october 2014
In October, the POST “Investigation Tool” mobile app received the 2014 Mobile Government Forum Award for Best User Experience.
The app helps investigators build a mental picture of the investigation process and provides a helpful checklist of investigation tasks. POST's Learning Technology Resources Bureau developed the tool with the help of expert investigators, and Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) presenters and instructors. MediaBytes, the POST app to easily view short-form POST videos on a mobile device, was also nominated by the Forum judges for recognition. Both apps are available in the Apple App Store and in Google Play; additional information can be found on the POST Learning Portal.
The Mobile Government Forum is an annual, collaborative event involving private industry and California government designed to highlight how government can improve its service delivery models and make the programs that serve constituents more effective. This year's event had more than 400 attendees.
Questions about the Investigation Tool may be directed to Senior Instructional Systems Engineer Rich Dunn, Learning Technology Resource Bureau, at (916) 227-4262.
Questions about MediaBytes may be directed to Senior Instructional Systems Engineer Ahlam Alhweiti, Learning Technology Resource Bureau, at (916) 227-2509.
In September 2014, POST, in close collaboration with the Southern California Training Managers Group, consisting of experienced training managers from law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties, hosted the 2014 Training Manager’s Workshop in San Diego.
Over 300 new and experienced training managers who manage law enforcement training programs throughout California met and received current information and hands-on training in many subjects. To maximize the effectiveness of the attendees’ experience at the workshop, the attendees were divided into two groups – new and experienced – based on how they self-identified when they registered. The presenters of the individual sessions then tailored the information they delivered based on the experience level of the attendees at each session.
Subjects presented included course certification, POST Electronic Data Interchange system, legislative mandates and POST regulations, conducting training needs assessments and developing training plans, State Controller’s audits, instructor development, and many others.
In addition, attendees also heard presentations by Randy Barnes on “Creating a High Performing Training Unit,” Dale Stockton on “Below 100,” and Attorney Missy O’Linn on “Reducing Liability.”
Questions about the 2014 Statewide Training Manager’s Workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Gary Manini, Training Delivery and Compliance Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4868.
POST presents the Basic Course Director-Coordinator Workshop triennially throughout the State to provide newly-assigned Directors and Coordinators with the requisite skills needed to manage and supervise academies and modular presentations of the basic courses. During the workshop, presenters and POST staff discuss several topics, which include course management and supervision, staff roles, presentation requirements, instructor standards, safety, policy, leadership, and testing.
Additionally, during the October workshop, staff and presenters were provided an opportunity to collaborate and identify presentation concerns and current trends. Attendees often identify challenging aspects of Commission Regulations and make recommendations for updates, as well as suggesting possible tools that POST could develop, such as electronic templates for safety plans and hourly distributions of the content of the courses.
The Director-Coordinator Workshop allows course presenters and staff to review various aspects involved with the presentation of basic courses. The next workshop is scheduled for February 2015.
Questions about the Basic Course or the Director-Coordinator Workshop may be directed to Senior Consultant Mike Barnes, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3454.
On November 12, 2013, POST brought together the leadership of statewide law enforcement associations and other selected agencies to obtain needed input regarding Public Safety Realignment. The primary goal of this session was to identify core realignment issues for local agencies and conduct a training needs assessment so POST could evaluate how its resources can best support California law enforcement.
The focus group agreed that there was a training need and POST could play a role in providing valuable information to the field on this topic. Subject matter experts representing law enforcement, probation, parole, district attorneys, and the Governor’s office were identified and work has begun on a training video to provide the law enforcement community an overview and insight into the facets of realignment.
The video will be segmented into different topic areas and will provide information that is relevant to all levels of law enforcement from patrol, custody, supervisors, and managers to executives. The video is due for release in February 2015 and will be available for viewing on the POST Learning Portal on a 24/7 basis.
Questions about the Realignment Training Video, or any other training video produced by POST, may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
During October, POST and the California Emergency Medical Standards Authority (EMSA) held the first meeting with subject matter expert (SME) stakeholders from throughout the State to discuss changes to California Code of Regulations, Division 9, Title 22, Chapter 1.5, First Aid Standards for Public Safety Personnel.
