July 2011
On June 20, in New York City, the American Business Awards announced that Allen Interactions, an internationally acclaimed custom design, development and strategic consulting firm of learning solutions, was named winner of the Interactive Multimedia – Training category for its creative work with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).
The Stevie Award-winning Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol interactive self-paced course was developed to help prepare California law enforcement officers to identify and respond to gang activity. "We are honored to have partnered with California Commission on POST on such crucial training initiatives as educating law enforcement on successfully identifying and responding to gang activity," stated Alex Watson, studio executive for the Allen Interactions' San Francisco studio. "This prestigious award is a tribute to California Commission on POST's continued innovation in creating learning that is making a difference in gang reporting and prosecution in the State of California."
This course is a highly interactive, scenario-based approach not only to educate peace officers about some of the key trends and groups in California, but to bring home the importance of accurate and detailed field reporting to support gang prosecution. Since its release in November 2010, the course has been taken by over 3,100 peace officers with very positive feedback.
Questions about the Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol course may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
For more information about the Stevie Awards, go to www.stevieawards.com.
POST staff met with the presenters of the four levels of the Instructor Development Institute to review each level and assess how levels interact as students work to become Master Instructors. Attention was focused on students entering the Advanced Level and the expectations for persons completing the course and being considered for the Master Level. The attendees agreed that students leaving the Advanced Course may need additional prerequisites to be best prepared for success. Over the next year, both the Advanced and Master courses will be updated to ensure the program can deliver quality training to students that want to be recognized as Master Instructors.
Questions about the Instructor Development Institute may be directed to Senior Consultant Anne Brewer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
In order to acquire significant Information Technology (IT) products, such as a replacement for POST’s Test Management and Assessment System (TMAS), the State requires agencies to submit a detailed Feasibility Study Report (FSR) that defines the proposed IT project to the Department of Finance and the Department General Services for review and approval prior to the expenditure of funds. In January 2011, staff contracted with Hubbert Systems Consulting (HSC) to conduct the study. The HSC contract has three components: (1) completion of the Feasibility Study, (2) preparation of an Information Technology Procurement Plan (ITPP), and (3) development of a Budget Change Proposal (BCP).
The FSR was completed and forwarded to the Department of Finance and the Department General Services in July 2011. The ITPP and BCP are both in development with a scheduled delivery date of mid-August 2011.
Questions about the TMAS replacement project should be directed to Bureau Chief Robert Stresak, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4832.
During Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the Center for Leadership Development Bureau facilitated 15 Chief Executives’ Regional Workshops accommodating approximately 350 participants. These seminars are available to law enforcement executives to discuss issues of mutual concern affecting their county or region. The seminars may range from eight to 40 hours. The seminars are POST-certified and attendees receive POST Continuing Professional Training (CPT) credit. The instructors presenting at these seminars are often nationally renowned experts. Topics addressed this past fiscal year included:
- Strategic and Succession Planning
- Social Networking and Law Enforcement
- Promoting Fair and Impartial Policing
- Intelligence Updates on Terrorism, Gangs, Drug Cartels, and Human Trafficking
- Managing the Police Organization in Transition
- Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
- COPLINK (computer interpretation tool enabling enhanced data accessibility)
- Intelligence-Based Policing
- Managing Millennials
The following groups participated in this past year’s Executive Seminar program:
- Solana County Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association
- Placer County Law Enforcement Executives Association
- Tulare County Chiefs Association
- Riverside County Law Enforcement Administrators Association
- Contra Costa County Chiefs of Police Association
- Alameda County Chiefs of Police Association
- California State Universities Police Chiefs Association
- California College and University Police Chiefs Association
- Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chiefs Association
- Santa Clara County Police Chiefs Association
- Kern County Chief Law Enforcement Officers Association
- Los Angeles County Police Chiefs Association
- San Diego County Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association
- Orange County Chiefs of Police and Sheriff’s Association
- Monterey County Chief Law Enforcement Officers Association
Questions about the Executive Seminar program may be directed to Senior Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822.
On July 11, POST hosted a visit by a delegation of 16 police officials from Indonesia. This visit was a follow up to previous visits to a number of states (including California) by Indonesian officials and was coordinated through the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), United States Department of Justice. The Indonesian government made a specific request for a delegation to visit California POST. The Indonesian Police are interested in forming a national POST-type organization for their country and the purpose of this visit was to study POST and basic training for peace officers.
