december 2015
POST Monthly Report and Year-In Review
By Robert A. Stresak
As 2016 begins, I extend on the behalf of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) the warmest wishes for the holiday season and the sincerest of hopes that this New Year will bless you with health and prosperity; and that each of us, in any way we can, take some time to serve those less fortunate.
The spirit of cooperation and collaboration is alive, well, and strong among California’s law enforcement community. My appreciation and thanks goes out to the boards and memberships of the California State Sheriffs' Association, the California Police Chiefs Association, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, the California Peace Officers' Association, the California Narcotics Officers Association, the California Academy Directors Association, the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training, and countless of other regional Chiefs and Sheriffs' Association that the Commission relies on for support throughout the year.
My thanks goes out to all the Chiefs, Sheriffs, community groups, academics, and others who have so willingly donated subject matter experts throughout the year to POST for comprehensive review and updating of training curricula or development of new courses that fulfill unmet training needs. This work is endless and the rewards to California’s communities are immeasurable.
California law enforcement training continues to enjoy a national reputation for leadership in training. The Commission recently received its second EMMY for law enforcement training programs. Yet, we must guard against complacency and remain vigilant for improvement. Our communities expect no less and are the direct benefactor of the Commission’s efforts to keep law enforcement services professional and competent resulting in communities where schools, commerce, and families can thrive and be free of the crippling impact of crime.
The Commission remains committed to the core values of reverence for life and respect for law. The 2015 posed immense challenges to law enforcement throughout the nation. Rush to judgment has become the benchmark in evaluating law enforcement actions. Yet, at the same time, there is an expectation that officers who weather the daily barrage of national criticism will continue to respond unflinchingly toward danger and unforeseen tragedy when called to do so. There remains no doubt in my mind that they will continue to remain true to their sworn oath to protect. While centered on our core values, the Commission continues to support the brave men and women who daily strive to do their best often under difficult circumstances. Temperance until all facts are known serves all of us.
Concerns for, and threats against, homeland security remain paramount in our communities. Now more than ever it is imperative that we continue to adequately fund, develop, and deliver comprehensive training programs for California’s peace officers to keep them trained, practiced, and competent to respond to criminal and terrorist acts intended to murder unarmed, innocent people. The Commission extends its profound sympathies to all those who have been impacted by the senseless loss of life.
There is no question regarding the manifold benefits of the standardized selection and training of California’s peace officers. The recent San Bernardino tragedy highlights the significance and value of the Commission on POST. San Bernardino Sheriff John McMahon recently stated:
“Multiple law enforcement agencies from throughout the region responded to the reports of active shooters at the Inland Regional Center. Although responding agencies had not trained together it was apparent that standardized POST training completed by those officers in preparation for such an incident ensured a uniform response from arriving officers, saving crucial time. Officers from different jurisdictions instinctively knew how to assemble and initiate a unified response, eliminating delays that could make the difference between life and death for helplessly trapped people.”
I look forward to 2016 and the continued opportunity to serve the Commission, California law enforcement, and the communities of California.
