Field Training Officer Video Scenarios Instructor Manual


The POST Field Training Officer Video Scenarios program has been developed as a supporting resource for POST Field Training Officer (FTO) Course presenters and FTO program coordinators in California. The purpose of this project is to provide a practical resource that concentrates on consistency in evaluation of trainees going through Field Training.

Relationship to POST Field Training Officer Course

In 1998, the POST Field Training Officer Course (FTO Course) was published. It provided a standardized curriculum to guide FTO Course presenters and law enforcement agency FTO Coordinators in the initial orientation and training of newly selected field training officers.

The FTO Course curriculum contains several specific references to the use of video reenactments as well as other learning activities (practical exercises, word pictures, verbal assessments, direct questions, etc.). The goal of these learning activities is to enhance and reinforce the FTO candidate's ability to effectively deal with substandard performance. This project represents the first video reenactment resource.

Relationship to POST Field Training Program Guide

The POST Field Training Program Guide was published in 1997. It established a standardized program and framework by which law enforcement agencies have been able to develop their own field training program.

Part II of the Field Training Program Guide contains an extensive look at the evaluation process. The information and materials used in Part II have been carefully incorporated into this project.

Use of Video Scenarios

This program, the POST Field Training Officer Video Scenarios, has been specifically designed to enhance the training discussed in both POST FTO program publications. It was developed to be used in the FTO Course as part of the "consistency in evaluation" component of the training, and it can be used by law enforcement agency FTO program coordinators as a resource for maintaining the skills of the FTO.

The film and these instructor materials are designed to be used in a classroom setting. With preparation, the instructor will be able to the easily transition from scene to scene and direct students through several practical exercises. Upon completion of the exercises, the course students should be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the differences between outstanding, acceptable, and unacceptable behavior.

The mission of the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training is to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement in serving its communities. The POST Field Training Officer Video Scenarios program has been developed to support this mission, drawing upon the expertise of, and input from, the law enforcement community statewide. This video training represents another component of the FTO program that has "raised the bar" of professional standards and competencies for California law enforcement.

The Commission appreciates the contributions made by the Advisory Committee in preparing this program. Questions or comments should be directed to the Basic Training Bureau at (916) 227-4252.