Recruit Training Officer (RTO) and Director/Coordinator Orientation Program Videos Released
POST has released two specialized training videos in support of the Recruit Training Officer and Director/Coordinator Orientation Programs.
The “Recruit Training Officer (RTO) Orientation Program” video provides a contemporary overview of the RTO position with segments that focus on several key RTO topics including: Leadership, Ethics, and Professionalism; Recruit Interaction; Roles and Responsibilities; Testing; and Evaluation and Documentation. The orientation program video satisfies the POST Regulation 1071 training requirement that both part-time and full-time RTOs complete the Orientation Program prior to performing RTO duties.
The “Director/Coordinator Orientation Program” video begins with an overview of these leadership positions, followed by detailed segments on the following topics: Staff Roles and Responsibilities; POST’s Role and Expectations; Training Requirements; Duties and Operations; Communication and Collaboration; and Documentation. This orientation program serves as a supplement to the POST Director/Coordinator Course.
Both orientation program videos are available to view on the POST Learning Portal.
Questions about these new videos may be directed to Staff Services Manager Jennifer Hardesty, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3917.
Planning Begins for the Virtual ICI Detective Symposium
On January 13, 2021, members of the POST Training Program Services Bureau held its initial web meeting with partners from agencies representing all 10 Regions throughout the state to start planning the first ever online version of the Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Detective Symposium. Like the in-person ICI Detective Symposiums of the past, this year’s program also aims to provide a glimpse of emerging trends in law enforcement and enhance knowledge of investigative strategies, techniques, and resources to several hundred detectives and other investigators while encouraging networking. This year’s Virtual ICI Detective Symposium will be held May 11 – 13, 2021, so save the dates; additional details will be provided soon.
Questions regarding this article may be directed to Law Enforcement Consultant Gerald Fernandez, Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3933.
Online Training Managers Workshop
Due to the prolonged limitations on various presentations due to the COVID Pandemic, the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau has continued to engage with agencies and provide training in an online format.
On January 20, 2021, an eight-hour virtual Training Manager Workshop was held with over 20 agencies attending from throughout the state. Topics covered included an introduction to course certification, POST regulations, training mandates, changes to our Learning Portal, and information on the Field Training Program. Other items discussed include pending changes to course requirements, the impact of COVID on obtaining training, and the need to regularly review documents, such as agency training plans and Field Training Program Manuals.
Questions relating to online course options can be directed to your Regional Law Enforcement Consultant.
New Training Video Released for Domestic Violence and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO)
POST has released its newest training video, "Domestic Violence and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO)." Available to view on the POST Learning Portal, this training program prepares California law enforcement professionals for the recognition, enforcement, and investigation of the crime of domestic violence, including the issuance of Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO). Upon completion of this training program, officers will have a greater understanding of the laws covering domestic violence and GVRO, identifying commonalities in victimology, and how to conduct a domestic violence investigation. Officers will also recognize their important role and how best to enforce the laws covering these crimes. The video offers two viewing modes and printable instructor and trainee documents for either group-facilitated or individual instruction.
Questions about the new "Domestic Violence and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO)" training video may be directed to Nick Muyo, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-4895.
New POST EDI Tutorial Video Released
In an effort to make it easier to navigate the online Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, POST has released a new video, “Introduction to POST EDI.” Available to view on the POST Learning Portal and on the POST EDI Website, the tutorial introduces agency personnel and presenters who utilize POST's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to basic EDI functions. The video explains how EDI provides authorized users with varying levels of access to process records within the POST database and offers a number of specific functions a user may utilize. The video includes separate tutorials specific to agency users and course presenters, followed by overviews of the Quick Links and Tabs features within EDI. Tips for navigation and user access rights are also included.
Questions about the new tutorial video may be directed to Mike Barnes, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3454. For EDI questions and technical support, visit the EDI Contact Us webpage.
Basic Course Scenario Management Update
On January 12, 2021, POST’s Basic Training Bureau hosted a two-hour Basic Course Scenario Management Update at POST in West Sacramento through Zoom. This meeting was held to provide key updates on scenario management to staff involved in the scenario testing process, including basic academy Scenario Managers, Directors, Coordinators, and other academy staff. Twenty attendees, representing multiple basic academies from throughout the state, were in attendance. During the meeting, attendees learned about updates to scenario training and testing specifications, required training prior to scenario testing, test management and scenario test security protocols.
In alignment with COVID-19 guidelines, the Basic Course Scenario Management Update was facilitated with the priority of health in mind. This specialized update was held via an online video conference so that attendees could participate remotely. POST staff provided valuable information on an effective platform to California academies without compromising the health of academy staff.
Questions regarding the Scenario Manager Course may be directed to Staff Services Manager I (Specialist) Anita Finner, Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3901.