POST Publications and Guidelines
POST produces a wide variety of publications designed to enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement. Publications are typically researched and developed by work groups comprised of POST staff and subject matter resource staff, sanctioned by the POST Commission prior to development and release.
POST materials may include material identified as being copyrighted by third party authors. Any use of such materials is subject to any restrictions on use imposed by those third-party authors.
The contents of POST materials are intended for use only in POST-certified programs or by a California state agency receiving POST training. POST does not warrant, and in fact disclaims, the suitability of the material for any other use. Any person using the material for any other purpose assumes all responsibility and risk associated with such use.
Any use or reference to the contents of POST material should include an acknowledgement that the materials were created by or for POST, except for material that is attributed to, copyrighted by, or credited to anyone other than POST. Any reference to POST content in other material should not state or imply that such other material meets State of California or POST standards.
Questions regarding copyright and fair use may be directed to the Publications Manager.