August 2012
The 2012 Environmental Crimes Symposium, jointly sponsored by POST and Cal EPA, will be held November 6-8, 2012, at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento. The theme of the symposium is “Collaboration, Partnership, and Integration in Environmental Crimes Enforcement.”
This Symposium will bring together law enforcement and environmental regulatory agencies to discuss proven tools and innovative strategies to address threats to public safety and the environment through detection, investigation, enforcement actions, and successful prosecutions.
Topics will include:
- Crisis in California – Metal Theft
- Cost Recovery – How to Leverage Funding
- Regulatory Framework Overview
- Integrating the Expertise of Regulators and Law Enforcement
- Evidence, Information Sharing, and Confidentiality Issues
- Complex Case Coordination
- Environmental Justice
- Case Studies
The intended audience for this event is leadership from state and local law enforcement and environmental regulatory agencies. Symposium presentations will be geared to assist chief executives, directors, and managers by providing the current information for those who set policy, establish priorities, and develop agency procedures.
There is no cost to attend the symposium, Law enforcement personnel travel and per diem reimbursement will be authorized via POST Letter of Agreement. Regulatory personnel travel and per diem reimbursement will be available through SEP scholarship funds administered through Cal EPA.
To register for the symposium, visit the San Diego Regional Training Center website at:
Questions about the Environmental Crimes Symposium may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) facilitators met in August 2012, for the fall workshop. The facilitators convene twice each year to discuss SBSLI curriculum and instructional protocols. The intensive 24-hour agenda included a review of “The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors, and One Woman's Fight for Justice,” by Kathryn Bolkovac. The author, a former Nebraska police officer, recounts her experience following acceptance of a position with a military contractor in Bosnia. It was during this assignment that the author became aware of some private contractors’ involvement in human trafficking. SBSLI facilitators are presently considering Ms. Bolkovac’s book for inclusion in the SBSLI.
Another component of the workshop entailed familiarization with recently purchased Kindles, which will allow SBSLI students to access electronic books used in the course instead of the hardbound books. Each facilitator was given an overview of the operation and capabilities of the Kindle.
A briefing was conducted by Sergeant Mike Reilly from the Oakland Police Department regarding the March 21, 2009, incident in which four Oakland police officers were killed in the line of duty. SBSLI already includes a case study on the event; however, Sergeant Reilly was able to give significant background information, which will enrich discussions during the class review of the incident.
Museum of Tolerance staff members Dr. Terrence Roberts, Mark Katrikh, and Michael Eselun met with facilitators to discuss strategies for maintaining positive interaction and relevance of curriculum. SBSLI students spend two days at the Museum of Tolerance during Session Six of the course.
The following items were reviewed for possible inclusion in the SBSLI: “Allegory of the Cave,” “Analects of Confucius and Aristotle’s Ethics,” “Invictus Protocols,” and the video entitled “Miss Representation” (an exploration of the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence).
The workshop’s timing proved fortuitous in that the cadre of facilitators reached its highest level during the month of August. During August, five SBSLI classes started, requiring ten facilitators. Ordinarily, no more than two SBSLI classes begin in any month. However, at its June meeting the Commission, in an effort to reduce a backlog of applicants, approved a one-time addition of three classes and an ongoing increase in class size from 24 to 26 students. This has proven highly effective as the backlog has been eliminated altogether. Moreover, available seats in future classes are, for the first time in several years, outnumbering candidates.
Questions about the SBSLI program may be directed to Senior Consultant Kevin Hart, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
The SAFE Driving Campaign recently established a MOTORS Advisory Group. MOTORS stands for Motor Officer Training and Operations Review for Safety. The group’s mandate is the advancement of preferred policy, training practices, and safety equipment intended to reduce fatal and serious injury traffic collisions involving law enforcement motorcycle officers.
The MOTORS Advisory Group held its first meeting during July in Sacramento. Participants consisted of motor unit managers, supervisors, and lead trainers from various police departments including the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, El Cerrito, and Davis; sheriff’s departments, including counties of Alameda and San Bernardino; the California Highway Patrol; and the California Office of Traffic Safety.
The participants defined the scope and characteristics of concerns pertaining to law enforcement motorcycle officers. They identified both the primary and secondary causal factors of collisions involving motor officers. Potential countermeasures were reviewed and in-depth discussions occurred regarding the following topics:
- Initial and Basic Motors Training
- In-Service Training
- Training Exercises
- General Motorcycle Operation
- Equipment and Uniforms
- Fatigue
- Distraction
- Escort Operations
The MOTORS Advisory Group will continue meeting on a routine basis.
