Strategic Communications and Research Bureau Hosted Dispatcher Job Analysis Workshop in Anaheim
Dispatcher Job Analysis Workshop in Anaheim
On March 15-16, 2022, The Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST) Strategic Communications and Research Bureau hosted a two-day workshop in Anaheim, CA. Ten subject matter experts convened to review the results of the dispatcher job analysis survey, determine relevant core items, discuss the establishment of a critical task index cut-off value, and perform task linkages to knowledge, skills, abilities, and traits.
The purpose of a job analysis is to identify and define critical job activities performed by entry-level public safety dispatchers. This job analysis is part of POST’s comprehensive review of the practice of dispatchers in California. The results of this job analysis will be used to validate the content of the POST Entry-Level Dispatcher Selection Test Battery, serve as the foundation for updating the Public Safety Dispatchers’ Basic Course, and aid in any future dispatcher research projects.
The final validation report is expected to be completed by June 30, 2022. Questions regarding the Dispatcher Job Analysis may be directed to Irene Wong-Chi, Senior Examination and Research Consultant with the Strategic Communications and Research Bureau, at (916) 227-4259.
Free Senate Bill (SB) 2 Certification Workshop Sessions
POST is pleased to announce a free series of workshops focused on the regulatory changes and legal requirements adopted with the implementation of the peace officer certification scheme as outlined in the Kenneth Ross Jr. Police Decertification Act of 2021 (SB 2).
For more information, and/or to register for these workshops beginning in early April 2022, please view the Peace Officer Certification (SB 2) Workshop Q & A Sessions flyer. Questions regarding the workshops may be submitted to
Basic Training Bureau’s Basic Course Certification Review (BCCR) in San Bernardino
BCCR in San Bernardino
During the week of March 21-25, 2022, the POST Basic Training Bureau (BTB) conducted a Basic Course Certification Review (BCCR) of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department law enforcement training academy.
The BCCR is an in-depth review of Basic Course presenters regarding the certification of their courses. The BCCR ensures the quality, integrity, and safety of entry-level peace officer training in California. POST ensures all certified Basic Course presenters are in compliance with Penal and Government Codes related to POST, Commission Regulations, Commission Procedures, and the Training and Testing Specifications.
For questions regarding the BCCR process, please contact Bill Lewis, Staff Services Manager with the Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4856.
Contra Costa County Probation BCCR
Contra Costa County Probation BCCR
On March 22-23, 2022, BTB also recently conducted a Penal Code 832 BCCR with Contra Costa County Probation. If you are interested in more information regarding this BCCR, please contact Carrie Hollar, Law Enforcement Consultant, with the Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-4661.
Basic Training Bureau Hosts Basic Course Consortium in San Diego
Basic Course Consortium in San Diego
On March 16-17, 2022, BTB hosted the Basic Course Consortium in San Diego (Del Mar), California. This is a bi-annual seminar that is designed to foster dialogue between the Basic Course presenters and serves as an opportunity for the BTB to introduce and discuss current trends, best practices, legislative changes, and proposed updates to Commission Regulations. Members from the BTB provided informational updates to support all aspects of the Basic Courses.
During this Consortium, representatives from the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training provided a presentation on recent research-based changes that have been implemented in their Basic Training Courses. Additionally, attendees received a presentation highlighting the Orange County Sheriff’s Academy, Physical Training Program.
Questions regarding the Basic Course Consortium may be directed to Jim Grottkau, Bureau Chief with the Basic Training Bureau, at (916) 227-3935.
San Bernardino Unified School Police Department Annual Compliance Review
Contra Costa County Probation BCCR
Recently, San Bernardino Unified School Police Department completed their annual compliance review with POST conducted by Matthew O'Deane, Law Enforcement Consultant. To learn more about this agency please visit San Bernardino Unified School Police Department.
