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POST Monthly Report

June 2019

Keeping you up to date on POST projects

POST Wins 2019 Emmy Award for Procedural Justice: Immigrant Communities Awareness Video

POST and its video production vendor, Digital Outpost, received an Emmy Award for the Procedural Justice: Immigrant Communities Awareness Did You Know? video at the June 2019 National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) regional awards ceremony in Las Vegas.  The video won in the “Community/Public Service (PSAs) – Single Spot/Campaign” category. 

Originally released in May 2018, the Procedural Justice: Immigrant Communities Awareness Did You Know? program expands on the four tenets of Procedural Justice (Voice, Neutrality, Respect, and Trustworthiness) with special attention to immigrant communities and how they may perceive and react to law enforcement. The video is available to view or download at the POST Website or the POST Learning Portal.

Digital Outpost in Carlsbad is POST’s professional video production vendor and has produced nearly 20 Did You Know? videos over the years, many of which have previously won Emmy awards. Questions may be directed to Bureau Chief Larry Ellsworth, Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-2820.

POST Presents POST Update Workshop

On June 27, 2019, POST presented an update workshop that was hosted by the Santa Barbara Police Department. The workshop included information on new course certification, POST plans for regional training funds, background manual updates, instructor resume builder and manager, funding for mental health, procedural justice, and de-escalation courses. 

If you are interested in hosting this workshop in the future or would like more information, please contact Senior Consultant Christine Ford, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0472.

POST Convenes Workshop for Principled Policing

In June 2019, POST facilitated a follow-up workshop to its initial meeting in May 2019, to continue the design and development of a course of instruction on Principled Policing for entry-level peace officers. Achieved goals included a draft of an expanded course outline, proposed revisions to the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, and modified text for appropriate Basic Course Student Workbooks.

The workshop was attended by instructors from the three basic training academies – Allan Hancock College, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, and Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center, who delivered pilot presentations of the Principled Policing course, Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) in the core curriculum, instructional system designers and POST staff. Participants worked in a very collaborative environment to accomplish the tasks of addressing delivery of instructional material on procedural justice, legitimacy, historical events, and implicit bias.

Another workshop is scheduled for later in the year to complete development of a course of instruction, a train-the-trainer course for basic training instructors, revisions to the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, and Basic Course Student Workbooks.

Questions regarding the workshops may be directed to Senior Law Enforcement Consultant Dan Toomey, Training Programs Services Bureau, at (916) 227-4887.

POST Presents Training Coordinator Course

On June 18-19, 2019, POST presented a 16-hour course that was hosted by the Monterey Public Safety Training Center.  The course is designed to teach a newly assigned training manager the fundamentals of the job within a law enforcement organization. The course teaches students the training manager’s role, POST’s Website and resources, POST training and background compliance, legal issues associated with training, mandatory and legislative mandates, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), and processes for course certification.

This course combines the main training topics in the POST Training Manager’s Course and the POST Training Administrator’s Course into one course.  

If you are interested in hosting this course in the future, or if you would like further information regarding the Training Coordinator Course, please contact Senior Consultant Christine Ford, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0472.

Training Managers Course Presented in Windsor

From June 4 - 6, 2019, 25 students attended the 24-hour Training Managers Course presented by the Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center. The course is designed for newly assigned training managers. Topics included developing a training plan, liability issues, and management of training records. Additionally, POST staff presented information on the POST Website, the Learning Portal, course certification, POST regulations, and agency compliance inspections.

Please contact the Santa Rosa Junior College Public Safety Training Center at (707) 836-2912 to register for the next course which is scheduled for November 5 - 7, 2019.

Questions regarding the Training Managers Course may be directed to Senior Consultant Karen Lozito, Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau, at (916) 227-0471.

Meet the New POST Employees

Jennifer Martineau

Jennifer Martineau

Office Technician
Administrative Services Bureau

Jennifer joins POST from a Sacramento Real Estate investment company where she helped flip houses and managed bookkeeping. Jennifer has been assigned as an Office Technician in the Administrative Services Bureau.

Legislative Update

Status of Current Legislation

The following is Legislation assigned to POST in the 2019-20 session. Note: updates were made on 6/12/2019.


Bill # and Author Title and Summary Status of Bill

AB 165

Assembly Member Gabriel

Peace officer training: gun violence restraining orders.

Would require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to develop and implement, on or before January 1, 2021, a course of training regarding gun violence restraining orders. The bill would require the course to be incorporated into the course or courses of basic training for law enforcement officers on or before January 1, 2021, and would require the course or courses to include specified topics, including the process of filing a petition for gun violence restraining orders and situational training to assist officers in identifying when a gun violence restraining order is appropriate.

