January 2012
POST is organizing a Crowd Management Summit to be held March 20-22, 2012 in San Diego. The summit is intended to provide guidance to law enforcement executives and managers for preparing and managing and crowd control activities. The summit will convene several panel discussions including legal and tactical considerations, mutual aid resource allocation, and the impact of technology tools available to event organizers and policing agencies.
Staff is expecting over 300 persons to attend.
Questions about the summit may be directed to Special Consultant Ed Pecinovsky, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4845.
In January, POST staff met with representatives from agencies affiliated with the Career Pipeline Project. The Career Pipeline Project, pursuant to POST Strategic Plan Objective B.8, focuses on developing school-based programs as a means by which to expand the pool of qualified candidates for future law enforcement positions.
The purpose of the meeting was to begin construction of a Career Pipeline Network on the POST Website. The network will assist agencies that are hosting or developing school-based programs by sharing materials and best practices.
Affiliates of the Career Pipeline Network include:
- Anaheim Police Department’s Junior Cadet Program (grades 3-5)
- California Department of Education’s Career Technical Education Section
- Chula Vista Police Department’s Otay Ranch High School Program (grades 10-12)
- Los Angeles Police Academy’s Magnet Schools and College Programs (grades 6-14)
- Michael Josephson Institute of Ethics
- National Partnership for Careers in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
- Sacramento Police Department’s Magnet High Schools and Proposed Charter School Programs
- San Bernardino Public Safety Academy Charter School (grades 6-12)
- San Diego Police Department’s Montgomery High School Program (grades 10-12)
- Solano County Sheriff’s and Chiefs’ Proposed Public Safety Academy Program (grades 5-12)
Questions about the Career Pipeline Project may be directed to Senior Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822.
In January 2012, Governor Brown released his proposed budget to the Legislature. The Governor’s proposed budget for POST is just over $61 million, as it is in the current year. Both houses of the Legislature have initiated proposed Budget Acts reflecting the figures in the Governor’s budget. As the budget bills move through the legislative process, changes can occur. Staff will continue to monitor the legislative process and advise the Commission of any changes made to the POST budget.
Questions about the proposed POST budget may be directed to Bureau Chief Darla Engler, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3907.
POST has reached a new milestone with 50,000 registered users of the Learning Portal.
In light of current budgetary limitations, distance learning is gaining more acceptance by agencies throughout the state. Over 92,000 course completions have been recorded, representing nearly 315,000 hours of CPT credit electronically recorded at POST.
Users can currently access 13 different online courses, the Search Warrant Writing Tool, and over 150 different resources including Case Law Today, Homeland Security videos, audio files, PowerPoint presentations, and high-profile reports such as LEOKA, Exemplary Peace Officer, etc.
Many of the online courses help agencies meet training mandates without incurring travel or overtime costs. “Communication: Keeping Your Edge” satisfies a portion of the requirement for perishable skills training. The First Aid/CPR course meets EMSA requirements. There are also four instructor development courses that meet the requirement for eight hours of refresher training for academy instructors.
Courses in development cover such topics as domestic violence, sexual assault, and a course designed specifically for dispatchers. A new tool to help agencies assess their preparedness for various critical incidents is also in the works.
Questions about the Learning Portal may be directed to Supervisor Jan Myyra, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
Penal Code section 13522 allows local agencies to claim reimbursement from the Commission on POST for costs associated with certain training courses. Agencies submit claims to the Reimbursement Unit at POST, and upon review and approval, are reimbursed for specific training expenses. Each year POST contracts with the State Controller’s Office (SCO), authorizing them to conduct audits of local agencies claiming reimbursement of training costs. Each year 30 agencies are selected randomly to be audited. Some agencies are found to have unallowable reimbursements. In the past, POST has allowed agencies to submit claims against money owed to POST, as determined by the audits. Because this process was cumbersome and susceptible to error, POST now invoices the agency for the amount owed. The agency has the option of paying the amount due in total, or may choose to establish a payment plan. This process allows for more efficient tracking of accounts receivable and amounts paid to POST by the agencies.
