October 2013
Please welcome Stephanie Scofield, POST’s newest Assistant Executive Director.
Stephanie joined POST in 2008 as a Law Enforcement Consultant after serving for 14 years in California law enforcement. She began in the Management Counseling Services Bureau where she conducted organizational studies of California law enforcement agencies. She was then transferred to the Basic Training Bureau where she managed the state’s Reserve Peace Officer Program, the Modular Format Program, and the PC 832 Program. She then served in the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau as the Region 10 Area Consultant for Orange, San Diego, and Imperial counties.
Stephanie was promoted to Bureau Chief of the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau in 2011. In 2012, she served as the Bureau Chief of the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau. Stephanie's new roll oversees the Administrative Services Division.
Stephanie's law enforcement experience includes two years with the Orange County Sheriff's Department and 12 years with the Pleasanton Police Department. She held a variety of assignments, including Canine Officer, Field Training Officer, and Detective. As a Sergeant, she was a Patrol Supervisor, Field Training Program Supervisor, and the Administrative Sergeant. Stephanie holds a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from California State University, Fullerton.
Stephanie commented upon her promotion, “I’m honored to have this opportunity within such a remarkable organization. We have an amazing law enforcement community here in California. I’m looking forward to serving in this new capacity and working collaboratively to maintain the highest standards for the selection and training of California peace officers and public safety dispatchers."
Comments about Assistant Executive Director Stephanie Scofield may be directed to Executive Director Robert Stresak at (916) 227-2803.
The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, supported the development of two training programs based on the Fair and Impartial Policing perspective – one for recruits/patrol officers, and one for first-line supervisors. POST staff was invited to participate in the Training of Trainers in Richmond on October 14-16, 2013. It was hosted by the University of California, Berkeley Police Department.
The Fair and Impartial Policing training program applies modern scientific research regarding bias to police training with the goals of making officers and supervisors more effective at solving crimes, staying safe, and enhancing trust with the citizens they serve. It trains officers and supervisors on the effect of unconscious bias and gives them information and skills they need to reduce and manage their own biases. The curricula address a variety of potential biases including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, and age.
A high level of enthusiasm and professionalism existed among the instructors and was mirrored by the student response and participation throughout the course. POST will evaluate the value of this training in POST-certified courses.
Questions about this training may be directed to Senior Consultant Alexis Blaylock, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3935; or to Senior Consultant Tricia Chisum, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-3916.
MediaBytes, the latest app developed by POST, provides California law enforcement easy access to short videos from the POST Learning Portal.
MediaBytes is available in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The app can be found by searching for “Mediabytes” within each store. Installation is free; a POST Learning Portal (lp.post.ca.gov) user account is not required to use the app, but is needed to unlock certain videos.
Questions about MediaBytes may be directed to Senior Instructional Systems Engineer Ahlam Alhweiti, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-2509.
During October, 27 students attended the 36-hour Training Managers Course presented by the Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center. The course is designed for newly-assigned training managers. Topics included developing a training plan, college resources, liability issues, adult learning concepts, and management of training records. Additionally, POST staff presented information on the POST Website, the Learning Portal, course certification, certificates, reimbursement procedures, and agency compliance inspections.
The next Training Managers Course is scheduled for March 10-14, 2014. To register for the course, contact the Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center at (707) 836-2912.
Questions about the course may be directed to Senior Consultant Karen Lozito, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0471.
The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) Facilitator Assessment Workshop was held during October 2013 in Concord. The 12 prospective SBSLI facilitators in attendance came from sheriffs' departments and police agencies throughout California. The intensive 24-hour training was the first of two sessions where prospective facilitators are trained in the art of facilitation by a master trainer and master facilitators.
Participants reviewed current protocols, best practices of adult facilitation, lessons learned from facilitation, and desired student outcomes. After modeling facilitation skills, participants were given assignments from various chapters of the SBSLI reading list and protocols in preparation for the second Facilitator Assessment Workshop scheduled in December 2013. There the prospective facilitators will facilitate lessons learned from their readings and protocols.
Each prospective facilitator will be evaluated by a team of master SBSLI facilitators and, if successful, will be invited to join the cadre of Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute program facilitators.