Amended Date: 5/16/2019

Status: 6/6/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

AB 243

Assembly Member Kamlager-Dove

Implicit bias.

Current law requires every peace officer to participate in expanded training prescribed by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training that includes and examines evidence-based patterns, practices, and protocols that make up racial and identity profiling, including implicit bias. Once basic training is completed, current law requires specified peace officers to complete a refresher course on racial and identity profiling at least every 5 years. This bill would require those peace officers currently required to take the refresher course every 5 years, and additional peace officers, as specified, to instead take refresher training on racial and identity profiling, including the understanding of implicit bias and the promotion of bias-reducing strategies, at least every 2 years. 

Amended Date: 4/22/2019

Status: 5/29/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

AB 301

Assembly Member Chu

Hate crime data collection and outreach

Would require the Department of Justice to carry out various duties relating to documenting and responding to hate crimes, including conducting reviews of all law enforcement agencies every 3 years to evaluate the accuracy of hate crime data provided and agencies’ hate crime policies, implementing a school-based program in conjunction with school districts and local law enforcement agencies aimed at educating students regarding how to report all suspected hate crimes to prevent future hate crimes, and submitting specified hate crime reports to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for inclusion in the national crime repository for crime data. The bill would also include a statement of legislative findings and declarations.

Amended Date: 3/26/2019

Status: 5/17/2019-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE FILE on 5/1/2019)(May be acted upon Jan 2020)

AB 332

Assembly Member Lackey

Peace officers: training.

Would require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, on or before April 1, 2021, to submit a report to the Legislature and Governor with specified data relating to students’ completion of training at academies for peace officers and the availability of remedial training, including, among other things, the number of students who received one or more opportunities for remedial training for a learning domain. The bill would also require the report to include, among other things, a review of academies’ practices regarding training remediation and a discussion of whether the commission finds that minimum standards for an appropriate level of remedial training should be established.

Amended Date: 05/20/2019

Status: 6/6/2019-Referred to Com. on RLS.

AB 339

Assembly Member Irwin

Gun violence restraining orders: law enforcement procedures.

Current law authorizes an immediate family member to petition the court for an ex parte temporary gun violence restraining order. Existing law authorizes a court, after notice and hearing, to issue a gun violence restraining order for a period of one year which may be renewed, as specified. This bill would require each law enforcement agency to develop and adopt written policies and standards regarding the use of gun violence restraining orders.

Amended Date: 03/6/2019

Status: 5/29/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

AB 392

Assembly Member Weber

Peace Officers: deadly force

Would redefine the circumstances under which a homicide by a peace officer is deemed justifiable to include when the killing is in self-defense or the defense of another, consistent with the existing legal standard for self-defense, or when the killing is necessary to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon whose immediate apprehension is necessary to prevent death or serious injury. The bill would additionally bar the use of this defense if the peace officer acted in a criminally negligent manner that caused the death, including if the officer’s criminally negligent actions created the necessity for the use of deadly force.

Amended Date: 05/23//2019

Status: 5/30/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S. To be heard on 6/18/2019.

AB 680 

Assembly Member Chu

Public safety dispatchers: mental health training.

Would require the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to adopt 2 mental health training courses for local public safety dispatchers that cover specified topics, including recognizing indicators of mental illness, intellectual disabilities, or substance use disorders, and conflict resolution and deescalation techniques. The bill would require the basic training course to consist of a minimum of 4 hours and the continuing training course to consist of a minimum of one hour.

Amended Date: 03/28/2019

Status: 6/6/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

AB 837

Assembly Member Holden

Peace officers: training: hate crimes.

Would require each local law enforcement agency to require peace officers to attend periodic training in the investigation of hate crimes, using the most recent POST training materials, and would authorize each agency to make the training culturally relevant to the community served by that agency. The bill would require POST to develop guidelines and establish standards for the frequency of that periodic training. By imposing additional duties on local agencies, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Amended Date: 3/21/2019

Status: 5/16/2019-In committee: Held under submission. 

AB 855

Assembly Member McCarty

Department of Justice: law enforcement policies on the use of deadly force

Would require the Attorney General to convene a task force, as specified, to study the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers and to develop recommendations, including a model written policy, for law enforcement agencies.

Amended Date: 3/19/2019

Status: 4/26/2019-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2).  (May become 2-year bill)

AB 1052

Assembly Member Chu

Peace officer training: hate crimes.

Current law requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to develop and implement a course of instruction and training for specified peace officers on the topic of hate crimes. Existing law requires that training to be implemented into the basic course and requires, as specified, all state and local law enforcement agencies to provide the training to all peace officers they employ. This bill would require the basic course curriculum on the topic of hate crimes to include the viewing of a specified video course developed by POST.

Introduced Date: 2/21/2019

Status: 5/30/2019-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.

