January 2013
Did You Know 480,000 Californians have Alzheimer’s? And the numbers are growing.
The chance of an officer interacting with a victim of this disease is increasing, and these calls are emotional, complex, and sometimes dangerous.
POST’s newest “Did You Know” focuses on the types of encounters that can occur in the field and encourages officers and agencies to develop resources and policies to handle these types of calls.
At the conclusion of the video, viewers are directed to the website for the International Chief’s of Police Alzheimer’s Initiative. This website provides resources and information on further training.
The “Did You Know’s” are 60 – 90 second video spots that deliver a strong training message in a quick and dynamic way.
To view the “Alzheimer’s” or any of the other “Did You Know” Videos, log onto the POST Learning Portal at: www.lp.post.ca.gov and click on “Did You Know” Videos.
Questions about the "Did You Know" program may be directed to Bureau Chief Jan Bullard, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4829.
During January, the Executive Development Course (EDC) instructional cadre was convened for a two-day workshop. The workshop had a two-fold purpose: 1) to familiarize instructors with the learning outcomes developed at a December subject matter experts (SME) meeting, and 2) to discuss optimal methods for curriculum delivery. Each instructor modeled strategies for critical thinking and incorporated new protocols into their curricula.
While the EDC has been continuously reviewed to ensure currency of the content, it has not been systematically and comprehensively analyzed in several years. Thus, it is now being subjected to in-depth evaluation to ensure the content is responsive to contemporary needs and that the curriculum is being effectively delivered.
Questions about the EDC may be directed to Senior Consultant Michael Davies, Center for Leadership Development, at (916) 227-4892.
Michael Reese, Chief of the Portland (Oregon) Police Department, attended a portion of the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) Class # 325 in Sacramento during January. He was referred to the SBSLI program by an officer he met at the Seattle Consortium to Build a New Policing Paradigm. Chief Reese’s focus was the “Communications for Leaders” portion. He would like to incorporate sessions on improving organizational communication into his agency’s leadership training.
Underlying the SBSLI session on communications is the premise that the manner of communication is as important as the content of the message conveyed. The quality of the manner of communication can both enhance clarity, as well as receptivity, to a message.
Questions about the SBSLI may be directed to Senior Consultant Kevin Hart, Center for Leadership Development, at (916) 227-2824.
The online courses “Domestic Violence: It’s Your Call, Volumes I and II,” “Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response,” and “Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol” have each won training industry awards.
“Domestic Violence: It’s Your Call, Volumes I and II,” and “Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response” are both 2012 Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Gold award winners for Best Custom Content. “Domestic Violence: It’s Your Call, Volumes I and II” were launched on POST’s Learning Portal in April 2012; and each volume meets the legislative mandate for biennial domestic violence update training (PC 13519). In addition, the individual scenarios are available on the Learning Portal for use by Basic Academy instructors. “Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response” was launched in June 2012. To date, over 7,000 peace officers and dispatchers have completed these courses.
The Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards are presented annually by Brandon Hall Research, one of the leading research firms in training and development. Now in its seventeenth year, the awards program showcases exceptional work in learning and development. Entries were judged by a panel of independent senior judges, Brandon Hall Group Sr. Analysts, and Executive Leadership based upon the following criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, usability, innovation, and overall measurable benefits.
In addition, “Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol” received a Bronze award at the 2012 International Serious Play Awards, a program honoring exceptional examples of corporate, military, school/at home learning, and games-for-good titles. The awards were announced during the 2012 Serious Play Conference, at DigiPen Institute of Technology. The Gangs course was launched on POST’s Learning Portal in November 2010. To date, over 5,000 peace officers and dispatchers have completed the course, which earns 3 hours of Continuing Professional Training credit.
A panel of experts selected 18 serious games for recognition. This year’s entries also included international submissions from Canada, Spain, India, Singapore, the Netherlands, and Macedonia.
The following is a sample of the feedback POST received from officers who have completed each course:
Domestic Violence: It’s Your Call
“This web-based training is very fresh and cutting edge. Once you are familiar with the activity tools, it was relatively easy to complete the course work.”
“I really appreciate POST and the Learning Portal. It’s really nice for those “out of the way” counties to keep in the loop without having to travel for up to date “Fresh” information. Thank you.”
“Very good medical information regarding injuries and symptoms related to strangulation. Never knew about that stuff.”
Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response
“This was the best web-based course I've taken from POST. This course actually held my interest, was very informative in how to sensitively deal with 261 victims and nicely handled the evidentiary collection processes.”
“Great course...actually believed I was interviewing victims. Very real.”
Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol
“Excellent Course. Much more familiar with 186 PC now. More confident in establishing gang involvement.”
“Very informative course. I liked the realistic features and using real gangs. Real life scenarios and I liked the question answer format with real slang and verbiage. Thank you!”
Questions about the “Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol,” “Domestic Violence: It’s Your Call,” or “Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response” may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resource Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
Revised versions of the POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) and Dispatcher Selection Test Battery security agreements have recently been completed and mailed out to all user agencies.
For additional information about the revised security agreements, contact: testorders@post.ca.gov.
Questions about the revised security agreement may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant II Tammura Brown, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
At the January Consortium meeting attended by the leadership of California’s Basic Academies, the Basic Training Bureau hosted a presentation designed to help agencies and academy presenters in their endeavor to assist future law enforcement officers as they enter a career where they will face tremendous adversity, difficult working conditions, and bear witness to many of society’s worst tragedies.
The presenters were Staff Sergeant Emmett Spraktes of the California National Guard, who also recently retired as a California Highway Patrol Officer; Victoria Newman, an author who has conducted extensive research on the importance of strong family support for law enforcement officers; and Dr. Todd Langus, a psychologist who also served as a California law enforcement officer.
The speakers discussed how, even though today’s new law enforcement officers are exceptionally proficient in investigative techniques, tactical operations, and enjoy the best training in history, they often internalize their stress and emotion out of necessity after experiencing traumatic events in the field. Although law enforcement is a profession built on honor and respect, with the prevalence of exposure to daily stressful events, the profession has not been immune to alcoholism, substance abuse, failed relationships, and even suicide. The speakers encouraged academy leaders and law enforcement agencies to revisit policies and informal department culture that tend to stigmatize (albeit unintentionally) officers who seek emotional support after traumatic events, and to change the paradigm to encourage and praise officers who have the foresight, maturity, and courage to seek such assistance.
The consensus among the presenters is that the law enforcement community can and should do a better job of supporting the men and women who protect our communities. The Basic Training Bureau encourages academies to incorporate information into their courses to educate tomorrow’s law enforcement officers regarding healthy and productive measures they can take to survive on the streets, both physically and emotionally.
Basic Training Bureau will use this presentation to encourage further discussion and training about this contemporary issue.
Questions about the POST Basic Training Bureau should be directed to Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4259; or Senior Consultant Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3467.
The POST Instructor Development Institute (IDI) contracts with Napa Valley College (NVC) Criminal Justice Training Center and the San Diego Regional Training Center (SDRTC) for the presentation of the four levels of instructor training courses. NVC hosts the basic course (level 1) and intermediate course (level 2). SDRTC hosts the advanced course (level 3) and master course (level 4). NVC is also responsible for coordinating training for Public Safety Dispatchers.
In January, Napa Valley College coordinated an “all instructors-all levels” workshop. Break out sessions at this workshop provided training and the ability to compare notes and ensure that all four levels are collaboratively and cohesively delivering professional instructor development training.
Questions about NVC workshop may be directed to Bureau Chief Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
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