Questions about the SBSLI program may be directed to Senior Consultant Kevin Hart, Center for Leadership Development Bureau, at (916) 227-2824.
POST is pleased to announce the newest performance support tool for California law enforcement was released on the Learning Portal in September 2013.
The Incident Preparedness Assessment Tool (IPAT) enables command-level staff to assess their agency's preparedness to deal with all hazardous incidents as well as special events. Questions regarding mitigation, planning, response, recovery, and relationships identify any gaps in an agency’s readiness. Corrective action items can be delegated to staff and monitored for completion. To date, 204 California law enforcement agencies have accessed the IPAT.
During October 2013, POST staff demonstrated the tool’s capabilities to the State Threat Assessment System Training Coordination Group and to the Central California Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinators at their training meeting.
Questions about the IPAT or requests for demonstrations of the tool’s capabilities may be directed to Senior Instructional Designer Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
In October 2013, the POST Basic Training Bureau presented a course for future Skills Evaluators on the Basic Course Certification Review (BCCR). A BCCR is conducted on each basic academy presenter every three years for the purpose of ensuring the quality, integrity, and safety of entry-level peace officer training in California, and is an important component for ensuring academy graduates are well-equipped to meet the challenges they will face during their careers.
The BCCR consists of on-site peer reviews by Subject Matter Expert Skills Evaluators from neighboring California academies, followed by a detailed inspection by POST staff. The Skills Evaluators are selected based on their proven level of expertise, not only in their specialty area, but as law enforcement trainers. The Skills Evaluators specialize in the following areas: Arrest Methods/Defensive Tactics, Firearms/Chemical Agents, Vehicle Operations, Lifetime Fitness, and Scenario Training/Testing. Evaluators must be qualified for their area of expertise according to Commission Regulation 1070; or in the case of scenarios, must be a qualified Scenario Manager.
All participants must also complete the BCCR Evaluator Course and be recommended by their host agency. The Basic Training Bureau looks forward to the collaborative peer-review process this latest class of Skills Evaluators will bring to California’s academy community.
Questions about the POST Basic Training Bureau, or enrolling in a future BCCR Evaluator Course, may be directed to Bureau Chief Scott Loggins, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4261.
“Advances in Increasing the Professionalism of Police and Public Safety Psychology: A New Era of Recognition and Responsibility” was the title of a presentation made by POST Supervising Personnel Selection Consultant Shelley Weiss Spilberg, Ph.D., and consulting psychologist David Corey, Ph.D., at the annual conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In their presentation for the IACP’s Police Psychological Services Section, Drs. Spilberg and Corey discussed recent advances in the recognition of police and public safety psychology as a separate specialty, and relatedly, recent changes to POST Peace Officer Psychological Screening regulations requiring screening psychologists to devote a portion of their mandated continuing education hours to courses relevant to this specialized function.
Dr. Spilberg made a second presentation to the annual Johnson, Roberts and Associates pre-conference workshop, attended by more than 35 psychologists from across the country. She also provided an update on legal issues and recent POST efforts impacting pre-employment psychological assessment.
Questions about the presentations may be directed to Supervising Personnel Selection Consultant Shelley Spilberg, Ph.D., Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4824.
During October 2013, the POST Basic Training Bureau presented a two-day workshop for PC 832 course presenters and coordinators. The workshop reviewed POST statutory and regulatory requirements, including case studies of problem programs and examples of best practices. A detailed presentation of online program resources was presented for coordinators and trainers as self-help tools. The attendees participated in facilitated discussions of field issues and remedies, including a question-and-answer segment with members of the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau regarding proctoring the Testing Management and Assessment System, the Flash Boot Drive, and the Electronic Data Interchange. The workshop focused on peer networking and sharing in collaboration with POST personnel. A draft document of a self-assessment checklist was presented for review, comment, and feedback.