The Basic Academy Instructor Certificate Course (AICC) establishes instructor training and certification requirements for California law enforcement training academies. The purpose of the course is to recognize demonstrated competency levels in education and training experience for each instructor. This in turn, improves the overall professionalism, quality, and effectiveness of law enforcement training. From January 1 through June 30, 2016, twelve AICC’s will be presented throughout the state on the following dates and locations:
- 01/04-08/16 – Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, 16791 Davis Avenue, Riverside, CA 92518; (951) 486-2800
- 01/04-08/16 – Stanislaus County Sheriff Office Regional Training Center, 3805 Cornucopia Way, Modesto, CA 95358; (209) 567-4408
- 01/04-08/16 – San Diego Miramar College, 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA 92108; (619) 388-7448
- 01/11-15/16 – CSU, Long Beach, Justice Research & Training Center, 12221 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92840; (562) 985-4940
- 01/18-22/16 – San Diego Miramar College, 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA 92108; (619) 388-7448
- 01/25-29/16 – South Bay Regional Training Consortium, 11990 Marsh Creek Road, Clayton, CA 94517; (408) 270-6458
- 02/22-26/16 – Allan Hancock College, Lompoc, CA; (805) 922-6966 Ext. 5814
- 02/22-26/16 – San Diego Miramar College, 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA 92108; (619) 388-7448
- 03/07-11/16 – Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, 16791 Davis Avenue, Riverside, CA 92518; (951) 486-2800
- 03/21-25/16 – Ontario-San Diego Regional Training Center, 700 N. Haven, Ontario, CA 91764; (858) 550-0040
- 04/04-08/16 – San Diego Miramar College, 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA 92108; (619) 388-7448
- 06/06-10/16 – South Bay Regional Training Consortium, 333 90th Street, Daly City, CA 94015; (408) 270-6458
Questions about this report may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
During December 2015, POST hosted members of the New Orleans Police Department in order to provide an overview of law enforcement standards in California with respect to best practices, development of curriculum, and administration of training. The event was a collaborative endeavor by several bureaus within POST and by team members from the New Orleans Police Department.
POST is honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to showcase the tremendous work by the California law enforcement community. This recognition is certainly a reflection of the quality and professionalism of California law enforcement, and POST staff ensured the recognition was appropriately shared.
The fact that a significant portion of POST regulation, curriculum development, and training is driven by subject matter experts from throughout the California law enforcement community not only underscores the tremendous impact and contribution of POST stakeholders, but it also reinforces the collaborative relationship between the field and POST staff.
POST staff were not only impressed by the enthusiasm of the New Orleans Police Department, but also with each team member’s genuine dedication to excellence in training.
Questions about the site visit by the New Orleans Police Department may be directed to Bureau Chief Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261; or Bureau Chief Bob Ziglar, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
The Racial Profiling Train-the-Trainer is required under POST Regulation 1070 to instruct racial profiling in the Regular Basic Course or any in-service course or update course.
Currently, the Museum of Tolerance (MOT) is the only presenter. The MOT train-the-trainer utilizes class discussions, exercises, and a POST-produced video to cover topics such as: Racial Profiling Defined, History of Civil Rights, Legal Considerations, and Community Considerations. At the conclusion of the course, students will demonstrate proficiency by participating in a teach-back exercise evaluated by the training staff.
During 2016, the Museum of Tolerance (MOT) will present two POST-certified “Racial Profiling Train-the-Trainer class as follows:
- 01/11-13/16 - This course will be held at the MOT and is presently closed due to student capacity. The class has an extensive waiting list.
- 04/25-27/16 - This course will be held at the San Francisco Police Department. Enrollment is presently open.
Information regarding class enrollment should be directed to Director Mark Katrikh, Tools for Tolerance® for Law Enforcement Program, at (310) 772-7615 or Fax: (310) 772-7626.
Questions about this report may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
On December 1-3, 2015, POST Training Program Services Bureau hosted the annual Regional Skills Training Center (RSTC) workshop. Force Option Simulator (FOS) and Law Enforcement Driving Simulator (LEDS) representatives from throughout the state were in attendance. This workshop covered training from the Milo Range and FAAC representatives, discussions about maintenance agreements and troubleshooting issues, a presentation from SKIDCAR, Inc. and a presentation by Sergeant Casey Bokavich, Redding Police Department on educating Community Leaders on Use of Force. This annual workshop is a great opportunity to network with other RSTC representatives and discuss current trends as it relates to perishable skill training facing law enforcement today.
If you have any questions regarding RSTC as it relates to the FOS or LEDS programs, please contact Special Consultant Tamara Baarts, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-1595.
In response to the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 953, POST will update its “Racial Profiling Train-the-Trainer” curriculum.
On October 3, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 953: The Racial and Identity Profiling Act of 2015 into California law. Written by Assembly Member Shirley Weber’s (D-San Diego), AB 953 now requires law enforcement agencies to collect basic information on police stops in response to growing concerns about racial profiling and police misconduct. Assembly Bill 953 will do the following:
- Update California’s definition of racial and identity profiling to be in line with federal recommendations by including other demographic characteristics, such as gender and sexual orientation.
