august 2014
Today’s law enforcement officers encounter an ever-increasing number of challenges as they serve their communities. With that responsibility comes a constantly evolving need for contemporary training in order to keep up with the demands of the profession.
With the increasing knowledge of emergency medical care, particularly the battlefield experience our nation’s military has experienced in recent deployments and strides in technology, today’s first responders have the opportunity to better serve injured or ill persons they encounter during their assignments utilizing new skills and equipment. To address these needs, the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) and the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA), which establishes First Aid/CPR training standards for public safety personnel, has collaborated to update the content of First Aid/CPR training requirements for public safety personnel.
The Basic Training Bureau facilitated informational meetings with statewide stakeholders, including personnel from a variety of public safety disciplines, EMSA, and major law enforcement professional associations. The meetings were held to promote understanding of revisions to First Aid/CPR regulations and the best course of action to address the needs of today’s law enforcement officers. This unified commitment to developing the regulations, including the application of a competency-based standard to assess student learning, was the outcome of the collaborative effort by law enforcement and EMSA.
POST is grateful for the leadership and responsiveness of EMSA. POST is committed to working with EMSA and law enforcement stakeholders to complete the task of updating basic, in-service, and instructor First Aid/CPR training. This effort is based on a genuine interest in providing the best possible service to communities served by public safety personnel.
Questions about the development of First Aid/CPR curriculum for public safety may be directed to Senior Consultant Phil Caporale, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-2519.
During August 2014, POST Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, and Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau met, with representatives from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Los Angeles (spcaLA). The meeting was held at the request of the spcaLA in response to several high-profile officer-involved shootings of dogs throughout the United States.
SpcaLA is seeking POST certification of a four-hour block of instruction entitled, “Dog Behavior for Law Enforcement Officers.” The proposed course is based on the philosophy of dog psychology. This belief system suggests that law enforcement officers encountering aggressive or non-aggressive “family dogs” could be trained to assess a dog’s behavior, and correspondingly modify their own actions based on the relational needs of the dog.
Questions about this proposed course may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4549; or to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
POST has reached over 75,000 registered users of the Learning Portal. This includes sworn, dispatch, and a growing number of Non-Peace Officers via the Learning Portal Administrator Request (2-339) (pdf).
Over 170,000 course completions have been recorded representing nearly 649,000 hours of Continuing Professional Training (CPT) credit automatically recorded on the student’s POST training profile.
Users can currently access 16 self-paced training courses, several performance support tools, and hundreds of different resources, including Case Law Today, Homeland Security Training videos, audio files, presentation files, and various high-profile reports. All online courses have CPT credit associated with them. Many of the online courses help agencies meet training mandates. Details are found in the “POST Resources that Meet Mandates” document on the Portal.
New to the Portal is a dedicated Dispatch Center, where dispatchers explore, discuss, and share all things dispatch-related. Coming soon is a similar area for training managers.
Questions about the Learning Portal may be directed to Sr. Instructional Systems Engineer Rich Dunn, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4262.
The first of several meetings to create a POST video on the subject of AB 109, Realignment, was held this month in San Diego. POST and Digital OutPost personnel facilitated a group of subject matter experts on the outline of what is expected to be a very informative project to help educate line-level as well as command and executive law enforcement personnel to the complexities of realignment and successful strategies utilized by various agencies.
Questions about the POST videos or Learning Technology Resources Bureau programs may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
During August 2014, a Train-the-Trainer, Level-1, Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC) was conducted at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Sacramento, California. The class was attended by 20 academy instructors. Each student-instructor actively experienced a full spectrum of a re-design of the AICC curriculum and instructional methodologies. The course received overwhelming accolades from all participants. The class is hands-on and interactive, combining strong learning content with high-impact activities, including real-world practice, scenarios, case studies, and simulations. These proven instructional techniques and tools have resulted in the creation of an engaging, performance-based training experience in superior learning and maximum transfer to the job. Future curriculum revisions will integrate classroom designs with other delivery methods like eLearning, virtual classroom, and performance support aids for a robust, blended solution.
Questions about the Instructor Development Institute may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
The California Reserve Peace Officers Association (CRPOA) held its annual training conference in San Diego on August 20-23, 2014. Over 400 reserve officers and coordinators attended the conference. Attendees were able to attend training on several topics, including Ethical Decision Making, Hot Topics in Police Liability, Below 100, Human Trafficking, Basic Bike Patrol, Cell Phone and Identity Theft, First Aid and CPR Refresher, and Arson Investigation. Continuing Professional Training credit was granted for attendance at these classes.
