Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses
The increasingly diverse challenges and changing service demands confronting law enforcement require that the content and instructional methodologies of peace officer training be regularly evaluated and updated. Effective initial training is crucial if an officer is to acquire the critical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to render high quality service.
The Training and Testing Specifications list the minimum, mandated curriculum and testing requirements for the POST-mandated basic courses. The curriculum for each basic course listed below is divided into individual topics, called Learning Domains. The Learning Domains contain the minimum required foundational information for given subjects and appear in sequential order. Each Learning Domain includes descriptions of learning needs, lists of related learning objectives, any required tests and instructional activities, and minimum hourly requirements. The Training and Testing Specifications are updated twice a year, or as needed, and coincide with the learning objectives (LO) listed in the student workbooks used by academies.
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