april 2014
It has become all too common to see school violence reported in the news. These tragedies are senseless and leave law enforcement and the school communities grappling with how they could have happened, and if they could have been prevented.
There are no guarantees; however, the newly-released Did You Know video shows some of those signs that could potentially present an opportunity for intervention before a student becomes violent. All law enforcement officers who interact with students on or off campus should view this video.
Did You Know – “School Violence” can be viewed on the POST Website and on the Learning Portal (www.lp.post.ca.gov) under “Hotsheets.”
Questions about the Did You Know program may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2808.
academy instructor certification course under review
the academy instructor certification course (aicc) level 1 and instructor development institute (idi) instructors met this month in san jose. the focus of this meeting was to develop a train-the-trainer course for aicc instructors statewide. the group came to a consensus on the length and format of the class which will be presented in august. this class will offer the best practices and methods of the post course with the goal of sharing these methods statewide and creating more uniformity in the process.
the instructor standards advisory council (isac) met in san diego and reviewed the plans for regionalization of the aicc level 1, idi courses, and the stakeholders involved in this process. the council stressed the need for quality assessment of the course as it transitions from one team and one presenter to multiple presenters with multiple teams of instructors.
learning technology resources also provided an overview discussion of presenting new and updated courses for instructors on the learning portal.
questions about the instructor development institute may be directed to senior consultant charles evans, training program services bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
training managers course presented in windsor
in march 2014, 30 students attended the 36-hour training managers course presented by santa rosa junior college public safety training center. the course is designed for newly-assigned training managers. topics included developing a training plan, college resources, liability issues, adult learning concepts, and management of training records. additionally, post staff presented course certification, certificates, reimbursement procedures, and agency compliance inspections.
the next training managers course is scheduled for june 2-6, 2014. to register for the course, contact santa rosa junior college public safety training center at (707) 836-2912.
questions about the course may be directed to senior consultant karen lozito, training delivery and compliance bureau, at (916) 227-0471.
strategic plan update project
post is working with cal state sacramento’s center for collaborative policy (ccp) in an effort to update the post strategic plan. the goal of the project is to develop a 3-5 year plan with a 12-18 month initial work plan to address any recommended organizational changes to post’s structure and mission, identify any gaps between legislative intent and current post operations, and better align post services with the needs of the field.
both internal and external stakeholders will be interviewed for this project. post executive team members and bureau chiefs have been interviewed. line-level staff interviews commenced in april, along with phone interviews with external stakeholders.
work on the legislative research component continued throughout april with input from the post design team.
objectives for may include:
- completion of stakeholder interviews
- completion of legislative research component of the plan
- analysis of interview data and draft of assessment report
- preparation of summary findings report from ccp
questions about the strategic plan updates may be directed to senior consultant joe sampson, management counseling, leadership development bureau, at (916) 227-4806.
and the nominees are….
post has received its fourth emmy nomination for did you know – “distracted driving.” the announcement was made april 29 at the national academy for television arts and sciences award nomination ceremony in san diego. post is competing in the category of community public service – single spot campaign. the winners will be announced june 14, 2014.
the did you know are 30-60-second video spots that deliver a strong training message in a quick and dynamic way. the topic of this did you know is the importance of staying focused when driving. it relays the message that distracted driving is one of the top five factors identified as the cause in officer-involved collisions.
previous nominations were for “choices”, “10-97”, “choices”, “10-97”, and “fatigue”. the did you know – “10-97” was awarded an emmy for 2012. “distracted driving” and all of the post did you knows can be viewed on the learning portal.
questions about the did you know program may be directed to assistant executive director jan bullard, executive office, at (916) 227-2808.
respiratory and cardiovascular screening guidelines updated in the medical screening manual
the post medical screening manual for california law enforcement provides examination and evaluation protocols to assist agencies and screening physicians in the conduct of these evaluations in accordance with ca govt. code 1031(f) and commission regulation 1954. the manual is organized into separate body systems to allow for updates as necessitated by medical advances and legal developments. since its initial issuance in 1993, a number of chapters have been updated, some more than once.
for the first time since its initial issuance, the respiratory and cardiovascular chapters have been revised and will be available on the post website in early may. in addition to incorporating the advances in medical science, the new chapters now include guidance on additional conditions, such as sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
work continues on updating the manual, with revisions to the musculoskeletal, vision, and hematology chapters due later this year.
