How Do I Obtain a Course Control Number?
All course control numbers are made up of 14 numerical digits. The first four digits identify the course presenter. The second five digits identify the individual course number (i.e. "Traffic Collision Investigation" course number is "33590"). These two elements are referred to as the Course Certification Number. The last five digits are the fiscal year (two digits) followed by the presentation number (three digits). The entire 14-digit number is referred to as the Course Control Number. The Course Certification Number is given to a presenter when the course is certified, and the Course Control Number is assigned when a Course Announcement and Hourly Distribution are received.
To obtain a Course Control number, an agency or presenter can:
- Look up the course on the Catalog of Certified Courses.
- Check the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system.
- Refer to the original Course Certification Letter for the Course Certification Number, and contact the POST Course Control Unit for the complete Course Control Number.
For courses not listed in the Course Catalog or other Course-related questions, please contact the Course Control Unit directly at (916) 227-4863 or (916) 227-4866 , or the Training Delivery and Compliance Bureau at (916) 227-4863.