AB 1071

Assembly Member Limon

Evidence Based Policing Pilot Program

Would establish an evidence-based policing pilot program within the Department of Justice to gather data and analyze data on the efficacy of evidence-based policing programs. The bill would require the department to convene a task force to design a pilot program that would operate in 3 cities or counties, as specified, would provide training to management and supervisory police personnel on the implementation of evidence-based policing, as defined, and would gather crime-related data from those cities or counties for a period of 2 years during which evidence-based policing practices are implemented.

Introduced Date: 4/12/2019

Status: 4/26/2019-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(2).  (May become 2-year bill)

AB 1170

Assembly Member Frazier

Peace officer training: intellectual and developmental disabilities

Current law requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to establish a continuing education classroom training course related to law enforcement interaction with mentally disabled persons and to make the course available to law enforcement agencies in California. This bill would require the commission, on or before January 1, 2021, and in consultation with the State Department of Developmental Services, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, and representatives of community colleges, to incorporate in-person training provided by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities into that training course.

Amended Date: 03/21/2019

Status:  5/17/2019-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(5). May be acted upon January 2020.

SB 230

Senator Caballero

Law enforcement: use of deadly force: training: policies

Would require each law enforcement agency to maintain a policy that provides guidelines on the use of force, utilizing deescalation techniques and other alternatives to force when feasible, specific guidelines for the application of deadly force, and factors for evaluating and reviewing all use of force incidents, among other things. The bill would require each agency to make their use of force policy accessible to the public. By imposing additional duties on local agencies, this bill would create a state-mandated local program.

Introduced Date: 04/30/2019

Status: 6/10/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S

SB 273

Senator Rubio

Domestic violence.

Summary: Current law makes the infliction of corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition upon specified victims, including, among others, the offender’s spouse or former spouse, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for 2, 3, or 4 years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or a fine of up to $6,000, or by both that fine and imprisonment. This bill would authorize prosecution for that crime to be commenced within 10 years under certain circumstances, including if the state becomes aware of an audio or video recording, photographs, or a written or electronic communication that provides evidence sufficient to charge the perpetrator or if the perpetrator confesses to the offense.

Amended Date: 5/17/2019

Status: 6/6/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.

SB 338

Senator Hueso

Senior and disability victimization: law enforcement policies

Would eliminate the duty imposed on long-term care ombudsman programs to revise or include in their policy manuals specified information regarding elder and dependent adult abuse. The bill would also authorize local law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy regarding senior and disability victimization, as defined. The bill would require, if a local law enforcement agency adopts or revises a policy regarding senior and disability victimization on or after October 1, 2020, that the policy include specified provisions, including those related to enforcement and training.

Amended Date: 4/9/2019

Status: 6/11/2019-VOTE: Do pass and be re-referred to the Committee on [Public Safety] 

SB 390

Senator Umberg

School districts and community college districts: school security officers and security guards

Under current law, every school security officer employed by a school district or community college district, and every security guard working on the property of a school district or community college district pursuant to a contract with a private licensed security agency, who works more than 20 hours a week as a school security officer or security guard is required to complete a course of training developed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services of the Department of Consumer Affairs in consultation with the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. This bill would require those school security officers, commencing July 1, 2021, and security guards to complete that training course regardless of the number of hours worked per week.

Amended Date: 5/17/2019

Status: 6/10/2019-Referred to Coms. on ED. and HIGHER ED.

SB 399

Senator Atkins

Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training

Current law establishes in the Department of Justice a Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Current law requires the Governor to appoint members to the commission 2 of whom are required to be members of the public who are not peace officers. This bill would require the President pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Assembly to each appoint a member of the commission who is not a peace officer.

Introduced Date: 2/20/2019

Status: 6/11/2019-From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on APPR. with recommendation: To consent calendar.

SB 781

Committee on Public Safety

Public Safety Omnibus

Current law requires an employer to disclose employment information, as defined, about an applicant not currently employed as a peace officer or an applicant for a position other than sworn peace officer within a law enforcement agency. Current law requires the employment information to be kept confidential, but authorizes disclosure between the initial requesting law enforcement agency and another authorized law enforcement agency that is also conducting a peace officer background investigation. This bill would authorize disclosure of employment information by the initial requesting law enforcement agency and another authorized law enforcement agency conducting a background investigation on a law enforcement agency applicant that is not a peace officer.

Last Amend: 4/8/2019

Status: 5/30/2019-Referred to Com. on PUB. S


The POST Monthly Report is a monthly status report that informs POST Commissioners and the California law enforcement community of recent progress on POST projects and instructional programs under development, and other information of importance to our mission to continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement.

©2019 Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training | 860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100, West Sacramento, CA 95605
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