  • New Agency Entry Request Form

  • To begin the process to join the POST Program as a Law Enforcement Department, complete the information below. Your request will be sent to the appropriate POST staff. Completing the form is not an automatic admission to the POST Program.

    Agencies/entities desiring to participate in the POST Program shall submit a Letter of Intent requesting to participate in the POST program, and if eligible, shall state in the Letter of Intent a request to receive state aid. If the agency/entity also desires its public safety dispatchers to participate in the Public Safety Dispatcher Program, this shall also be included in the Letter of Intent.

    Additionally, agencies/entities that are authorized to enact an ordinance must submit a certified copy of an ordinance.  Agencies/entities that are not authorized to enact an ordinance must submit a certified copy of a resolution adopted by their governing board. Ordinances and resolutions must contain the language as set forth in PC 13522 that the agency desires to receive state aid pursuant to this chapter, is making an application to the Commission for aid, and will adhere to the Commission’s standards for recruitment and training while receiving state aid.

  • Inquirer's Information

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