Professional Certificates Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Answers
The following information provides answers to the most frequently asked questions related to POST certificates:
How do I apply for a Basic Certificate?
Apply online. When applying for a Basic Certificate the following is required:
- Satisfy requirements specified in Commission Regulation 1202(b)(1);
- Possess a valid Proof of Eligibility;
- Current employment as a full-time peace officer by an agency in the POST program; and
- Completion of the agency's probationary period of not less than 12 months.
- Completion of PC 832.4 (For additional information regarding your specific peace officer status, please see Penal Code 832.4).
NOTE: Transcripts and/or diplomas are not necessary to determine eligibility for the Basic Certificate.
Where can I obtain a POST certificate application form?
Agencies and individuals can apply online through their POST PASS account.
What is the application process turnaround time?
All certificate applications are processed within 7-14 calendar days from the date of receipt.
Will POST "expedite" an application upon request?
Upon verification, POST will give priority to applicants with compliance issues and/or for those with a promotional exam pending.
Are website transcripts acceptable?
No, but a photocopy of an official transcript for each college/university or a copy of the actual degree is required to determine eligibility for non-Basic certificates. NOTE: Grade cards, grade receipts, degree evaluation sheets, and student loan documentation is not needed.
If I qualify for more than one certificate, can I apply for more than one certificate using one certificate application?
Yes, individuals may apply for multiple certificates when using the Certificate Application.
Will POST provide a list of accredited colleges?
POST does not provide a list of accredited colleges. Most colleges and universities will list the accrediting body on the back of an original transcript(s). If the accrediting body is not found on the original transcript(s), contact the college or university that was attended to obtain the needed information.
Will POST issue a PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course Certificate?
POST does not provide certificates of completion. Course presenters issue certificates of completion for all POST certified courses.
Can an agency apply online for a Professional Certificate?
Agencies can apply online for a Professional Certificate using their POST PASS account. If your agency needs to establish access to the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system to create a PASS account, complete and submit the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Access Application (3-101) (pdf). For additional information, please refer to Bulletin 2015-21 (pdf). For assistance with the application process, or if you have technical questions, please contact our EDI support team at (916) 227-4357.
Can I apply online for a certificate(s)?
Individuals can apply online for a certificate using their POST PASS account. A PASS account can be created by clicking the 'Sign In' button, then clicking 'Create Account'. Refer to Bulletin 2014-21 (pdf) for further detailed information about PASS, or contact our PASS support team at (916) 227-4357.
Can I get a copy of my POST Professional Certificate(s)?
To receive a copy of a POST Professional Certificate, you may download a PDF version online or request a hard copy reissuance online through an individual's PASS Account. Refer to question number 10 for information on how to create a PASS Account. Requests for reissuance of a hard copy certificate may take up to 45 days to process. Step-by-step instructions are in the Certificate Download How-To Guide (pdf).