questions about the manual may be directed to special consultant shelley spilberg, ph.d., standards, evaluation, and research bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or personnel selection consultant melani singley, standards, evaluation, and research bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
ici detective training symposium
the 2014 institute of criminal investigation (ici) detective training symposium was held in april in universal city. this year’s training was attended by over 635 registered officers from numerous law enforcement agencies - it was the most successful symposium since its inception in 2006. in addition to 12 pertinent breakout training sessions, the symposium offered a number of keynote presentations highlighting a number of high-profile investigations to include the dorner investigation, the james dimaggio kidnap and murder investigation, the tom clements homicide and an ois presentation from marcus young. training topics included essential presentations addressing human trafficking, prison gang, sexual assault, interrogations, social media, dna and cellular technologies, and violent extremism investigations. the symposium also recognized a number of law enforcement professionals for exemplary investigations from around the state. several task forces, as well as individual investigators, received the investigative excellence awards for 2014.
the ici detective training symposium is presented by post in conjunction with los angeles police department, represented by officer amira smith, and allied sponsors. the symposium committee, led by del hanson, continually monitors the conference. committee members meet with presenter monitors to assess the training and make any necessary adjustments. the committee ensures seamless logistics, smooth registration, and conference flow. the result is little or no down time in order to allow for maximum training time.
questions about the ici symposium or the ici program maybe directed to senior consultant eddie freyer, training program services bureau, at (916) 227-4887.
meet the post new legislative analyst
senior consultant/legislative analyst alexis blaylock
executive office
on april 1, the executive office team welcomed alexis blaylock as the new legislative analyst. alexis replaces senior consultant charles evans who transferred to training program services bureau (tps). alexis transferred to the executive office from the basic training bureau (btb). in the btb, she managed the field training program (ftp), police training program (ptp), investigation and trial preparation course, and the aviation security course.
while in btb she worked with subject matter experts (smes) to update the investigation and trial preparation course (da trial prep) and the ftp/ptp courses. she just completed a revision to the ftp/ptp manual that will soon be available to the field. alexis brings a wide range of experience to her new position. alexis came to post in january 2012, as a sergeant from the san diego police department where she worked as an officer, a patrol sergeant, and an internal affairs investigative sergeant.
as the new legislative analyst, her responsibilities include: 1) reviewing and tracking assembly and senate bills to determine the impact, if any, on post programs or operations; 2) establishing and maintaining contact with the legislature, various committee staff, legislative aides, law enforcement groups, and labor groups, in preparing legislation that will assist post and benefit the law enforcement community; and 3) developing and maintaining liaison with news media as a resource for sharing information related to post and law enforcement programs and activities.
congratulations, alexis!
questions about legislative issues may be direct to senior consultant/legislative analyst alexis blaylock, executive office, at (916) 227-2085.
meet the new post employee
senior consultant valerie tanguay
training delivery and compliance bureau
post is pleased to welcome valerie tanguay as a senior consultant assigned to the training delivery and compliance bureau. she will manage region 8 as the post regional training consultant covering san luis obispo, santa barbara, and ventura counties, plus the los angeles police department (lapd).
valerie tanguay worked for the san bernardino county sheriff’s department (sbcsd) for nearly 36 years before retiring as a captain. her law enforcement career included assignments in the basic academy as a tactical officer and certified instructor in firearms, arrest and control, and other perishable skills training. as the sbcsd regional training center commander she was responsible for the regular basic course, all advanced officer training, emergency vehicle operations course, range operations, and reserve training programs. her final assignment was as the captain in charge of employee resources division which encompassed background investigations for all general and safety applicants, the coordination of testing and promotional procedures, and working with county counsel and county human resources in resolving personnel issues.
after graduating from the post supervisory leadership institute (sli), valerie returned as an auditor and was later selected as a facilitator for the program. for more than ten years she co-facilitated in the sli where she had the opportunity to work with sergeants from throughout the state. her other involvement with post included being part of various work groups as a subject matter expert in testing, training, leadership, and curriculum development.
valerie is a graduate of cal state san bernardino with bachelor degrees in criminal justice and liberal studies. she received her master’s degree in public administration from american military university in 2013. additionally, she completed the lapd west point leadership program and is a graduate of the fbi national academy (class 235) where she earned the research and writing award.