Bureau Chief Frank Decker helped to open the conference by welcoming the attendees and responding to a series of questions submitted by CRPOA members. On August 21, he and Senior Consultant Jeff Dunn presented an eight-hour Reserve Coordinator Introduction class for newer reserve coordinators, followed the next day by two four-hour Reserve Coordinator Update classes for experienced coordinators. A total of 75 attendees participated in the three classes, which provided information and discussion on reserve training, reserve levels, selection standards, training requirements, and recruitment.
Questions related to the reserve coordinator classes or the Reserve Peace Officer Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Jeff Dunn, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4873.
The Motorcycle subcommittee from the SAFE (Situation-Appropriate, Focused and Educated) Driving Campaign met this month in San Diego. The group discussed a possible near-miss study and the creation of a motorcycle best practices document.
Questions about the POST SAFE program may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
Basic Training Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Patricia Grier as an Office Technician assigned to the Basic Training Bureau.
Patricia started her career with the State of California in 2007 as a Correctional Officer for the California Youth Authority (CYA) in Paso Robles. Due to realignment at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), she transitioned to a position as a Case Record Technician in the Central Valley, where she remained for five years. Patricia later decided to relocate to Sacramento, California, and worked for the Department of Motor Vehicles for the past 2½ years before she came to POST. Patricia’s position puts her at the hub of all Basic Training communications, and she will be the first point of contact for the Bureau.
Questions about Basic Training Bureau programs may be directed to Office Technician Patricia Grier, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4252.
Basic Training Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Nichole Develey as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst assigned to the Basic Training Bureau.
Nichole is a veteran member of state service, and comes to POST with a very strong background in law enforcement training administration. Nichole earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology from CSU, Sacramento, in 2000, and upon graduation accepted a job as a Criminal Identification Specialist with the California Department of Justice (DOJ). After ten years with DOJ, Nichole transferred to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Academy where she spent the last two years in the Training Unit and developed expertise in the POST certification process, course development, and presentation. Nichole’s primary assignment will be to assist in managing the Field Training Program throughout the state.
Questions about the Field Training Program may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Nichole Develey, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2014-15 on which the Commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Positions |
Status of Bill |
AB 1598 (Rodriguez)
Emergency response services: active shooter incidents.
This bill would require the Office of Emergency Services and the Emergency Medical Services Authority to consult with POST regarding responses to active shooter incidents, training related to the responsibilities of first responders to terrorism incidents, criteria for coordinating among different responding entities, and inclusion of emergency medical services integration and coordination in peace officer training. The bill would require POST to update its SWAT guidelines and training to also address tactical casualty care and training related to first responders to terrorism incidents, and coordination with emergency medical services providers.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Amended in Senate – 08/12/14
Enrolled 08/21/14
AB 2387 (Pan)
Public contracts.
Existing law requires a state agency proposing to execute a personal services contract to notify all organizations that represent state employees who perform the type of work to be contracted.
This bill would exempt personal services contracts entered into by the Commission from that notification requirement.
This is a Commission-sponsored bill.
Commission Position: Support
Last Amended Date:
Amended in Senate – 08/22/14
Ordered to Engrossing and Enrolling – 08/27/14
AB 2623 (Pan)
Elder and dependent adult abuse training.
This bill sought to “require every law enforcement officer who would ordinarily respond to elder or dependent adult abuse reports or incidents of domestic violence to complete an updated course of instruction on elder abuse every two years.” This bill also sought to require local law enforcement agencies to provide its officers with cards that “summarizes the training received,” victims’ rights, local resources, and telephone numbers for other services.
Through POST’s collaborative efforts with the author, the bill was amended to include certain course content in an update of the course. The amendments are satisfactory and no action is required on this item. The original training requirements were removed.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Amended in Assembly – 05/23/14
Enrolled – 08/22/14
SB 505 (Jackson)
Peace Officers: Welfare Checks and Firearms
This bill would require every law enforcement agency to develop, adopt, and implement written policies and standard protocols pertaining to the best manner to conduct a “welfare check” when the inquiry into the welfare or well-being of the person is motivated by a concern that the person may be a danger to himself/herself or others. The policies are to encourage peace officers, prior to conducting the welfare check whenever possible and reasonable, to conduct a search of the Department of Justice Automated Firearms System via the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) to determine whether the person is the registered owner of a firearm.
This requirement is only applicable provided it poses no undue burden on the execution of the officer’s other duties, that there are no exigent circumstances demanding immediate attention, and that the officer has access to, or can ascertain, relevant identifying information.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Amended in Assembly – 08/18/14
Enrolled – 08/25/14

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2014 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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