- Require that California law enforcement agencies uniformly collect and report data on stops, frisks, and other interactions with the communities they serve.
- Establish an advisory board to analyze stop data and develop recommendations to address problems with disparate policing where they exist.
This content will be addressed in the January and April Train-the-Trainer Course.
Questions about this report may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
During March 2016, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Academy will adapt its proprietary instructor development course to align with the POST-certified Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC), Expanded Course Outline (ECO), and hourly distribution. This course will develop and recognize demonstrated competency levels in education and training experience for each Academy instructor. This, in turn, will improve the overall professionalism, quality, and effectiveness of law enforcement training.
Questions about this report may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
On January 13, 2016, at 1:00 p.m., POST will host the graduation ceremony for the Instructor Development Institute (IDI), Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC), Class No. 9.
These graduates have invested an extraordinary amount of time, talent, and energy in fulfillment the curricula intensive yearlong program requirements. As a result, they have progressively developed into a cadre of highly-skilled knowledge workers, capable of developing, designing, and delivering effective training outcomes. They are also capable of leading and mentoring others, evaluating current training, and making recommendations for curriculum modifications. Graduates can be utilized in a variety of law enforcement training contexts and by POST. Completing the course is a major accomplishment. A formal graduation provides an opportunity to recognize the efforts made by each graduate.
Questions about the ceremony may be directed to Executive Director Mike Grey, San Diego Regional Training Center, at (858) 550-0040.
Questions about the IDI and the MICC may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 215-4432.
The following is a synopsis of POST projects and activities for 2015. The full text of each month’s POST Monthly Reports can be accessed through the POST Website.
January 2015
POST did not publish a January 2015 POST Monthly Report due to the move to West Sacramento.
February 2015
Plans were underway for a 3-day workshop for peace officer screening psychologists to be conducted on June 4-6, 2015, at the new POST Headquarters in West Sacramento. A follow-on to the recent publication of the POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual, this fee-based workshop provided 21 hours of instruction that counted towards both the California Board of Psychology continuing education (CE) and POST continuing professional education (CPE) requirements. The highly-interactive workshop sessions covered POST regulations and guidelines, best practices in the implementation and interpretation of written assessments, personal history information, interview practices, data integration and reporting practices. Information on the impact of ADA/GINA (Americans Disabilities Act/Genetics Information Nondisclosure Act) and the California Fair Employment Housing Act (FEHA) on the conduct of psychological screening will be key representatives from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). Hands-on training in the use of commonly-used written assessments was provided by experts from major test publishers.
More detailed information on these workshops was sent to chiefs and sheriffs, and those psychologists listed on the POST CPE Website. Note: Commission Regulation 1955(b) requires that all peace officer screening psychologists include their profile information on the POST CPE Website.
Training Program Services personnel attended the Sacramento Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration presentation of “Night of Dialogue.” The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mental health, law enforcement, and public administration perspectives on serving people with mental illnesses. Approximately 60 meeting attendees participated in this positive forum for the community and law enforcement.
March 2015
During March 2015, the Basic Training Bureau hosted a Learning Domain (LD) 37 (People with Disabilities) workshop in Sacramento to review the Training and Testing Specifications, and to identify gaps or additional content needed to enhance the training on mental health and de-escalation techniques. The workgroup consisted of subject matter experts such as basic academy directors, academy instructors, mental health advocates, and representatives from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS). The next workshop (April 21-23) included an attorney representing Disability Rights of California and subsequent workshops will review the LD 37 workbook.
In March 2015, POST staff attended the “Adaptive Leadership Symposium” in Long Beach, California. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce adaptive leadership concepts to a coalition of Los Angeles Unified School District principals.
Approximately ten facilitators from the POST Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) were invited to attend the meeting due to their extensive expertise in facilitating adaptive leadership training to first-line law enforcement supervisors in California. The key note speaker for this event was Marty Linsky, co-author of “Leadership on the Line,” and Kendall Zoller, co-author of “The Choreography of Presenting: The 7 Essential Abilities of Effective Presenters.”
