Procedure D - Training Procedures
Commission Procedure D-1

Basic Training


1-1. Basic Training

This Commission procedure implements the training and testing requirements which relate to basic training as required in Commission Regulations 1005(a), 1007(a), and 1018(d). Basic training includes the Regular Basic Course, Specialized Investigators' Basic Course, Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course, Coroners' Death Investigation Course, and PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course.

Training Requirements

1-2. General Requirements for Basic Training

The minimum standards for basic training are described in subsections D-1‑3 to D-1‑7. Requirements for certification and presentation of courses are specified in Commission Regulations 1052 through 1056 and 1059. Instructional methodology is at the discretion of individual course presenters unless otherwise specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses or the Training Specifications for the Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course. Requirements for reporting successful course completion are specified in Commission Regulation 1055(g).

Regular Basic Course (RBC)

1-3. Regular Basic Course Terminology and Requirements

The terms related to the Regular Basic Course formats and included in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses are defined in subsection D-1-3(a). Requirements for the delivery formats are specified in subsection D-1-3(d), standard format; and subsection D-1-3(e), modular format.

(a) Regular Basic Course Terminology

(1) Learning Domain

An instructional unit that covers related subject matter. Training specifications for each learning domain include learning needs, learning objectives, and hourly requirements. Training specifications for a domain also may include instructional activities and testing requirements.

(2) Learning Need

A general statement justifying the training for a specific learning domain.

(3) Learning Objective

A statement that describes an expected training outcome related to a learning need.

(4) Learning Activity

A learning activity is a facilitated, performance-based component of instruction. Learning activities are student-focused and require the learner to be actively involved in structured work designed to enhance the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or competencies. The use of learning activities is consistent with principles of adult learning. Learning activities are integrated into the delivery of instruction as a means of reinforcing taught concepts, introducing relevant topics, or to enhance student retention necessary to achieve competence as a peace officer. Students participating in a learning activity may be coached or provided feedback. Unlike tests, learning activities are not graded.

(5) Competency

A cluster of related knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that underlie successful performance of multiple learning objectives.

(6) Academy

A state or local government agency that is capable of presenting all components of the POST-certified Regular Basic Course.

(7) Delivery Formats

The formats for delivering the Regular Basic Course include the standard format and the modular format.

(A) Standard Format

The Regular Basic Course - standard format is delivered in a one-part instructional sequence. Testing and training requirements are prescribed in subsection D-1-3(d). Except as provided for in subsection D-1-3(b), the course shall be delivered by a single academy.

(B) Modular Format

The Regular Basic Course - modular format is composed of three modules: III, II, and I. Completion of all three modules satisfy the Regular Basic Course training requirement. Training and testing requirements are prescribed in subsection D-1-3(e). Module I shall be delivered by an academy. Except as provided for in subsection D-1-3(b), all modules do not have to be delivered by the same presenter or academy.

(8) Test

An evaluation of the extent to which students have achieved one or more learning objectives. The required tests are specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. Any practice/preparation for exercise and scenario tests must be conducted using the same conditions as required for testing. These tests are:

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Test

A POST-constructed test that measures acquisition of knowledge on multiple learning objectives.

(B) Scenario Test

A job-simulation test that measures acquisition of the competencies required to achieve one or more learning objectives.

(C) Work Sample Test Battery (WSTB)

A POST-developed test of physical abilities as specified in the Work Sample Test Battery Proctor Manual.

(D) Exercise Test

Any test other than a POST-constructed comprehensive test, scenario test, or work sample test battery that measures the acquisition of knowledge, skills and/or the competencies required to achieve one or more learning objectives.

(E) Report Writing Test

A test that requires demonstration of the knowledge and skills and/or competencies necessary when preparing an investigative report.

(F) Pilot Tests

In cooperation with academies, POST conducts pilot testing of proposed or modified exercise tests and evaluation instruments for research purposes. This may include comprehensive tests, exercise tests for arrest and control, firearms, chemical agents, or vehicle operations, the Work Sample Test Battery, pre-academy physical fitness, or other physical skills.

