July 2015
During June 2015, Training Program Services Bureau met with representatives from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss LAPD’s future vision regarding the methodological framework for the design and development of a course on procedural justice.
The dialogue focused on leveraging and aligning the course content with information contained on the POST Website entitled: “Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy.” This webpage provides the law enforcement community with contemporary information, and pragmatic approaches to approaching, planning, building, and presenting the principles of procedural justice and police legitimacy. POST will continue to collaboratively work in partnership with the LAPD in its effort to facilitate the design of the procedural justice curriculum that achieves the agency’s overarching training objectives, builds creditability, and enhances stakeholder buy-in.
Questions about the webpage content may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
In April and June 2015, Training Program Services Bureau supported the presentation of two Public Safety Communications-Terrorism Awareness (PSC-TAC) courses and two Public Safety Communications-Terrorism Awareness Train-the-Trainer courses. The PSC-TAC Train-the-Trainer course fulfills Regulation 1070, Minimum Training Standards for Instructors of POST-Certified Specialized Training. The course is designed to enhance the skills and abilities of incumbent dispatchers regarding terrorism and suspicious activity reporting in today’s society. The initial courses were delivered in Southern and Central California. Twenty instructors are now prepared to deliver the course to public safety dispatchers.
Questions about the PSC-TAC courses may be directed to Training Officer Rosanna McKinney, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3897.
During July 2015, POST and the Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) convened at POST in Sacramento. The primary function of the ISAC is to advise POST and the Commission regarding enhancing instructional design, development, and delivery of the Instructor Development Institute (IDI) program. The Council approved four agenda action items to improve the training curriculum, design, build and implement best-in-class learning solutions. They include:
- Exploring the feasibility of integrating blended learning into the IDI, Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC) as defined by POST Regulation 1001.
- Designing, developing, and integrating an instructional DVD into the IDI, AICC, to address expanded course outlines, and model effective facilitated instructional presentations.
- Redesigning the IDI, AICC, to maximize application of student opportunity to increase teach-back activities.
- Providing a certified online, eLearning course to instruct and assess student understanding of learning concepts and taxonomies, as a prerequisite to attending the traditional classroom course.
Questions about the meeting may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
Representatives from MILO Range, POST Training Program Services Bureau, along with use of force subject matter experts from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Police Department, Redding Police Department, Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department, and South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium filmed a new series of Force Options Simulator (FOS) scenarios. These scenarios were developed by representatives from Regional Skills Training Centers during the annual workshop. The new series of FOS scenarios will update current issues facing law enforcement, as well as encounters with mental health consumers. At the annual workshop, MILO representatives said a large number of their clients in other states chose to use scenarios that are used by California agencies. Because of this, MILO asked if we would partner with them to develop new scenarios that could be used throughout the country.
Questions about FOS scenarios filming may be directed to Senior Consultant Tamara Baarts, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-7357.
MAYOR Richard DeLaRosa
City of Colton
Richard DeLaRosa has served as a Council Member for the City of Colton from 1998 to 2010, and was elected Mayor in November 2014. He is a retired Correctional Peace Officer serving 27 years with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He served on the CRC Chapter Board for California Correctional Peace Officers Association and the Honor Guard. As Mayor, he represents the City of Colton at the local, regional, and state level by serving on numerous local County Boards, Commissions, and Committees.
Questions about the new POST Commissioner may be directed to Assistant Executive Director Jan Bullard, Executive Office, at (916) 227-2808.
Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome back Kate Singer as the Bureau Chief for the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau.
Kate Singer served with the Marin County Sheriff’s Office from 1989 to 2000. Kate worked in both the custody and patrol divisions as a deputy and sergeant. She additionally served as an academy instructor and recruit training officer at the Santa Rosa Criminal Justice Training Center. In 1997, Kate came to POST as a management fellow overseeing the Field Training Program in the Basic Training Bureau. She was hired by POST in 2000, holding assignments in the Center for Leadership Development and the Training Program Services Bureau. In 2008, Kate returned to sworn duty as a commander with the Desert Hot Springs Police Department, she was promoted to Chief in 2012 and retired in 2013. Kate rejoined POST in July 2015.
Kate has a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology. She has attended several Executive Leadership programs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, as well as POST’s Executive Development Course, California Peace Officer Association’s Role of the Chief, the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute, Los Angeles Police Department’s Westpoint Leadership Program, and the FBI National Academy (Class 251).
Question about the bureau may be directed to Bureau Chief Kate Singer, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4832.
Training Program Services Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Rosanna McKinney as a Training Officer I assigned to Training Program Services Bureau. She is responsible for managing the Public Safety Dispatch Advisory Council (PSDAC) and a number of dispatch-related projects.