Questions about the SAFE Driving Campaign and MOTORS Advisory Group may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
POST held a two-day review of the dispatcher selection test battery during August 2012, in San Diego. The focus included review of guidelines and specifications to ensure current test items are relevant to the job of a dispatcher and constructing alternative audio portions of the existing exam. POST extended invitations for this workshop to communication center managers/supervisors, dispatcher trainers, dispatchers (new and experienced), and other personnel who have been actively involved in the recruitment, selection, retention, training, and career development of public safety dispatchers.
The next two-day workshop is scheduled to be held in Burlingame in December 2012. That workshop will focus on creating new test items for the test battery.
For updated information, contact Associate Governmental Program Analyst Kenya Smith, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4957.
Questions about the workshop or the POST Dispatcher Selection Test Battery may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Brown, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
On August 2012, the California Reserve Peace Officers Association (CRPOA) held its annual training conference in San Diego. Approximately 400 reserve officers and coordinators from throughout the state were in attendance. The training consisted of 18 different classes covering a variety of subjects. Officers attending the conference could receive up to 24 hours of training to meet the Continuing Professional Training requirement. As part of the conference, Bureau Chief Frank Decker and senior consultants Robert Ziglar and Mike Barnes presented a four-hour update on the Reserve Peace Officer Program for experienced reserve coordinators and an eight-hour introduction course for newly assigned coordinators; 80 reserve coordinators and trainers attended the presentations. The subjects included reserve levels, peace officer selection, entry level and in-service training requirements, requalification, course presentation, and compliance reviews.
Questions about the reserve coordinator training classes may be directed to Senior Consultant Mike Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
The LD 18 Investigative Report Writing Project has resulted in the creation of a reliable, legally defensible framework to improve the presentation of the Investigative Report Writing Learning Domain in the Regular Basic Course (RBC). The framework, includes two grading processes: a Numeric Deduction and Rubric Matrix (Pass/Fail) system, and a grading form compatible with both systems.
As of July 1, 2012, the RBC Learning Domain 18 Training and Testing Specifications (TTS) were modified to reflect the new grading and scoring framework, and define the final testing requirements that allow the individual RBC presenters to simplify the examination process. The former TTS required an RBC recruit to successfully complete test reports that included, among other things, a rudimentary investigation and an arrest. The new TTS requires one test report that contains both an investigation and an arrest.
A workshop was developed to train report writing instructors in the new testing form and process. To date, three workshops have been conducted and a fourth workshop is scheduled for October 22-24, 2012, in Garden Grove, California.
Due to high demand and the need to develop new training videos for LD 18, staff and report writing subject matter experts developed scenarios on several topics. A domestic violence and a car stop scenario were selected for video production. To ensure the content of the training videos is realistic, staff invited RBC instructors who currently teach Learning Domains on Laws of Arrest, Search and Seizure, Investigative Report Writing, Use of Force, Vehicle Pullovers, and Domestic Violence to participate in a one-day meeting to review the scenarios. During August, the subject matter experts met with personnel from Digital Outpost (a video production company) to transform the scenarios into video scripts and identify resources needed to produce the report writing videos. Filming of the videos is schedule for November 2012.
Questions about the production of LD 18 videos may be directed to Senior Consultant Alexis Blaylock, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3935.
Questions about the LD 18 Investigative Report Writing Project may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Chau N. Chan, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4836.
The Southern California Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) Conference took place in August 2012, in Santa Ana. During the conference, staff briefed the assembly on recent updates to Regular Basic Course Learning Domain 37, People with Disabilities. The presentation included a brief overview of course content, including disability laws, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and mental illness. Staff also presented changes in language and learning activities, and how the course helps to prepare officers to deal with related crises in the performance of their duties.
Questions about the conference and/or the proposed revised course content may be directed to Senior Consultant Alexis Blaylock, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3935.
The Awards Review Subcommittee of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has selected the winning program for the 2012 IACP/Sprint Excellence in Law Enforcement Research Award. The California Department of Justice, Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training has been selected as the Gold Award winner for its SAFE Driving Research Program.
The IACP and Sprint announce the annual Excellence in Law Enforcement Research Award to recognize law enforcement agencies that demonstrate excellence in initiating, collaborating on, and employing research to improve police operations and public safety. The goal of this award program is to promote the establishment of effective research, especially partnerships among law enforcement agencies and researchers. Sprint, the award sponsor, will host a ceremony in honor of this year’s award winner and honorable mention recipients during the 119th Annual IACP Conference in San Diego, California.
Questions about the SAFE Driving Research Program or POST’s IACP/Sprint Excellence in Law Enforcement Research Award may be directed to Bureau Chief Bryon G. Gustafson, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4832.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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