(9) Test-Use and Security Agreement

An accepted agreement between a training presenter and POST that identifies the terms and conditions under which a presenter may acquire and use specific POST-constructed comprehensive, scenario, and exercise tests. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of such agreement is grounds for decertification in accordance with Commission Regulation 1057.

(10) Test Administration and Security Policy

Written procedures established by each presenter as specified in the POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols. In accordance with Commission Regulation 1057, the failure to establish written procedures consistent with and/or to comply with the requirements of these protocols is grounds for decertification.

(11) Remedial Training

A period of time in which the presenter provides specific instruction to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test.

(12) Scenario Demonstration

An academy-developed task-simulation activity designed to provide students the opportunity to practice and improve the competencies that underlie the Basic Course Scenario Tests.

(b) Single Presenter

Each course presentation shall be completed under the sponsorship of one presenter unless POST has approved a contractual agreement for multiple presenters to deliver the training (e.g., EVOC). In the Modular Format, each Module Is a separate course presentation. Students do not have to take all modules through the same presenter.

(c) Exceeding Minimum Standards

POST has established minimum, statewide training standards for the Regular Basic Course in its two delivery formats. Academies and presenters are permitted to exceed those minimum standards where local conditions may justify additional training requirements or higher performance standards than those established by POST. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of higher minimum passing scores on POST-constructed tests.

Regular Basic Course - Standard Format

(d) RBC-Standard Format-Training, Testing, and Hourly Requirements

The training, testing, and hourly requirements in this section apply to the RBC-standard format [defined in subsection D-1-3(a)(7)(A)].

(1) Training Requirements

Academies shall provide instruction for the RBC-standard format as follows:  

(A) Learning Objectives

Academies shall provide instruction on all learning objectives specified for the Regular Basic Course (RBC) in the (B)Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(B) Learning Activities

Where a learning activity is required by the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, academies shall require each student to participate in that activity. A student who does not participate in a learning activity when given the opportunity fails the course unless the academy determines that there were extenuating circumstances. Students who do not participate in a learning activity due to extenuating circumstances shall be given a second opportunity to participate in the same or comparable activity. If a student fails to participate in a learning activity after being given a second opportunity, the student fails the course.

(C) Physical Conditioning Program

Academies shall require each student to complete the POST Basic Academy Physical Conditioning Program as specified in the (F)Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(D) Remedial Training

Specific instruction provided to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test. Each presenter will determine the content and the amount of time required for remedial training. Remedial training shall be provided independent of the retest.

(E) Scenario Demonstration

Academies shall provide academy-developed task-simulation activities designed to provide students the opportunity to practice and improve the competencies that underlie the Basic Course Scenario Tests.

(2) Testing Requirements

The tests listed below are graded on a pass/fail basis unless specified otherwise. Academies presenting the RBC-standard format shall test all students as specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. For the learning domain(s) being assessed in a particular test, refer to the "Minimum Content and Hourly Requirements" page for the RBC-standard format in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The RBC-standard format includes the following tests:  

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Tests

The minimum passing scores are established by POST. Following the administration of a comprehensive test, presenters shall provide each student with a report that outlines the learning objectives failed by that student. Only individuals who have completed POST-developed online proctor training may administer these tests.

POST-Constructed Comprehensive RBC Test 1

POST-Constructed Comprehensive RBC Test 2

POST-Constructed Comprehensive RBC Test 3

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Domain #34 Test

(B) Exercise, Scenario, and Report Writing Tests


Academies shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each scenario test, report writing test, and/or exercise test. Each student must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means the student performed at a level that demonstrated acceptable preparation for entry into a field training program. The determination of proficiency shall be made by the academy.

(C) Work Sample Test Battery

Test Administration

At the conclusion of the POST Basic Academy Physical Conditioning Program, academies shall require each student to complete the POST-developed WSTB or a POST-approved alternative physical ability test, as described in the Work Sample Test Battery Proctor Manual.