Bureau Chief Frank Decker and Senior Consultant Bob Ziglar met with the delegation and provided a presentation on the history, purpose and organization of POST. They also reviewed the content and instructional delivery system for the Regular Basic Course, instructor training and certification and the certification of academies. The presentation was followed by an open forum discussion on peace officer selection, academy management and staffing, supervision of recruits, curriculum development, training methodology and selection of instructors.
Questions about the Indonesian police visit may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
The FBI National Academy Associates held the national training conference in Long Beach in July at the Long Beach Convention Center. The more than 1,000 attendees had the opportunity to attend training certified by POST for Continuing Professional Training Credit on a wide range of topics. Staff reviewed training presentations for consideration as part of the 2012 Annual Detective Symposium to be held in April.
Questions about the FBI National Academy Associates national training conference may be directed to Bureau Chief Ed Pecinovsky, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.
The Public Safety Dispatcher Job Analysis Update 2011 Report is available on the POST Website. POST undertook the job analysis update to capture changes to the job that have occurred since 1991, when a job analysis was first completed. This report details a review of the elements and requirements of the dispatcher job and the current entry-level test battery. The results of the job analysis update were used to revise the Public Safety Dispatcher Basic Course and will be used in the future as part of POST’s ongoing efforts to develop and maintain up-to-date, job-related, and legally defensible statewide public safety dispatcher selection and training standards.
Questions about the Public Safety Dispatcher Job Analysis Update 2011 Report may be directed to Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Brown, Standards and Evaluation Services Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
In response to numerous requests from the field, POST has now established a procedure that will allow designated non-peace officers (NPOs) to have access to specified training courses offered in the Learning Portal.
Access may be granted to the NPO that is an employee or volunteer of an agency in the POST program, has completed an agency-level background clearance, and is currently assigned functions or tasks normally or previously completed by peace officers or in support of officers.
Presenters of the Regular Basic Course (RBC) may enter non-sponsored students who have no law enforcement agency affiliation. These RBC students will be able to access specific courses designed to enhance the training in various Learning Domains. Sponsored RBC students, entered by their agencies as “trainees”, have access to the Learning Portal.
The NPO access will be available in August 2011. A bulletin will be released at that time explaining the process in detail.
Questions about the NPO Access to the Learning Portal may be directed to Instructional Systems Engineer Ahlam Alhweiti, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-2509.
In March, the Computer Services Bureau launched EDI 4.0 with a new design focused on improving usability. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the online database which allows local agencies and presenters to report personnel actions, training attendance, and certify POST courses. Changes to the EDI Website include:
- New design using the POST “cityscape” theme to match the POST family of websites;
- New Quick Search and Quick Links for easy faster access to EDI functions and reports;
- New “Reports” menu tab with a consolidated list of available reports grouped by function;
- Improved button layout for easier navigation in reports and course certifications;
- Improved communication with a “What’s New” section and page level alerts for important information;
- New course comments alert and report to make reading comments easier and quicker;
- Larger fonts and a fixed layout to help improve readability; and
- New “Contact Us” tab with contact information for your Regional Consultant, Academy Instructor Certificate Program (AICP), Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) program support, reimbursement unit support, and EDI technical support.
To access EDI, go to http://edinet.post.ca.gov. More information about What’s New in EDI 4.0 can be found at: https://edinet.post.ca.gov/WhatsNewEDI4.htm.
Questions about EDI 4.0 may be directed to Senior Information Systems Analyst Ron Davis, Computer Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3892.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2011/12 on which the Commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Position |
Status of Bill |
SB 428 (Strickland) |
Public Safety Omnibus Bill. This bill, in part, would make non-substantive changes to Section 13540 of the Penal code.
Commission Position: Support.
In Assembly from Consent Calendar. Third Reading. 7/14/11 |
AB 308 (Ammiano) |
Criminal investigations: eyewitness identification: lineups. This bill, as amended, would require the DOJ, in consultation with POST and other specified entities, to develop guidelines for policies and procedures regulating eyewitness lineup identifications.
Commission Position: Neutral.
Senate Appropriations Committee 8/15/11 (Hearing) |
AB 770 (Torres) |
Emergency telephone systems. This bill, in part, would add one representative from the Commission on POST to the State 911 Advisory Board. The bill would also require the review and update of technical and operational standards for public agency systems to include standards for recruitment and training of public safety dispatchers.
Commission Position: Support.
Senate Appropriations Committee 8/15/11 (Hearing) |
Questions about the Legislative Updates may be directed to Legislative Liaison Karen Lozito, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2085.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2011 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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