November 2010
POST is going green! In support of Governor Schwarzenegger’s dedication to making California cleaner and greener, the POST Green Initiative has been established. This initiative supports our internal efforts in working towards creating a healthier environment in which to work, live, and learn. POST has already implemented energy-saving practices such as powering down electronic equipment during non-business hours and using teleconferencing to cut down on travel, reducing greenhouse gases and carbon emissions. POST has also been providing paperless information to the field, such as Administrative Progress Reports, law enforcement employment opportunities, and online forms. POST will now be adding paperless bulletins to its list of information provided to the field. Starting January 1, 2011, POST will be sending regulatory and informational bulletins electronically. This is another step taken by POST to be an eco-friendly organization.
Questions about the Initiative may be directed to Personnel Officer Darla Engler, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3907
In response to the accelerated rate and pace of emergent issues facing today’s first line supervisors, the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) recently completed updating its curriculum and instructional delivery systems. The revisions strengthen the nexus between the curriculum’s adult experiential learning theory model and specific session learning outcomes. The curriculum will be forwarded to facilitators for implementation by January 1, 2011.
During this most recent revision, the curriculum has been enhanced in the following ways:
- Inclusion of an “adaptive leadership” project and facilitator protocol,
- Integration of contemporary case studies contrasting philosophical leadership principles with recent board of inquiry findings,
- Implementation of subject-specific collaborative field trips that align with specific learning outcomes,
- Heightened responsibility and accountability for final projects, and
- Increased correlation of Museum of Tolerance exhibits with SBSLI leadership concepts.
The revised curriculum reflects the POST SBSLI copyright logo on each lesson plan, resolving questions regarding intellectual property rights.
Questions about the SBSLI revisions may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
“Gangs: PC 186.22 for Patrol” is the latest online course available on the POST Learning Portal. This training equips patrol officers with the skills and information needed to recognize, document, and report emerging patterns of gang activity to meet PC 186.22 criteria.
Within the first month, over 1,000 officers completed the online course, each receiving three (3) hours of CPT credit. Feedback on the course has been positive. The following comments were received via POST’s course evaluation instrument:
“Great course that really helped me understand some of the things needed to help build a case for a gang enhancement.”
“Very well put together. Great way to present the basics. A nice refresher.”
“Great intro course, ideal for new officers or deputies.”
In addition, the course won the 2010 Silver Davey Award in the category of Interactive Multimedia – Training.
Questions about the Gangs course may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
POST has partnered with The Ken Blanchard Companies to offer Situational Leadership® II certification to Supervisory Course facilitators. Four 32-hour Trainer Certification sessions have been conducted in both Northern and Southern California from July through November. Over 70 Supervisory Course instructors recertified training in principles of effective leadership utilizing the model and process for Situational Leadership® II. The course material was specifically designed to meet law enforcement needs, and ultimately the content will be interwoven throughout the 80-hour Supervisory Course. The goal is to support law enforcement supervisors/sergeants (leaders) with a process to identify the developmental needs of subordinates and tailor their leadership style to fit the specific person and the situation. This additional training for Supervisory Course facilitators is pursuant to POST Strategic Plan Objective C.10.08, “Conduct a comprehensive review of the Supervisory Course and Curriculum.”
Questions about the Situational Leadership® II workshops or the Supervisory Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Tricia Chisum, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-3916.
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