Alternative Physical Ability Tests

The use of alternative tests to the POST-developed Work Sample Test Battery is subject to approval by POST. Academies seeking POST approval to use alternative tests shall present evidence that the alternative tests were developed in accordance with recognized professional standards and that the alternative tests are equivalent to the POST-developed tests with respect to validity and reliability. A description of the method(s) used to establish the proposed alternative test's minimum passing score is also required.

(D) Notification Requirements

Prior to retesting, the presenter shall notify the employing department when a student has failed an initial test. If the presenter is unable to notify the department, due to extenuating circumstances, they shall document the reasons the notification was not made.

Presenters shall notify the POST Basic Training Bureau when 15% or more of the students attending the course fail any POST-required scenario or exercise test, to include both initial test(s) and retest(s). Notification shall be made within 24 hours of the failure(s). Test failures of 15% or more shall be based on the total class size at the time of test administration.

(E) Retests

Academies shall provide each student who fails a required initial test an opportunity to retest.

Comprehensive, Scenario, and Report Writing Tests

Students shall be retested using an alternate form of the test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

Exercise Tests and WSTB

Students shall be retested on the failed test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

(F) Pilot Testing

Academies may administer POST-developed tests for research purposes, as necessary.

(3) Hourly Requirements

Academies shall deliver the minimum number of hours of instruction specified for each learning domain in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The total minimum hourly requirement for the Regular Basic Course is 664 hours.

Regular Basic Course - Modular Format

(e) RBC-Modular Format - Prerequisites, Training, Testing, and Hourly Requirements

The prerequisites, training, testing, and hourly requirements in this section apply to the RBC-modular format [as defined in subsection D-1-3(a)(7)(B)].

(1) Prerequisites

Academies/presenters of Modules III, II, or I shall require proof, to the training presenter's satisfaction, that the prerequisites for the pertinent module have been satisfied prior to admitting an individual to the module.

(A) Module II

The prerequisites for the Module II are the following:

Successful completion of Module III.

Current (within the last 3 years) in PC 832 Arrest and Firearms training requirements. Training must be current in conformance with the requirements of Commission Regulation 1080.

Passage of the POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module III Test within the preceding 12 months.

(B) Module I

The prerequisites for the Module I are the following:

Successful completion of Modules III and II.

Current (within the last 3 years) in PC 832 Arrest and Firearms training requirements. Training must be current in conformance with the requirements of Commission Regulation 1080.

Passage of the POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module II Test within the preceding 12 months.

(2) Training Requirements

Academies/presenters shall provide instruction for Modules III, II, and I as follows:

(A) Learning Objectives

Academies shall provide instruction on all learning objectives specified for the Regular Basic Course (RBC) in the (B)Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(B) Learning Activities

Where a learning activity is required by the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, academies shall require each student to participate in that activity. A student who does not participate in a learning activity when given the opportunity fails the course unless the academy determines that there were extenuating circumstances. Students who do not participate in a learning activity due to extenuating circumstances shall be given a second opportunity to participate in the same or comparable activity. If a student fails to participate in a learning activity after being given a second opportunity, the student fails the course.

(C) Physical Conditioning Program

Academies shall require each student to complete the POST Basic Academy Physical Conditioning Program as specified in the (F) Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(D) Remedial Training

Specific instruction provided to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test. Each presenter will determine the content and the amount of time required for remedial training. Remedial training shall be provided independent of the retest.

(E) Scenario Demonstration

Academies shall provide academy-developed task-simulation activities designed to provide students the opportunity to practice and improve the competencies that underlie the Basic Course Scenario Tests.

(3) Testing Requirements

The tests listed below are graded on a pass/fail unless specified otherwise. Academies/presenters delivering Modules III, II, and I shall test all students as specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. For the learning domain(s) being assessed in a particular test, refer to the "Minimum Content and Hourly Requirements" page for the specific module in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The RBC-modular format includes the following tests:

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Tests

The minimum passing scores are established by POST. Module III Module II Module I Following the administration of a comprehensive test, presenters shall provide each student with a report that outlines the learning objectives failed by that student. Only individuals who have completed POST-provided online proctor training may administer these tests.