POST is evaluating the integration of adaptive leadership principals into current and future courses.
April 2015
POST staff attended a Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinator (TLOC) Conference, held April 2015 in Sacramento, hosted by the Central California Intelligence Center/Sacramento Regional Threat Assessment Center. Approximately 100 Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLOs), mostly from the 34 counties of the Federal Eastern District of California, joined personnel from the US Attorney’s Office, FBI, other Fusion Centers and guests to receive briefings from federal, state and local representatives. Topics included significant Suspicious Activity Reporting (SARs), Homegrown Violent Extremists/Travelers, Active Shooter Case Studies/Mumbai/Westgate Mall Terrorists, Current Worldwide Terrorists Threats, use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), and Guidance for Law Enforcement on Unauthorized use of UASs.
POST confirmed release of the State Threat Assessment System (STAS) training program video to over 600 law enforcement agencies in California and expressed appreciation to fusion center subject matter experts for their outstanding contribution to the production. The program can be viewed on the POST Learning Portal.
The agenda also provided a TLO Program Update and TLOC Roundtable about training, information sharing, and threat-related issues for first responders. The information disseminated at the conference was timely, relevant, and beneficial to help the public and private sectors in their mission to secure the homeland.
Mandates Minder is a new mobile application that provides easy access to Legislative and POST training mandates. Mandates may be searched by position, title, or key word. The app includes information on each mandate, including links to the penal codes, regulations, refresher training requirements, and it gives the user the ability to set reminders.
Mandates Minder is available at the iOS App Store and the Android devices are available at the Google Playstore.
Attendance at the Northern California POST Psychological Screening Workshop, held June 4-6 at POST in West Sacramento, reached capacity. The Southern California workshop was held July 16-18 at the Embassy Suites Anaheim-Orange.
The 3-day, fee-based workshops provided 21 hours of continuing education that count toward both California Board of Psychology and POST requirements. The highly-interactive workshop sessions provided training on POST regulations and guidelines, best practices in the implementation and interpretation of written assessments, personal history information, interview practices, data integration, and reporting practices.
The workshops are part of a larger effort to ensure the competence of psychological evaluators and has included the establishment of continuing professional education (CPE) requirements [Commission (Regulation 1955(b)], the publication of the POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening Manual, and the identification of psychologists who conduct pre-employment evaluations statewide. With assistance from California chiefs and sheriffs, the list of POST Peace Officer Psychological Evaluators has grown to over 150 members.
May 2015
The Training Program Services Bureau has partnered with Dr. Gary Klein and his team of researchers to study law enforcement decision-making challenges during the initial stages of critical and chaotic incidents. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office has offered the Urban Shield Training exercise as a unique platform to collect data from real-time dynamic scenarios. Through observations and interviews, the researchers will identify the essential components of crisis decision-making through a Cognitive Task Analysis that will be utilized in the development of new training approaches. Future training curriculum will be designed to improve officer decision making skills especially during critical incidents.
In May 2015, POST launched a new webpage on the POST Website entitled: “Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy.” This webpage is designed to provide the law enforcement community with contemporary information and pragmatic approaches to build on the principles related to procedural justice and police legitimacy concepts developed over several decades. The site features:
- Symposiums, presentations, articles, and discussions relevant to examining explicit and implicit biases, procedural justice, police legitimacy, and perceptions of justice in the legal system.
- Strategies designed to improve relationships, increase trust between the minority communities and the criminal justice system, and to advance the public and scholarly understandings of the issues contributing to those relationships.
- Access to stories and many other types of artifacts: Podcasts and Presentations, many by thought leaders and others; influential articles, books, and ideas that have shaped procedural justice and police legitimacy.
- Links to videos and other social media that effectively convey key foundational concepts and much more.
June 2015
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Pacific Southwest Chapter, awarded an Emmy for Did You Know - School Violence in the category of Community/Public Service (PSAs) - Single Spot/Campaign at the 41st Annual Pacific Southwest Emmy Awards© in Palm Springs. Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard attended and accepted the Emmy Award on behalf of POST.
