July 2013
In the June Administrative Progress Report (APR), we reported extensive water damage to the first and second floor of POST headquarters when a fire suppression sprinkler mistakenly activated on Sunday, June 30. With the help and cooperation of the building landlord, approximately 40 POST staff members were relocated to a temporary work site in another section of the building complex. A private emergency property restoration company was retained to assess and repair the damage. Initial indications were that the repairs would take at least 30 days.
We are happy to report that most of the repairs are now completed and that staff is in the process of moving back into their designated work stations. Staff worked diligently to minimize delays in service to the field, however, we regret any disruption in service to our constituents.
The good news to the field is that POST Disaster Recovery Plan proved effective in that there was no loss of data from any of our databases. The Computer Services Bureau staff had all displaced employees operational as soon as they were allowed back in the building.
Questions about this incident or POST’s operational status may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Dick Reed, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2809.
Bickmore Risk Services is a risk management firm that provides program administration for joint powers municipal risk pools representing 108 cities and their police departments from throughout California. Senior Consultant Robert “R.C.” Smith was invited by Bickmore Risk Services to give a webinar presentation to these agencies on the SAFE Driving Campaign initiative to reduce fatal and serious injury law enforcement traffic collisions nationwide. This one hour presentation discussed some of the primary factors that have resulted in vehicle-related incidents being the leading cause of law enforcement line-of-duty deaths. More officers are killed or suffer career ending injuries from traffic collisions than from firearms or assaults. Focus was given to the on-going efforts of the SAFE Driving Campaign in reducing this toll by changing attitudes, improving training, increasing accountability, and mobilizing leadership.
Senior Consultant Smith outlined the three primary components of the SAFE Driving Campaign; an Advisory Board concerned with national awareness efforts, a Research Team tasked with identifying causes and interventions associated with officer-involved collisions, and a Vehicle Operations and Training Advisory Council (VOTAC) focused on the advancement of best policy and training practices.
The various resources available to agencies through the SAFE Driving Campaign, including the “Did You Know” SAFE Driving videos series and the SAFE Driving News Alert were outlined. The News Alert is sent to recipients via email and provides links to new training materials, articles, research studies, videos, and other information.
For more information visit the SAFE Driving Campaign webpage.
Questions about the campaign may be directed to Senior Consultant Robert "R.C." Smith, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3902.
POST continues the effort of updating the entry-level peace officer job analysis. The completed job analysis will identify the tasks, skills, abilities, knowledge requirements, and traits that are critical to successful job performance as a peace officer. To date, POST staff has conducted 13 site visits of various law enforcement agencies throughout California to “shadow” and interview peace officers as they perform their daily duties.
Results of the job analysis will be used to support and validate the Basic Course and its tests, and help guide future POST projects.
Questions about the Peace Officer Job Analysis Project may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Irene Wong-Chi, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4835; or Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Hawthorne-Brown, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.
Have you ever heard a story about something law enforcement personnel have done and thought, “What were they thinking?” This new video series entitled, “What Where They Thinking?” consists of short cartoons starring officers Bummer and Doe Nut depicting these situations on a variety of topics. Humor is used to draw interest to sometimes serious training messages in a memorable way.
The first “What Were They Thinking?” was launched July 15, and highlights the importance of peace officers being aware of how they use social media websites. Stories or topics for additional cartoons will be solicited from Learning Portal users and the law enforcement community.
The “What Were They Thinking?” video can be viewed and downloaded on the Learning Portal under Hotsheets.
Questions about the “What Were They Thinking?” video series may be directed to Bureau Chief Anne Brewer, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4928.
POST welcomes Laurence (Lon) Ramlan as a Senior Law Enforcement Consultant in the Basic Training Bureau. Lon comes to POST following a 31 year career with the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) where he retired as a lieutenant. During his time with the SFPD, he served in many assignments including patrol, detective, and administration. Lon also served for several years as the coordinator and director of San Francisco’s police academy.