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module III Test

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Learning Domain 34 Test

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module II Test

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Module I Test

(B) Exercise Tests


Academies/presenters shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each exercise test. Each student must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means that the student performed at a level acceptable to the academy/presenter.

(C) Report Writing Test


Academies presenting Module I shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each report writing test. Students must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means the student performed at a level that demonstrated acceptable preparation for entry into a field training program. The determination of proficiency shall be made by the academy.

(D) Scenario Tests


Academies presenting Module I shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each scenario test. Students must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means the student performed at a level that demonstrated acceptable preparation for entry into a field training program. The determination of proficiency shall be made by the academy.

(E) Work Sample Test Battery

Test Administration

At the conclusion of the POST Basic Academy Physical Conditioning Program, academies shall require each student to complete the POST-developed WSTB or a POST-approved alternative physical ability test, as described in the Work Sample Test Battery Proctor Manual.

Alternative Physical Ability Tests

The use of alternative tests to the POST-developed Work Sample Test Battery is subject to approval by POST. Academies seeking POST approval to use alternative tests shall present evidence that the alternative tests were developed in accordance with recognized professional standards and that the alternative tests are equivalent to the POST-developed tests with respect to validity and reliability. A description of the method(s) used to establish the proposed alternative test's minimum passing score is also required.

(F) Notification Requirements

Prior to retesting, the presenter shall notify the employing department when a student has failed an initial test. If the presenter is unable to notify the department, due to extenuating circumstances, they shall document the reasons the notification was not made.

Presenters shall notify the POST Basic Training Bureau when 15% or more of the students attending the course fail any POST-required scenario or exercise test, to include both initial test(s) and retest(s). Notification shall be made within 24 hours of the failure(s). Test failures of 15% or more shall be based on the total class size at the time of test administration.

(G) Retests

Academies/presenters shall provide each student who fails a required initial test an opportunity to retest.

Comprehensive, Scenario, and Report Writing Tests

Students shall be retested using an alternate form of the test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

Exercise Test and WSTB

Students shall be retested on the failed test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

(H) Pilot Testing

Academies may administer POST-developed tests for research purposes, as necessary.

(4) Hourly Requirements

Academies/presenters shall deliver the minimum number of hours of -instruction specified for each learning domain in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The total minimum hourly requirement for the RBC-modular format is 727 hours. The total minimum hours for each module are as follows:

Module III - 144 hours

Module II - 189 hours

Module I - 394 hours

Specialized Investigators' Basic Course (SIBC)

1-4. Specialized Investigators' Basic Course Terminology and Requirements

The terms related to the SIBC and included in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses are defined in subsection D-1-4(d). Testing, training, and hourly requirements are described in subsection D-1-4(d).

(a) Specialized Investigators' Basic Course Terminology

(1) Learning Domain

An instructional unit that covers related subject matter. Training specifications for each learning domain include learning needs, learning objectives, and hourly requirements. Training specifications for a domain also may include instructional activities and testing requirements.

(2) Learning Need

A general statement justifying the training for a specific learning domain.

(3) Learning Objective

A statement that describes an expected training outcome related to a learning need.

(4) Learning Activity

A learning activity is a facilitated, performance-based component of instruction. Learning activities are student-focused, and require the learner to be actively involved in structured work designed to enhance the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or competencies. The use of learning activities is consistent with principles of adult learning. Learning activities are integrated into the delivery of instruction as a means of reinforcing taught concepts, introducing relevant topics, or to enhance student retention necessary to achieve competence as a peace officer. Students participating in a learning activity may be coached or provided feedback. Unlike tests, learning activities are not graded.

(5) Competency

A cluster of related knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that underlie successful performance of multiple learning objectives.

(6) Test

An evaluation of the extent to which students have achieved one or more learning objectives. The required tests are specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. These tests are:

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Test

A POST-constructed test that measures acquisition of knowledge on multiple learning objectives.

(B) Scenario Test

A job simulation test that measures acquisition of the competencies required to achieve one or more learning objectives.