Rosanna McKinney comes to POST with 39 years of experience in public safety dispatching. From January 2013 to October 2014, Rosanna served as the public safety dispatch management fellow with POST. Before retiring, Rosanna worked as the training supervisor for Santa Cruz Consolidated Communications Center and shift supervisor for the Fresno Police Department.
Rosanna is a graduate of the Master Instructor program and has been involved in training since 1981, teaching for the State Center Regional Training Facility – Fresno City College, South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium, and the San Diego Regional Training Center. She is a published author, having written several articles for Association of Public-Safety Communication Officials and 911 Magazine, and published the book, “Train Them So You Keep Them: a Guide for CTOs.”
Questions about the PSDAC may be directed to Training Officer Rosanna McKinney, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3897.
staff programmer analyst vicki nelson
computer services bureau
post is pleased to welcome vicki nelson as a staff programmer analyst assigned to the computer services bureau, applications development unit.
vicki nelson joined post’s computer services bureau as a software programmer analyst. vicki has been developing software professionally for 25 years, including ten years with the state. she previously worked for the department of public health, where she participated in a project to make birth and death certificates available online. in addition, vicki worked with geographic information systems to create and present population maps of illnesses. vicki also worked for department of justice, renovating the violent crime information network. prior to joining the state, vicki was a programmer and network administrator at several private-sector firms.
vicki holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a minor in business administration from california state university, sacramento. when she is not working, vicki enjoys time with family and friends, playing golf, and riding her 250 cc scooter.
questions about the applications development unit may be directed to staff programmer analyst vicki nelson, computer services bureau, at (916) 227-4827.
legislative update – status of current legislation
the following are bills in legislative session 2015-16. the commission on peace officer standards and training has analyzed each bill to determine its impact on law enforcement training.
bill # and author |
title and summary |
status of bill |
ab 546 (gonzalez)
peace officers: basic training requirements.
existing law provides that a probation department that is a certified provider of the pc 832 course shall not be required to offer the course to the general public.
this bill would require the commission to deem there to be an identifiable and unmet training need for the pc 832 course when evaluating a certification request from a probation department for that training course.
this bill has passed both houses.
last amended date: 06/29/15
enrolled 07/21/15
ab 953 (weber)
law enforcement: racial profiling.
this bill would revise the definition of racial profiling to instead refer to racial or identity profiling, would make a conforming change to the prohibition against peace officers engaging in that practice.
the bill would require a peace officer who is the subject of a sustained complaint of racial or identity profiling to participate in training to correct racial and identity profiling at least every 6 months for 2 years.
the bill would also require the attorney general to establish the racial and identity profiling advisory board (ripa).
last amended date: 06/30/15
senate appropriations 07/07/15
ab 1168 (salas)
peace officers: basic training requirements.
this bill would exempt a deputy sheriff assigned as a pc 830.1(c) custodial peace officer from the 3-year requalification requirement when being reassigned from custodial assignments to pc 830.1(a) general law enforcement duties with the responsibility for the prevention and detection of crime, provided that the following are satisfied:
- the deputy sheriff remains continuously employed by the same department in which the deputy sheriff is a custodial officer, and
- the deputy sheriff maintains the perishable skills training required by the commission for peace officers assigned to duties with the responsibility for the prevention and detection of crime and the general enforcement of the criminal laws of this state.
this exemption would end on january 1, 2019.
the bill has passed both houses.
last amended date: 06/16/15
enrolled 07/13/15
sb 11 (beall)
peace officer training: mental health.
this bill would require the commission to review and analyze existing mental illness training in the regular basic course to identify areas where additional training is needed.
the bill would require that upon identifying what additional training is needed, the commission shall update and increase the training to at least 15 hours. the course shall be presented within the existing hours allotted for the regular basic course.
the bill would also require the commission to establish and keep updated a three-hour classroom-based continuing training course relating to behavioral health and law enforcement interaction with persons with mental illness, intellectual disability, and “substance use disorders.” each law enforcement officer with a rank of supervisor or below and who is assigned to patrol duties, or who supervises officers who are assigned to patrol duties, shall complete this course every four years.
last amended date: 07/08/15
assembly appropriations 07/14/15
sb 29 (beall)
peace officer training: mental health.
this bill would require the commission to require field training officers to have at least eight hours of crisis intervention classroom training relating to behavioral health. if a field training officer has already completed eight hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training within the past 24 months, the requirement shall not apply.
the bill would require the commission to update the existing field training officer course to include at least four hours of classroom instruction regarding persons with mental illness or intellectual disability.
the bill would also require the commission to update the existing field training guide to include specified topics relating to mental illness and intellectual disability.
last amended date: 07/08/15
assembly appropriations 07/14/15
the post monthly report is a monthly status report that informs post commissioners and the california law enforcement community of recent progress on post projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of california law enforcement.
©2015 commission on peace officer standards and training | 860 stillwater road, suite 100, west sacramento, ca 95605
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