Successful completion of the training specified in Penal Code section 832(a) is required before an individual can exercise the powers of a peace officer. The PC 832 course consists of two components: the 40-hour Arrest course and the 24-hour Firearms course. Each component may be presented as a separate course, or they may be delivered as a combined course. Peace officers who are not authorized to carry firearms are only required to complete the arrest component. The PC 832 training requirement may also be met by completion of the Regular Basic Course – Standard Format, Module III of the Modular Format, or the Specialized Investigators’ Basic Course.
Questions about the PC 832 course may be addressed to Senior Consultant Lon Ramlan, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4820.
The Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council met in San Diego in October 2013. There were approximately 25 attendees from different agencies and backgrounds throughout the state. Attendees shared information and offered direction to POST staff on current trends, best practices, employee retention ideas, and other topics of importance to public safety dispatchers. The group also discussed the five-year vision for the Council.
Questions about the Public Safety Dispatcher Advisory Council may be directed to Special Consultant Rosanna McKinney, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
In April 2013, POST’s longstanding contract with CPS HR Consulting Service was suspended. Resumption of services occurred during October with the following new testing procedures: 1) test requests must be submitted to testorders@post.ca.gov at least 15 business days prior to the scheduled test administration date; and 2) test materials will be emailed directly to the agency. Reproduction of the documents will be outlined in the Proctor Instructions. CDs and Scantron forms will be mailed to the agency by POST staff. After the test administration, the agency will be responsible for shredding all printed test booklets and returning the CDs, used/unused Scantron forms, and candidate agreement forms. Proctor training is still required and is available through CPS. Any agency in need of proctor training should contact CPS directly at (916) 227-3516. When ordering tests, the following information must be included in the email:
1. Type of test requested
2. Date of test
3. Name of agency
4. Name of person requesting test
5. Phone number
6. Email address
7. Shipping address
8. Number of applicants/test booklets needed
9. Name of proctor(s)
Questions about the procedures should be directed to the POST Test Orders Unit in the Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau at (916) 227-4888 or via email at testorders@post.ca.gov.
The California Sexual Assault Investigators Association (CSAIA) convened a training conference in Sacramento, where POST staff made three presentations highlighting POST-developed resources beneficial to investigators. The resources included: Sexual Assault Investigation (DVD); Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (DVD); Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Tribal Communities (DVD); Victims of Violence: A Guide to Help Bring Justice (DVD); the Search Warrant Writing Tool, software that assists with the search warrant writing process; the Investigation Tool, a mobile app on the investigation process; and Sexual Assault: The Patrol Response (SAPR), an on-line, self-paced training course.
DVDs are available through the POST Training Video Catalog, while the tools and course are available through the Learning Portal. The Investigation Tool mobile app is also available through Google Play and the Apple Store.
Questions about POST training DVDs may be directed to Television Communications Center Director Ron Crook, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3913.
Questions about resources on the Learning Portal may be directed to Senior Information Systems Analyst Jan Myyra, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4550.
The Master Instructor Certification Course (MICC) held the final validation for students in MICC Class #7. Students attended this final workshop in San Diego where they presented their completed total training packages for 24-hour courses that each student researched and created. Students presented their written work and then demonstrated the work in a one-hour active, student-centered training delivery format. Each presentation was critiqued by a panel of POST staff and/or Master Instructor graduates and was graded according to a rubric.
San Diego Regional Training Center presents this course and will coordinate the graduation ceremony for the students in Sacramento on November 14, 2013. POST extends its congratulations to Class #7 Master Instructor graduates!
Questions about the POST Master Instructor Program may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
The project to update the POST Entry-Level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery continues. In October, a meeting with subject matter experts (SMEs) was held in San Diego. Dispatcher guidelines and specifications were reviewed to ensure current test items are relevant to the job of a dispatcher. The SMEs also began work constructing alternative audio portions of the existing exam. POST extended invitations for this workshop to communication center managers/supervisors, dispatcher trainers, dispatchers (new and experienced), and other personnel who have been actively involved in the recruitment, selection, retention, training, and career development of public safety dispatchers.
The next workshop will be held in Anaheim, December 18-20, 2013. This workshop will focus on creating new test items for the test battery.
Questions about the workshop or the POST Dispatcher Selection Test Battery may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Tammura Brown, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-2810.

The Administrative Progress Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2013 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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