september 2015
POST released the Online Professional Certificate Application allowing agencies to apply for a Professional Certificate online. The application also includes the ability to upload and submit documents.
Agencies have the functionality to allow applicants the ability to submit requests for certificates individually, following agency review and approval. Individuals will use their PASS account to access the Certificate Application. To create a PASS account, refer to POST Bulletin 2014-21 (pdf).
For more information about the online application, refer to POST Bulletin 2015-21 (pdf).
For technical questions, please contact the support team at (916) 227-4357.
Questions regarding the POST Professional Certificates may be directed to the Certificates Unit, Administrative Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4253.
During September, Training Program Services Bureau (TPS) met with John Mutz, Senior Consultant of the Dynamx Consulting Inc., and Jane Lorand, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of the Future Insight Maps Inc. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the capability of the WindTunneling, Sense-Making survey to capture community micro-narrative story data.
Sense-making is defined as “how do we make sense of the world so that we can act in it.” It carries with it the notion of sufficiency, not completeness of information. Training Program Services Bureau is evaluating a variety of sense-making survey designs to facilitate the delivery of a proposed course entitled: “The Effects of Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy in Countering Terrorism on Police Organizations, In Crime Fighting; and Public Expectations of Attitudes toward the Police and Anti-terrorism Activities.”
It is believed that the sense-maker survey will enhance California law enforcement efforts to foster valuable collaborative partnerships with diverse communities, develop anti-terrorism strategies related to the prevention, detection, and facilitation of emergency response resources to acts of terrorism; thereby, strengthening homeland safety.
Questions regarding the Sense-Making Micro-Narrative Survey may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
POST Learning Technology Resources Bureau (LTR) has started a project to design and develop a self-paced, web-based course and a customization module to provide vehicle pursuit policy refresher training on the POST Learning Portal.
The course will be available to help California law enforcement officers meet the mandate for annual training on their agency’s vehicle pursuit policies (Vehicle Code section 17004.7). The customization module will allow training managers to set up the course so that their officers’ experiences in the learning and evaluation activities are based on their own agency’s policy. The course will also be designed so that an officer’s experience in the course will vary from year to year.
The analysis phase is now underway to identify course learning objectives and software requirements for the customization module. As part of this phase, LTR is collecting as many vehicle pursuit policies as possible to identify the points where policies may be different from agency to agency. Agencies that have not already provided their vehicle pursuit policy are encouraged to send it via email, in Word or Adobe pdf form, to Catherine Bacon.
Questions regarding the project may be directed Senior Information Systems Analyst Catherine Bacon, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4546.
The Public Safety Dispatch Advisory Council (PSDAC) met in August in Orange County. Eighteen council members had an opportunity to preview a new POST Training DVD “Dispatchers: Career Resiliency” and an online, self-paced training that will be completed early next year. Council members were updated on work progress since the last council meeting, including an extensive report on NexGen911 and current Text-to-911 projects. Senior Instructional Designer Rayanne Rogers and Senior Information Systems Analyst Jan Myyra from the Learning Technology Resources Bureau conducted an exercise to determine topics for future dispatcher training.
Questions regarding the meeting may be directed to Training Officer Rosanna McKinney, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3897.
POST continues the effort of updating the entry-level peace officer job analysis. Survey data was collected over a 1-year period with 1,237 law enforcement officers representing 236 different agencies (39%) within 50 different counties (86%).
Utilizing the information collected from the survey, three meetings will be held with subject matter experts (SMEs) during October, November, and January. SMEs will review the results of the survey, determine core items, establish critical task statements, and perform linkages between job tasks and job functions, and between job functions and job competencies.
Results of the job analysis will be used to support and validate the purpose and content of the Basic Course and corresponding tests, and will help guide future POST projects.
Questions regarding the Peace Officer Job Analysis Project may be directed to Senior Personnel Selection Consultant Irene Wong-Chi, Standards, Evaluation, and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4835.
During September, Training Program Services Bureau audited the San Diego Regional Training Center presentation of the POST Master Instructor Coaching and Mentoring course. The course is designed to engage current Master Instructor Certification Course facilitators in revisiting and exploring contemporary and emergent coaching and mentoring skills. The meeting provided participants with a clear insight and understanding into the dynamics that happen between mentors, coaches, and those being mentored.
Questions regarding the POST Master Instructor Certification Coaching and Mentoring Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Charles Evans, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4432.
POST has released its newest training video, “Dispatchers: Career Resiliency.” Designed for all levels of dispatchers, the purpose of the program is to get dispatchers thinking about how they can make a difference to their own and their peers’ career, work environment and well being. It also assists in starting a dialogue about what the job is and what it could be.