The current regulations had not been updated since 2000 and were revised by EMSA to bring peace officer skills in line with current emergency responder first aid techniques. This preliminary meeting was a collaborative endeavor between EMSA and POST, and was held to compare existing Training and Testing Specifications (TTS) and the learning domain workbook content for the Regular Basic Course (RBC), as well as specifications for in-service training needs, with the proposed regulatory content and new required skills.
The key points addressed during the meeting included identifying gaps in existing training, assessing required competencies related to the new required skills, and establishing criteria for determining course content. The curriculum for basic and in-service first aid/CPR will need to be developed, along with requisite instructor qualifications for the RBC, in-service training, and a course for current officers to address the “gap” related to both new and optional skills.
New course content and competencies to be developed include, but are not limited to, use of automated external defibrillator (AED), incorporation of tactical first aid concepts, use of hemostatic dressings, and assisted naloxone and epinephrine administration. There are also five “optional skills” identified in the regulations: naloxone administration, epinephrine administration, oxygen delivery, use of auto-injectors containing atropine and pralidoxime chloride for nerve agent exposure, and oropharyngeal airways (OPAs) and nasopharyngeal nasal airways (NPAs).
The skills portion of training will be competency-based, and POST, EMSA, and other appropriate SMEs will develop course content and testing requirements.
A considerable amount of work was completed during the workshop including the gap analysis in the basic courses TTS and in the student workbook for LD 34. Additionally, numerous subjects to be addressed as part of the overall strategy to comprehensively implement the changes in regulation were identified and will be the basis for future meetings. The next workshop is scheduled in February 2015.
Questions about the first aid and CPR standards for law enforcement may be directed to Senior Consultant Phil Caporale, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-2519.
During October, 20 students attended the 36-hour Training Managers Course presented by Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center. The Course is designed for newly-assigned training managers. Topics included developing a training plan, liability issues, adult learning concepts, and management of training records. Additionally, POST staff presented resource information on the POST Website, the Learning Portal, course certification, certificates, and agency compliance inspections.
The next presentation of the Course is tentatively scheduled for March 2015. Training Managers interested in attending the Course should contact the Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center at (707) 836-2912 to register.
Questions about the Training Managers Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Karen Lozito, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0471.
Administrative Services Bureau
POST is please to welcome Ben Damian as the Business Service Officer I (Specialist) assigned to the Administrative Services Bureau. As a Business Service Officer, Ben’s duties consist of procurement, telecommunications, and facilities management.
Prior to joining POST, Ben worked at the Public Employment Relations Board and has 30 years of service in purchasing, contracting, telecommunications, records management, facilities, and other areas of business services.
Questions about the bureau’s business services may be directed to Business Services Officer Ben Damian, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4255.
Training Program Services Bureau
POST is pleased to welcome Brenda Lusk as an Associate Governmental Program Analyst assigned to Training Program Services Bureau. As a Project Manager, Brenda manages the bureau’s contracts, processes invoices, tracks expenditures, and monitors the overall budget.
Brenda graduated from California State University, Sacramento, with a BA in Anthropology. Her first state job was with the Employment Development Department. She then transferred to the Department of General Services (DGS) in the Direct Construction Unit as an Inventory Controller. In September 2008, Brenda took a position with the Statewide Travel and Meeting Management Program (STAMMP) and was assigned to the California Meeting Management Program (CMMP) as a Conference Specialist. In 2009, she was promoted to an Associate Governmental Program Analyst and continued with CMMP until the program was eliminated in 2012. Her last assignment at DGS was with the Building and Property Management Branch as a Fiscal Analyst before coming to POST.
Questions about the bureau’s contracts, invoices, or expenditures may be directed to Associate Governmental Program Analyst Brenda Lusk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4809.
There is no legislative update at this time. The Legislature reconvenes in December 2014.

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2014 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 1601 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95816
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