In his new position, Lon manages the Regular Basic Course – Modular Format and the PC 832 and Requalification Courses. In this capacity, he serves as the principal point of contact for training presenters and provides technical assistance. He also is responsible for the administration of the Reserve Peace Officer Program.
Questions about Senior Consultant Lon Ramlan may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
Questions about the Regular Basic Course, the Requalification Courses, or the Reserve Peace Officer Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Lon Ramlan, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4820.
On July 22-26, 2013, 24 students attended the 36-hour Training Managers Course presented by Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center. The course is designed for newly assigned training managers within law enforcement agencies. Topics included developing a training plan, college resources, liability issues, adult learning concepts, and management of training records. Additionally, POST staff presented information on the POST Website, the Learning Portal, the new training video format, course certification, certificates, reimbursement procedures, and agency compliance inspections.
The next Training Managers Course is scheduled for October 7-11, 2013. To register for the course, contact Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center at (707) 836-2912.
Questions about the Training Managers Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Valna Wilson, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-4872.
On July 16, 2013, POST staff Dr. Shelley Spilberg and Melani Singley conducted a two-hour presentation before an audience of approximately 50 psychologists who conduct pre-employment evaluations of peace officer candidates on behalf of the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). The presentation was part of a two-day bi-annual training program presented by the Psychological Screening Program of CalHR.
Their presentation, entitled “POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening,” provided information on relevant federal and state statutes and regulations, case law, and psychological screening practices nationwide. The presentation focused on Commission Regulation 1955: Peace Officer Psychological Evaluations, particularly the pending regulatory revision requiring peace officer screening psychologists to complete POST-approved continuing professional education.
Questions about the POST psychological screening regulations and related issues may be directed to Supervising Personnel Selection Consultant Shelley Weiss Spilberg, Ph.D., Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824; or Personnel Selection Consultant Melani Singley, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4258.
Commission Regulation 1005 specifies that individuals who are appointed to peace officer positions that are primarily investigative in nature (except district attorney investigators or inspectors) are required to complete the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course (SIBC) or the Regular Basic Course (RBC) within 12 months of their hire dates. Departments in the following categories are listed as primarily investigative and may exercise the option provided in this section: 1) state investigative agencies, 2) welfare investigations, 3) welfare fraud, 4) social services, 5) human assistance/services, and 6) District Attorney’s child support divisions or welfare fraud units (appointed under P.C. 830.35). The RBC is the entry level training course for several classifications of peace officer including municipal police officers, deputy sheriffs, and California Highway Patrol officers. Individuals who complete the RBC may work either general law enforcement or investigative peace officer positions. The SIBC was developed and exists solely to serve investigative, not general law enforcement, positions. Therefore, SIBC graduates may only work as investigators.
Previously, there were three academies certified to present the SIBC. However, in recent years, the number of trainees attending the SIBC has decreased to the point that a single academy at Golden West College (GWC) has been able to meet the entry level training needs of state agencies. Unfortunately, low enrollment caused GWC to cancel two SIBC presentations scheduled for 2011. In 2012, they were able to present a class to serve the needs of state agencies that had newly hired investigators who needed training. However, due to cutbacks in the community college system, the class was not supported by Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) funding. Therefore, the only way this class could be presented was to make it fee-based which means that the entire cost was borne by the students or their sponsoring agencies. This format proved to be successful and students from ten agencies completed the course.
Beginning on August 19, 2013, GWC will start another fee-based SIBC class. This may be the last class in this format because POST, in cooperation with stakeholders, plans to undertake a review of the SIBC in 2014. During the period of this review, the only entry level training course available for investigators will be the RBC. On this basis, agencies that utilize the SIBC are encouraged to take advantage of this presentation.
Information on the class is available from GWC, at (714) 895-8925.
Questions about the SIBC may be directed to Bureau Chief Frank Decker, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2013 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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