(C) Exercise Test

Any test other than a POST-constructed comprehensive test or scenario test, that measures the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and/or the competencies required to achieve one or more learning objectives.

(D) Report Writing Test

A test that requires demonstration of the knowledge and skills and/or competencies necessary when preparing an investigative report.

(E) Pilot Tests

In cooperation with academies, POST conducts pilot testing of proposed or modified tests and evaluation instruments for research purposes. This may include comprehensive tests, exercise tests for arrest and control, firearms, chemical agents, or vehicle operations, the Work Sample Test Battery, pre-academy physical fitness, or other physical skills.

(7) Test Use and Security Agreement

An accepted agreement between a training presenter and POST that identifies the terms and conditions under which a presenter may acquire and use specific POST-constructed comprehensive, scenario, and exercise tests. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of such agreement is grounds for decertification in accordance with Commission Regulation 1057.

(8) Test Administration and Security Policy

Written procedures established by each presenter as specified in the POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols. In accordance with Regulation 1057, the failure to establish written procedures consistent with and/or to comply with the requirements of these protocols is grounds for decertification.

(9) Remedial Training

A period of time in which the presenter provides specific instruction to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test.

(10) Scenario Demonstration

An academy-developed task-simulation activity designed to provide students the opportunity to practice and improve the competencies that underlie the Basic Course Scenario Tests.

(b) Single Presenter

Each course presentation shall be completed under the sponsorship of one presenter, unless POST has approved a contractual agreement for multiple presenters to deliver the training.

(c) Exceeding Minimum Standards

POST has established minimum, statewide training standards for the SIBC. Presenters are permitted to exceed those minimum standards where local conditions may justify additional training requirements or higher performance standards than those established by POST. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of higher minimum passing scores on POST-constructed tests.

(d) Training, Testing, and Hourly Requirements

(1) Training Requirements

Presenters shall provide instruction for the SIBC as follows:

(A) Learning Objectives

Presenters shall provide instruction on all learning objectives specified for the SIBC in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(B) Learning Activities

Where a learning activity is required by the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, presenters shall require each student to participate in that activity. A student who does not participate in a learning activity when given the opportunity fails the course unless the training presenter determines that there were extenuating circumstances. Students who do not participate in a learning activity due to extenuating circumstances shall be given a second opportunity to participate in the same or comparable activity. If a student fails to participate in a learning activity after being given a second opportunity, the student fails the course.

(C) Remedial Training

Specific instruction provided to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test. Each presenter will determine the content and the amount of time required for remedial training. Remedial training shall be provided independent of the retest.

(D) Scenario Demonstration

Academies shall provide academy-developed task-simulation activities designed to provide students the opportunity to practice and improve the competencies that underlie the Basic Course Scenario Tests.

(2) Testing Requirements

The tests listed below are graded on a pass/fail basis unless specified otherwise. Presenters shall test all students as specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. For the learning domain(s) being assessed in a particular test, refer to the "Minimum Content and Hourly Requirements" page for the SIBC in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The SIBC includes the following tests:

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Tests

The minimum passing scores are established by POST. Following the administration of a comprehensive test, presenters shall provide each student with a report that outlines the learning objectives failed by that student. Only individual who have completed POST-provided online proctor training may administer these tests.

POST-Constructed Comprehensive SIBC Test 1

POST-Constructed Comprehensive SIBC Test 2

POST-Constructed Comprehensive SIBC Test 3

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Learning Domain 34 Test

(B) Exercise, Scenario, and Report Writing Tests

Proficiency Presenters shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each scenario test, report writing test, and/or exercise test. Each student must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means the student performed at a level acceptable to the presenter.

(C) Notification Requirements

Prior to retesting, the presenter shall notify the employing department when a student has failed an initial test. If the presenter is unable to notify the department, due to extenuating circumstances, they shall document the reasons the notification was not made. Presenters shall notify the POST Basic Training Bureau when 15% or more of the students attending the course fail any POST-required scenario or exercise test, to include both initial test(s) and retest(s). Notification shall be made within 24 hours of the failure(s). Test failures of 15% or more shall be based on the total class size at the time of test administration.