The ultimate goal of this program is to increase dispatchers' awareness to the many challenges of the job and show ways to avoid the pitfalls so that dispatchers may enjoy a long, healthy, well-adjusted career. Segments include: Uncontrollable Factors, Controllable Factors, Communication, Taking Care of Our Own, and Management and Supervision. The training video offers two viewing modes and printable documents for either group-facilitated or individual instruction.
The DVD was mass-mailed statewide to dispatch and communication centers, training managers, and training departments at law enforcement agencies in the POST Program. Additional copies of the DVD may be ordered online using the POST Video Catalog.
Questions regarding the new training video may be directed to Senior Consultant Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
Training Program Services Bureau consultants recently visited the law enforcement agencies that had suffered a duty related death or assault. The purpose of the visit was to present a formal letter of condolence from the POST Executive Director to the concerned agency Chief of Police or Sheriff, acknowledging the tragic loss of their officer. The visit also involved POST staff identifying the department’s liaison who could provide data regarding the circumstances related to the fallen officer or deputy.
POST’s ultimate objective in collecting the data is to assess the information in an effort to develop training designed to prevent future peace officer assaults, murders, and accidental deaths. To accomplish this mission, POST will analyze officer safety data, evaluate any identifiable patterns and trends critical to law enforcement safety, and develop realistic training to maximize peace officer performance during unanticipated, high-stress and rapidly changing conditions.
POST is committed to researching and publishing peace officer safety information that will serve as a guide for the development of training that will help prevent additional incidents.
Questions regarding the LEOKA report may be directed to Senior Consultant Janna Munk, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-0473.
The following are bills in Legislative Session 2015-16. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training has analyzed each bill to determine its affect on law enforcement training.
Bill # and Author |
Title and Summary |
Status of Bill |
ABX2-15 (Eggman)
End of life.
ABX2-15 would, until January 1, 2026, enact the End of Life Option Act authorizing an adult who meets certain qualifications and conditions to request a drug prescribed for the purpose of ending his or her life. This bill would create new crimes, making it a felony to (1) knowingly alter or forge a request for drugs to end an individual’s life, (2) conceal or destroy a withdrawal or rescission of a request for a drug, with the intent or effect of causing the individual’s death, (3) knowingly coerce or exert undue influence on an individual to request a drug for the purpose of ending his or her life, or (4) administer an aid-in-dying drug to an individual without their knowledge or consent.
This bill would make it necessary for POST to update or revise the Death Investigations segment in the Regular Basic Course (academy), the Coroner’s Course, and the Homicide Investigations course.
This bill, introduced on August 17, 2015, mirrors SB 128 (Wolk).
Last Amended Date: 09/03/15
Enrolled 09/14/15
AB 953 (Weber)
Law enforcement: racial profiling.
This bill would revise the definition of racial profiling to instead refer to racial or identity profiling, and would make a conforming change to the prohibition against peace officers engaging in that practice.
The bill would require agencies that employ peace officers to collect specified data and issue annual reports to the Attorney General.
The bill would also require the Attorney General to establish the Racial and Identity Profiling Advisory Board (RIPA).
Last Amended Date: 08/31/15
Enrolled 09/14/15
SB 11 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require the Commission to review and analyze existing mental illness training in the regular basic course to identify areas where additional training is needed.
The bill would require that upon identifying what additional training is needed, the Commission shall update and increase the training to at least 15 hours. The course shall be presented within the existing hours allotted for the Regular Basic Course.
The bill would also require the Commission to establish and keep updated a three-hour classroom-based continuing training course relating to behavioral health and law enforcement interaction with persons with mental illness, intellectual disability, and “substance use disorders.” The course shall be made available to each law enforcement officer with a rank of supervisor or below who is assigned to patrol duties or who supervises officers assigned to patrol duties.
Last Amended Date: 08/28/15
Enrolled 09/03/15
SB 29 (Beall)
Peace officer training: mental health.
This bill would require the Commission to require field training officers to have at least eight hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training. If a field training officer has already completed 40 hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training, or has completed eight hours of crisis intervention behavioral health training within the past 24 months, the requirement shall not apply.
The bill would require the Commission to update the existing field training officer course to include at least four hours of classroom instruction regarding persons with mental illness or intellectual disability.
The bill would also require the Commission to update the existing field training guide to include specified topics relating to mental illness and intellectual disability.
Last Amended Date: 08/31/15
Enrolled 09/04/15

The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.
©2015 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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