Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I be notified of my class assignment?
Our goal is to assign each applicant to a class within a year of applying. That time frame is dependent upon how many applicants apply to the program and how many classes are available to attend. It is recommended that applicants keep their schedule open to attending during this time frame to ensure that they will be available for the class with which they are assigned.
How are SLI classes assigned?
SLI class assignment is not based on seniority or timing of application. The success of the SLI course is based on a varied cross section of supervisors. Upon completion of Open Enrollment, the list of applicants is divided so that each class has a unique cross section of individuals with representatives from all types of law enforcement agencies throughout the state. This includes different types of law enforcement agencies, agencies of differing size, and location within the state of California. Additionally, we look at an applicant’s time on as a supervisor to include varying degrees of time of service within the supervisory role for each class. A great amount of time and detail goes into this process to help us align with the standards in which we facilitate this learning environment.
When is POST accepting applications?
The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI) open enrollment will be announced in a POST bulletin.
How do I apply?
Applications will be accepted through EDI. If you do not have EDI access, please contact your agency’s training manager.
Do I need to reapply for each open enrollment period?
No need to reapply. Applicants not selected to attend a SLI course in the previous open enrollment period will continue to be in the application pool. However, if an applicant refuses a class that is offered prior to the next open enrollment period, they must reapply.
When will I know if I’m accepted into SLI?
Once you have completed your SLI application, our course presenter will notify you of your application status. SLI acceptance is ongoing as the classes become available. Please do not contact POST staff to inquire about your SLI application status.
What if my agency does not have EDI access?
Applications may be submitted via the EDI Agency Access Application (pdf). Agencies may fax completed EDI applications to POST at the number indicated on the EDI application. Contact EDI Helpdesk at (916) 227-4357 for further assistance.
What are the minimum application requirements?
To be considered for SBSLI enrollment each applicant must meet the following criteria at the time of application:
- Is currently serving as a first-level supervisory peace officer (generally the position of Sergeant).
- Is currently serving as a first-level supervisory dispatcher (generally the position of Dispatch Supervisor).
- Has completed two years of full-time experience supervising peace officer at the time that the application is submitted.
- Has completed two years of full-time experience supervising dispatchers at the time that the application is submitted
- Must have Notice of Appointment (NOAT) in EDI showing two years of experience
- Time served as an acting first-level supervisory peace officer/dispatcher or acting first-level supervisor will not be accepted.
- Has completed the POST Supervisory Course or has been awarded a POST Supervisory Certificate or the Dispatch Supervisors Course or equivalency.
- Agrees to remain in law enforcement for five (5) years after SBSLI graduation.
What are some common problems when submitting an application through EDI?
There are several possible reasons that an applicant may be listed as ineligible. The following are some scenarios and recommendations:
Incorrect Rank
Often, applicants are shown as not being qualified if the agency neglected to send a NOTA to POST upon promotion to the first-level supervisory rank. The agency should check the profile of the individual and then submit a NOTA via EDI immediately to remedy the situation.
Incorrect Rank Date
It is also possible that the rank date for appointment to first-level supervisor may have been incorrectly entered. The profile for the individual should be checked to ensure it is correct. If it is not correct, please contact EDI Helpdesk at (916) 227-4357 to have it corrected.
Incorrect or Missing Basic Supervisory Course Roster
Completion of the Supervisory Course is indicated on POST rosters; however, occasionally a roster has not been received or student ID was incorrectly noted, and credit for completion was recorded under another student’s ID. Agencies should check the applicant's POST Profile to be sure that completion of the course is noted.
Agencies that submit an incorrect appointment via EDI will need to notify POST in writing within ten days, with a justification of the correction request. Requests should be submitted to the EDI Unit of the Strategic Communications Bureau using the Correction to the Record (2-362) (pdf) at Agencies that are able to update NOTA information via EDI may update the data as needed to correct discrepancies. Contact EDI Helpdesk at (916) 227-4357 for further assistance.
Notice as of August 28, 2023
Each class will be notified of the details on how to access the information for their class. The Alumni photos will no longer be posted on the SBSLI Network on the POST Website. Please contact Jim Katapodis at (916) 204-5587 if you have any questions.