(D) Retests

Presenters shall provide each student who fails a required initial test an opportunity to retest.

Comprehensive, Scenario, and Report Writing Tests

Students shall be retested using an alternate form of the test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

Exercise Tests

Students shall be retested on the failed test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

(E) Pilot Test

Academies may administer POST-developed tests for research purposes, as necessary.

(3) Hourly Requirements

Presenters shall deliver the minimum number of hours of instruction specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The total minimum hourly requirement for the Specialized Investigators' Basic Course is 591 hours.

Public Safety Dispatchers’ Basic Course

1-5. Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course Definitions and Requirements

The terms used to describe testing and training requirements are defined in subsection D-1-5(a). Testing and training requirements are described in subsection D-1-5(b). Testing, training, content, and hourly requirements are provided in detail in Training Specifications for the Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course. Requirements for reporting successful course completion are contained in Commission Regulation 1055(g).

(a) Definitions of Terms Used to Describe Testing and Training Requirements

(1) Learning Domain

An instructional unit that covers related subject matter. Training specifications for each learning domain include learning needs, learning objectives, and hourly requirements. Training specifications for a domain also may include learning activities and testing requirements.

(2) Learning Need

A general statement justifying the training for a specific learning domain.

(3) Learning Objective

A statement that describes an expected training outcome related to a learning need.

(4) Learning Activity

A learning activity is a facilitated, performance-based component of instruction. Learning activities are student-focused, and require the learner to be actively involved in structured work designed to enhance the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or competencies. The use of learning activities is consistent with principles of adult learning. Learning activities are integrated into the delivery of instruction as a means of reinforcing taught concepts, introducing relevant topics or to enhance student retention necessary to achieve competence as a peace officer. Students participating in a learning activity may be coached or provided feedback. Unlike tests, learning activities are not graded.

(b) Testing and Training Requirements

(1) Learning Objectives

As specified in Training Specifications for the Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course, training presenters shall provide appropriate instruction on each required learning objective.

(2) Hourly Requirements

The minimum number of hours of instruction that shall be delivered for each learning domain is specified in Training Specifications for the Public Safety Dispatchers Basic Course. The total minimum hourly requirement for the Public Safety Dispatchers Basic Course is 160 hours.

(3) Learning Activities

As specified in Training Specifications for the Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course, learning activities are required in some, but not all, learning domains. Where a learning activity is required, each student must participate in that activity. A student who does not participate in a learning activity when given the opportunity fails the course unless the training presenter determines that there were extenuating circumstances. Students who do not participate in a learning activity due to extenuating circumstances shall be given a second opportunity to participate in the same or a comparable learning activity. If a student fails to participate in a learning activity after being given a second opportunity, the student fails the course.

(4) Training Presenter Requirements

POST has established minimum, statewide training standards for the Public Safety Dispatchers' Basic Course. However, local conditions may justify additional training requirements or higher performance standards than those established by POST.

Coroners’ Death Investigation Course

1-6. Coroners' Death Investigation Course

The Coroners' Death Investigation Course contains the following Functional Areas and minimum hours. This course partially fulfills the minimum basic training required under Commission Regulation 1005(a)(4) for peace officer members of Coroners' Offices. With prior POST approval, flexibility shall be granted to adjust hours between functional areas.

Functional Areas:

Total Minimum Required Hours - 80 Hours

Course Overview Administrative Issues - 1 Hour

Death Investigation - 40 Hours

Introduction to Disaster Management - 2 Hours

Role of Coroner/Public Administrator - 4 Hours

Coroners' Law - 2 Hours

General Laboratory Practices - 4 Hours

Vehicle Fatalities - 2 Hours

Forensic Use of Medical Records - 2 Hours

Forensic Anthropology - 4 Hours

Forensic Pathology - 10 Hours

Death and Grief Bereaved - 2 Hours

A.I.D.S. and Other Communicable Diseases - 2 Hours

Forensic Odontology - 4 Hours

Test - 1 Hour

PC 832 Arrest And Firearms Course

1-7. PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course Terminology and Requirements

The terms related to the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course and included in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses are defined in subsection D-1-7(a). The requirements described in this section are for separately certified PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Courses only. The PC 832 training is presented as two components and individuals may elect to complete Arrest, Firearms, or both. Training, testing, and hourly requirements are described in subsection D-1-7(d).