Questions about the unallowable reimbursement claims may be directed to Bureau Chief Darla Engler, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3907.
Students of the Instructional Design and Technology Society at California State University, Chico met with POST staff from the Learning Technology Resources Bureau (LTR) to see how skills and knowledge learned in their curriculum are applied in a real-world setting.
Staff demonstrated POST online courses, performance support tools, and short video training segments. In addition to highlighting current research into gaming engines for use in a training environment, staff discussed a key element in the POST development methodology: iterative prototyping.
In line with LTR’s commitment to experiential learning, the students were asked to provide a critique of the user interface of a course POST currently has in development. The students provided helpful feedback regarding the course’s interface design and remarked how much they appreciated the opportunity to participate in the review, as well as the overall opportunity to see an example of employment options in the e-learning industry.
Questions about the CSU Chico visit may be directed to Supervisor Jan Myyra, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
In February 2011, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-3-11, which placed a hiring freeze on most state departments, regardless of funding sources. The Executive Order provided that the Department of Finance (DOF) work with departments to develop “targets” for budgetary reductions in lieu of the hiring freeze. In late July 2011, POST was notified by DOF that our “target” was $223,000. POST’s official plan to meet the target was submitted to and approved by DOF in September 2011. Since that time, POST has promoted five staff members and filled ten positions. Staff anticipates filling another eight vacancies, due to retirements and promotions, by the end of Fiscal Year 2011-12 (June 30, 2012).
Questions about Governor Brown’s Executive Order may be directed to Bureau Chief Darla Engler, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3907.
Commission Regulation 9051 states peace officer candidates must be able to read and write at levels needed to satisfactory complete the job of peace officer. All POST participating agencies are required to administer either the POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) or a professionally developed and validated test that assesses the candidate’s reading and writing abilities. Staff research has repeatedly demonstrated that there is a linear relationship, across the entire range of scores, between the scores on the PELLETB and performance in the academy and on the job. Therefore, the higher a department sets the cut score, the higher the expected proficiency of those passing. Conversely, the lower the cut score, the lower the expected performance of those passing. In 2011, the average candidate T score was 47.72 and in 2010 it was 47.10. The PELLETB is available to POST participating agencies free of charge.
Questions about the PELLETB may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Brown, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4810.
During January, the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) introduced a workshop and protocols designed to ensure maintenance of its high quality of instruction. A two-day New Facilitator Training Workshop has been created to orient new facilitators on the nuances of service as an SLI facilitator. The training engages each participant in a series of problem-solving scenarios in which they are required to analyze and resolve a spectrum of technical and classroom management challenges. The array of challenges includes critiquing student book reports, essays, and projects; identifying and resolving audio-visual equipment malfunctions; and mediating student conflicts.
Also during January, a Facilitator Curriculum Competency Examination process was implemented. The assessment process involves a small cadre of veteran facilitators serving as examiners and engaging the remainder of facilitators in a dialogue of curriculum-based questions. The assessment process is sequenced as follows:
- Gathering evidence of the facilitator’s knowledge of content areas and competency in integrating content throughout the curriculum.
- Observing the manner in which the curriculum is delivered.
- Developing and implementing strategies to address the facilitators’ strengths and weaknesses.
- Analyzing the impact of the strategies developed and implemented.
During January, a co-facilitator evaluation instrument was created and administered. The evaluative device was conceived to enable each of the two facilitators assigned to an SBSLI class to assess his or her own curriculum competency level, as well as that of the co-facilitator. The evaluative process occurs at the conclusion of each of the eight three-day sessions comprising the SBSLI. The joint evaluation protocol enhances the collaboration and accountability between co-facilitators.