Public Safety Dispatchers’ Basic Course Workshop in Anaheim
On March 17-18, 2022, POST hosted a two-day workshop where Public Safety Dispatcher subject matter experts updated LD101 – Criminal Justice System and completely redesigned LD102 – Introduction to Law. The updates in the course are additionally supported by the data collected in the Job Task Analysis which was conducted by the Strategic Communications and Research Bureau at POST.
The collaboration between the Strategic Communications and Research Bureau and the Management Counseling and Projects Bureau has been instrumental in creating a solid foundation for the upcoming updates and new content creation of the POST Public Safety Dispatchers’ Basic Course and future dispatch projects.
If you are interested in being considered as a subject matter expert for additional POST Public Safety Dispatcher projects, please contact Jennifer Dwyer, Staff Services Manager/Project Manager with the Management Counseling and Projects Bureau, at (916) 227-0477.
Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Gang Investigations Course Update Project
On March 7-8, 2022, the Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation (ICI) Gang Investigations Course Update Project was commenced with a workshop in San Diego, CA. This 40-hour ICI Foundation Specialty course was originally developed for detectives in approximately 2010, and provides them with the information and skills needed to successfully investigate gang-related crimes.
The POST Training Program Services Bureau and the course presenters (Government Training Agency, State Center Regional Training Facility at Fresno City College, and Los Angeles Police Department) participated in the workshop. The purpose of the project is to take a fresh look at the course curriculum and update it where appropriate, to ensure the training continues to be relevant and contemporary.
For additional information please visit the ICI Program. Questions may also be directed to Gerald Fernandez, Law Enforcement Consultant with the Training Program Services Bureau, at (916) 227-3933.
Revised Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Tutorial Video Released
In continued efforts to make it easier to navigate the online Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, POST has revised its Introduction to POST EDI video. The tutorial was expanded and updated for 2022 and features new on-screen demonstrations of the most common EDI functions and now includes a companion user guide with additional tips. The video is formatted to allow EDI users to view the program in larger “Agency” or “Presenter” whole segments, or to view specific topics within each section. EDI provides authorized users with varying levels of access to process records within the POST database, on behalf of their agency or course presenter, and offers a number of specific functions a user may utilize.
Questions about the new tutorial video may be directed to Mike Barnes, Senior Consultant with the Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-3454. For EDI questions and technical support, visit EDI Contact Us.
Instructor Standards Advisory Council Meeting
On March 22, 2022, the Instructor Standards Advisory Council (ISAC) held its first meeting of the year via video teleconference. Police Education Designer and Facilitator, Russ Norris, was elected as this year’s Chair, and Sergeant Daniel Chui of the San Francisco Police Department as the Vice-Chair. Updates on the Quality Assessment Program and the Academy Instructor Certification Course were provided to the group along with an update on the development progression of the POST Instructor Training Self-Paced course.
Council members discussed how best to market the POST Instructor Development Institute, which is a multi-track, multi-level program that develops professionalism in the delivery of law enforcement instruction. Currently, there is a need for more candidates for the Master Instructor Development Program. ISAC would like to get this message out to agencies throughout the state.
Another topic introduced at the meeting was continuing education for academy instructors. Everyone agreed that facilitation is a perishable skill and needs to be practiced periodically in order to provide the best training to our law enforcement professionals. This subject will be further discussed at the next meeting.
Questions regarding this article may be directed to or the bureau assistant desk at (916) 227-4885.
New Self-Paced Course Beyond Bias: Supervisor Support
A new self-paced course is now available for POST Learning Portal users, Beyond Bias: Supervisor Support. This course does NOT meet the mandate for Racial & Identity Profiling Update Training in California Penal Code Section 13519.4.
This is an optional elective course for law enforcement supervisors. Learners will have a chance to review strategies and self-assess how agencies manage the impact of bias, connect with the community, build a positive culture, and recognize responsibilities to prevent and report profiling. To learn more, check out the course commercial video.
For questions about the course, please contact Charday Alcaraz, Instructional Designer/Project Manager with the Learning Technology Resources Bureau, at (916) 227-5562.