The video presents the topic of school shootings in a dramatic manner and includes a link at the end to a national website for information on Threat Assessment: Predicting and Preventing School Violence. Two other Did You Knows, “Night Driving” and “Domestic Violence” were nominated.
The Did You Know series was created by POST in 2010 to feature important informational messages in a quick and dynamic way. This is the second Emmy awarded for a POST Did You Know. All Did You Know videos can be seen on the Learning Portal.
Senior consultants Janna Munk, Ralph Brown, and Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard were invited to speak at the Annual California Crisis Intervention Association conference in San Diego on June 26. The conference was attended by over 200 law enforcement, legal, and mental health professionals who came to learn about and discuss the challenges of the mental health system in California.
Staff presented an overview of POST and the history of POST’s involvement in the development and certification of mental health training, the development of curriculum for the Regular Basic Course, and resources and trends in mental health training in the law enforcement community. Janna also introduced the group to the new POST Mental Health Website that she developed. This site is a remarkable resource for information on courses, existing crisis intervention teams throughout the state, links to mental health organizations and associations, and an extensive FAQ section. The presentation was well received, and POST is committed to assisting agencies with this very important training need.
In early June, POST released its newest training video called “Homelessness and Policing: A Collaborative Approach” (POST multimedia program #264). The goal for this training is to raise awareness among law enforcement personnel regarding homelessness and how to effectively handle these calls for service. The program includes several scenarios to demonstrate key points and provides in-depth interviews with subject matter experts and law enforcement personnel from throughout the state who cover different aspects of homelessness and offer best practices to incorporate on the job. Segments include: Stages of Homelessness, Approach and Contact, Enforcement and Collaboration, Leveraging Available Resources, and Legal Considerations and Potential Liabilities. The training video offers two viewing modes and printable documents for either group-facilitated or individual instruction.
The DVD was mass-mailed statewide to training managers or training departments at law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional DVD copies may be ordered online using the POST Video Catalog. The videos are available on DVD format only.
July 2015
During July 2015, POST and the Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) convened at POST in Sacramento. The primary function of the ISAC is to advise POST and the Commission regarding enhancing instructional design, development, and delivery of the Instructor Development Institute (IDI) program. The Council approved four agenda action items to improve the training curriculum, design, build and implement best-in-class learning solutions. They include:
- Exploring the feasibility of integrating blended learning into the IDI, Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC) as defined by POST Regulation 1001.
- Designing, developing, and integrating an instructional DVD into the IDI, AICC, to address expanded course outlines, and model effective facilitated instructional presentations.
- Redesigning the IDI, AICC, to maximize application of student opportunity to increase teach-back activities.
- Providing a certified online, eLearning course to instruct and assess student understanding of learning concepts and taxonomies, as a prerequisite to attending the traditional classroom course.
Representatives from MILO Range, POST Training Program Services Bureau, along with use of force subject matter experts from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Redding Police Department, Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department, and South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium filmed a new series of Force Options Simulator (FOS) scenarios. These scenarios were developed by representatives from Regional Skills Training Centers during the annual workshop. The new series of FOS scenarios will update current issues facing law enforcement, as well as encounters with mental health consumers. At the annual workshop, MILO representatives said a large number of their clients in other states chose to use scenarios that are used by California agencies. Because of this, MILO asked if we would partner with them to develop new scenarios that could be used throughout the country.
August 2015
In July 2015, POST staff were invited to participate in a three-day workshop on returning foreign terrorist fighter reintegration training. Attendees included representatives from federal, state, and local law enforcement, the Central California Intelligence Center, Belgium, and Nigeria. Additionally, officials from the United Kingdom, Malaysia, the U.S. Department of State, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia joined via teleconferencing. The workshop was facilitated by Major General Doug Stone (Ret.) under the auspices of the United Nations.
The workshop, located in Sacramento, included a session with CAL-OES Director Mark Ghilarducci on emergency preparedness and a tour of the state operation center. Dialogue focused on developing best practices on the potential challenges with foreign terrorist fighters who are returning to their country. Topics included rehabilitation efforts, asymmetric warfare, de-radicalization, violent extremism, and training implications for law enforcement and the wider communities in over 26 countries, including the United States.