Questions about the SBSLI program may be directed to Senior Consultant Kevin Hart, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
Local agencies sometimes encounter administrative, management, or operational problems or projects for which no formal training is available. Through the Field Management Training Program, POST provides financial assistance for local agency personnel to visit sites within California and observe outstanding programs or receive on-the-job training. Information gathered during these visits is maintained at POST and is shared with agencies facing similar challenges.
Commission Procedure D-9 (POST Administrative Manual) contains information on the Field Management Training Program.
Questions about the Field Management Training Program may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Kathy Hobson, Management Counseling Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3911.
In mid-January, POST facilitated, multi-day review and revision of the 2003 POST Crowd Management and Civil Disobedience Guidelines. The purpose of this review was to update and expand the guidelines, and address new challenges confronting law enforcement due to evolving trends experienced in recent incidents of crowd management and acts of civil disobedience.
The review was conducted by a panel representing leadership from police departments including the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Berkeley, Sacramento, Eureka, Santa Rosa, and Chula Vista as well as UC Santa Cruz and UC Irvine; sheriff’s departments including the counties of Alameda, Santa Cruz, San Bernardino, and Orange; the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office, Santa Monica City Attorney’s Office, California Highway Patrol Protective Services Division, and California Emergency Management Agency.
The guidelines were re-titled the “POST Guidelines for Crowd Management, Intervention, and Control.” The 2003 POST Crowd Management and Civil Disobedience Guidelines were thoroughly revised and seven new guidelines, updated case law, and a listing of training resources were added. The updated guidelines are intended to be a resource for law enforcement leaders that provides foundational guidance for the facilitation of First Amendment rights, while allowing discretion and flexibility in the development of individual agency policies. They are scheduled to be presented to the Commission at its February 23, 2012 meeting.
Questions about the POST Guidelines for Crowd Management, Intervention, and Control may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
For nearly 40 years, the Team Building Workshop Program has provided specialized consultant services to assist the management team of a local agency with planning, problem solving, goal setting, or team building. Local agencies may apply for a POST-reimbursed Team Building Workshop beginning on May 1 each year. Applications are reviewed and approved in the order received.
Funding is available for 50 workshops per fiscal year. All 50 workshops have been allocated for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Agencies experiencing a compelling need for a workshop due to a management crisis may request an urgency exemption.
Questions about the Team Building Workshop Program may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Kathy Hobson, Management Counseling Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3911.
The Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau (TDCB) has made several personnel changes. The regional law enforcement consultants are:
*Currently covered by Gary Manini and Ron Wood.
The reorganization of the bureau’s staff occurred because of retirements, promotions, and organizational changes that have taken place at POST with the close of 2011.
- Val Wilson commenced employment with POST on January 2, 2012. She is a Senior Consultant assigned to the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, Region 1, which starts in Marin County and extends to the Oregon Border. She has responsibility for the eight counties that align with the northwestern quadrant of the state. Val is a 28-year employee of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and served in numerous capacities in custody, investigation, patrol, and the Operations Support Bureau. She has served in the capacity of deputy sheriff and sergeant, and was promoted to lieutenant in 2001. Val attended the University of California at Irvine, and the Criminal Justice Masters program at California State University, Long Beach.
Questions about TDCB may be directed to Bureau Chief John Dineen, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4549.
In June 2011, POST convened a group of subject matter resources to thoroughly evaluate the POST Peace Officer (2-251) and Public Safety Dispatcher (2-255) Personal History Statements and offer suggestions for changes to address current investigative needs. Proposed changes were incorporated into draft forms, which were presented to POST staff and legal counsel for further review. Based on their input, modifications were made and final revised draft forms were created.
The revised Personal History Statements are being finalized. A Bulletin announcing the availability of the updated PHS forms on the POST Website will be released in early-to-mid-February.