(a) PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course Terminology

(1) Learning Domain

An instructional unit that covers related subject matter. Training specifications for each learning domain include learning needs, learning objectives, and hourly requirements. Training specifications for a domain also may include instructional activities and testing requirements.

(2) Learning Need

A general statement justifying the training for a specific learning domain.

(3) Learning Objective

A statement that describes an expected training outcome related to a learning need.

(4) Learning Activity

A learning activity is a facilitated, performance-based component of instruction. Learning activities are student-focused, and require the learner to be actively involved in structured work designed to enhance the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or competencies. The use of learning activities is consistent with principles of adult learning. Learning activities are integrated into the delivery of instruction as a means of reinforcing taught concepts, introducing relevant topics, or to enhance student retention necessary to achieve competence as a peace officer. Students participating in a learning activity may be coached or provided feedback. Unlike tests, learning activities are not graded.

(5) Test

An evaluation of the extent to which students have achieved one or more learning objectives. The required tests are specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. These tests are:

(A)POST-Constructed Comprehensive Test

A POST-constructed test that measures acquisition of knowledge on multiple learning objectives.

(B) Exercise Test

Any test other than a POST-constructed comprehensive test that measures the acquisition of knowledge and/or skills or competencies required to achieve one or more learning objectives.

(6) Test-Use and Security Agreement

An accepted agreement between a training presenter and POST that identifies the terms and conditions under which a presenter may acquire and use specific POST-constructed comprehensive and exercise tests. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of such agreement is grounds for decertification in accordance with Commission Regulation 1057.

(7) Test Administration and Security Policy

Written procedures established by each presenter as specified in the POST Basic Courses Test Management and Security Protocols. In accordance with Commission Regulation 1057, the failure to establish written procedures consistent with and/or to comply with the requirements of these protocols is grounds for decertification.

(8) Remedial Training

A period of time in which the presenter provides specific instruction to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test.

(b) Single Presenter

Each course presentation shall be completed under the sponsorship of one presenter unless POST has approved a contractual agreement for multiple presenters to deliver training.

(c) Exceeding Minimum Standards

POST has established minimum, statewide training standards for the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course. Presenters are permitted to exceed those minimum standards where local conditions may justify additional training requirements than those established by POST.

(d) Training, Testing, and Hourly Requirements

(1) Training Requirements

Presenters shall provide instruction for the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course as follows:

(A) Learning Objectives

Presenters shall provide instruction on all learning objectives specified for the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses.

(B) Learning Activities

Where a learning activity is required by the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses, presenters shall require each student to participate in that activity. A student who does not participate in a learning activity when given the opportunity fails the course unless the presenter determines that there were extenuating circumstances. Students who do not participate in a learning activity due to extenuating circumstance shall be given a second opportunity to participate in the same or comparable activity. If a student fails to participate in a learning activity after being given a second opportunity, the student fails the course.

(C) Remedial Training

Specific instruction provided to reinforce the required concepts and/or skills after a student has failed an initial test. Each presenter will determine the content and the amount of time required for remedial training. Remedial training shall be provided independent of the retest.

(2) Testing Requirements

The tests listed below are graded on a pass/fail basis, unless specified otherwise. Presenters shall test all students as specified in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. For the learning domain(s) being assessed in a particular test, refer to the “Minimum Content and Hourly Requirements” page for the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. Test results shall be provided in written format (e.g., letter, certificate) to each examinee by the course presenter within five working days of the test administration.

(A) POST-Constructed Comprehensive Test

The minimum passing score is established by POST. Following the administration of a comprehensive test, presenters shall provide each student with a report that outlines the learning objectives failed by that student. Only individuals who have completed POST-provided online proctor training may administer this test.