General Stone has been serving as a subject matter expert with POST in this area and is a recent graduate of the Sierra College Module III and San Joaquin Delta College Module II Peace Officer training programs. General Stone asked POST staff to give a brief presentation on how California POST develops curricula.
A dedicated committee of 17 law enforcement motorcycle trainers from across California attended the SAFE Driving Campaign MOTORs Workshop during August. Training Program Services Bureau hosted a three day workshop at the new POST facilities on Stillwater Road in West Sacramento, taking advantage of the on-site training rooms and equipment.
The workshop provided the MOTORs Committee with the opportunity to continue working on the statewide Safety Guidelines for Law Enforcement Motor Units, visit the Snell Foundation (a non-profit laboratory that tests the safety of helmets), and to hear about the work on motorcycle safety guidelines currently being completed with the World Wide Motorcycle Officers’ Association.
The Committee made major progress on their general guidelines and left with assignments to be completed by January 2016. The MOTORs Committee requested a review panel made up of chiefs, sheriffs, and risk managers to critique their guidelines and offer guidance as they move through the development process. Review panel members will receive invitations to attend a meeting with the Committee in December.
Since the workshop, the MOTORs Committee has continued the work through ongoing conversation posts on the electronic MOTORs Forum. Elayne Anderson (Computer Services Bureau web designer) and David Cheng (Training Program Services Bureau) made this activity possible by offering both a webinar prior to the workshop and a follow up problem-solving presentation during the workshop, highlighting the features and navigation of the discussion and file sharing boards of the MOTORs Forum.
September 2015
During September, Training Program Services Bureau (TPS) met with John Mutz, Senior Consultant of the Dynamx Consulting Inc., and Jane Lorand, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of the Future Insight Maps Inc. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the capability of the WindTunneling, Sense-Making survey to capture community micro-narrative story data.
Sense-making is defined as “how do we make sense of the world so that we can act in it.” It carries with it the notion of sufficiency, not completeness of information. Training Program Services Bureau is evaluating a variety of sense-making survey designs to facilitate the delivery of a proposed course entitled: “The Effects of Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy in Countering Terrorism on Police Organizations, In Crime Fighting; and Public Expectations of Attitudes toward the Police and Anti-terrorism Activities.”
It is believed that the sense-maker survey will enhance California law enforcement efforts to foster valuable collaborative partnerships with diverse communities, develop anti-terrorism strategies related to the prevention, detection, and facilitation of emergency response resources to acts of terrorism; thereby, strengthening homeland safety.
POST continued the effort of updating the entry-level peace officer job analysis. Survey data was collected over a one-year period with 1,237 law enforcement officers representing 236 different agencies (39%) within 50 different counties (86%).
Utilizing the information collected from the survey, three meetings will be held with subject matter experts (SMEs) during October, November, and January. SMEs will review the results of the survey, determine core items, establish critical task statements, and perform linkages between job tasks and job functions, and between job functions and job competencies.
Results of the job analysis will be used to support and validate the purpose and content of the Basic Course and corresponding tests, and will help guide future POST projects.
POST has released its newest training video, “Dispatchers: Career Resiliency.” Designed for all levels of dispatchers, the purpose of the program is to get dispatchers thinking about how they can make a difference to their own and their peers’ career, work environment and well being. It also assists in starting a dialogue about what the job is and what it could be.
The ultimate goal of this program is to increase dispatchers' awareness to the many challenges of the job and show ways to avoid the pitfalls so that dispatchers may enjoy a long, healthy, well-adjusted career. Segments include: Uncontrollable Factors, Controllable Factors, Communication, Taking Care of Our Own, and Management and Supervision. The training video offers two viewing modes and printable documents for either group-facilitated or individual instruction.
The DVD was mass-mailed statewide to dispatch and communication centers, training managers, and training departments at law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional copies of the DVD may be ordered online using the POST Video Catalog.