Questions about the POST Personal History Statements may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standard and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
POST Strategic Plan Objective B.15.08 directs staff to develop methods to effectively assess the quality of training courses and instructors. Beginning in January 2011, POST staff met with subject matter resources to identify course and instructor performance dimensions and observable behaviors, and then used the results to develop new evaluation forms and a scoring methodology. Testing of the new evaluation rubrics began in August and will continue for the next several months. Courses utilized for the pilot tests were randomly selected from the POST Course Catalog. The training presenters were contacted in advance and cooperated with POST evaluators to test the new forms in their courses. Results from the pilot tests will be used to validate the evaluation forms and scoring methodology. POST piloted a new evaluator training course to 60 students in September and October 2011.
POST is exploring potential Web applications for the new evaluation forms. Suggestions have included mobile phone applications for students, expanded reporting and analysis capability through EDI, and incentivizing student evaluations of courses.
Questions about the Quality Assessment project may be directed to Senior Consultant Tami Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
In January, the POST Computer Services Bureau (CSB) launched a redesigned POST Mobile Website for phones and tablets. Mobile devices automatically convert all accessible content on the POST Website (http://post.ca.gov) to mobile Webpages, so there is no need to go to a separate Website to obtain needed information.
The redesigned site features several functional improvements:
- Fully-tabbed menu to access all pages on the POST Website
- Easier-to-use interface allowing quick access to Webpages
- Mobile site design and navigation resembles full POST Website
- Dynamic transitions between pages
- Same URL as the main POST Website
Questions about the POST Mobile Website update may be directed to Staff Programmer Mike Hong, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4827.
Two newly hired Law Enforcement Consultants have assumed program management duties in the Basic Training Bureau:
- Senior Consultant Alexis Blaylock comes to POST following a 24-year career with the San Diego Police Department where she retired as a sergeant. Her assignments included patrol, juvenile services, dignitary protection, Border Crime Suppression Team, field training sergeant, and internal affairs. She also served as a report writing instructor in the academy. Alexis will be responsible for managing the Field Training Program and the courses related to training Field Training Officers and Supervisors/Administrators/Coordinators. She is also responsible for the Police Training Officer Program and the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course.
- Senior Consultant Scott Loggins served with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, retiring as a lieutenant after 23 years of service. During his career, Scott worked assignments in custody, patrol, field training, investigations, in-service training, and administrative positions. He also served as an academy director for the department. Scott will conduct the Basic Course Certification Reviews for academies certified to present the Regular Basic Course and/or the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course. He will also manage the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted in the Line of Duty (LEOKA) study.
Questions about the Basic Training programs may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
The Center for Leadership Development (CLD) Bureau's new employee is Senior Consultant Kevin Hart.
- Kevin comes to POST following a 31-year career with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office where his last assignment was Division Commander. For 25 years, he was an instructor for Alameda County’s Basic Academy. Kevin served in numerous capacities, including patrol, investigations, airport police services, contract police services, coroner’s bureau, and crime laboratory. He is also a graduate of Command College, Master Instructor Development Program, and Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute. Kevin will oversee the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute program in the Center for Leadership Development Bureau.
Questions about the CLD new employee maybe directed to Bureau Chief Mike Hooper, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-4805.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2011/12 on which the Commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Position |
Status of Bill |
SB 428
Public Safety Omnibus Bill. This bill, in part, would make non-substantive changes to Section 13540 of the Penal Code.
Commission Position: Support.
Chaptered |
AB 308
Criminal investigations: eyewitness identification: lineups. This bill, as amended, would require the DOJ, in consultation with POST and other specified entities, to develop guidelines for policies and procedures relating to eyewitness lineup identifications.
Commission Position: Neutral.
Held in Senate Appropriations Committee 8/25/11 |
AB 770
Emergency telephone systems. This bill, in part, would add one representative from the Commission on POST to the State 911 Advisory Board. The bill would also require the review and update of technical and operational standards for public agency systems to include standards for recruitment and training of public safety dispatchers.
Commission Position: Support.
Held in Senate Appropriations Committee 8/25/11 |
Questions about the Legislative Updates may be directed to Legislative Liaison Charles Evans, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2085.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2012 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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