Agency Participation Considerations

To be considered for enrollment in the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute (SBSLI), each applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Volunteers or requests to attend
  • Agrees to remain employed in law enforcement for five years after SBSLI
  • Currently serves as a full-time, first-level supervisory peace officer (generally the position of Sergeant) or dispatch supervisor
  • Has completed two years of full-time experience supervising peace officer employees or dispatchers
  • Has completed the POST Supervisory Course, Dispatch Supervisory Course, an equivalent, or possesses a POST Supervisory Certificate


Agencies in the POST reimbursement program will receive reimbursement for subsistence and travel costs under Plan IV. The student must complete an electronic TRR for reimbursement for each session for reimbursement.


The SBSLI is a Plan IV program covering travel, lodging, and per diem. There is no tuition for POST-reimbursable agencies. California State agencies and other POST non-reimbursable agencies are responsible for program tuition of $1,925.00 per student. Effective July 1, 2022, the new tuition will be $3,900.00. Check with your Training Manager to see if your agency is a POST-reimbursable agency.

Class Location

Classes are conducted at various locations throughout the state. Training managers will be notified of the location and dates after applicants have been assigned to a class.

Attendance and Class Information

Students are required to live at the course site while the course is in session. The SBSLI consists of eight 24-hour sessions held approximately every four weeks. The total course hours are 192. Students are expected to attend all sessions but are allowed to miss 16 total hours of class time so long as not more than one eight-hour day per 24-hour session is missed. Evening social activities are strongly encouraged.

Each class is structured to accommodate 24 students. Class composition is managed to ensure a diverse student body utilizing such factors as agency size and type as well as geographical location. At the completion of the program, a commencement ceremony is held for successful students.

Student Expectations

A considerable amount of reading and writing is required between sessions on the student's own time. A minimum of two books are assigned per session and written book reviews of both are required. Students must be prepared to discuss the readings and take part in all learning activities as well as actively participate in classroom discussions. A final team project is completed and presented in session eight.

SBSLI Network

The Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute Network is a secure academic network specifically created for the SBSLI program. Messages along with assignments may be posted and read by current SBSLI students and their facilitators.