questions about region 8 may be directed to senior consultant valerie tanguay, training delivery and compliance bureau, at (916) 227-0472.
legislative update – status of current legislation
the following are bills in legislative session 2013-14 on which the commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
bill # and author |
title, summary, and commission positions |
status of bill |
ab 25 (campos) |
employment: social media.
an act to amend section 980 of the labor code, relating to employment.
existing law prohibits a private employer from requiring or requesting an employee or applicant for employment to disclose a username or password for the purpose of accessing personal social media, to access personal social media in the presence of the employer, or to divulge any personal social media. existing law prohibits a private employer from discharging, disciplining, threatening to discharge or discipline, or otherwise retaliating against an employee or applicant for not complying with a request or demand that violates these provisions.
this bill would apply the provisions described above to public employers, as defined. the bill would state that its provisions address a matter of statewide interest and apply to public employers generally, including charter cities and counties.
commission position: opposed
last amended date:
senate appropriations committee – 05/01/13
ab 1860 (m. perez) |
peace officers: basic training requirements.
an act to amend section 832 of the penal code, relating to peace officers.
this bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in those provisions.
commission position: no position
last amended date:
public safety committee – 03/20/14
ab 2314 (hall) |
peace officers: firearms.
an act to amend section 830.5 of the penal code, relating to peace officers.
this bill would require the chief probation officer of each county to train and arm those probation officers and deputy probation officers who are assigned supervision of persons on probation or postrelease community supervision that are deemed high-risk. this bill would require every county probation department to promulgate regulations consistent with these provisions.
commission position: no position
last amended date:
public safety committee –
ab 2387 (pan) |
commission on peace officer standards and training: contracting: authority.
an act to amend section 19132 of the government code, and to amend section 13503 of the penal code, relating to peace officers.
this bill would require the commission, provide that, in exercising its contracting authority, to determine if services to be contracted cannot be satisfactorily provided by the state civil service system because the services are highly specialized, the services cannot be performed by a civil service employee, or the services required are urgent or essential and delaying the performance of these services would frustrate the need for the services or resulting studies or reports.
this is a commission-sponsored bill.
commission position: support
last amended date:
appropriations – 04/21/14
second reading – ordered to consent calendar
ab 2623 (pan) |
elder and dependent adult abuse training.
an act to amend section 13515 of, and to add section 368.7 to, the penal code, relating to peace officers.
this bill would “require every law enforcement officer who would ordinarily respond to elder or dependent adult abuse reports or incidents of domestic violence to complete an updated course of instruction on elder abuse every two years.” this bill would also require local law enforcement agencies to provide its officers with cards that “summarizes the training received,” victims’ rights, local resources, and telephone numbers for other services.
commission position: oppose
last amended date:
assembly appropriations committee – 04/28/14
set for hearing: 05/07/14
sb 1278 (leno) |
animal control officers.
an act to amend section 830.9 of the penal code, relating to animal control officers.
this bill would require every person appointed as an animal control officer prior to july 1, 2015, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants no later than july 1, 2016. this bill would require every person appointed as an animal control officer, and every person appointed as a director, manager, supervisor, or any person in charge of an animal control agency, on or after july 1, 2015, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants within one year of his or her appointment, as specified. this bill would require every animal control officer, prior to the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants, to have satisfactorily completed the required course of training.
commission position: no position
last amended date:
senate appropriation committee – 04/34/14
suspense file – 04/28/14
sb 1321 (calderon) |
peace officers: training: canines.
an act relating to peace officers.
this bill would state the intent of the legislature to enact legislation to require the commission to develop training requirements for peace officers in the humane treatment of canines when encountering canine behavior.
commission position: no position
assignment date:
with committee rules –
waiting for assignment – 03/17/14
sb 1406 (wolk) |
correctional officers: napa county.
an act to amend section 831.5 of the penal code, relating to correctional officers.
this bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change.
commission position: no position
last amended date:
senate public safety – 04/22/14
ordered to third reading -- 5/05/14
the post monthly report is a monthly status report that informs post commissioners and the california law enforcement community of recent progress on post projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of california law enforcement.
©2014 commission on peace officer standards and training | 1601 alhambra blvd. sacramento, ca 95816
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