October 2015
The California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions invited Training Program Services Bureau to participate on a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Expert Panel. Members of the panel include representatives from law enforcement agencies, mental health services, mental health consumers, legal advocates, and National Alliance on Mental Illness volunteers. The purpose of the Panel is to advise on the development of best practice guidelines for CIT training for peace officers and other first responders. The Panel will provide expert input for a toolkit which features best practices and a “how to” guide for implementing successful CIT training and programs. The first strategic planning event was held during October in Sacramento and was utilized to establish the audience breadth, deliverables, and dissemination strategies for the toolkit.
POST has released its newest training video, “Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse.” Revised for 2015, the program focuses on law enforcement’s role in safeguarding both elderly and dependent adults. The video explores the types of abuse to look for, shows investigation and interviewing techniques, and emphasizes the importance of proper reporting procedures to ensure the safety of these victims.
This revised training program, which replaces a February 2011 training video, under the same title, satisfies the current requirements of Penal Code Section 13515 requiring all peace officers at a supervisory level or below who are assigned field or investigative duties to complete the POST training within 18 months of assignment to field duties.
The DVD was mass-mailed statewide in late October to training managers of law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional DVD copies may be ordered online using the POST Video Catalog.
In October, a workshop was convened to update the existing guidelines manual for Tactical Medicine Operational Programs and Standardized Recommendations. The guidelines manual was initially released in 2010. It was produced in collaboration with the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA).
Attendees included law enforcement officers, representatives from EMSA, medical practitioners and stakeholders from local Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers and fire officials from throughout the state. Modifications to the guidelines and POST Regulation 1084 topics for standardized curriculum were developed. A key goal was to ensure revisions were aligned with the legislative intent of AB 1598 (2014) relating to emergency response services and active shooter incidents and the principles of tactical casualty care for first responders.
During October 2015, the Redding Police Department (RPD) hosted members of the Grand Jury for a training session on police use of force. Representatives from POST Training Program Services Bureau were invited to attend.
This idea was developed by RPD Sergeant Casey Bokavich with the support of Chief of Police Robert Paoletti. This effort offers a unique opportunity for community groups to take part in the same force options course that California law enforcement personnel are mandated to complete. This four-hour block of instruction includes “hands-on” time using a Force Option Simulator (FOS) where participants assume the role of an officer. Each scenario is debriefed in the same manner law enforcement professionals are debriefed when they take the training.
These training sessions have provided citizens with a broader perspective on the difficult decisions faced by law enforcement officers under difficult circumstances. Citizens who have attended the training have described the experience as “transformative.” This effort has been highlighted nationally in two articles which have appeared on the Force-Science Website and will be featured in the upcoming issue of California Police Chiefs Association magazine.
November 2015
Due to the recent increase in the volume of requests from the POST Entry-Level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery (PELDSTB) and POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB), additional time is required to process test orders, process Scantron forms, and score tests. POST extended the time frames as follows:
- POST Entry-level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) and POST Public Safety Dispatcher Selection Test Battery (PELDSTB) test requests must be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the test administration date.
- Test results will be processed and returned within 10 business days from receipt of delivery.
In addition, the following requirements remain in place:
- The Security Agreement between POST and user agencies must have been signed in 2015 to be current. No test orders can be processed without a current signed test security agreement.
- All test proctors must be trained prior to submitting a test order request. Test orders cannot be processed without a sufficient number of trained test proctors (one trained proctor for every 20-30 candidates).
- Test requests submitted a month prior to the administration date will not be processed until the month of the actual test date.
- Once a test request has been verified, the submitting agency will receive emailed test materials 5-7 business days prior to your test, Scantron forms and CD's (if applicable) 4-5 business days prior to your test.
- Test order requests received after 12:00 p.m., will be considered the following business day.
- T-score verification will be returned within 5-7 business days.
A test order request will not be processed if it is received outside of these timeframes. Additionally, POST is not able to take any expedited requests for scanning and scoring or verification of T-scores.
POST is making every effort to meet the existing orders but some delays can be expected.

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2015 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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