The POST-Constructed Comprehensive PC 832 Test

(B) Exercise Tests

Proficiency Presenters shall require each student to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies required by each exercise test. Each student must demonstrate a pattern of overall proficiency in each competency required by these tests. Proficiency means the student performed at a level acceptable to the presenter.

Test Administration The Arrest and Control exercise tests must be administered and scored by an individual who has completed a defensive tactics/arrest and control instructor course and who has completed POST-provided online proctor training. The Firearms exercise tests must be administered and scored by an individual who has completed a firearms instructor course and who has completed POST-provided online proctor training.

(C) Notification Requirements

Prior to retesting, the presenter shall notify the employing department when a student has failed an initial test. If the presenter is unable to notify the department, due to extenuating circumstances, they shall document the reasons the notification was not made. Presenters shall notify the POST Basic Training Bureau when 15% or more of the students attending the course fail any POST-required scenario or exercise test, to include both initial test(s) and retest(s). Notification shall be made within 24 hours of the failure(s). Test failures of 15% or more shall be based on the total class size at the time of test administration.

(D) Retests

Presenters shall provide each student who fails a required initial test an opportunity to retest.

POST-Constructed Comprehensive Test

Students shall be retested using an alternate form of the same test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

The retest must occur within 90 days of the initial test.

Exercise Tests

Students shall be retested on the failed test.

If the student fails the retest, the student fails the course.

(3) Hourly Requirement

Presenters shall deliver the minimum number of hours of instruction specified for each learning domain in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The total minimum hourly requirement for each PC 832 Arrest and Firearms component is as follows:

Arrest Component - 40 hours

Firearms Component - 24 hours

Course Total - 64 hours

Subparagraph 1-1 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1005 effective September 26, 1990, amended January 14, 1994, August 7, 1996, September 25, 1998, January 1, 2004, September 15, 2004, and September 21, 2005.

Subparagraph 1-1 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1007 effective July 1, 1999 and amended January 1, 2001, September 15, 2004, and September 21, 2005.

Subparagraph 1-2 was adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1005 effective September 26, 1990, amended January 11, 1992, January 14, 1994, August 7, 1996, February 13, 1997, September 25, 1998, January 1, 2004, September 15, 2004, and August 26, 2006.

Subparagraph 1-3 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1005 on April 15, 1982, and amended January 24, 1985, September 26, 1990, January 14, 1994, July 16, 1994, December 16, 1994, August 16, 1995, August 7, 1996, November 27, 1996, February 22, 1997, August 17, 1997, December 4, 1997, January 1, 2001, January 1, 2002, January 1, 2004, September 15, 2004, January 1, 2006, January 19, 2007, July 1, 2007, January 1, 2008, July 1, 2008, January 1, 2009, April 3, 2012, July 21, 2012, and January 1, 2022.

Subparagraph 1-3 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1007 effective July 1, 1999 and amended January 1, 2001, April 10, 2002, September 15, 2004, January 1, 2006, January 19, 2007, July 1, 2007, January 1 , 2009, April 3, 2012, July 21, 2012, and January 1, 2022.

Subparagraph 1-4 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1005 on October 20, 1983, and amended September 26, 1990, October 27, 1991, January 14, 1994, May 7, 1995, July 21, 2000, January 1, 2001, July 1, 2002, September 15, 2004, January 1, 2006, January 19, 2007, July 1, 2007, January 1, 2009, April 3, 2012, and January 1, 2022.

Subparagraph 1-5 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1018 on December 29, 1988, and amended January 18, 1995, July 1, 2002, September 15, 2004, January 1, 2006, and August 26, 2006.

Subparagraph 1-6 adopted and incorporated by reference into Commission Regulation 1005 on February 4, 1993.

Subparagraph 1-7 adopted and incorporated by reference into Regulation 1005 effective January 1, 2004, amended September 15, 2004, January 1, 2009, April 3, 2012, and January 1, 2022.