march 2014
The POST Career Pipeline Project was featured in this month’s International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Police Chief Magazine. The article, entitled "Enhancing Recruitment Efforts Nationwide through K-12 School Partnerships," features a number of national programs from across the United States involving collaborative efforts between law enforcement and local school districts to address recruitment challenges facing the law enforcement profession.
Featured in this article are LAPD’s Police Academy Magnet Programs (PAMS) for grades 6-12 and Police Orientation Preparatory Program (POPP) for college students (grades 13-14), which ultimately earns these students two AA college degrees. Also featured is the San Bernardino Public Safety Academy which is a charter school in San Bernardino for grades 6-12 that is planning expansion to a K-16 Career Pipeline in the near future. The final California school program featured is the Fairfield-Suisun Public Safety Academy, an “alternative school of choice” (public school) for grades 5-12 that recently achieved a very high Academic Performance Index (API) score of 940. All of these programs are excellent models and are further discussed in POST’s newly released DVD entitled Building a Public Safety Career Pipeline – UPDATE 2014.
Questions about the POST Career Pipeline Project may be directed to Sr. Law Enforcement Consultant Greg Kyritsis, Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2822
Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Joe Gutierrez as a Senior Consultant assigned to the Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau where he will manage the Supervisory Leadership Institute. Joe comes to POST following a 35-year career with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), retiring as a Division Commander. During his time with LASD, he held many positions including tactical commander, jail facility commander, and unit commander of a specialized detective unit. He also served as the “Chief of Police” for a Los Angeles County community.
Joe has been an adjunct instructor at the state university and community college levels. He holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, and an Associate’s Degree in Administration of Justice.
Questions about the Supervisory Leadership Institute may be directed to Senior Consultant Joe Gutierrez, Management Counseling, Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
Training Program Services Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Eddie Freyer as a Senior Consultant assigned to the Training Program Services Bureau, where he will manage the Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Program. Eddie started his law enforcement career when he joined the FBI in April 1972 (J. Edgar Hoover was still the Director), and worked in the Pittsburgh Field Office. He became an agent in 1976 and was transferred to the Phoenix Office until 1979 when he came to California and was assigned to the San Francisco Field Division. There he worked financial crimes, special operations and bank robberies. He was transferred to the Santa Rosa Resident Agency in 1989 as the Senior Agent.
Eddie finished his FBI career as the Senior Team Leader of the regional SWAT team, retiring after the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002. Eddie was the lead investigator of the 1993 Polly Klaas kidnapping/murder case in Petaluma, California. He also created the High Sierra SWAT Team Challenge in 1996 which later became Urban Shield.
Eddie instructed at several locations in the Bay Area including: Santa Rosa Training Center, Alameda Regional Training Center, and Mendocino College. Eddie also worked in the private industry as a security consultant. Eddie developed public safety curriculum for a high school career tech program between 2008 and 2009 in the north bay which was offered in 11 area high schools. In 2009, Eddie accepted an assignment with the US Army and was deployed to Iraq for one year where he worked on anti-terrorism targeting and rule of law programs. In 2011, Eddie became the Undersheriff of Walla Walla County Washington until he returned to California in February of this year.
Questions about the POST Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Eddie Freyer, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4887.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2013-14 on which the Commission has taken, or will consider taking, a position.
Bill # and Author |
Title, Summary, and Commission Position |
Status of Bill |
AB 25 (Campos) |
Employment: social media.
An act to amend Section 980 of the Labor Code, relating to employment.
Existing law prohibits a private employer from requiring or requesting an employee or applicant for employment to disclose a username or password for the purpose of accessing personal social media, to access personal social media in the presence of the employer, or to divulge any personal social media. Existing law prohibits a private employer from discharging, disciplining, threatening to discharge or discipline, or otherwise retaliating against an employee or applicant for not complying with a request or demand that violates these provisions.
This bill would apply the provisions described above to public employers, as defined. The bill would state that its provisions address a matter of statewide interest and apply to public employers generally, including charter cities and counties.
Commission Position: Opposed
Last Amended Date:
Senate Appropriations Committee - 05/02/13
AB 1860 (M. Perez) |
Peace officers: basic training requirements.
An act to amend Section 832 of the Penal Code, relating to peace officers.
This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in those provisions.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Assembly Public Safety Committee - 03/20/14
AB 2314 (Hall) |
Peace officers: firearms.
An act to amend Section 830.5 of the Penal Code, relating to peace officers.
This bill would require the chief probation officer of each county to train and arm those probation officers and deputy probation officers who are assigned supervision of persons on probation or postrelease community supervision that are deemed high-risk. This bill would require every county probation department to promulgate regulations consistent with these provisions.
Commission Position: No position
Assignment Date:
Assembly Public Safety Committee - 03/10/14
AB 2387 (Pan) |
Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training: contracting: authority.
An act to amend Sections 19131 and 19132 of the Government Code, and to amend Section 13503 of the Penal Code, relating to peace officers.
This bill would provide that, in exercising it’s contracting authority, the Commission may determine if services to be contracted cannot be satisfactorily provided by the State civil service system because the services are highly specialized, the services cannot be performed by a civil service employee, or the services required are urgent or essential and delaying the performance of these services would frustrate the need for the services or resulting studies or reports.
This is a Commission-sponsored bill.
Commission Position: Support
Last Amended Date:
Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security - 03/20/14
Hearing scheduled for 04/23/14
SB 1278 (Leno) |
Animal control officers.
An act to amend Section 830.9 of the Penal Code, relating to animal control officers.
This bill would require every person appointed as an animal control officer prior to July 1, 2015, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants no later than July 1, 2016. This bill would require every person appointed as an animal control officer, and every person appointed as a director, manager, supervisor, or any person in charge of an animal control agency, on or after July 1, 2015, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants within one year of his or her appointment, as specified. This bill would require every animal control officer, prior to the exercise of the powers of arrest and to serve warrants, to have satisfactorily completed the required course of training.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Senate Appropriation Committee - 04/01/14
SB 1321 (Calderon) |
Peace officers: training: canines.
An act relating to peace officers.
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to require the Commission to develop training requirements for peace officers in the humane treatment of canines when encountering canine behavior.
Commission Position: No position
With Committee Rules - Waiting for assignment - 03/17/14. |
SB 1406 (Wolk) |
Correctional Officers: Napa County.
An act to amend Section 831.5 of the Penal Code, relating to correctional officers.
This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change.
Commission Position: No position
Last Amended Date:
Senate Public Safety - 03/26/14.
Set for hearing on 04/29/14.

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2014 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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