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Proctor Training FAQs
Proctor Training Frequently Asked Questions
How is proctor training delivered?
Proctor training is delivered online.
How long does the training take?
The training takes approximately two hours to complete.
Is there a fee to take the training?
No, the training is free.
Is each nominee given their own login for training, or does each department receive one login?
Each non-sworn nominee will receive email instructions on when to set up their own Learning Portal Account from an invitation email that POST will provide. Therefore, each nominee will have their own account they will set up with their own login and password. (Please do not have them set up their account until after they receive the email invitation link from POST. Setting it up too early will result in them having two accounts and they will not be able to access the training until POST deletes one account and reestablishes their invitation link.) Sworn personnel should already have a Learning Portal Account and will be given different instructions on how to access the training.
What if I want to add more people for training?
You must resubmit a NEW designee list each time a person is added because any new list submitted will replace your old (i.e., any person on your current list will be removed unless you add them to the new list).
I have two groups of people who need to be trained. One group will be ordering the test, nominating people for training, and proctoring. The other group will only be proctoring. Is training different between the two groups?
No, the training is the same. When you submit your designee list there is a column titled “Test Coordinator/Primary Contact.” Simply put a “Y” next to the people you would like to be able to order tests, receive tests, proctor the test, and nominate other people for training. Put a “N” next to the people who you wish to only proctor the test.
How do I find out if someone has already completed the training?
Proctors have the opportunity to download their certificate of completion at the conclusion of training. Please ask your proctors if they have completed the training and have their certificates. If you are not sure, you can always nominate them to receive training again. It is highly recommended that test coordinators keep a record of who has completed training for their agency as POST does not keep track of each agency’s proctors.
If I completed proctor training at a different agency, do I need to complete it again?
No, you are not required to complete the training again. However, you can always take it again as a refresher if you wish.
Does the proctor training certificate expire?
No, the proctor training certificate does not expire, and you are not required to take it again. However, you can always take it again as a refresher if you wish.
Can I nominate myself for training?
Yes, you can nominate yourself for training ONLY if you are designated as one of your agency’s test coordinators/primary contacts on your agency’s designee list.
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