is a standing council that provides support for the Reserve Peace Officer Program by reviewing proposals and issues and serving as a sounding board. The California Reserve Peace Officer Program is composed of civic-minded citizens who choose to dedicate a portion of their time to community service by working as part-time employees or volunteers with law enforcement agencies. Reserve officers work with full-time regular officers to provide law enforcement services at the city, county, district, and state levels. Approximately 350 law enforcement agencies currently employ 5,600 reserve officers that perform a broad range of general and specialized law enforcement assignments.
The council is a multi-disciplinary group consisting of reserve officers, reserve coordinators, academies, modular format presenters, agency executives, and representatives of the California Reserve Peace Officers Association. The council meets, as needed, at the request of the Basic Training Bureau.
Council members met with POST staff and reviewed the status of the reserve program with an emphasis on recruitment and retention of reserve peace officers. The agenda also included making training more available for new reserve coordinators and providing update training for experienced coordinators. There was also a discussion of field training for reserve officers.
The next meeting of the council is planned for the latter part of 2013.
Questions about the Reserve Program Advisory Council or the Reserve Peace Officer Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2013 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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